No matter what Ruan Ying thinks, in Lin Mengya's eyes, they are far from important.

At first glance, Yuanliu Yuan was bewitched by others, coupled with his original character, which created such a wonderful three views.

She didn't come to reshape the life of the bad boy. Since someone fell into her hands, he had to say something without saying anything.

怎么 "Why don't you talk"

抱着 Holding her arms, she raised an eyebrow.

Yan Liuyuan smiled coldly, looking rather disdainful to her.

"I know what you want me to say, unfortunately, you never dream about it"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

"You guys, don't say it too early. One of the people conspiring with you is the so-called Dream God, and the other is Song Da. You took advantage of his extermination, so he did it for you. ,Right"

提到 When she mentioned Song Da, Liu Yuan suddenly smiled very proudly.

"I can't understand half a word of what you said. As for Song Da, wasn't it killed by your uncle, don't you blame me for this accusation."

This tone made her think otherwise.

"It seems that Song Da's death may not be accidental"

Yuanliuyuan glanced at her and chose silence.

But the vicious mockery in his eyes never hides.

From the beginning, the uncle got into the traps they laid.

"It doesn't matter, Song Da's death, I will have a way to find out the truth. As for you, then I'm sorry. Everything you rely on is gone, I will abolish your poisonous techniques for you, forever, Can only be a waste. You say this method, OK?

At this time, Yuanliu Yuan could not laugh anymore.

He is an ambitionist who wants to lead the poison door and become a famous poison master in the world.

But this woman wants to make him a waste

"you dare"

如何 "How dare I"

"I will let you, regret it all my life"

The ruthlessness of Yuliu Yuan's face forced her to guard.

But on the surface, there is no change in the slightest.

"Then you can try as much as possible, the least fear of me is the threat of others."

She pulled out a silver needle at will. As long as Liu Yuan's five senses were destroyed, a person who could not smell, could not see the type, and could not taste, would be completely missed by poison.

"Gong Ya, are you trying to kill everyone"

Yan Liuyuan issued a ruthless card and showed his own hole cards.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood in front of him and stood high.

"Tell me clearly."

As soon as she came out of the backyard, Lin Mengya's face became unsightly.

她 Under her threat, Liu Yuan revealed his last secret.

It turned out that when everyone was in Liuhe Town, he had been secretly hinted by him and Dream God.

If Liu Yuan and Dream God don't solve the collective hint to the big guy, then in the near future, everyone will be crazy because of different trigger conditions.

The lightest can also be damaged and degenerate into a child.

And, just when she took someone out to find someone.

If it wasn't for the team who had provoked people 招, Liu Yuan, they could not find such a great opportunity.

验证 In order to verify what Liu Yuan said, she called a few people who were staying in the old town at the time, and tried some methods. As a result, they found that there was a very powerful instruction in their brains.

As long as a condition that can be triggered is reached, the next result will be irreversible.

She didn't tell everyone, lest it cause more panic.

Alone in the room, thinking about solutions.

The method used by the dream **** is not just simple hypnosis.

Fortunately, she has a green zheng spectrum, and soon found similar hypnosis.

"Heart of confusion, masters may use the sun, moon, stars, mountains and trees as a guide, confusing people, can not be stopped."

Of course, Dream God is not so powerful.

I just feel suspicious.

Even the teacher said that Qingzhen has only one book in the world.

If the medical department really has this amazing medical book, I am afraid that the poisonous door will not even have a dregs left.

However, why even people who read books like a teacher do n’t know anything, but they can find traces in the Qing Zheng spectrum.

What the **** is this book about?

And what do those things have to do with Qing Zheng spectrum?

Zhuangzi was surprisingly quiet all day.

Everyone needs a good rest after being nervous.

She only worried about it. The two cups of strong tea went down, but she was full of energy.

I was approaching in the evening, and then someone was going back and forth, saying that Long Tianyu had returned with the dream god.

I just did n’t come back here, but took someone to the side of the harbor.

She was asked to go over, and went to a small boat yard.

有人 There are people coming in and going out constantly. If it looks on the surface, it is no different from other shipyards.

But who knows, what awesome things are hidden inside

"Miss, please."

To avoid causing unnecessary trouble, she disguised herself a little.

She was taken to the innermost factory area by the guards. The huge keel was everywhere. The workers were orderly and very busy.

Zhe Lin Mengya came to the innermost position according to his instructions.

Here, it looks like a warehouse.

But Lin Mengya did not smell any odor.

Sure enough, I went in and saw that there was only a small part in the front, and some dry wood was put.

He continued to walk inside, and it was a cell.

"This is the place where His Highness holds some traitors."

The guard did not hide anything from her, and before she asked, she automatically explained.

She nodded, but did not know why Long Tianyu wanted to set up such a cell here.

After I walked to the inside, she saw the man.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also noticed her arrival, turned around, and held her hand.

"Dirty here, be careful."

Gao Linmengya first checked his condition and determined that the person was not injured, and then she was relieved.

"Where are you?"

Seeing that she cared about herself first, Long Tianyu was in a good mood.

He pointed to a cell and said, "It's there, but now he may not understand what we're talking about."

He saw a roar like a beast in a cell not far from him.

She came to the door, only to see a figure inside, and she kept yelling towards the wall.

"what happened to him"



Xun Long Tianyu sneered, "He blew his dreams, but he couldn't get home. He was thinking of controlling me, but he was backswept."

Although the deceptive mind technique is powerful, once it is broken, the result of backstabbing is also very serious.

I want to come to this person, it must have degenerate into a beast.

She stared carefully again and determined that the other party was not cheating, but sighed when she was really unconscious.

"It doesn't matter if he's crazy, but how can everyone's hints be solved?"

She rubbed her forehead, it was really a wave after wave.

对 "Yes, how did you break his technique"

I mentioned this, but Long Tianyu smiled slightly.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya was upset about the hint, and didn't notice it.

"It's the pill you gave. I'm always clear-headed, and he can naturally take advantage of it."

It turned out so.

In my opinion, Dream God's confusing technique can't be practiced at home.

I stood up and she put away her frustration.

"Are there any other useful information from his mouth?"

When mentioning this, Long Tianyu said positively, "Dream doesn't belong to the family of Baili and the doctor. I have sent people to inquire about it. I have never heard of the name of" Dream God. "However, my dark line mentioned, Some time ago, the Baili family seemed to have come up with some great people. And they were all housed in the inner courtyard where the prestigious seniors of the Baili family could live in. My people tried everything, but I could n’t talk about it in detail. The situation. Only knowing this dream **** may be one of them. "

I do n’t belong to the Baili family, nor to the medical department. Where did they come from, such a powerful foreign aid?

If these people help Baili family to deal with them, I don't know them, they still have a few odds.

"Don't worry, the one that always comes will come. Now that we are here, it's good to see a move."

Nine Dragons Tianyu picked the corners of his lips, and there was a hint of light in his eyes.

Yes, it must come.

But this time, they didn't succeed so easily.

Today's port welcomes a group of distinguished guests early in the morning.

Each of them is dressed in white clothes, with cuffs and necklines, all with dark gold threads, embroidered with chic water ripples.

The sun flickered, and the water ripples seemed to flow, exquisitely.

At the placket, a pattern of ganoderma is embroidered.

Everyone in white is proud.

Jain white is also a status symbol. No one in the city knows, no one knows.

Because they are the disciples of the true master Baili family here.

At this moment, these dozens of people are looking at Qianhai Department with some dissatisfaction.

"Lobby, why isn't there now? Don't you?"

I was talking about a 17-year-old boy.

Although the skin is very good, but one pair of eyes can not even look straight at the person, a pair of nostrils almost skyward, maddening and annoying.

"hold on."

What he said back was that his appearance was similar to his three-pointer, but his temperament was better than many young people.

I just, the calmness that was deliberately made, can't hide his arrogance.

The other men in white are similar to them.

When a group of people went to this station, they were bright and vigorous.

Now, because of a whole day's worth of waiting, this force has been so daunting that it is more than a full ten.

Until, standing in front of a teenager with clairvoyance, shouted "Here comes, I see the shadow of the ship"

A few people immediately straightened their waist sticks, but the smiles on their faces grew more and more hypocritical.

I saw that not far away, a big ship was floating.

But compared to other big ships entering the port, this ship is too quiet.

I didn't see any crew come out to anchor or talk to other ships.

This small port was attracted by this big ship.

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