Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2126: Two-pronged

The Yanxia Mountain is huge. If they really want to get rid of the harm, the two of them can't touch it at all.

He Nai is more than a fight, it is true that the two gates have to fight.

So Lin Mengya conjectured that they will have action at the latest tomorrow night.

Before that, the poisonous gate was like this, and it needed some preparation.

The small camp she chose was not far from the poisonous mist pit.

After the last incident, she went back and allocated a lot of medicine.

At least for now, no one will get lost because of the influence of poisonous fog.

This is also the case for the uncle, and the people over there are temporarily afraid to act rashly.

想 She thinks they should all know that Tiankeng is powerful, so at least for now, the camp is relatively safe.

"Master, everything is arranged, look at it."

Xi Cairu stepped forward and handed her a booklet.

Here, one hundred and eighty people are divided into groups.

Some are responsible for guarding and logistical work in the camp, some are responsible for exploring the road in front, others are responsible for making props to catch poisonous insects, and finally, people responsible for transportation.

And Cai Ru asked in advance about other routes down the mountain.

In this way, no matter who is sending the poisonous insects, the path is random. At least those people who want to ambush on the road are relatively difficult.

Lin Lin Mengya turned and nodded with satisfaction.

"You are doing well, I have nothing to tell you, but let the big guys be more alert."

Wu Cairu nodded and continued to do his own business.

The poison seems to be more intense here than when she came last time.

The black fog should go up and down regularly, or it won't be used by those three people.

She thought about it, and felt that if she wanted to clean up the medical team and the rebels in the rebel army, she would have to borrow this natural weapon.

But now she is even more curious, when and why did the black mist appear.

So intensely toxic, if it is natural, why does it not appear sooner or later, but now?

I am afraid that these questions, no one can answer her for the time being.

I waited until everyone had prepared the tent and the stove, and started cooking the meal here.

I was about to work for several days, and everyone had an obvious appetite.

Even Lin Mengya ate half a bowl of rice.

After having a meal, she asked everyone to move around in the vicinity and familiarize themselves with the environment.

And she took Bai Su and found her brother quietly not far away.

Lin Linsheng and the dozens of people he brought with him were all neatly dressed at the moment.

Especially him, a light armour that was easy to move, immediately re-expressed the spirit of the young general who was famous in Kyoto and attracted countless beauties.

想 She thought, maybe my brother is a real weapon.

After the polishing of time, it will glow with unparalleled brilliance.

He was much restrained now when he was younger than he was young.

Xun Ke did exactly that, but made him look sharper.

"I'll take you to Zhu Yan. Specific matters, you can discuss."

After deciding to stay with her brother, she thought about it.

If you want to protect her, whether it is her own person or Long Tianyu's person, it is actually enough.

The most lacking person now is Zhu Yan's group.

Moreover, my brother is better than Zhu Yan in this kind of guerrilla warfare.

Zhu Zhuyan knows the situation in the mountains better than anyone, but his brother is good at using soldiers.

This combination is almost flawless.

Zhu Zhuyan The place where they live is very hidden, and they are guarded by beasts inside and outside.

But it was not difficult for her.

After all, the cave was discovered when she and Xiaobai Xiaohu filled the mountain.

I soon found the cave with someone.

Zhe Lin Nansheng looked at the rugged cliffs in front of him, frowning slightly.

"Sister, isn't it dangerous here?"

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head, and gently pulled away a nearby boulder.

Lin Linsheng just wanted to help, but was surprised at the light weight of the boulders.

She thought about it, knocked on the boulder, and the sound inside made him understand that the seemingly heavy boulder was actually empty.

After the boulder was removed, the following situation emerged.

A steep stone step appeared in front of them.

Fortunately, there are tough twine on both sides, otherwise, I'm afraid that if I accidentally fall, I will fall.

"I'll go down first, you take your time."

She turned, dragged the rope neatly, and climbed down a little.

Bai Su followed closely, apparently they are not the first time to come, so it is particularly relaxed.

Zhe Lin Nansheng has been uneasy, standing by the side to see, for fear of something unexpected.

I saw her crawling down a little bit. In the end, she couldn't see any figure at all.

Zhe Lin Nansheng was really worried, and immediately ordered his subordinates. After leaving a few people broken, the others followed him.

The ocher ladder looks steep, but when standing on it, it is very stable.

And the wind here is very strange, people will unconsciously be blown against the stone wall by the wind.

In this way, as long as you grasp the rope and don't slip, you won't have much problem.

Zhe Lin Nansheng was attentive, and after a short time, he crawled to the direction where the young girl disappeared.

At this time he could clearly see that it turned out that there was a prominent platform here.

But because of the angle, I can't see it at all.

Such an awe-inspiring work, he could not help but sigh that nature has its magic.

I waited until he landed, and someone was greeted inside.

"Master Nan Sheng, the master Zhu Yan is already in it, please."

Zhe Lin Nansheng nodded and followed Bai Su in.

The rest of the people did not get his order and had to stay outside.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the platform was large enough to stand a little inside, but I didn't feel too crowded.

Inside Mengshan Cave, Lin Mengya was explaining the situation of her brother to Zhu Yan.

When I heard it was her brother, Zhu Yan, who was always suspicious, frowned and asked, "Do you believe him?"

Lin Mengya nodded and firmly said, "My brother's character can be rest assured, and he was a young general of Jin Kingdom. He joined the battlefield with his father when he was very young. I believe in his strength. Of course, if you are not willing If so, let's not force it. "

I didn't expect, but Zhu Yan nodded and said, "If you believe it, then I will believe it."

She looked at Zhu Yan with a little surprise.

You know, this child has just experienced the betrayal of his companion. Where can he be so open to others?

"Thank you!"

She rubbed Zhu Yan's head.

The latter hid his mouth and murmured, "How old am I? You still treat me as a child

Bitch! "

But the white ears are rooted and red.

"Brother, this is Zhu Yan, I mentioned it to you before."

Just after Lin Linsheng returned to God, he saw a boy with red lips and white teeth standing next to his sister.

He said he was a teenager, but he already had a youthful shape.

Lin Mengya said Zhu Yan before, so he knew that he must not be regarded as an ordinary person.

"Hello, this is Lin Nansheng. I hope to assist you this time."

Zhu Zhuyan was a bit awkward, but she's better now.

I came because of her comfort, and second because Lin Nansheng was really frank.

The three of them did not have any extra politeness, but instead sat down on the floor to analyze the current situation.

"I am generally aware of the situation in the camp. They now have about a thousand people left. But if they encounter any difficulties here, they should be supported at any time. Therefore, we had better decide quickly."

This is the information that Zhu Yan probed. Lin Mengya also held the same attitude towards this.

Lin Nansheng thought for a while and said, "It's a good way to fight quickly, but the ants can kill the elephants. We alone ca n’t guarantee that there will be leaking fish. And they definitely have a way to communicate with each other. If you don't contact the outside, then those reinforcements may guess that something happened here, but it is broken. "

This problem, Zhu Yan is not thinking about it.

I can only use his current strength, I just want to move faster.

"I don't think the reinforcements may come quickly."

The two looked at her, and Lin Mengya smiled and said, "As far as I know, these people are some non-brand soldiers. They are not obedient to one master. It is their common interest to destroy us. But if the common With uneven distribution of benefits, contradictions will follow. "

"Sister, what do you mean?"

"We can choose one or several family members. Their cooperation is not tacit, and because they are the masters, their minds are definitely not in the same place. Others' companions are good, but their own companions are one. Each of them disappeared, and I think someone will soon realize that something is wrong? "

She pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes twinkling.

Although there are countless slaves in Zherong's family, they may feel bad when they die.

Once they are inward, isn't it more powerful for them?

Lin Linsheng thought carefully, and finally patted his legs and said, "My sister is still smart! Just do what you say, just us, how do we tell them?"

"Isn't it easy?"

She smiled with ease.

"I gave them 之前 before. Those who are debilitated, can't lift any strength, and even shake when walking, are Rong family."

The news of the previous prisoner revealed that no one of them could believe anyone, so they took a rotation.

In other words, what she saw in the camp that day happened to be from the Rong family.

And their original plan was that on the last day of the fight, the families gathered and pretended to be rebels and drove out the poisonous gates.

I now seem to have helped her by accident.

Lin Linsheng raised her thumb and gave her sister a good voice.

But Zhu Yan's expression was a bit inexplicable.

"But there are hundreds of people, haven't they all hit 蛊?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

The latter, but suddenly felt cold back.

I meditate again in my heart, and I will not provoke her in the future.

女人 This woman is definitely the biggest killer!

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