Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2109: Ambition temptation

"I'm afraid that what the medical doctor wants you to do is just to let me withdraw from this competition. And the big chamber of commerce, you should make your own claim."

"so what"

Bali Rui looks very rogue.

The old man's face was full of gloomy looks, but the greed in his eyes couldn't hide it.


She laughed a little, extremely cool.

If there are enemies she has treated in the past, she will definitely leave.

You know, when she was the most terrible, she was no less than the evil ghost Shura

"Master Baili, your daydream should wake up too."

Bai Lijian's eyes crossed.

"Looks, you don't know yet to anger me"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the other side, with a little contempt in her eyes.

"Dare you kill my father"

"Nothing dare"

She rubbed the edge of the tea cup lightly, her voice soaking cold.

"Killing my father, I will retaliate like a crazy dog. The trouble caused by a poison doctor, let alone your hundred miles, is also the most difficult problem for the medical department. The bill is on your head. "

Bali Jian also sneered "Hum Gongya, you are still too naive. Do you think I can let you out of the door of Baili's house"

He didn't say a word, a group of people surrounded the hall.

Balijian at this time, only revealed the true face of venom.

只要 "As long as you die here, no one cares about it. The palace family, but it is up by a woman, as long as you die, naturally not my opponent"

Those people had crossbows and bows in their hands.

And all of them are wearing light cloth armor.

How did Bai Baijian not know the horror of the poison doctor, so he was well prepared.

But Lin Mengya, who was surrounded, just swept around without revealing any panic.

"It seems that the owner of Baili is going to be rough"

Qian Baili stood up and hid under his guard, hiding in the safest place.

"It's all your fault to take Gongya, I know how good you are, so I never touch the things you encounter. Now, you can't escape if you stick wings, and take her down for me"

The weapons in the hands of everyone rushed towards her.

But Lin Mengya just held up the tea cup and said in a hurry, "Did your master not tell you, don't be in the same room with the poison doctor"

Balijian didn't quite understand her meaning, but all of his subordinates turned their heads, and when 哆哆嗦嗦 pointed the arrow at him, Ballyjian knew why this person was so fearless.

"Why do people have many ways of dying, but people like you who are hacked into hedgehogs are very shameless. In the future, the next pan or something in Hell will be cooked earlier than others."

靠 Leaning on the back of her chair, she looked very relaxed.

From the moment she entered the door, she had noticed the ambush.

And she came with no good intentions, and naturally would not be totally unprepared.

Xiao Xiaohe was lying in ambush outside, it was just some of the simplest crickets. Look, it almost scared Baili to the point.

"This, this is not possible"

Bali Jian only felt that the sky turned.

And those people are frightened, because they can't control themselves at all.

I know it, even though

I took precautionary measures, but Xiao Hei was raised by Lin Mengya, and I was raised by Xiao Hei.

In short, none of her products are normal.

It was because of this that it made Baili anxious.

"Nothing is impossible. You have two options now, Bailijian. First, turn into a hedgehog and go to hell; second, hand over my father and I will save you. Of course, people like you will certainly Want to ask me if there is a third way. "

She rubbed her eyebrows in a distressed state, and said, "Yes, that is, I killed your entire family, and I went to find it myself. What do you think is better?"

Hearing her words, I trembled.

Who would have thought that this girl looked beautiful and gentle, but actually a big devil who didn't blink?

It's rare that Bai Baijian can remain calm, but his teeth are trembling.

"You, you think I will be afraid of you like this, then you kill me, I die, you will never find your father and you, you will bear the pain of killing your father by yourself in your life"

Although the other party was hysterical, there was no determination to break the net, but Lin Mengya knew that this was the reason why she couldn't kill Bai Lijian.

But who is Lin Mengya

怎么 How could she hand her weakness to others?

"You don't know, there will always be others who will know. Bai Lijian, you have worked hard these days, right?"

When she looked at the other side, she spit out her mouth and hit the bottom of the other side a little.

"I think about it, oh, right. There are many talents in the family, and many people are staring at the position of the owner. What you can hold firmly in the past is because of the medical support behind you. The medical abandon you. Because you are too stupid to be of any use. Therefore, the people you pressed down these days, now want to ride on your head. "

She's telling the truth.

I didn't even think of Bai Lijian himself. What he thought was firmly in his hands would face the crisis of collapse in such a short period of time.

Even his nieces and nephews are fighting openly, like a dog, staring at the piece of meat of his owner

"It's all your fault"

A word gnawed at his teeth vented his anger and unwillingness.

The one thing that Bai Baijian wants to do now is to kill Gongya

"My fault Bailijian, this is how you are too incompetent to be a family member. How long have I been a Gong family. Look at the current Gong family. Who dares to disobey me? You haven't shot people to draw the Gong family. You know I know all the beauties, jewelry, gold and silver you sent. "

Words of her are pushing Baili to the extreme.

Squinting at the other side, she turned sharp.

不过 "But I can help you stabilize all this."

"Why can you help me?"

"Just because I can sit on the same level with the medical department, and you can only be a medical dog"

This is the most unbearable for Bai Lijian.

He should be the one who stands above all others

However, even though he is the owner of the Baili family, he is like a slave in Yaomen and has no status at all.

Lin Mengya stood up and sneered and said, "I really don't want to help you, but you are holding my father, and I have to talk to you about the conditions. But you have to be clear, but if you want to do business, you have to be equal, and the lion is big, it is broken Rules, no one will agree. "

Her performance today can be said to be quite indifferent.

But she knew only how nervous she was.

she knows

Balijian will not trust her completely, but she only needs to stir up this man's ambition.

I turned and left, and not too far away, she smelled the **** smell in the air.

Those who have been fighting for Baili for a while now have become an obstacle to him.

Regardless of whether Bai Lijian accepted or not, anyone who heard these words, except him, had to die.

I help you as an abuser, mostly in the end.

It was about Bai Lijian that she didn't want to attract the attention of others, so she swaggered out and no one came to stop her.

Kungfu she was walking, suddenly rushed out beside her.


I was too late to dodge, and the two ran into each other.

Lin Lin Mengya felt that someone was stuffing something in her arms, and then a team of guards chased him.

"Stop Don't Run"

Those people instantly caught the one who hit her.

Lin Lin Mengya got up, but found that this person turned out to be Jiang Ruqin

However, I haven't seen him for a few years. Jiang Ruqin is obviously not what she was like.

Wearing a thick cloth and a clear dress, except for a good foundation, but also can see the delicate and charming before, the rest is no different from an ordinary maid.

She quickly raised her head and handed a gaze towards her for help.

I was a little bit surprised, not half surprised.

In my opinion, the other party should have recognized her.

Thinking of what Jiang Ruqin gave her, she thought about it and said, "Excuse me, what is going on?"

A few guards did not know her.

But when she saw her purple clothes with outstanding looks, she knew that she might be a noble guest.

"Yuhuan is not sensible and ran into you. This person stole our host's property, so I caught her back."

"I do not have"

Jiang Ruqin cried and begged for mercy.

"I really didn't take Master Ji's stuff, brothers, I am innocent, I was framed"

The guard's face was impatient.

"Master Ji's servant 看到 saw you stole and you said you didn't bring anyone, bring her back to me until she tells the truth"

"This big brother."

When Lin Mengya saw Jiang Ruqin's face pale, she immediately smiled and said, "I shouldn't intervene as an outsider, but I think the most important thing is to find out what Master Ji in your mouth is."

The guard is not stupid.

Although the other party is a guest, there is no need to make peace with him.

But Lin Mengya quickly relieved his doubts.

"Mainly she hit me just now, presumably since you chased her, and I was the only one who came in contact with her. If you can't find those stolen goods, I'm afraid you will doubt that I am her companion. In order to prove my innocence, I I think you still settled it on the spot. "

注意到 She noticed that when she said the stolen goods, Jiang Ruqin was not guilty at all.

And Jiang Ruqin was not surprised to see her, and so happened to hit her and gave her something.

She thinks this is not an accident.

Nian Weiwei thought about it and thought she was right.

"It is natural that noble guests will be involved in this matter, but as you said, if anyone doubts you, you are afraid that it will not be good for your reputation. So, please trouble you to cooperate."

He beckoned and asked to call a trusted woman.

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