If this matter has nothing to do with poison door, then she really doesn't care.

But once she got involved with the teacher and uncle, she couldn't help but be cautious.

Mustache was greedy for fear of death, and he immediately turned the bamboo dumplings into a **** and told him everything he knew.

It turned out that the teacher's marriage contract was indeed the woman's calculation.

He who succeeds is not a man in medicine, but a man in poison.

At that time, the teacher was in full swing.

他 And his teacher was the master of poison at the time.

Originally, Barry Rui is most likely to become the next goalkeeper.

What a pity, many people are eyeing this position.

No matter whether they are fame or poison, they can't beat the teacher, so they came up with other tricks.

"No one knows how they knew the mystery, and actually controlled Barry's brother. He met Barry's fiancee in the name of Barry. They were arrested and trapped in bed. . Then, the other party retired. Later, Bai Ruirui learned of the matter, but was not publicized for his family. He angrily wanted to abolish the mystery, but was stopped by his teacher. Later, the matter was very fierce. Li Rui announced that he would no longer care about poison door things. Those people were afraid he would go against them, so he made a heavy oath, and he would not be involved in the role of drug door master for life. "

Hearing this, she heard her eyes cold for a while.

She knew that there would be unexplainable 龌龊, but now she is even more distressed to the teacher.

"Let me think what you are saying is true, but why do you know so clearly?"

The moustache's nose was sweaty, and when he saw it, he had to bitterly say, "Our generation has served the current family of the doorkeepers, so my father and grandfather knew more about these things than others. We should say I said everything, as long as you can release me, I'll help you with the things in Jiang Ting's hand. You don't want to let your teacher live in regrets, right? "

He thought he had enough chips to live, but whoever knew the woman in front of him never thought about letting him go.

"Things were so big, but I knew so clearly, unless it was the parties."

She said quietly, and the mustache secretly screamed.

"If everyone knew that someone used mystery to control my teacher's elder brother, then he would definitely not be the master of the door. So, all who knows this is his confidant. At that time, you should be Teenagers? Who would be too wary of a teenager like this? "

The back of the moustache chills.

He thought he had covered up his role in it, but didn't want the woman in front of him, so keen that he was frightened.

你 "You, what are you talking about? I also listened to what my father told my grandfather. At the time, I was not wise at the time."

"Even if it was a mystery, the prosperity of the Baili family at that time would not allow people who are not important to approach it. Since your family is serving the former owner, you must know how to be a slave. You said, Am I right? "

The moustache was dark before his eyes.

He could hardly control his tremor, and the woman in front of him, before he could quibble out, went on to tell the truth hidden by him.

"I have never understood why a person like you can still be a law enforcement elder. Now I know that because you control a great secret, you will definitely stay behind, so even if you are flying and incompetent, incompetent Another bastard, but the host will still bless you. Don't worry, I won't kill you. "

This sentence, but did not make the moustache feel happy.

Now he even feels a little creepy.

"No! You kill me! You still kill me now!"


Bali has been away for so long, and he doesn't know the means of these people.

Immediately, she was so scared that she had a lot of tears and snot, and she almost did not lose her incontinence.

Zhe Lin Mengya gave him a dismissive look and instructed: "Send him down the mountain, and then tell my teacher these things that he told me before. For other things, you can listen to my teacher's orders."


A fingered two people over and knocked the moustache suddenly, lest he be found on the way down the mountain.

The scene was quickly cleaned up, Lin Mengya looked at Lin Zi and couldn't help sighing.

Wu Baisu put away the short blade and looked at her with some anxiety.

"I'm fine."

She just isn't worth it for the teacher.

The meaning of toxic drugs is too complicated for teachers.

Here are his most respected teachers, friendly brothers and feet, and close friends.

同时 But at the same time, he was here, he was broken, he was counted, betrayed, and exiled.

She still remembers the black Ju Ling from her teacher when she was in Jin Dynasty.

Maybe in the teacher's mind, this place is like his home.

Even though I hate and complain, I still can't let go of my heart.

Regardless of whether Moustache can tell if it is true or not, in short, she has to find Jiang Ting and ask for it.

After returning to the camp, Lin Mengya put away all her emotions.

Those things should not affect her attitude towards these people.

Maybe they don't know it at all, and there is a secret technique that may control themselves or their friends and relatives.

"Master, where have you been?"

I saw her return and the big guy immediately greeted her eagerly.

She smiled and said, "Walk around and see what's going on around. By the way, what's the result of your investigation?"

At least the people here have every confidence in her.

No matter what she said, they would not question.

After hearing her question, she immediately replied: "We have touched the situation a few miles away, and there are many poisonous insects around, but the toxicity is too great. We thought, we should start from the periphery. There are not many people here, they are still outside and more disturbing. "

She stunned her for a while, then remembered that this time the battle was holding up the banner of protecting others.

No matter what the people in the medical department think, at least the people in the poisonous department have the idea of ​​benefiting the public.

If so, how can she keep the big guy busy?

"Okay, just do what you say."

She turned around and she ordered Cairu to go down the mountain to find some villagers to help lift the air-dried poisonous insects.

"Master, we have enough manpower. Don't look for someone to carry it, right?"

Xun Cairu felt that it was a little bit extra.

But Lin Mengya smiled mysteriously and nodded her brows.

"You're stupid, we kill this time, so that we can't threaten these ordinary people with these poisonous insects? If they don't know, then we will become unknown heroes?"

Wu Cairu's eyes brightened, and she immediately felt that her master was good.

"I see! This thing is on me, I will surely let our reputation of poisonous doors spread all over the world!"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and nodded.

Although the doctors felt that they had a winning ticket, this time, it was they who lifted a stone and smashed their feet.

As soon as the sky was dark, Lin Mengya got into the tent.

It was already late spring at this time, but there was still some coolness in the forest.

She covered her with a thick quilt, and she still felt a little cold.

When Xun was thinking about whether to go out and hold a charcoal basin, someone opened her tent.

"do not move."

The low voice made her feel at ease.

Lin Lin Mengya retracted her feet and crooked him on the pillow.

"How did you come?"

She asked, lowering her voice.

This is no better than home. If someone is told that someone has drilled her tent in the middle of the night, then where can she put her face.

"I'm afraid you're cold."

There was a fox fur blanket in the arms of Chen Longtian Yu.

Sister went into bed and probed into her quilt with big hands. Sure enough, the quilt was cool. Both took her feet and did not slow down.

Warm big hand, holding her feet tightly.

Wu Mingming didn't have any special movements, but Lin Mengya's cheeks just burned uncontested.

"You're outside, don't rely on your health, just fool around. This forest is so strange, I give you Jiedu Dan, you have to take it by time, you know?"

She whispered Long Tianyu.

The latter only thought her words were sweet and soft, and immediately ironed to his heart.

He stood up, took off his coat, and gently tore off her quilt, lying with her.

The familiar heat source also has a taste that fascinates her.

Despite some struggles in her heart, in the end, she still couldn't resist the temptation.

He grabbed a man into his arms, Long Tianyu warmed her with her body temperature, and a fox fur blanket wrapped them tightly.

For a moment, Lin Mengya felt that the last bit of chill was gone.

She lay in his arms freely, and pussy-poke his chest with a small face.


Xun Long Tian Yu only felt that all the worries in his heart had left him.

Unfamiliar locations, forests full of weird poison, cannot weaken even the slightest feeling.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to sleep a bit, she obviously felt that Yu had something in mind.

"The things outside are not going well?"

She knows that Long Tianyu is busy.

Don't look at him and say nothing, but she knows that in some days when they didn't meet, in fact, Long Tianyu was busy getting around.

I was just used to keeping everything in my heart and never complaining to her.

顺利 "Success, don't think about it, nothing."

Lin Lin Mengya lay in her arms and nodded.

This is because she has rarely smelled wounds and blood on him recently.

I explained that at least for a while, Yu's condition was still safe, at least, I used a lot of hard work with others.

Hey, is he doing it for himself?

I reached out and hugged his thin waist.

"I'm fine, too, so don't worry."

He was obedient, right in his arms.

This recognition made the anxiety in Long Tianyu's heart almost bulging into a cloud, and gradually faded.

"I have heard about today's events. I did not expect that the poison door has such a secret technique."

Lin Lin Mengya also had some troubles.

"Who said no? You are talking about the old ancestors of the poison gate, which is strange enough. In the end, how much you don't trust yourself, you can use this method to control others.

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