Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2124: Safe downhill

As the black mist fell, there were three white bones that had been corroded so much.

Lin Mengya only felt numbness in her scalp.

Fortunately, she has been on alert and never let those people succeed.

"Master, are you okay?"

Behind him, the extremely grateful doormen walked over carefully.

Their eyesight was not as good as hers, but they still could hear clearly the screams of the three when they entered.

Everyone grew up with poison, naturally know what happened.

But it's the first time such horror has happened.

"I'm fine, let's leave here quickly. Here, it should be the reason for the abnormal changes in the forest."

Although most of the dark fog has fallen back, a small part will overflow every time.

Know that plants are very adaptable.

It may be that the plants are unable to withstand and die at first, but over time, the plants will adapt to the toxicity and then mutate.

Everyone wants to leave eagerly, and while they are supporting each other and going out, dozens of people come out of the forest.

They were dressed in black and covered with black cloth.

He said nothing, raised the steel knife in his hand, and rushed to the group of Lin Mengya.

"Don't panic! Come out with housekeeping skills, don't forget, this is our place!"

She already knew the details of these people.

The crickets also carried the maggots under the black, but they themselves were not clear. In fact, they had no previous combat effectiveness.

With Lin Mengya's order, the big guy vented the anger that had been lingering all night.

In a short time, countless spraying methods flew, those people practiced the tricks, unlike the poisonous people, the more wars the more brave.

In the end, all the poisonous men overwhelmed them with an overwhelming victory.

看着 They looked at the black man who kept screaming for help on the ground, only to feel a sigh of anger.

Lin Lin Mengya squatted down, sneer and looked at the dying guy in front.

"Say, who are you, and who have you been directed by?"

The man got a poisonous needle from Lin Mengya.

You must know that Lin's products are extraordinary.

At this moment, the joints on the whole body of the man are painful enough to make people roll.

Under such torture, unless a person with strong willpower can carry it, otherwise he can kill his father and mother now.

I told the truth at the moment.

"I, we are the slaves of the Rong family. Half a year ago, at the order of the homeowner, I surrendered to the rebel army on purpose. Today, I am under the orders of the homeowner to come and destroy you."

Ji Rong's house?

Zhe Lin Mengya did not expect that there is something about Rong family.

"Your current owner, but Rong Luyi?"

"Yes, it's the villain he ordered. Please, let me go!"

Frowning slightly, she thought that Glory Luyi was a smart person, but now it seems that she may not be as smart as she expected.

"What do you know about Rong Luyi's plan?"

"Little, the villain doesn't know. But the owner said that as long as we do well, we will free us except our slaves. Villain, all that is known is this."

She originally thought that these people were either medical practitioners, or the Baili family, or were sent by the family that made good friends with the Baili family.

But I never thought that it would be the Rong family that has remained neutral on the bright side.

In my opinion, the top ten families have shown a tilt, but she has been

I didn't notice it.

看来 In this way, it also shows that they intentionally hid her in order to hit her by surprise.

Fortunately, when she was designating the plan, she did not include such uncertain factors as Rong family.

Now it seems that the Rong family is really a deeply buried chess piece.

Through interrogation, she found that most of the people here were from the Rong family, and as long as they were part of the family of the Baili family.

It seems that Barry's is still a chicken thief as always. Such things will pick themselves up cleanly.

After glancing at those people, she said coldly, "Why can you tell the direction here?"

The man gritted his teeth and wanted to stiffen.

Unfortunately, the next time the onset of toxicity, he cried and became a dog.

我 "I said, I said! Yes, because we all carry a token. Only in this forest can we get lost."

I didn't wait for Lin Mengya to order, someone rummaged.

Sure enough, those people carried a token on them.

She took it and looked at it, and saw that the token was made of stone, and there was almost no pattern on it.

But Xiaoyao checked it and said that some of the same toxins in the tiankeng were attached to it.

It is possible that the puppet was dug out of the tiankeng, so they could tell the direction.

However, in this way, the toxin will slowly dissipate or invade these people's body over time.

In this way, they are equivalent to chronic poisoning, and they will die sooner or later.

I don't know who came up with this attention, not only the best use of the material, but also the method of cutting the grass and roots, has long thought out.

"Take away half of their tokens. As for the rest, it's up to you."

In fact, they can't live long. Even if the little black maggots don't attack, these invading remnants will be unknowingly dead and kill them.

People in the poisonous gates acted in accordance with her words.

Take out fifteen tokens in total, Lin Mengya ordered them to be a group of four, to be worn by one person, and then led to the direction of their team members.

The big guys unconsciously joined hands and formed a small team.

Lin Lin Mengya walked in front, and Lin Lin, who had looked at it and felt dizzy, suddenly relaxed.

During this period, she asked everyone to eat Jiedu Dan once every hour and remind each other.

Until the little medicine suggested that they had stepped out of the forest where the toxin was affected, this only allowed the big guys to throw tokens into the forest behind.

At this moment, the morning light was weak.

They toss and fro all night before they see the familiar road again.

She was too late to cry, and Lin Mengya heard her under the mountain, as if there was a sound of fighting.

She was a little worried, for fear that Bai Su and Cai Ru hurriedly let the big guy down the mountain together.

When she arrived at the foot of the mountain, she heard Bai Su's cold drink.

"Where did you hide my master? If I don't give it up again, I will kill you!"

Then, another popular person said badly: "Your owner is not easy to get lost in the mountains. If you don't go looking for someone, you want someone from me? I think you are a crazy woman!"

"what did you say?"

I was trying to kill Bai Suti sword, Lin Mengya arrived in time.

"Bai Su, stop!"

Ji Baisu's body was stiff, and then she threw a sword and ran to her.

Behind him, Cai Ru was also excited.

Alas, she glanced back at the others indifferently.


I'm fine, don't worry. "

"Master, how do you come back?"

Bai Su was so anxious that her eyes were red.

She and Cai Ru came down last night. On the way, they also encountered an attack.

But fortunately, she and Cai Ru cooperated, and the lady gave them a lot of manpower, which was why she killed her all the way and got here.

Who knows, they waited and waited, without seeing the lady coming back.

知道 She knew that the medical department must have done something, so she didn't hold back, and forced the people in the medical department with a sword.

Lin Lin Mengya walked over to see that the disciples in the medical department were surrounded by people holding swords.

They are not willing, but these people are not good.

They are like Zunsha gods, they are also courageous.

Seeing her coming, I immediately said with a sneer and sarcasm: "The owner of the palace is really very handsome. If you can't go down the mountain today, I'm afraid we have to bury you."

I was talking about the medical elder.

Speaking of his identity, he felt that this time the drug was simply bullying too much.

But Lin Mengya just sneered and said, "So what?"

你 "You! Don't forget, this is a two-door fight!"

呵 "Oh, I'm afraid your doctor is the least qualified to say that."

The elder Yimengmen gritted his teeth. However, under the absolute suppression of force, he had no advantage at all.

"Now that you are back, can you let us go?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her brow and made a "please" gesture.

见 The children of the medical department saw this and left hurriedly.

Behind him, the disciples of Dumen, all frowned at those who healed.

Xi Cairu came to her and whispered, "Master, why don't you do something to them?"

Xun Cairu is a smart man, knowing that he can't kill, but he can plot.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at those medical practitioners and said, "Harm and kill themselves, look at it, they will eat evil results sooner or later."

This time, the doctors did not know what to do with the poison in the tiankeng.

But playing with fire **, except for her, no one can control it.

Hehe, I don't know who will be retributed.

The dispute in the early morning did not cause dissatisfaction with the ruling.

Or, they are pretending to be deaf.

But in order to "be considerate" the two doors, they decided to let them rest for a while after discussion, and they will re-enter the mountains tomorrow to eliminate the harm.

Back to where they left off, the big guy automatically exchanged yesterday's experience.

Especially the sixty people she brought with her were sharing her achievements with other partners with great interest.

的 The person responsible for inquiring about the news returned soon.

Jiang Ting and his party did not return. Now, they have become a mess of porridge.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not take them up, but she told the teacher and her uncle about the incident and what she had heard on the mountain.

"So, that beard has betrayed the doctor?"

Uncle Wu Yan said coldly.

He felt wrong at first sight when he saw the moustache. Now it seems that his hunch is really good.

She nodded and added: "Although I didn't see the moustache showing up at the end, I think the three of them must have been instructed by him. But I knew this in advance and had prevention. They didn't succeed in their conspiracy. "

She believes that the three of them will definitely have a later move.

If those slaves of the Rong family join again, their sixty people will be in danger.

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