Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2099: First ceremony

"Where is this ship from?"

猜测 People around me have good things to speculate.

I only have a few young people from the Baili family who know the origin of the ship.

Looking arrogantly at the ship, no matter what he thought, he still had to make a superficial effort.

"Dare to ask on the boat, but the owner of the palace is in person?"

The young man headed by the uncle, that is, the lobby brother, although the smile on his face was polite, he was also very false.

There was no response from him, and he shouted a few more times.

But obviously it looks like it's in the chest, and even the equipment is too lazy to install it.

"It seems that the master of the palace is big, and we have to go up to‘ please ’in person. You two, go up and have a look. If you receive someone, we will go back to the master of the house.”

In addition to the youth, only his two henchmen know this.

The two men received the hint in his eyes, and immediately requisitioned a small boat from the side.

I waited for the two to board the ship, and after a moment, exclaimed, and fled back to the boat.

Belijie suppressed his ecstasy and pretended to be displeased: "How can it be so unstable in front of a foreigner?"

In my heart, I felt that the performance of the two men was excellent.

He was just that the faces of the two people were pale, and they couldn't say anything.

Finally, Barry could not help but scold them as timid.

"Isn't it just a few dead people, it's really useless."

He murmured and boarded the ship himself.

The puppet deck was already red with blood at this moment.

He frowned, his heart suddenly rising with anxiety.

Until he saw the dead body clearly, he couldn't help taking a sip of air.

I saw those people dead and miserable, opened their stomachs, and stared round.

More importantly, these people are not at all poisonous!

Balijie seems to have been nailed in his footsteps. If it is someone else, he may admit his mistakes, and these people are clearly the dead men secretly supported by the Baili family!

"Master Jie, shall we act as planned?"

The two confidants didn't recognize it, but they looked at the corpse all over the ground and were frightened for a while.

不可 "No! You two closed my mouth tightly. From now on, everything here can't be leaked out in one word, understand?"

He turned back and warned fiercely.

The two men shut up immediately, but did not know why.

Bridget got his face blank and got out of the boat.

He thought it was an easy job, but now it has become a hot potato.

He is not afraid that the people on the boat will be found, but he is afraid that after the poison door people completely escape, they will turn around and do something to them.

It seemed to him that this matter must be reported to the family as soon as possible.

Balijie and his party didn't even know that the target they were looking for was not far away.

Lin Lin Mengya sat in the carriage and looked at the scene in front of her.

"Now, I'm afraid the Baili family will be in trouble for a while."

Nine Dragons Tianyu sat beside her, pinching her little hand, with a pleasant look on her face.

"No need, I'll give them a little present?"

"What's the anxiety. Dream God is in our hands, and the Baili family must be more anxious than us."

哪里 Where in this world is there any assistance that comes at no cost?

Tatar is now in her hands, and see how Barry's explains to the companions of Dream God.

Xun Long Tianyu likes to see her look like a little smirk after she is calculated. She always feels like a sly and smart little fox, which tickles his heart.

I scooped people up and nodded.

"There are still a few days away from the landlord of Bailijia, and I have arranged it. For other things, you need not worry."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and leaned relaxedly on his shoulder.

既然 "Since they are rushing to die, I can't let them down too much."

Xiao Long Tianyu's expression became more spoiled when she heard something in her words.

夫人 "Mrs. is right."

After a long time, she heard her hum.

Look again, people do not know when to lean on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Chen Long Tianyu carefully adjusted her sitting position to make her sleep more comfortable.

The woman who hit him always surprises him.

After getting a boat of dead people, his family also caused a small shock.

Except for the contest between the two teams of poison doctors, this time, it is still a good opportunity for the Baili family to enter into a century-old contract with a good family.

The poisonous gate, headed by the palace family, happened to be the big show of flag festival this time.

It's a pity, but he died halfway.

I originally wanted to cover it up. I didn't expect that they had just received the news, and the whole fiefdom spread.

Some say that a ghost ship floated on the sea, with the bodies of innocent people killed by water ghosts on it.

Some people also said that this was a caravan from another port, and was killed by sea bandits at sea. No one survived.

The most embarrassing thing is that this boat is a ferocious gangster. Because it was fierce on the sea, it was condemned by the sea goddess and died.

In short, all kinds of editions performed in the fiefdom vigorously.

This has caused many ships to be afraid to dock in the port.

You know, they have been living at sea all year round. The most hopeful thing is a smooth and peaceful life.

It is naturally enough to make people feel uneasy about such evil things.

Although the port conditions here are good, it is not the only option.

连 Even some families who are allies with the Baili family secretly inquired for a while.

I was so surprised that the Barry family was caught off guard. They didn't dare to tell the truth.

He did so, adding a bit of mystery to the dead ship in the port.

The following year, I made such a big taboo. I don't know how many people feel secretly unlucky.

The people who manage the port at the Baili Family have jumped in popularity, but they have nothing to do.

Finally, only a respected old man can come forward to clarify.

I just heard this as an excuse, I don't know how many people will believe it.

March 3, the medical meeting was held as scheduled.

I am just more spectacular than the first few decades, this time, it is more like a medical carnival.

The owner of the Baili family is personal.

On the one hand, he sent someone to secretly step up the search for the people in the poison door, and on the other hand, he pretended to look forward to it, even the guest rooms were properly arranged.

I only went to the third day of March, and no news came back.

Of course, some people say that maybe the poisonous people are really buried in the sea.

But no matter what kind of possibility, for him, he has to take precautions early.

I waited till noon from the morning, but no one came.

The supporters of the Barry's family can't help but speak bluntly.

"I don't think this 80% of the drug dealers dare come?"

"The courage that was scared decades ago has not been replenished yet. I don't think this is the case."

Laughs like that, in

延 Spread within the crowd.

Baili's family was in charge of welcoming the foreign guests of Baili Xing, but his face did not look disdainful.

He only respectfully walked in front of the homeowner of the Baili family, and Shen said, "Homeowner, I want to see it again. Maybe, it is the first time the homeowner came to the door, maybe he lost his way."

This sounds, no doubt it is laughing at the palace family has never been out of soil buns.

The owner of Baili raised his eyelids.


Since the last time he lost his face in the temple, he has vowed to be ashamed.

I still have Mao.

Although the letter came back, Maoer died under a band of horse bandits, and even the body was divided by the horse bandits and dropped under the cliff.

虽 Although he is not only the son of Bai Limao.

However, this matter must not be related to the little **** of the palace family.

This time, the new hatred and the old hate, he reported together!

"Still kind to the owner of Baili, the scum of the poisonous gate, it should have been destroyed for a long time!"

Some people are righteous, and they have all agreed.

Suddenly, a two-door fight meeting turned into a fight meeting of the poison door.

Alas, one is more vicious than the other.

It seemed as if the poison door killed his family.

The owner of the Baili family watched the hour sooner and more certain that these people were dead in the sea. Just thinking of a few round scenes, he saw Bailixing and hurried in.

"Homeowner, they're here!"

The word, stirred up thousands of waves.

The homeowners who just met the poisonous door just now are probably still immersed in the atmosphere they created, and immediately said indignantly: "They still have faces? Go, today I want to meet, but this poisoned door has What awesome! "

He said, he was the first to go out, and Barry Xing had no time to stop, so he had to look at his owner.

让 "Let them try the shade first."

There was a chill in the eyes of the owner of Baili.

These so-called alliances have no weight in his mind.

Someone volunteered, he couldn't ask for it.


Xun Baili Xing also realized the meaning of his own owner and retreated.

"Palace, old poisonous man has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Unscrupulous eyes were piled up on that dark face.

You can finally understand it!

"Homeowner, the main city of Baili's house is in front."

She greeted her.

Zhe Lin Mengya leaned out her head and saw only a dark shadow far away, not like a city, but rather a prison.

"The main city of the Baili family was named 'Yaocheng' and was once the most famous prosperous place of this generation. Looking at night, it is also a brilliant light, just like the sun. Dear, I do n’t know how they ruined it , Look, where is there a little bit of what it was then? "

Teacher Xun sat in the carriage and looked more and more angry.

Lin Mengya smiled and poured a cup of tea for the teacher.

"What kind of person and taste. If you look at the virtues of the Barry family owner now, you know where he has the high standard of aesthetics of the Barry family's ancestors. Your old people are calming down, and after waiting, we have the opportunity to teach him life. "

Beside Wu, Wu Yan, who was already able to walk down the ground, looked away.

"Now I know I regret it. When you went with Shibo, why didn't you think of it?"

Teacher Wu heard the words and gave him a sideways glance.

"To shut up!"

恙 Wu Yan secretly handed Lin Mengya a glance. The two twisted their tacit understanding, and no one dared to provoke Barry Rui who was in a bad mood.

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