Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2094: Who counts who

"Is there anyone else like me? Isn't it Yingying?"

Glancing at her eyes, she asked with a smile: "How do you think it will be her?"

The young boy suddenly froze, blushing, and said rudely, "I'm just worried about Yingying! Who knows what you do to her in the back?"

Alas, the boy's tone no longer seemed so straightforward.

When Lin Mengya looked, she knew what he must know.

I just, he doesn't seem to be good.

"If I want to do something to you, I can do it seamlessly. I think you should understand that."

I don't know why Juvenile seems to have a great prejudice against her.

Leng Leng hummed: "Of course you can do anything if you are at the palace house. But here is at sea, your minions and forces are not there, and it is not so convenient.

I really can't make any sense with Lian Jing.

"One point, you're right."

She was sitting on a chair with an elegant and charming figure, but with a little danger beyond words.

"Here, I do have some restrictions. But the poison door people, who would not kill with a large sword?"

She smiled coldly, her red lips looked like poison, but Yan Li could easily take the lives of others.

"On poison, do you think you and your Yingying cousin can resist me for a few rounds?"

Youth can't help but wince.

A chill oozing from the bone tightened his heart.

Human perception of danger makes him unconsciously want to escape from this woman.

What a pity, the only way to the outside is just behind her.

At that moment, the boy really felt that he was going to be killed by her.

瞧 "Look at you, your face is scared. With just such a little courage, do you want to play any hero to save the beauty? Boy, save it."

Only momentarily, the fatal danger disappeared from her face.

Is also bright and moving, but no longer makes people just want to escape.

Behind the young boy, it was already cold sweat.

The scene just now makes him always have a deeper fear for the woman in front of her.

"You, don't you kill me?"

"Why should I kill you? Have you ever killed me in the back?"

Although the murderer of the Scarecrow's automatic mechanism has temporarily locked him, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not have associates.

Because it doesn't look like this, even a teenager who couldn't hold her eyes did it herself.

Sting the latter, immediately shook his head. I just, just know something that I shouldn't know. "

The next moment, the boy looked like he was out, and looked up to her.

"I was also present at the time, and I also saw His Royal Highness and Uncle Wu, but just before that, I accidentally heard that Uncle Song Da had an argument with someone."

He frowned slightly, Lin Mengya did not expect that the biggest accident was here.

"Oh? What did you hear?"

"I heard Uncle Song Da say that he couldn't do this, but that person said that if he was not obedient, he would preach all the things he did, and the last two broke up. I was looking for Yingying, I met him by accident. I saw him wearing the clothes of your housekeeper. "

"Can you recognize this man now?"

Zhe Lin Mengya did not expect that the other party was actually mixed into the palace guards.

The young boy shook his head, looking a little annoyed.

"I obviously met him at that time, but unfortunately no matter how I think about it, I only thought of the clothes he was wearing. As for the looks and the sound, it became more and more blurred."

In my opinion, the previous dream killing started from the moment he met each other.

This person's methods are really powerful, and it is no wonder that he and Ruan Ying will escape with one heart.

Thinking about the words, she said: "Since things have been said about this, then I will tell you explicitly. I never wanted to kill anyone, but if someone wants to kill me, I will not sit still. You and Ruan I will check everything that Ying sees. If it is true, I will personally reduce this spy. But if someone wants to make up random words to lie to me, I will let him know the cost of lie to me . "

Her words are extremely oppressive.

I was so embarrassed that the young man's face paled instantly, and his eyes were hidden with terror.

好 "Well, you are scared today too, rest early."

She turned and left, she didn't seem to see it at all, and the gloomy eyes of the boy behind her.

After waiting for her to leave the cabin completely with someone, the teenager immediately went down to wear shoes, and sneaked to the stern while nobody was around.

"It's all a good idea from you! Now it's good, she's already following me!"

Stern, a middle-aged man dressed as a crew, is bending over to arrange the twine.

"Isn't that great? Why did you abduct Ruan Ying to come here to take advantage of this opportunity to make a name for yourself?"

"What I want is Emperor Guangzong! I don't want her to be a prisoner! And why do I dream like that, don't you say that only Ruan Ying can do it?"

Middle-aged people don't care about his attitude at all.

"The last person I saw before Ruan Ying was you, do you think I wouldn't find you if I didn't do this? Young people, if you want to accomplish something great, you have to sacrifice it. Think about it, if it is the key At all times you have the ability to turn the tide, the first person in this poisonous gate is your possession. "

If someone with experience has heard this, they will definitely hear it. The confusion and contempt in it.

But teenagers, after all, lack inexperience, even if they are ambitious, but now they are still being used.

"You're right. But the next thing must not be wrong. I have found the medicine box hidden by Wu Yi. As long as I use the things inside, I can definitely make it happen!"

The young man's eyes flashed with the inevitable flame.

The middle-aged man continued to organize the twine patiently, but with the slightest sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"Master, I don't think this person can be trusted."

Cai Ru had been standing quietly just now, listening to the words of the two of them.

"Of course. By the way, how is Ruan Ying?"

"Always scared and afraid to sleep."

"It's normal too, I'll just give her some medicine."

The kung fu that the two of them were talking about happened to be a poisonous person and passed her by.

A few people nodded with her, but just passed by, Lin Mengya stopped.

"Master, what's wrong?"

偏 She tilted her head and looked at the people with a little doubt.

"Go ask someone to check, the origin of these people."


Just now, she smelled a little, something special.

At night, quietly came in the busy.

She looked at the system. It was only after 5pm, but it was dark outside.

"Homeowner, the boss said that there might be fog in the front, so let's all stay in the room and don't go out for now."

"okay, I get it."

It's not strange to see fog on the sea.

Especially the port of Bailijia, because it is shrouded in heavy fog all year round, it is also supported by a "fog port".

But fortunately, the water here is not urgent, and there are no hidden reefs.

Even if it is foggy, even if it follows the current, it can be docked.

So, most ships will choose to land here.

Outside, I can't see any light.

站在 She stood at the window, her eyes bright, she could not see the slightest tiredness.

Tonight is a crucial night, she believes the other party will never stop.

What's more, she is now "preparing for emptiness", which is the best time to start.

On the puppet deck, except for the occasional crew members, everyone returned to the room.

Zhe Lin Mengya, holding a small oil lamp, went to the teacher's and uncle's room.

As soon as she entered the door, she smelled a scent of medicine.

At the desk case, the teacher was facing away from her, and in a small incense burner, put some powder mixed with spices and drugs.

"This tastes really good."

"The smell is too heavy, I don't want to be smoky."

Teacher Yun turned around and asked her to sit together.

"What's the situation with Uncle?"

"Still the same, half-dead. He deserved it. He knew the waves when he was young. Now he's fine. I don't think he will learn a long time from now."

The saying is so, but after all, it is the brothers who have been for many years. For the injuries to the uncle, the teacher always does not fake others' hands.

恙 Uncle Wu Yan's condition is not bad. The wound looks a little heavier, but fortunately, the treatment was timely.

She sat in a chair by the bed and looked at the teacher with a smile.

"Looks like you already know."

The teacher raised his eyelids and said in a rather disdainful cold voice: "As soon as I smell the smell of your uncle, I know what these people have prepared. Oh, the bone meal of catfish, they are really willing to give up. It's not a small amount to plot such a ship. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

She knows that these fears cannot be hidden from the teacher's eyes.

She knows the teacher too well.

Don't look at your uncle and her too tightly, but it's the short-term protection.

"Where did you put the medicine chest?"

Alas, she didn't say it before.

If the teacher really didn't know it, the uncle would definitely not take him down with medication.

Since dare to prescribe medicine to her teacher, it must be because the uncle is going to do a dangerous thing, and the teacher will definitely stop it.

These two people, one is stronger than the other, admit death.

"Well, what if they don't do what they want. Anyway, it's not too late this night. I'd like to see if these people have disappeared over the years, have the doctors grown up."

In Teacher's smile, there was a bright scorn.

The two teachers and students looked at each other, the same tacit understanding, stemming from strong strength.

Quiet foggy night, suddenly came a "噗通" sound.

Then there was a scream that rang through the night.

"Help! There are water ghosts! Water ghosts kill people!"

One beep, two beeps.

不断 The sound coming from outside constantly is extremely powerful.

有人 Some people kept running out of the cabin, and even they were disheveled and had no time to put on their shoes.

Soon, someone came knocking on the door of their cabin.

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