Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2114: The same door

The uncle's position in the poisonous door, even the true poisonous elder, must maintain a superficial harmony.

Where is he like the person in front of her, she dare to face her uncle in person.

I wonder if she would lament the bravery of this man, or laugh at his ignorance.

"You dare to say that to me! Wu Yan, I ordered you in the name of the elders of drug law enforcement, and apologize to me!"

Wu narrowed his eyes and laughed so that it was called "a kind of harmony".

"Elders for law enforcement? Oh, when do we need a wild dog to become an elder?"

Moustache almost died of anger.

I saw him pull out a jade ruler from his sleeve and lifted it in the air.

"This is the law enforcement ring of the poison gate, Wu Yan, do you want to betray the poison gate?"

The questioning of the moustache, it was not only the uncle who angered.

The poisonous disciples slamming behind them almost immediately protected the three of them in the middle, and looked at the beam-jumping clown poorly.

"You, you dare to disobey the elders, come here, catch them all!"

"You can try it."

She walked out of the crowd, facing the mustache.

Although she is downstairs, she is much more powerful than moustache.

The latter was obviously stunned, flushed, and asked fiercely, "Who are you?"

"You're not qualified to ask me yet, get out."

She walked up slowly and did not mean to look at each other in the slightest.

The moustache in his head mustered, but he couldn't help shrinking his neck after touching the woman's clear eyes.

He didn't see any emotion in the girl's eyes.

Fear, pride, sadness and joy, did not stay in her eyes at all.

Subconsciously, the moustache gave way.

He waited until she had passed before he regretted his teeth.

what happened? How could he bow his head to a woman?

He just wanted to catch up, but Wu Yan seemed to be holding a little chicken, and he caught his neck collar.

"If you dare to touch my little niece, I will chop off your troublesome paw."

The threat that came close to my ears made the moustache instantly slumped.

He walked tremblingly on his toes, but he was full of hatred for Wu Yan.

I am all them, it is they who make themselves ugly!

I hate today, and tomorrow he must make them pay.

Gao Linmengya knew that the moustache was nothing but cannon fodder for exploring the road.

Uncle Yun's politeness and her indifference are enough to show their attitude.

I want to be an elder, but if I want to control them by a false name, dream!

It seemed to me that his previous reply could not make these people sober.

She came all the way, and the room in the middle of the second floor also opened the door.

瞧 "Look at you, all of you are a family, why did you make such a plain joke?"

Although the voice was a bit old, it was full of life.

Lin Mengya also felt that the poison on the other side was worse than the moustache.

I just, but not even half of her teacher.

It turned out that the so-called elders turned out to be this kind of strength.

She's strange. Who gave them such confidence?

Wu Wu loosened his mustache and followed her with a sneer.

Teacher Xun and his uncle walked side by side, and the three finally saw the backing behind that moustache.

There are five people in the house.

The three of them sat at the table and seemed to be chatting over tea.

Two other people should be brothers

The sister-in-law or follower waited beside.

The three men were all wearing the authentic Purple Gold Nebula, but the clothes on the young man in the middle were especially luxurious.

戴着 He wore a man's hair crown, a large piece of purple gemstone, shining in the sun.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't think so, but Wu Yan and Bai Lirui had a heavy discomfort in their eyes.

The old man sitting on the right hand of the young man with white hair and beard is obviously the oldest of them.

What I just said was a middle-aged man sitting on the far left.

To be honest, that person can be regarded as handsome without looking, but it is far worse than her teacher and uncle.

Finally, she set her eyes on the man in the middle.

The man was about twenty years old, and he was very handsome with red teeth and white teeth.

He happened to come and look at her.

The man shivered, then nodded slightly at her, his attitude was kind and friendly.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded like the other side, and then nothing else.

The man's gaze fell on her face, and he couldn't return to his mind for a long time.

"Jian Ting, your people can't speak human words, why can't you even forget to say something?"

Uncle Yan looks poor and does not hide his dislike for the three people in front of him.

Jiang Ting's position can be much higher than the moustache.

Wu Wenyan just smiled indifferently.

"Your mouth, it's really stink for decades. Okay, he hasn't seen you a few times before. In my face, don't care about him."

Lin Lin Meng Yaduo glanced at Jiang Ting.

I met this teacher and they met the teacher.

"Take care of your own person. If he goes on like this, he will die out someday."

Jiang Ting's smile was a bit stiff, and then he waved his hand to let the mustache back down.

"Sit down."

Seeing Jiang Ting's attitude was quite polite, the uncle did not continue to poke them.

The lineup on both sides now seems a bit subtle.

Judging from the current situation, they are somewhat the same.

The atmosphere was a little tense.

Jiang Ting picked up the teapot and poured a cup for Wu Yan.

"It's all this old age. Why is the anger so strong? The anger is so bad that you should be careful."

But looking at Wu Yan who was careless, he changed his hand and gave the tea cup to her in the middle.

"Rest assured, I'm fine. Master, how about trying this tea."

Wu Yan's performance surprised the other three.

人 This man is arrogant, never to be a little girl, even if the doorkeeper is in person, he may not be able to control him.

But now, he was willing to surrender to a woman.

In the hearts of the three of them, each had a few points of care.

Zhe Lin Mengya blocked the tea cup and said with a smile: "Uncle Shi has worked hard all the time, you still drink this cup of tea."

Uncle Yun?

The three on the opposite side felt even more incredible.

This is not a question of age, and I haven't heard that the house owner has anything to do with Wu Yan.

Is it based on the seniority of the palace family?

But the gray-haired old man knows that this is not possible.

The position of the house owner of the palace is very special, and even the head of each generation also gave three points to him.

He originally didn't agree with directly speaking with the palace family, but she was not honest and tried to get involved in the drug door.

But now it seems that he feels something wrong.

"That's right, brother, would you like a cup too?"

Wu Yan drank

Tea, said frowning.

Bali Rui shook his head, he did not even look at each other's three.

Intuition made Jiang Ting feel that this person was not simple, and asked about it with a smile.

"I don't know which brother this brother belongs to?"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and looked at Jiang Ting.

"Teacher Barry Rui."

Bairui Rui!

Almost immediately, Jiang Ting and the white-haired old man felt chills in his back.

The source that stunned them was just a cold look at them.


High cold and arrogant, like the blue moon in the sky.

Jianting immediately regretted it.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and immediately remembered something.

"I haven't seen you for many years, my brother is still so handsome. But why are you back?"

Gao Linmengya noticed that the two people on the opposite side seemed to be extremely jealous of the teacher, and maybe mixed with a bit of will.

She couldn't help but guess in her heart what the teacher had done so far that decades had passed, and he could still bring them so much stress.

Bali Rui understood what the other party wanted to ask, but he didn't care.

"I want to come back and then come back, why, you have the final say on this poison door?"

"No, I'm afraid you're in trouble"

"I have done what happened then. And it's not me, but my students. I swear that I will never get involved in poison, but I can help my students, but it is not illegal. . "

After saying this, he really blocked the other's mouth.

Sure enough, at the time, Baili Rui just did nothing, but didn't say he wanted to get rid of the poison.

At this time, the two men looked in Lin Mengya's eyes again, a little more dignified.

If this is the case, it will be a great disadvantage to them.

You must know that her teacher was the first candidate recognized by the poison door.

If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have any of them today.

"That's the case, it's a good thing that my brother can come back. For me, it's more secure for you to sit in town."

Jiang Ting is a smart man, but now he is fascinated by fame and fortune.

Bali Rui made his words so clear, but he pretended not to understand.

Unfortunately who is Barry?

I never put anyone in the eyes of one of the madmen.

Where he is, let him be so easy and muddy.

"I'm not for poison, I'm for my students. Now that she is in charge, I feel relieved."

Jiang Ting's face changed.

From the beginning to the present, the pair of brothers expressed their meanings straightforwardly, without giving him a chance to detour.

After biting his teeth, he didn't believe that these years, they could still rest on his head.

"I am deeply honored to be able to come back. But the position of the gatekeeper still needs to be considered. After all, this matter is important and cannot be played."

Wu Wu sneered, and Bai Lirui frowned slightly.

Lin Mengya, the only one in the middle, also smiled softly.

"Teacher, I think Mr. Jiang makes sense. The matter of the master is really important, so I think it's better to call up the big guys and ask them, who do they really want? Wouldn't it be more popular?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Yan teased: "The little niece makes sense. Since it is the doorkeeper of the poison door, it should be chosen by the poison door man."

Jiang Ting, they were in a hurry.

If you really let the poisonous people choose, then they will not have an advantage regardless of the number or prestige.

Now, he hurriedly spoke.

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