Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2170: Strong crush

Today's Yaocheng has been strictly controlled. It needs to be checked in and out regardless of entering and exiting. Finally, the disciples determined that they could not enter or leave without carrying poison.

Fortunately, before the city was closed, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu both made corresponding measures. The situation in the city was quickly brought under control, and the normal life of civilians would not be greatly affected.

But some people don't let them go so smoothly.

A large part of Pu Yaocheng is a member of the Baili clan. After Lin Mengya took over Yao Cheng, this part of the people did not understand the inside story, so they wanted to move.

刚 As soon as they reached the gate of the city, they heard a loud noise.

"Yaocheng belongs to our Baili family. When will it be your turn to take the reins?"

"We want to see the owner, you get out of me"

She rolled over and dismounted, and immediately someone walked back and forth.

"Lord, I don't know who inspired them, these people are clamoring to see their owners."

She nodded and knew something.

I followed her men into the city, but did not want anyone to recognize her.

"It's her, she's the poison doorkeeper, Gongya"

The crowd rushed towards her in an instant and surrounded her with three layers inside and three outside.

Zhe Lin Mengya was very calm, watching them scolding themselves.

He said nothing more than some words, implying that she would occupy the nest of the dove and the ancestor of the yue.

I saw that she did not respond, and the group thought she was guilty.

As a result, she was more confident, and her accusations became more explicit.

In the end, it was even more impassioned, as if she had done something unforgiving.

"In short anyway today you have to give us a statement, Yaocheng has been from our ancestral home from ancient times to the present day. You, an outsider, are here to lay hands and put us."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled coldly and said to the person, "Oh, I'd like to ask you, how did I let it today, how about not let it"

The man saw him as a woman, with a more domineering tone.

让 "Yes, you and I will be fine. If you don't, then I can only ask you out."

She only thought that the person in front of her was too stupid, and she waved away the want to go to the lesson, which was the hand of the unknown man.

"Please, I'm afraid to hurry, but if you really have this ability, why bother talking to me here"

Her disdainful tone broke through the bluff of the other side, and the man suddenly blushed and became angry and said, "The visitor is a guest, I am only a courteer and a soldier. Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me."

"Please, I'll wait for you in the old house of Baili. But first of all, I have a problem. It is easy to fight with black hands, and the six relatives don't recognize it. If you dare to come, you better buy a coffin for yourself. So as to prevent the family from collecting corpses and getting busy. "

This remark severely deterred those who wanted to touch the fish in the muddy water, and then left with their own people, and let those clowns continue to be ashamed.

"Find out why these people suddenly rioted."

Beside him, someone was ordered to leave immediately.

She was not surprised at all in such a situation, but these people were silent yesterday. Today it was determined that the Baili family was under her control, and they ran here to demonstrate.

可以 She can be sure that there wasn't any one day, and the people of Baili family escaped from under her eyelids.

What's more, those people have also seen her means. Where can you dare to inspire these defenseless people?

Soon there will be feedback from men.

"You mean that someone is spreading rumors in secret, saying that I want to annex the Baili family"

His uncle nodded, and respectfully told her the news he had originally heard.

"Yes, not only that, but some people actually said that we were doing this to kill all the people in the Baili family and occupy Yaocheng. Now those people are discussing how to break through our blockade."

呵 "Well, this is really a kind of donkey liver and lungs."

Xu Wenyan said that Lin Mengya could not help but smirk.

"Master, what should we do"

"No hurry, if they are in direct conflict with us, those who tell us don't need to bother, just let them out of town."


She had already guessed that such a thing must have been a mischief behind her.

Since they want to go out, she just fulfills their wishes.

After I dealt with all this, she took the wreckage and found the teacher and uncle.

After hearing about Bai Lijian's atrocities, Bai Lirui and Wu Yan were both angry.

But they are more worried about another thing than the wreckage being used.

"Those people didn't know where these bones were buried. Although we didn't collect them very carefully, I can be sure they couldn't find them there."

Teacher Yun's words made her think more.

"You mean, they might find another place"

Teacher Nod nodded, and then sighed.

"You don't know the danger there, I am afraid that they brought out the contents inside."

Zhe Lin Mengya was nervous.

Teacher Qun Lian also found it difficult, and the situation was obviously more urgent than she expected.

Seeing the dignity of her face, Bian Rui knew that her words had put a lot of pressure on the students.

"You don't have to worry too much. The environment there is completely different from here. Some things may not be available even if they want to bring them out."

Looking at the teacher's determination, Lin Mengya couldn't help being more curious, but she knew that the teacher and the uncle were very principled people, and they would never let those people go.

The bones were verified by the teacher and the uncle, and it was found that after the calcination, there would be signs of detoxification, that is, high temperature became the key.

But it is strange that these bones, even if all the toxins have disappeared, cannot be an antidote.

She has been blocking the news and did not disclose what the child would be infected with.

Fortunately, they responded in a timely manner and controlled the source of poison in the Baili family's enclosure. Otherwise, if there was a large-scale outbreak of poison at this time, there would be more extinction.

In the evening, when she was working with the teacher and they wanted it, Cai Ru rushed to report.

"Master, they have rushed out of the city."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, no panic at all.

After a short while, Cai Ru returned to the news again.

他们 "They don't know where to get the weapons and horses, they are preparing to recapture Yaocheng"

Lin Lin Mengya put down her hand and rubbed her brows.

"I did not expect to keep this trick, you told them to go down and tell them, open the door to meet the enemy and give me a hard hit"

They all estimated that something was wrong, and the person who thought she had a poisonous door would have nothing.

Combat power.

This time she will let their begging grandpa sue grandma.

In the dungeon, Bai Lijian, who had been silent, finally became active this time.

He was very arrogant and asked to see Lin Mengya. When the latter rushed to the dungeon, Bai Lijian looked at her proudly.

"It's no wonder if the gatekeeper of the palace is a bit burned now. Who can think of it? The ordinary ordinary people in Yaocheng are actually trained elite gatekeepers. You are still too immature."

"Oh, really"

Holding her arms up, she seemed unmoved.

I probably thought he was in control, and Bai Lijian also revealed his arrogant nature.

"Do you know why only the people of the Bailijia clan can live long in this city"

She clenched her lips without saying a word, and Bai Lijian even concluded that she must have no power to fight back.

"That's because I have been training the people of the Barry family secretly since more than a decade ago. No matter whether they are men, women or children, they can fight at critical moments. You think that you have occupied Yaocheng, but you are just catching it. . "

"Did you finish talking? May I go now?"

Bali Jian's crazy laugh was stuck in his throat. What he didn't notice was that from the beginning to the present, Lin Mengya's mood was too cold and calm.

"Do you want to threaten them with me and tell you, this is simply impossible"

"Are you qualified as a hostage?"

Lin Mengya asked back, holding Bailijian enough.

"No one in this world can be perfect, and how much do you know about leading a battle? I want to hide the news. You must not dare to find those names to train in the future. There is one thing you must have never thought of. All three generations are well-known generals. I do n’t see through such a simple strategy. ”

Her ridicule was too straightforward, Bai Lijian's face could not help turning from white to purple.

Lin Mengya was particularly inadequate, and continued to say, "My father has been on the battlefield for many years, and he has never failed. My elder brother even led a pioneer general in his teens, and he can kill seven in and seven out of the enemy. My husband is even more familiar. The military method is to use the soldier as a god. Playing tricks with me, you are not my opponent even if you give birth three more times. "

Perhaps other conspiracies and tricks can make her fearful, but she is the leader of the battle.

As she went out, she mocked and said, "It's a coincidence. My father, my brother, and my husband are here now. Oh, by the way, senior Cheng was also a general in the army. How can you fight with me?"

里 Balijian was not as determined as he was at the beginning, and shouted across the fence door, "Even if you have a few good people, how can there be no army, they can only fight alone"

She turned back, with a little compassion in her eyes.

"Who told you I don't have an army"

唇 The corners of her lips slowly twitched, but there was a little sloppyness in that smile.

"From the time I intend to protect the world in your hands, I have an army that is indestructible and irreplaceable"

She wasn't behind her, Bai Lijian called 嚷.

She was defeated, and from then on, she would remove all his minions, so that he could no longer be evil in the world.

She turned on her horse and reached under the gate as quickly as possible.

I was unscrupulous just now, and felt that I was an invincible army of miscellaneous brands, but at the moment was trembling and besieged in the middle.

Long Tianyu beside him was wearing a light armor, and looked down at these dregs.

"Fight, or drop"

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