Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2156: Back to Yaocheng

Hearing her words, she smiled and frowned.

What should I do? It seems that my own cubs hurt each other.

没 "It doesn't matter. I have already thought about what will happen here. In short, it will not be like they were before, and they will be allowed to mess around."

In the past, when she delegated power, she felt that people's hearts were loose. If she was too strict, it would inevitably make people feel uncomfortable.

Now it seems that really can't be too relaxed.

Since it is her personal soldier, it should be a personal soldier.

I ate and drank her, and finally felt that I was an uncle.

岂 How can she let go of such a person easily?

But after Zhu Yan seriously thought about it, she rejected her.

"I still want to stay here."

For Lin Mengya, Zhu Yan's feelings are actually more complicated.

She is his only family member. Although Mr. Zhu also took good care of him before, he was far from Lin Mengya and came more like a family member.

Only family members will care about themselves and love themselves. When she makes a mistake, she will educate her severely.

He seems to have her there, no matter how far away he is, he is at ease.

Because, he knew he was not alone.

Zhu Yan, who grew up in that kind of environment, was actually yearning for her family.

It happened that she fulfilled all his needs.

Zhu Zhuyan will also use her own methods to treat and value her family.

He wants to be stronger and wants to be her dependant.

Alas, although he didn't say it, she felt vaguely and felt it.

"Okay, but I hope you can come home and see us when you are free. Ning'er and Mo Yan haven't seen you much, you have to let them know that there is a very good little 舅舅

I mentioned Ning'er and Mo Yan, Zhu Yan's eyes brightened.

He has always been regarded as a child by others.

Fortunately, the head of the family is finally smaller than himself, no matter what, he still feels a little subtle pleasure.

"Okay, I'll look for you when I'm settled here."

"Well, I'll send someone to pick you up then."

After discussing the rest of the matter, Lin Mengya asked Rong Luyi to write again three times, and no repetition was allowed.

Before leaving, Rong Lu's eyes looked wrong, as if she was so terrible.

I waited until everything was done, and they quickly set off to leave Yanxia Mountain and went to Baili's house again.

Before she left, Zhu Yan deliberately ran over to send her, and also told her another news.

"Someone went to Tiankeng again?"

Inside the carriage, Zhu Yan nodded.

After he returned, he was ordered to guard there, and finally, he caught clues.

"Well, but my people didn't follow up. Those people stayed shortly, as if they were looking for something."

She doesn't know who the other party is, but the purpose should be those two things.

Yeyimen knew that she had entered the **** tree. If it had something to do with Yimen, she should be looking for seeds.

Alas, they didn't know that this thing had long been in her hands.

After thinking about it, she still reluctantly instructed: "In addition to the cave under the cliff, we should have several places to hide. After a while, I let people transport some supplies over, and you let Xiaobai follow Xiaohu helped, and went to the two places to hide together. I always feel that this matter is not over. "

Zhu Zhuyan nodded, and then, at the next intersection, the car stopped.

"Okay, send it here."

She smiled and touched each other's small head, the latter froze, but did not avoid it.

炎 Zhu Yan, who is so clever and unwilling to hold hands, she rarely sees it.

I can't help but scratch my hair for a while.

"Be careful about everything. Come to me when you are in trouble. Don't die for your face."

Zhu Zhuyan was awkward, but still nodded smartly.

He jumped out of the carriage, and he stood in the yard, watching the carriage go away.

Lin Lin Mengya kept looking out the window and waved to him, and two beasts roared in the forest on both sides.

In the end is unwilling, in the end still have to parting.

But she knew that they always had her in their hearts.

This way, it ’s because each side of the sky is still close to the family.

This time I returned on the same road. Everything was calm on the way. Soon, I reached the main city of Baili's.

At this time, it was already in full bloom, and even she changed into a thin little 袄, no longer like the winter season, wrapped like a ball every day.

"Master, we are here."

Qi Yaocheng is already in front of her. Compared with the last time she came, this time, she has some inexplicable mentality.

Similar to the kind of kind that I can finally come back and hit the ground.

"Well, go back first."

The city guards were a lot better than they were last time. After meeting them, they just switched on and released immediately.

In the carriage, Lin Mengya looked at the pedestrians on the street.

Suddenly, a few familiar faces crossed.

Those people are the insiders arranged by Zhenlongtang here.

The news that she came back a few days ago also passed to them.

I now meet on the street, is there something wrong?

It didn't take long for Xun to return to the yard where she had settled, and two came over.

As soon as they met, they hurriedly said, "The church owner, the woman named Jiang Ruqin actually fled with his wife today. We are sending additional staff to find them both."

Regarding the identity of De Fei's maiden, Lin Mengya just told them that she was a wife of her family.

The previous news was that when Jiang Ruqin came to take silver, he was indifferent.

Rather than trying to find all kinds of reasons, they want to cheat money from them.

Although I still point on time, I always feel a little interested.

Alas, her clothes and jewelry were much better than before.

This only shows that she has a better channel to silver

In this case, she still comes every day, presumably she doesn't want them to be aware of her strangeness.

She happened to be today, and just after she returned, Jiang Ruqin fled with his wife.

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

She was asking about Kung Fu. Cai Ru hurriedly rushed to her ear and said, "There is a man named Jiang Ruqin outside, she said that she brought his wife out and wanted you to keep it."

Zhe Lin Mengya moved in her heart, but did not expect that she really came.

She reacted immediately and said, "Let them come in, remember to be careful not to get anyone's attention."


立刻 She immediately instructed the two to keep an eye on the situation on the street.

Then, took Bai Su to the backyard.

The Tatars came in from the backyard. Both were wearing a cloak, but Lin Mengya was sure that it was Jiang Ruqin and De Fei.

The two of them were a little restless. When they saw her, Jiang Ruqin immediately pulled her aunt next to her.

"Aunt, it's Lin Mengya!"

Madame Tu Defei took off her hood, only one glance at her, she burst into tears.

"My son!"

The two embraced and wept, and the concubine De Fei was so sad that she cried.

For the mother-in-law of Defei, Lin Mengya's feelings are still very deep.

I cried, and she immediately let her mother-in-law sit in the seat.

"Mother-in-law, you're thinner and you've lost a lot."

Madame Tuo De Fei touched her little face, still quite pleased.

"There are no concubines anymore. From now on, you say to outsiders that I am Mrs. Jiang. If you don't dislike it, call me a mother. If it is inconvenient, just say that I am a distant relative."

"How?" Lin Mengya shook her head and said, "Anyway, you are my mother. You can rest assured that since we are reunited, I will not let you suffer again. By the way, I adopted Long Tianyu. Mo Yan, you will have two grandchildren ever since. "

When I mentioned my children and grandsons, Mrs. Jiang's face finally had a sincere smile.

I was actually satisfied with Lin Mengya's daughter-in-law, one hundred and one thousand, and those things that had happened in the past also made her thoroughly look away.

Nothing is more important than living together as a family.

It's time for them to reunite, but Jiang Ruqin looks a little anxious.

"Bye cousin, when will my cousin come?"

Zhe Lin Mengya was not very clear about Jiang Ruqin's purpose, but she still felt subconsciously that it was better not to expose Long Tianyu.

"He has something in the past few days, and he won't be able to come back at 1:30. You live here, and I can guarantee your safety."

夫人 Mrs. Jiang heard the words and said immediately, "Our business, you still don't have to tell him first. He is outside, don't let him be distracted."

Zhe Lin Mengya nodded, and did not miss the anxiety that flashed across Jiang Ruqin's face.

Is her purpose Yu?

But next, Jiang Ruqin didn't continue to hold on to this problem, but instead accompany Mrs. Jiang very well.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that her mother-in-law must have been very tired recently, and immediately arranged for the room.

I looked at the surface, everything was normal.

But after entering the night, as soon as she came out of her mother-in-law's room, Cairu quietly sang: "Master, Jiang Ruqin slipped out."

This is her deliberate stay, and Jiang Ruqin is not easy.

"See where did she go?"

她 "She went to a restaurant, but came back not long afterwards."

"Did she meet anyone?"

Cai Ru shook her head and said, "No, she just sat there and left. I followed your request to pretend to have found her. However, Jiang Ruqin did not seem to panic, but said that she was I can't sleep, I just want to go for a walk. "

In my opinion, this man is really prosperous.

"Continue to let her be monitored, and be sure to find out her purpose."

As a recidivist with a lot of ex-subjects, she doesn't think Jiang Ruqin would be so kind.

What's more, she knew exactly how tight the defense of Baili's old house was.

Can she save a big living person with her rough girl? This is heaven and earth.

Behind him, there was a deliberately light footstep.

Lin Lin Mengya turned around and spoke slowly.

"In the evening, cousin girl doesn't go to sleep, what does she come here for?"

But Bai Su and Cai Ru didn't hear anything.

As soon as she saw her voice, one of them came out from the shadow behind them.

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