It didn't take long before their team arrived at the main entrance.

The guards who guarded the city gate stopped them and questioned them. When Lin Mengya's people showed their famous posts and identities, the guards were surprised.

They surrounded them with a group of sharp swords, but did not scare away any poisonous people.

Zhe Lin Mengya opened the carriage curtain elegantly and sneered, "Is that how you greet your guests in your home?"

The captain of the guard, headed by Xun, did not dare to delay, and immediately reported the matter to Bai Lixing.

After I got the exact news, I froze and said, "It's a little negligence, please, the house owner."


She snorted quietly, calmly.

It seemed that the guards outside were fussed and judged high and low.

Pu Yaocheng has long since disappeared.

Although the area is larger than that of Yecheng, no one is allowed to live in it except the near branch of the Baili family. Instead, the main city seems a little empty, which is better than Yecheng's prosperity.

The teacher 看 looked more and more angry, and finally closed her eyes in silence.

Lin Lin Mengya and Wu Yan laughed a little, but in my heart they understood the teacher's feelings.

"Stop me. Anyone who is a cat or a dog would dare to show their prestige here, but please roll off me and give my uncle a hello.

Outside, there was a sound of anger mixed suddenly.

Teacher Yun was angry, and he lifted the curtain and cursed, "Well, dogs don't block the way, I'm going to stop."

Suddenly the arrogance of arrogance outside suddenly disappeared.

Strike him horizontally, this one in the carriage is obviously more horizontal than him

"You, who are you dare to talk to me like this"

"I'm in control of who you are, I don't like to listen. In front of Lao Tzu, it's not your turn to bark."

After the scolding, the teacher gave the man a hard glance and dropped the curtain.

Gao Linmengya's smile widened, deserving, who let those people rush to touch her teacher's brow.

The people outside have never been scolded like this by their heads and faces, but at this moment, they are choked.

Then, with the companion's eyes either laughing or scorning, his face became extremely red.

I didn't care, and took out the guard's steel knife and went straight to her carriage.

"Where's Xiao San, I have to kill you today"

Before Xun waited for him to get close to the carriage, he was kicked off the weapon in his hand, and instantly he was subdued and pressed against the carriage wall.

"Have me be honest"

The guard of the palace palace scolded, and the man was still screaming.

And one sentence is more unpleasant than the other, it is the whole poisonous door.

Then, a gentle and gentle female voice came from the car.

"I can't speak like this. I don't need that tongue anymore after I see you."

Suddenly, the man who was just scolding was red in the mouth, he spit out a bunch of blood, and saw it when he fell to the ground, with a small tongue in it.

The red eyes narrowed, but everyone's mouth was blocked.

As if the next moment, it was them who had their tongues cut off.

"Palace master, why should such a person follow him"

I saw a teenager jumping out of a carriage behind me.

The young man had a clear eyebrow, and a round face laughed and was very cute.

But Ke Jue came to the man with his tongue off and said with a smile, "You'd better treat our housekeeper with respect, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be your head next time."

Yun Sensen spread silently.

The juvenile glanced at the visitors, turned and wiped his hands, and stood awkwardly beside the carriage and said, "Here is the housekeeper."


A finely carved hand, like a white sheep's fat, protruded from the curtain of the raised car. He was supported by a tall and beautiful maid, and gently pulled out the beautiful lady in the compartment.

Beautiful and charming, charming.

All the people present at the scene couldn't help but focus their eyes on her.

The woman was wearing a purple-gold dress, which made her skin whiter and whiter.

But a little golden plum blossom mark in the forehead, but it also outlines her original domineering temperament.

At the same time, the dozen or so carriages were jumping off at the same time.

Each of these people is wearing her purple-gold clothes, except that the neckline is slightly different, and the family seal of each family is embroidered on it.

When these people gathered behind the woman, she raised her lips slightly and laughed, "Gongya Gongya, you are all right."


Suddenly, these people's faces changed, and they could no longer be arrogant.

Lin Lin Mengya no matter what they think, only take their own people and walk towards the gate.

Everyone made way for a while, but for a while it was like a chill.

She didn't squint and took someone into the main house of Baili's house.

Inside, someone was waiting.

"Hundreds of li's home, hundreds of li xing's, have met the house owner."

The person in front of me was round and white, apparently a smiling tiger.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and asked, "The owner of Baili is available."

"Yes, please come with me."

As he walked, he observed the woman behind him again.

Zhe Lin Mengya had long noticed that she would be generous.

What about Longtan Tiger's Cave?

She dare to come in, and she will be able to shake it upside down.

Finally, the group entered the "Sanchuntang."

Inside, the owner of Baili had put away the resentment on his face, but his complexion was still gloomy and not so good-looking.

"Homeowner, the homeowner of the palace is here."

The owner of the Baili family glanced at the group and slowly raised his tea cup.

The group of useless things can't even deal with a woman.

Who knows that Lin Mengya simply doesn't care about the hostility of the old thing, and sits on the right-hand side of Bai Lirui's elegance.

"Have a hundred miles, don't come here."

The owner of Baili hated his teeth and slammed the tea bowl on the table.

"Your ancestor, is this how to teach you regardless of your child's age? This is my Baili family, not a place where you can leave wild"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled indifferently.

"The owner of Baili, not to mention that I am the same owner as you, I have been sitting on an equal footing. Besides, I am the person in charge of the poison door, and all the things of the poison door are for me. As for you"

She deliberately looked up and down the homeowner of Baili and paused. "You don't seem to be the chief of the medical profession. Speaking, if it is not because you are the host, this theme, I am afraid it is not your turn"

Step on someone, she rang.

He said that it really stabbed the backbone of the owner of Baili.

"Huangmao girl, so sharp-edged and sharp, no one looks like everyone."

"You can lift me up here. Where is my palace family? Everyone is a big family. To say everyone, you have a hundred-mile family. The family is the first. Treating people is their own faction. If you are not careful, this guest will be dead. You came, we were almost cruel. It ’s a pity that you don't have such talent. "

Two people come and go, only each other can

listen clearly.

Others can't hear it and dare not listen.

The owner of Baili understood from her words that he was afraid that all the hands and feet he did along the way would be broken by this girl.

At the moment, I feel sullen for a moment.

"Don't be too happy."

"Dare to dare, I usually wait until the end to be happy."

The owner of Baili glanced at her and slowly took the tea cup from the table.

Zhe Lin Mengya saw a string of gold beads on the wrist.

"House owner, it seems that you have experienced a lot along the way."

Suddenly, her eyes fixed on the string of beads.

"But I have a word to advise you, young people, don't be too arrogant. You can be happy for a while, other people may not have your ordinary luck."

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes.

She recognized it as the beloved thing the mother left to her father before leaving.

Usually his father is a personal collection, never easy to reveal in front of people.

I now wear it in the hands of this old thief.

"Is it"

Raising her lips slowly, her smile was a bit dangerous.

"Perhaps the owner of Baili thinks he has a winning ticket, but you must not think that those tactics can threaten anyone."

The next moment, I could only hear the passage of beads, and the sound of a crisp landing.

Baili's homeowner suddenly backed away, eyes widened.

And Lin Mengya was one, and daggered his hand on the table.

The string of beads fell to her ground, shattered by her.

"How dare you do it to me"

The owner of Baili's house was furious and eager to anger, and now she could immediately turn her head to vent her anger.

为何 "Why don't I dare you to memorize it clearly, this thing is not your amulet, but your life-saving spell."

料 She expected that the owner of Barry would never dare to strike her father, but instead of making him feel that he had a winning ticket, it was better to make him feel that his life was always insecure.

If so, he would cling to his last life-saving straw.

Others were stunned by the change.

No one had expected her to be so daring, except for those in the poison door, but it was a frenzy of expression.

This is the boss of their poison door

The lord of the Baili family had almost distorted features. The dagger was thin and sharp. Just now, although it just broke the string of beads, as long as it was a few inches forward, I was afraid that it was his neck.

At the moment, I no longer dare to say something threatening.

"Okay, really, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Since the palace owner is so aggressive, the old man will not circle you with this medical meeting. I want you to be poisoned and belong to my doctor. From now on, I will do my medicine. Order of the Door "

Lin Lin Mengya leaned lazily on her chair, but she glanced around the room without fear.

"Does the owner of Baili just laugh and rely on them? Do you want to call me poisonous?"

The owner of Baili put down his wrist and looked somber.

"Of course these people are not enough. But the poisonous gate has long since faded away. It is already a great grace to keep you alive. It is hard to believe that the current housekeeper thinks that the current poisonous gate has the power to compete with me."

The two men opened the door to see the mountains, and the words were quite explicit.

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head and glanced at the owner of Baili.

"Yes or no, it's not up to you. It's okay. I mean what I mean to you. You're not the one who can be the master of the house. It's another person, I don't want to talk to you more."

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