Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2164: Conspiracy revealed


"Jiang Ruqin" tore off the mask on her face, revealing the face of a strange woman.

She slowly pulled out the long knife, and immediately resolved the person next to Bai Lijian.

But the situation changed suddenly. Even the city guards were stupid. They waited in place, and when they responded, the severely injured Bai Lijian was held by the woman.

"You, who are you exactly?" Bai Lijian was now shocked and angry.

The woman did not talk, but Lin Mengya under the city wall, mockingly said, "Who is she? Isn't this obvious?"

After speaking, he stopped talking to each other and raised his voice, saying "hands on."

In a blink of an eye, those ordinary poisonous disciples all pulled out their weapons.

Immediately, from a group of lambs slaughtered by anyone, they became tigers and wolves in charge.

She stood proudly in front of everyone, and her eyes and brows were free and cheerful.

Drew out the piece of kraft paper, raised his eyebrows, and jokingly announced, "The third game is to see who can push the opponent to a retreat faster, can you hear it?"

In fact, they all know that no matter what is written on kraft paper, it is no longer important.

From the beginning to the present, everything they have done is for this moment.

The people in Yiyimen quickly resumed calmness. In any case, this time they also seized the opportunity.

Jiyaomen was slightly inferior to them both in number and strategy, but Lin Mengya gave them a slap in the face with reality.

Just when the medical gate wanted to destroy them all, Yaocheng's door suddenly opened, and the reinforcements of the poisonous gate rushed out. They felt that something was bad and wanted to retreat to retain their strength. Cut off all their escape routes.

Chen Long Tian Yu'an sat on horseback and looked around coldly.

Now the real dilemma has become a medical practice.

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "It's too late to surrender."

It's a pity that those people are stubborn and insidious.

She smiled coldly and said, "Catch them all. I want them to know who is the one who made the rules."

Inside Yaoyao City, those medical practitioners who hid in their hearts were full of glee and joy at the fiasco of their rivals.

"Look at the scum of the poisonous gangs now, how can we brag about us?"

I didn't wait long for them to be happy, and someone ran in outside.

不好 "Not good, not good, those who have poisoned the gate have seen through our plan and are now driving into the city"


The medical practitioner who still looked happy just grabbed the man's placket and couldn't help yelling, "Impossible, they must now be our prisoners."

The people who reported the letter laughed bitterly and said, "Little ones really dare not hide you, they have never left the city at all."

He didn't finish speaking, so he could hear outside, with arrogant provocation.

"The grandchildren inside the doctor's office listen, your grandfathers, you're here to take your lives"

The people at the doctor's office were angry and angry, but they didn't dare to rush out, lest this was the opponent's radical method.

But there are some things that they can't escape by narrowing their necks.

Those who have poisoned the door have been holding their breath for a long time, and they are worried that there is no place to scatter.

Suddenly, like a fish entering the sea, without any hesitation, he rushed in.

If the people in the medical department have the mind of desperate resistance, then it is estimated that the poison door still has to weigh a few points.

Ye Ke, as Lin Mengya had predicted before leaving.

The people in the medical department are all greedy for fear of death. They do not, and dare not fight hard with the people in the drug department.

It turns out that the one who knows you best is always the enemy.

Nearly effort, the poisonous people successfully captured the disciples of the medical department.

When everyone was **** into a mule and sent to meet in Yaocheng's square, the disciples of medical practitioners had no pride in the past.

"Tell the owner, everyone in the hospital is here, please show me how to deal with them."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and her eyes circled around the crowd.

"You are sure, everyone is here"

The man immediately nodded and said, "We came out of the nest to make sure that no one was let out of our siege."

Lin Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

"Where is the Baili Family"

"Since last night, the Baili family has closed its doors and has not participated in any medical practice."

When she felt something was wrong, Cheng Rusong, the master of the Cheng family who had just been rescued from the city wall, came over anxiously.

"Gong Ya, go to Baili's house, they want to bury the whole people in Yaocheng"

Although Cheng Rusong still had to see the help of two people to walk, he was very anxious.

"Uncle Cheng, you know the inside story"

Cheng Rusong panicked and said hurriedly, "The people of the Baili family are crazy. They believe some people's gossip and think that this is the only way to surpass everyone. But what they are doing now is digging themselves Graves, someone will tell you, stop them now "

梦 Lin Mengya has always known that Cheng Rusong is a person who is deeply hidden. Even if others do not notice it, he can do it well.

I didn't delay at the moment, and rushed to Baili's with a few people.

Someone on the road did meet her and reported her some basic situations.

Hagiwara came from the teacher's father to give up the Baili family. Those in the Baili family were not satisfied with the status quo and always wanted to become the top ten family.

So they secretly touched Xiancheng.

Under the command of Xiancheng, they first sought medical treatment. Later, he used the influence of the medical department to achieve his own goals.

For example, they recruited a group of poison doctors who secretly acted as innocents. They used the identity of medical practitioners to whiten them, and then put on the reputation of good doctors, but continued to do bad things secretly.

Things like this are countless and undetected in the past few decades.

Even if it happened today, everyone would put the responsibility on the doctor, and they wouldn't think that this was what they did.

As for this conspiracy, it is even more outrageous.

"A few months ago, my homeowner found out that the homeless beggars in my territory always disappeared inexplicably. Every time the population disappeared, it happened after the transit of the Baili family or after the station. The younger ones came here to monitor them, but they didn't want these people to secretly transform these people into poisonous people. "

As a hidden stump of Cheng's family, he could not access the core secrets of Baili's family. But with clues, one or two can be inferred.

"Once these poisoned people are released, the entire Yaocheng people will be infected. At that time, this place will become a dead city. Not only that, those poisons can also be transmitted to another place through normal people. By then, Becomes, the plague "

When mentioning these two words, Rao Yilin Mengya's boldness also banned her heart from being cold.

In the past history of humankind, every major plague represents the death of a large number of innocent civilians.

She bit her lip, her eyes full of anger.

到底 What is life in the eyes of these conspirators

到底 What right do they have to destroy the lives of so many people and take away their hope?

Hurry up and say, "I won't let them succeed"

At the moment, the gate of the Barry's house seemed to be the last line of defense to shut the beast.

Zhe Lin Mengya motioned to everyone to step back, leaving herself alone.

There are no less than ten toxins in the system that can be regarded as infectious diseases.

Continue like this, as soon as these people appear, there is nothing to stop them.

She stepped forward cautiously and knocked on the door, but the door was easily opened by a gap.

Zhe Lin Mengya went into Baili's house, which was a lively front yard, but she was not alone at the moment.

She frowned and asked, "Are there anyone?"

There was no response at all from She, she walked in slowly, but suddenly she heard a roar like a roar from a beast.

Then a figure stumbled over, and she subconsciously ducked to avoid the person, making people fall to the ground, but her hand grabbed her hem.

"Save me, save me"

The man's face was covered with blood, Qi Ruoyou said.

She immediately crouched down to see the man's condition.

At this moment, the person who had a very strong will to survive just now has widened his eyes and stopped breathing.

Tritium toxins attacked his heart and brain. He remained absolutely awake before death, and therefore suffered considerable pain.

Until he died, he kept his look of fear.

Even though Lin Mengya was accustomed to life and death, she still couldn't bear it.

伸出 She reached out and closed the eyes of the man, and she would remember it all on the ambitionists.

I walked unswervingly to the backyard. There were dozens of iron cages high in the yard.

狈 In each cage were a few embarrassed people.

只有 The only thing they have in common is that the bare skin on the whole body doesn't look good, and their throats are all roaring like beasts, and they can't utter a word.

There are many well-dressed people standing outside the cage, with a few excited people on their faces.

They look like people in a cage, just like watching a cockfight.

I even had some bloodthirsty excitement.

Those people did not panic when they saw the arrival of Lin Mengya, but revealed a little pride.

"The owner of the palace, I didn't expect you to choose to come back. This is really a way to heaven, you don't go to hell, there is no way, you vote on your own, and now you can't admit it."

I was talking about Baili Feng, who is currently the loudest voice of the Baili family.

He was originally the same as Bai Lijian and Bai Lirui, but all the light was monopolized by those two people, and he couldn't even get a scum.

Years of obscurity have twisted his heart, and now he finally has a chance to prove himself. There is no right or wrong in his eyes.

"Now it's like if you confess your guilt, I will surely make you ashamed"

Lin Lin Mengya's voice was cold.

She really can't understand this kind of selfish thinking and behavior. If there is only a way to kill and stop violence, she is willing to be the executor.

Everyone who insults a man will kill him.

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