Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2154: Rong's captured

In the camp, whether it was Zhu Yan or Lin Nansheng, or all the other rebels participating in the war, they had already clenched their weapons.

里面 Many of these people are old, weak and sick.

Although in the eyes of the enemy, they are like the words "low combat effectiveness" engraved on their bodies.

But everyone's face cannot find the slightest intention.

战 Fighting for their homeland, they have no fear.

"Report! People are already half a mile away on the hillside. I wonder when young people will start?"

Lin Nansheng's man was walking back and forth.

He is more powerful and more responsive than these people in the camp.

So they volunteered and became pioneers.

He did not wait for Lin Nansheng to speak, Zhu Yan said, "Brother Nansheng, I'll leave it to you."

Zhe Lin Nansheng nodded and left with his own people.

Don't look at them for the first time, but they both trust each other and are considerate of each other. In just a few days, they have been running very well together.

At least at critical moments, they can work together without worrying about someone deliberately holding back.

"A few of you, follow me. Others, protect your companions here."

Yes, companion.

In the days when I was walking on the mountain, he and his men had fully realized that the women and children here could be tenacious.

Even those elderly people who can't catch it, they will grit their teeth and try not to leave too many others.

He suddenly realized why the little girl spent a lot of money on these people.

Because he saw the shadow of Lin Jiajun in the past.

This girl, hiding in her bones, is a fierce force not to lose anyone in the Lin family.

In this way, their Lin family can never be defeated on the battlefield.

There are only ten people, like a mysterious night owl in the forest, constantly shuttle.

Finally, fell on the highest point of the hillside.

Below, the grass was shaking, but tonight, there was no wind and no waves, and it was very calm.

Someone, covering up the footsteps, was walking step by step in the woods, approaching them.

Lin Linsheng narrowed his eyes and estimated the final result in his heart.

"Three, two, one! Ignite!"

The person next to him ignited the fuse in front of him instantly, and then he fled quickly.

"Boom", as if shaking the mountain.

Lin Mengya, who had her eyes closed, heard the movement at this moment.

She opened her eyes sharply, and then looked into the night sky.

"It's finally started."

Zhe Ronglu never dreamed that he had been scouted numerous times to detect the terrain, but at the moment it became the commanding Yan Luodian.

There are countless traps, gunpowder, gravel, highly toxic bows and arrows, and raised blades, all of which are dead.

Before, they were well-informed, but now, there are only rattles left.

Nevertheless, the man was desperate, directing the rest to rush up.

Qi Ronglu felt a sigh in his chest and grabbed each other.

"Can't go, go up again, we don't know what conspiracy they have. By then, even if I put people here, it's not enough!"

What's more, these are his own power.

If He really suffers from this, then his position in the Rong family is at stake.

Those wild wolves are thinking about how to pull him down all the time.

Who knows, the man shook his hand away fiercely.

"What do you know? Now they use their means frequently because there is no one in their camp. Now we rush up and they have to wait for their death."

But the situation is stronger than people. The explosion just now cost him hundreds of manpower on the spot.

He can no longer bet on these remaining people.

"I'm willing to go by yourself, I'm not companion. Come, let's withdraw!"

There was a hint of wickedness in the man's eyes, and then he sneered sneerly: "Slow, Rong Luyi, don't you really want to rescue your sister?"

He stopped suddenly and stared back at the other person.

"What do you mean?"

The man glanced at him with no respect, and said, "I don't know, I know. You were brought up by your sister from an early age, so in your heart, the most important person is your sister. You want to climb When I arrived at the homeowner's position, I wanted to use the right of the homeowner to take back your sister. I said, right? "

The biggest secret in my heart was found out.

Ji Ronglu immediately froze, because the presence of his sister was a taboo that no one could mention.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"You know. As long as you are obedient, I'll tell you how to get back your sister. Otherwise, don't want to return to Rong's house forever!"

This threat made him immobile.

I have no choice but to act on orders.

But behind the seemingly obedient, Rong Luyi, who is no longer in the past, has his own plans.

Whether he is true or not, as an insider, this person must die.

Thinking of this, he suddenly slowed down, as if he had to give up, and then died.

"it is good."

"That's right, you have the same eyesight as your sister. You know, this arm can't twist your thigh."

The man was so proud of it, but he did not expect that the man who appeared to be very passive from the beginning of the meeting, had to obey him, but suddenly broke out.

With a bang, Rong Lu put the dagger in his hand into the man's chest with a look of indifference.

"You, how dare you"

"You died in the hands of the rebels, it has nothing to do with me."

The man was staring with a stare and seemed to want to kill Rong Luyi.

Unfortunately, in the end, he could only twitch a few times, like a fish waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

Qi Ronglu stood together, pulling the sleeves stained with blood.

He lowered his head, but with a hollow and ruthless smile on his face.

"If it wasn't for the sentence you just said, I really haven't remembered who you are."

The man's mouth had already shed blood, and under Rong Luyi's hateful eyes, he gradually lost his last breath.

"In those days, as your sister's Xixi, you deceived her innocence and left her stuck in that dirty place for a lifetime, you **** it!"

Even if it is a thousand swords, he can't dispel his hatred.

I didn't expect him to look for so many years, but the enemy came to the door.

He gave the body a contemptuous glance, ready to rectify and leave.

I didn't want to be far away, and suddenly remembered the voice of a young man.

"If you don't want to die, just stay where you are, or you'll all be blown up!"

Qi Rong Lu was secretly shocked.

不是 Isn't all the gunpowder just blasted?

At the moment, he turned around immediately, his face pretending to be calm.

"We are also persecuted, it is really helpless! Please also, please stay with us, we will go down the mountain immediately and never come back."

After defeating the enemy, he is still the uncle Rong who can deal with auction houses in a colorful manner.

I was just a pity. I was talking about a little fox raised by a fox. Where would I listen to his letter?

"What about being persecuted? Today, I only ask your mistakes. Hold me up and take him down the mountain."


This voice is actually a woman!

Su Ronglu suddenly remembered that a few days ago he had a confidant to follow him back.

大多数 Most of the men on this mountain were cheated away, leaving only some old, weak, and sick, and the leading young man.

But they all ignored, it was these women who stiffly escaped under their siege.

Even later, he could bite off a piece of their meat from time to time.

By now, they are all embarrassed, but the other side has not even revealed his face.

This perception is not ordinary.

"This this"

He couldn't figure out the situation, but didn't dare to run away at will.

I was hesitating. A few men who seemed to be practicing family came here, and caught him and his confidants a few times.

"do not move!"

The young man continued to threaten and gradually got out of the darkness.

Qi Ronglu looked incredible at this overly young face.

Who the **** did he fight with for so long?

Zhu Yan ignored him and just ordered: "Send him to my sister. Remember, you must tie it up, otherwise, if he takes advantage of the opportunity and is not good for his sister, I will ask you."

Soon after the sting, Lin Mengya's brows fine-tuned, and Rong Luyi, who was almost tied into a flesh, smiled very meaningfully.

"Rong is in charge, no, maybe I should call you more now, Rong Lord. We really have a destiny, we actually met here."

Qi Ronglu was not stupid, so she could hear her words with irony.

But between light and flint, he finally wanted to understand.

"Did you take those slaves that day?"

She responded with a smile and slowly said, "It's not just that, but Rong's owner doesn't know it. Since everyone is an acquaintance, I'll open my door."

Her smile disappeared, staring at him, only a little indifferent.

"You do n’t know it ’s my person. We wo n’t mention it for the time being. The poison door master is the house owner. I ’m sure the house owner also knows it? As your former partner, I want to know, the house owner Isn't there any reason for this? "

Don't look at her euphemism, but now he is her captive.

As soon as Rong Lu organized his speech, she was about to speak, and she continued to say, "I know Rong's ability to see people talk, talk to ghosts. But I'm different, if you say If you talk, I will treat you as a person. If you dare to blame me, I will make you a ghost. Rong Lord, please talk slowly. "

Qi Rong Luyi's heart murmured.

以来 Since these days, news about her has kept coming into his ears.

The things she showed were far from the feeling of deliberately posing in the auction.

As soon as she acknowledged that she had a bad eye, she could see through human nature at a glance.

But in front of this woman, he had a sense of embarrassment that was seen through.

He was deceived, that is his ability.

If he knows to deceive but continues to deceive, it is because he is uninterested in asking for help.

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