
All night long, no one dreams.

The next day, she got up early, but did not see Long Tianyu.

She didn't hear anything, and didn't know how those flying fish thieves were handled by Long Tianyu.

"Master, are you up?"

Outside the door, the voice of Bai Su came.

She got up and opened the door, and saw Bai Su holding a basin of hot water.

"How about that little girl? Is it honest?"

She asked while washing her face with hot water.

Bai Su is just a touch to everyone except his family.

"Well, okay. Cai Ru is looking at her and won't let her talk nonsense."

Xun Zheng said, Long Tianyu brought people in.

He didn't want to be behind him, but with a small tail.

Lin Lin Mengya also had some surprises.

Isn't that the little girl they were talking about just now?

此时 But at this time, she was pale and followed Long Tianyu step by step, her eyes were lost, she was very frightened and helpless.

"What happened? Cairu?"

Xiao Long Tianyu waved back and forth, and only took the little girl to her room.

"Someone wanted to kill her just now, Cai Ru was slightly injured, it doesn't matter."

I really do.

At this moment, it must have been a life and death, and the little girl has not calmed down yet.

Lin Lin Mengya poured her a cup of hot tea and said slowly: "You have nothing to say, do you want to tell me?"

The young girl raised her head, her teeth biting her lips tightly.


"It doesn't matter now, but you don't have that good luck every time and you will be rescued."

From the beginning, she suspected that the girl was hiding something.

If you only see Long Tianyu passing by the door of the deceased, it does not mean that he is really murderous.

And he didn't see her at the time, and the girl was running away at the risk of her life in the middle of the night.

Unless she really saw something, something terrible.

Lin Mengya sighed and said, "Forget it, since you don't want to say, I'll send you away immediately. But after that, your life and death will be nothing to me."

The girl immediately became nervous.

His subconsciously wanted to seize Long Tianyu's clothing corner, looking for a sense of security.

Haw was dodged by his merciless dodge, which seemed particularly pitiful.

However, Long Tianyu rescued her simply because she didn't want her wife to go to waste.

I have been forced to realize the girl in her current situation, and the last psychological line of defense has broken.

我 "I, I saw someone coming out of Uncle Song's room, and then he still had Uncle Song's medicine box in his hand."

"What does he look like? How did you find you?"

Lin Lin Mengya asked.

The latter flinched before finally speaking.

"I saw that he looked very much like Uncle Wu. At that time, I was in a hurry to hide, and accidentally made a little noise. Maybe it was because of this that I was discovered."

There is only one person of this generation named Wu.

Lin Lin Mengya did not expect that, just after eluting Long Tianyu's suspicions, she got on with her uncle.

But she did not rush to deny the girl.

But she naturally believed that her uncle would never do such a thing.

Perhaps it was someone who faked and deliberately framed it.

"Who knows this other than you?"

The young girl quickly shook her head.

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怎么 How dare she tell others at will.

"From now on, you don't have to leave the cabin in one step. Cai Ru and Bai Su will accompany you, and I will send others to protect you. I believe what you said is true, but I hope you will do it before things are confirmed Don't tell anyone about it. "

Although the girl was unwilling, she did not have the courage to refute her.

She just trusted Long Tianyu, a martial artist, more than those two women.

"So, can you let him protect me?"

Lin Lin Mengya saw that she was pointing at her own man.

Before she could refuse, Long Tianyu said firmly: "No."

The young girl immediately cried, leaving, accompanied by Cai Ru and Bai Su.

She glanced at his man and shook her head.

Probably this goods hero saved the beauty before, leaving a bit of awesome thoughts on it.

Fortunately, she still believes in her own men's destructive power to Huaichun's heart.

I wish this child would not have any psychological shadow.

Girls are protected.

这 Before that, she asked the girl to speak to her family.

Fortunately, the girl's family thought she had the blue eyes of the housekeeper, and happily instructed the girl to be obedient.

At the same time, Long Tianyu is still pursuing the killer.

I heard that many flying fish were caught by him last night. During the interrogation overnight, they said that there were two companions hiding in the boat.

Now, the voyage is over half a day, and one day and one night, I will be able to go to a harbour in Bailijia.

When they do, they will be useless.

So tonight is very important.

In the largest cabin on the barge, Bai Lirui and Wu Yan are studying the low-temperature charcoal that she contributed.

The low-temperature charcoal burned by the ice tree is not only low in temperature, but also very resistant to burning. At the same time, because of its special characteristics, it has an unexpected effect on the drug, which is extremely rare.

The two were too busy to sleep and eat.

For the arrival of her hero, she just stopped a little bit and said a few words.

Fortunately, she is used to it.

But this time, she stopped the research of the two.

"Teacher, uncle, I have something very important. I hope to hear your opinions."

I see that she is so serious, even if they are busy, they can only suspend.

But they both love her the same.

"Hey, little niece, did you find something good again? Take it out and open your eyes to your uncle! Your teacher's old thing is so clever!"

Li Bailiru stared at his brother.

Really, no matter how good the student is, that's also his wisdom and understanding.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and poured a cup of tea for each of the two teachers.

"Something happened on the boat and Song Da was poisoned. Do you both know about it?"

Two people stunned.

Although Song Songda's seniority is not high, they are not strangers to them.

Especially Wu 恙.

Because when he was younger, he grew up in the family of Toshimon instead of the teacher's self-exile.

For these people, his feelings are much deeper than the teacher.

"Well, we know that too. Song Da is a good guy, but unfortunately he got such an end."

Lin Lin Mengya listened to the words of her uncle, but her heart sank.

Uncle Xun's temper was so hot that when he learned that his fellow doormate had died tragically, he said that he had to jump like a thunder, and it was normal for him to scold a few words behind the scenes.

The reaction now is so bland.

It seems that division

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Uncle Xun certainly knew something.

转向 She turned to the steaming tea cup and slowly said, "Last night, I met someone. She said that when Song Da died, she saw a person and came out of his room."

不用 "Don't find it, that person is me."

Uncle Yan Shi admitted it generously.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the other in doubt.

"Uncle, why are you doing this?"

She hasn't actually seen Uncle's poisonous stunts.

But I mentioned it when I listened to the teacher ’s chat. When I was young, my uncle longed for the martial art master who was happy and enmity.

So even after inheriting the family school in the future, he still did not forget his original intention, and combined poison with martial arts, and improved a lot of poison.

After seeing the scar on Song Da's chest at first glance, she also thought that she would have some relationship with her uncle.

I didn't want to, it turned out to be true.

"I can only tell you that Song Da's death was accidental. I didn't really want to kill him at the beginning. Now the mistake has been made. I will do it alone and handle it as you please."

This time, not only her, but even the teacher was a look of surprise.

"This is not a joke, why on earth did you kill him?"

Wu Wu shook his head and was very firm.

Teacher Xuan glared at him with hate for iron and steel.

He is his teacher, how can he really ignore it?

Instead, she said to her, "Girl, I am not interceding with your uncle. You also know this person, do n’t look bad, but you will never kill innocent people. I think there must be something inside. I hope you can find out and say it again. "

Even if the teacher didn't say it, she would do the same.

There is a cause and a cause.

Although Uncle Xun killed someone, it was not for no reason.

She thought about it and asked, "What about Songda's medicine box? Where did you put it?"

Uncle Yun was a stunner, and immediately avoided her sight.

"What medicine box? I don't know."

"Uncle, it's all now, what are you still hiding?"

"Yeah Wu, now is not the time for you to commit 倔."

What a pity, the uncle clenched his teeth and refused to say.

As a last resort, she had to be patient and analyze the pros and cons with each other.

"Uncle, I know that you will definitely have your reasons, but this matter is not only related to your personal reputation. You have to think about the entire poison door, do you still want to see the poison door split because of this thing?"

Now, although she raised the banner, the teacher and the uncle were Dinghaishenzhen.

威 If something happens to the uncle, the prestige will be greatly reduced.

How can people succeed without the backbone of the poisonous people?

Sure enough, the big hat was buttoned down, and the uncle was silent.

"let me think again."

Teacher Meng sighed and wanted to persuade him, but Lin Mengya shook her head to stop it.

"Then I will go out with the teacher first, think carefully. No matter what your final choice is, I and the teacher will support you."

Wu Wu nodded, turning his back to them without saying a word.

Gao Linmengya pulled the teacher out of the hatch and left it to the uncle in the battle between heaven and man.

"You said this old bastard, why did you commit 倔 at this time?"

Teacher Yun is feeling that Lin Mengya is also full of heart.

Anyway, Song Da always died in the hands of his uncle, that is, in his own hands.

Unless Song Da has a reason to die, it is always difficult to accept the same thing.

The two went to the deck to relax, but they heard a commotion from under the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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