"Hey, hey, okay, okay"

Zhe Lin Muzhi was excited and couldn't say a complete sentence. He thought he would never see his little daughter again, and did n’t want God to be so generous with him.

The three of them finally reunited, and he just felt no regret in this life.

"Brother is still outside and will come over in a moment."

She wiped her tears embarrassed, although she was still a little timid just now, but now she has recovered the attitude of her little daughter before her father.

Lin Linmuzhi looked at his little daughter, feeling very emotional.

He had heard a lot of things from her two old friends about her, both proud and distressed about her daughter.

But more is the debt to her daughter.

If his father is not so useless, his daughter doesn't have to be so tired.

"I have heard about your brother's affairs, and let him do whatever it takes."

In the face of his father's "emphasis on women over men", Lin Mengya could only secretly order a wax for his brother in his heart.

She smiled like a flower on her face, holding her dad's arm to coquettishly.

"I know, my brother helped me a lot. By the way, Dad will go back with me this time, and the two boys will be very happy."

"is it"

When I mentioned the two little grandchildren, Lin Muzhi had a lot of smiles on his face. "These two boys are definitely my Lin family's bloodline, and they must not be wrong."

But a person walking outside the hospital made the smile on his father's face converge a lot.

She rolled her eyes and immediately laughed and circled between the two.

"Daddy, for some reason and now I don't remember the past."

I said my father-in-law and son-in-law were natural enemies, but fortunately, this time Long Tianyu performed well, otherwise his father would not be so easy to pass.

Mu Linzhi's complexion was a bit complicated. To be honest, he never felt that Long Tianyu was his best son-in-law candidate.

He Kenai's daughter liked it, and he learned to accept it.

I now think that this person is also good to his daughter.

Looking at the face of his daughter and two grandchildren, he smiled at Long Tianyu.

"Forget not to be afraid, as long as it does not disappoint you, it is not so important to remember."

"Ok, I know."

That ’s why Long Tianyu does n’t recognize the man in front of him, but because of his natural courtship with his father-in-law, his attitude is much more respectful than treating others.

"Have met my father-in-law."

He even changed his face and heartbeat to his father-in-law, almost forgetting that he was still unmarried between him and Lin Mengya.

Gao Linmuzhi nodded and said lightly, "Go ahead and talk."

"Yes, please first."

If Long Tianyu's men saw this scene, they would be surprised.

Is this still your Highness who is so arrogant that God wants to take a thunder

Lin Mengya held her father's arm and looked at his man with a smile.

行 "Okay, don't be too nervous, my dad doesn't eat people."

I do n’t know, but she saw clearly how rigid Long Tianyu's straight waist was.

"I just respect my father-in-law."

Lin Muzhi, who was walking in front, heard the conversation between the young couple, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more profound.

It doesn't matter, as long as they live well, the father will be relieved.

In the house, Cheng Rusong, Ma Lian, and the deputy head of the temple, got along well these days, after all, they were considered to have lived and died together, and their relationship was closer than others.

In addition, they all admired the young couple very much, for fear that the adult father-in-law would take a nap, so these days also said a lot of good things for Long Tianyu.

I saw the reunion of their family, and these people were also happy.

But after being happy, when Lin Mengya presented the plans and plans of the Baili family, everyone's face was a little dignified.

"This matter is really heartbroken"

Bianma Lianlian continuous shooting table.

"Are they afraid of being condemned by doing this?"

Cheng Rusong's face was also very ugly.

As far as he knows, there has also appeared in the fiefdom, targeting the condition of infants and children.

It seems that those who have been dealt a poisonous hand by this time also have a copy of their Cheng family.

"I have developed a preliminary response method. After a few days, the two will go back and take the emergency."

Faced with such a big conspiracy, Li Mengya did not hide.

She can take advantage of the situation and ask Ma Cheng to look at her in the future, but this is unpopular, and it is not her style to robbery in the fire.

Wu Wenyan said that both Cheng Rusong and Ma Lian's affection for her had risen in a straight line, and he sighed in his heart that if there was such a person in his own family, he would be comfortable in the future.

They invariably looked at the cold-faced man with envious eyes, and the stink boy was quite accurate.

"I will also return to the Lord of the Temple in a timely manner."

The deputy chief of the vice palace was also worried.

一旦 Once this poison erupts, the entire Patriotic State will be paralyzed.

If Xiancheng strikes at this time, they will have no power to fight back.

Cheng Cheng and Ma looked at each other, and finally Cheng Rusong said, "The housekeeper, since we are old acquaintances, I will say something straight."

"Please speak."

Cheng Rusong touched his beard and pondered and said, "As soon as this happened, all the families can no longer pretend to be deaf. If they want to survive, they must fight in fairy cities. But without a leader, this matter is impossible. "

On this matter, Lin Mengya also has her own plans.

"Don't hide the two, in fact we have made some preparations before, but the time is not ripe yet, it should not be exposed to people."

Ma Chengcheng looked at each other, sighed that it was the world of young people, and their response was always one step slower.

However, they are all open-minded people, there is nothing awkward at the moment, but they would like to hear the details.

"I think now that everyone is aware of the existence of Xiancheng, it will make them panic. It is better to take this as a trial and strengthen the public's ability to accept the matter little by little. As a result, when Xiancheng is completely exposed At the same time, everyone will not feel that they are too busy to resist. "

I would like to say that Lin Mengya ’s biggest gain this time is that in addition to consolidating the poison gates into one, more opportunities are available for actual combat.

She now has the opposite idea and is more mature.


Ma Lian hesitated for a moment, and said, "But then, everyone is like a blind man, unable to identify who is the real enemy?"

In fact, they were not worried about anything, except that they were standing too high. They did not expect that the sight of the people at the bottom could not be level with them. However, in the confrontation with Xiancheng, there were very few seniors who knew the inside story.

So they must strengthen public awareness so that they gradually understand what they are facing now.

She smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, in fact, the enemy has already appeared."

Everyone thought for a while, Cheng Rusong responded fastest.

"You mean medical practice"

"Yes. I guess that apart from assisting Bailijian in detoxification, the medical practice certainly has other functions, and the medical practice has a wide scope, and they are closely related to the public's relationship. They are currently the best opponents. "

What's more, what's going on inside the doctor's office, they're not very clear.

Xi Bailijian didn't have such great ability. The reason he could control the medical treatment must be the convenience provided by Xiancheng. Once he died, there would surely be other agents.

After explaining the joints, everyone nodded in agreement.

Li Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong are well-informed. Don't look at them getting old, but they have unique experience.

Everyone agreed on some other things, and finally, under the proposal of Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong, they unanimously made the palace family the core of this counterattack.

As for the strength of the palace family, not to mention Lin Mengya's ability, this time they fully realized the true skill of the little couple.

The matter was not too late, and after the plans were agreed upon, the three were ready to leave.

Before he left, Lin Mengya generously gifted them both.

The unfathomable Ma Lian sighed again and again, and finally secretly pulled her aside and asked, "Don't you want to think about others, girl?"

Seeing her doubts, Ma Lian cleared her throat and said in a low voice, "I mean, you might as well pick a husband in our horse house, rest assured. Although my horse house has never had a female head, but everything is from Nothing, if you come through the door, I will convince the old guys, I will be the master of the horse family. "

Looking at Ma Lianxin's vows, Lin Mengya couldn't help crying.

Long Tianyu, who had a terrible ear next to him, looked at Ma Lian coldly, and that look was wrong.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya responded quickly and refused immediately.

不用 "No, thank you for your old love, but I am quite satisfied with my life now."

But Ma Lian didn't give up, and continued to persuade him, "Look at this guy who is cold. Where is our house? Those boys know how to be cold and hot, so as long as you can pass through the door, everything in our family will listen to you."

Holding one arm over her waist, she lowered her voice in a deep voice.

不必 "No, she is the head of the family now."

Ma Lian was not at all found guilty of guilty after digging the wall, but he was very eloquent.

"Boy, don't you think that you are in a good position now. This man has a problem with being new and tired of the old. If you don't cherish it, there are people who want to replace you."

Ma Lian's words are sour, half jealous and half warning.


Simple word, but reveals a definite determination.

知道 He knows that he has been indifferent in his life. Now he has given her all the love, and no one can move his heart.

"Thanks for the concern of Senior Ma, he won't, I know."

伸出 She reached out her hand and clasped him tightly.

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling strong.

Li Ma Lian shook his head, he could not help thinking of his wife at home.

The hands of Zhizi, and Zizi are old, in the end they still did.

Forget it, children and grandchildren have children and grandchildren, and now he only needs to worry about what he should worry about.

凌 The next morning, the three of them went back.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood on the wall and watched them leave, I hope everything goes smoothly.

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