Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2111: Posing as a relative

I ditched my lips and the door lazily entered looking for someone.

The two immediately lowered their heads and leaned aside, looking humble and unobtrusive.

If Jiang Ruqin is not stupid, he should know what they mean.

He waited for almost half an hour before the door brought a man out.

"She is the one you are looking for"

Xun Menzi pushed people out at will. The latter was unprepared and took a few steps.

A Er immediately greeted him, Lin Mengya also quickly raised her head and glanced at it, and quietly pulled A Er's sleeve to signal.

"Yes, niece, I am your second uncle"

Jiang Ruqin immediately understood and shouted in tears, "Second Uncle, is it really you?"

"Yes, yes, I am your second uncle, this is your cousin, you remember it"

I must be tired of watching such a gathering of relatives. The door reached out and grabbed Jiang Ruqin's neckline, and raised his eyelids and said, "Look at it, and do n’t hurry back to do your errand"

A Er stopped the person immediately, and then plucked money into the door.

"Let ’s talk to Master, so let's say something before we go."

The door put away the money, pretending to be difficult and said, "Hey, who makes me soft, and most people don't want others to ask me. It will give you a quarter of an hour. But you can't go too far. Inquire about our family's affairs, otherwise, I'll let your family reunite in Yincao Difu, understand? "

The three of them immediately nodded and looked very frightened.

"Dare not dare, we just say some kind of words, and also ask Grandpa to read it"

Jianmenzi obviously enjoyed the feeling of being regarded as a big man.

I waved my hand and let it go.

But he didn't eavesdrop. After all, in his eyes, where are people like ants like them, where can I have the courage to inquire about the family of Baili?

I soon reached the corner.

I was sure that no one was on the left or right, and Er Er immediately changed his attitude and stepped aside.

The two men pretending to be cousins ​​also quickly released their hands.

"Not much time, what's going on"

Lin Lin Mengya asked in a low voice.

Jiang Ruqin didn't have time to put on display, and had to quickly explain her and her aunt's situation.

"You mean, they imprisoned their mother, but did nothing bad for her"

Jiang Ruqin nodded and said, "I don't know anyone else, but my aunt here doesn't even have a guard. If you want to save someone, it won't be difficult."

But where does Jiang Ruqin know that the reason why their small courtyard is unattended is precisely because of their position, the deepest part of the inner courtyard.

The night before, she did n’t even touch her scan. She wanted to enter and save people. It was easier said than done.

"How about my father, do you know where he is"

Jiang Ruqin froze, then shook his head.

She only cares about her aunt, where can she manage other people.

Fearing that Lin Mengya could not help, she said busyly, "My aunt is old, and I have been out of clothing and food for a long time. I'm afraid you can't survive it. I think you better save your aunt with me first. As for your father, wait to save later It's not too late. "

This is a reasonable statement, but Jiang Ruqin is better than ordinary people in addition to being a little hurt.

I do n’t know if the Baili family abuses her subordinates, but since the Baili family is closed to her mother-in-law, she should know that her mother-in-law is a useful chip even if she does not know her identity.

Therefore, Jiang Ruqin said that he wanted to come because he wanted to leave Baili's house as soon as possible.

"I'll think of a way, but I might have to wait a little longer."

"Why wait"

如 Jiang Ruqin was anxious, grabbed her hand and asked in a low voice.

"You wo n’t be because of another new love, so you want to abandon your old love, Lin Mengya, if you dare to ignore us, I will tell your fiance that you have lost your virginity, and you are a watery poppy woman"

Listening to the other's threat, Lin Mengya looked cold.

It really is difficult to change the nature of Jiang Shan, even if Jiang Ruqin is standing on her side for the time being, she is not a good person after all.

"Just rest assured, this kind of thing will not happen. I have other important things to deal with, and I will certainly not care about my mother."

It seems that mother-in-law is not so relieved about her, so it does not explain Long Tianyu's current situation.

Alas, the more people like Jiang Ruqin know, the more disadvantageous they are.

After hearing her promise, Jiang Ruqin snorted coldly.

哼 "Hum, you're kind of cool. You can go if you want to go. Give me a thousand or two silver first."

Lin Lin Mengya frowned.

"What do you want so much money for"

The latter glared at her, and said yin and yang strangely, "I'm not as ruthless as you. I eat and drink here only with silver. I only order silver for one month, so what's good? You do n’t want to give it to me, people go to tea, because cousin was so good to you ”

A Er's cold eyes have turned.

Gao Linmengya estimates that if Jiang Ruqin continues to be perplexed, I am afraid that Er Er and someone hiding in the dark will directly rush up and choke her.

I was only a thousand and two silver, Lin Mengya was not out of control.

She took out the silver ticket, Jiang Ruqin was about to take it over, but she was taken away again.

"What do you mean"

"What I have is that silver is not for you."

Qi Wenyan, Jiang Ruqin stared at her and questioned.

"What else do you say?"


Gao Linmengya raised her brows, and in front of the other side, she carried the silver ticket back into her pocket.

"The identities we use are just two poor relatives from the countryside. One shot is one thousand and two, which is too noticeable. That's good. I'll give you a piece of silver first, and you use it first. If that's not enough, go to a Mingji firm in the city in the name of visiting relatives. Remember, there's a leather goods business there, and your second uncle and cousin are doing things here. "

Jiang Ruqin hated his teeth.

Isn't it just a thousand and two dollars? This stinky woman clearly doesn't want to give her

"This is not enough to buy a cotton coat for my aunt"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and looked at the insatiable Jiang Ruqin.

"Don't talk about cotton clothes. I can afford it even if it is a mink. But I'm not an arrogant person. You can use your money as much as you want. But you must have a note written by your aunt. Otherwise, you Don't even think about getting money from me. "

"You and you are clearly trying to embarrass me. Anyway, you are so ruthless and ruthless, why should I be a scumbag and a willow for your comprehensive house owner? This kind of news is presumably in Baili's house, or worth some silver."

But before she finished speaking, Er Er twisted her neck.

Jiang Ruqin slaps Er Er's arm in horror, but is clamped firmly by his other hand, and can no longer move.

"It seems that you have forgotten some of the lessons you have given."

She took a step closer and looked at each other coldly.

"You thought you said I could let you go, as you said, and now I'm the house owner, and I'm on an equal footing with the Baili family. I want to kill you, it's as simple as killing an ant."

Even though the appearance of the woman in front of her was covered up, her dark eyes were enough to pull Jiang Ruqin into the **** that used to be better than death.

"I, I was wrong, no, don't kill me"

Hearing her begging, Lin Mengya gave A Er a look.

The latter immediately let go, and at the same time he covered Jiang Ruqin, who was coughing.

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her head and looked at the woman paralyzed on the ground.

"Take good care of my mother. If you let me know what you say, I will let you taste a hundred times more painful than before. You are not a relative of the imperial family here."

Jiang Ruqin nodded quickly.

When Lin Mengya saw that she understood, she let A Er let go.

Jiang Ruqin, who finally breathed the fresh air, hurriedly put away that silver bar and was ready to leave.

He was stopped by Lin Mengya.

"A play must be performed in its entirety so that it will not be doubted."

She wrapped Jiang Ruqin's arm and felt the other side obviously, so she shivered.

I'm fine so that the other party will be conscious.

"Sister, I will often come to see you with my father in the future. You must be sensible when you are in someone's house, you must never be willful, know?"

"I, I know sister."

"Well, you are good."

I turned around the corner and she and A Er quickly entered the role.

However, Jiang Ruqin's eyes were flushed because of what happened just now, as if she had cried.

Xia Menzi was used to such things, and said impatiently, "Don't let it go, you are not raised for chat with your family."

Jiang Ruqin lowered her head and fled back to the door.

Zhe Lin Mengya and A Er waited until the figure disappeared, and then they left with each other.

I walked across several streets and the two stopped.

At this time, another person fell silently in front of her.

"You all saw it"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded gently.

Just now, he was there to protect her safety.

Gao Linmengya unloaded her camouflage, got into the carriage that was already in the alley, and changed her clothes.

I crossed the window and discussed with him how to rescue her mother-in-law.

"Jiang Ruqin is not reliable, we have to find a way to find a trustworthy person to protect his mother."

"Well, I'll do it."

This matter is related to his mother, Long Tianyu naturally blame.

Lin Mengya changed her clothes, leaned her head out the window, and said with a smile, "I still remember that she cried and cried to marry you as a concubine. If this rescue of the mother succeeded, your cousin said it was unnecessary. Let me show you my gratitude. "

After hearing this, Long Tianyu turned black for a moment.

He held him up with a hand and kissed her red lips fiercely.


He took a low oath, decisive.

Lin Lin Mengya originally teased him, and now her eyes are covered with water vapor.

"I'm just kidding you."

"I don't want anyone except you."

The lingering love made her legs numb.

How can this person be so good

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