Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2176: Incredible

Amazing Poison Princess II Chapter 176 Unbelievable 800♂, wonderful free reading

"I suspect that the purpose of Gong Kang's return this time is not so simple."

As soon as I sat down, my four brothers went straight to the subject.

Gao Linmengya thought about it and said, "Although the farce that happened at the door was in line with the behavior of a wayward arrogant and ignorant grandson, I have a feeling."

She stared at her brother's eyes. "Everything is perfect."

Kuimiya nodded at four, he had long expected that the keenness of his younger sister would inevitably find it.

Whether it was the cause of Gong Kang's uproar, or the shock and final remorse and anger that he encouraged his servants to admit his status, which was later pierced by his younger sister, it was like a rehearsal.

I use Lin Mengya's words that although the acting is good, the emotional interpretation is too poor.

She leaned lazily on the chair, narrowed her eyes, and had a little fun on her face.

"It looks like we, the Gong Kang, have a lot of secrets."

Kuimiya nodded at four, and told him all the abnormalities he had made him stare at Gong Kang.

One of them caught her attention.

"Gong Kang will go to study every other day, this study is fixed"

Because of the steady development of Sitai College, there are already many shops specially opened for students in non-Yecheng, and study is one of the most popular among students.

Kumiya shook his head.

"It's not fixed. He doesn't go to the same place more than twice every time. That's what makes people suspicious."

According to Yan, the scale of the book collection of Sitai College was already the best in Weiguo College. But no matter how complete it is, there are still omissions, so these study rooms that specialize in partial books are particularly popular with students.

加上 In addition, in order to attract more merchants, all shops such as study houses will have certain subsidies.

Therefore, the study in the non-Yecheng city is even more famous, and even the scholars in the nearby land will come here deliberately.

But because of its competitiveness, almost every study has its own characteristics, and most of the people it attracts are specific.

I go to every house like Gong Kang, unless it is just to fill the facade, or do not know how to pretend to follow the trend.

It's obvious that Gong Kang doesn't belong to either of these two, and he does this to give people a feeling of wanting to cover up.

"Have you checked the history of these study houses?"

Kuimiya nodded at four, with a little doubt on his face.

"I have sent someone to check it secretly. The origins of these study rooms are very legitimate, but they have one thing in common. These study rooms are full of whimsical talks. Although these books are widely used by fans , But they are the only ones. The emphasis is on the legend of the ancient kingdom of the Wei. "

The study was quiet.

Lin Mengya could not help but take a deep breath.

地方 This place used to be like a dream, and turned into a nightmare, like a shadow.

Until now, she couldn't even get rid of it.

Suimiya Gin suddenly felt the little girl in front of her, and her thoughts seemed a bit erratic.

He was about to shake each other and saw a figure, a step faster than him.

"Everything is over, good, don't think about it, don't be afraid."

Lin Long Tianyu embraced Lin Mengya as a protector.

The latter grasped his arm tightly, as if a drowning man suddenly floated up, breathing heavily.

"Sister, this is you"

Kumiya Shiri retracted his hand and asked worriedly.

Xun Long Tianyu protected the person in front of his chest. "Because of the past things, Ya'er was a bit difficult to come out. However, I will accompany him, please leave first."

They have a common past. This is a part of the field that Miyaji can never reach and cannot replace.

In his study, Lin Mengya calmed down gradually under his comfort.

She breathed a long sigh of relief, "I'm not afraid, I just can't forget."

I do n’t feel anything when I ’m experiencing something, but when it turns into a mountain and strikes aggressively, it always makes people feel suffocating.

"It's okay to be afraid, you have me."

In terms of aspect, Long Tianyu is very confident.

Looking at his pride, Lin Mengya's strange feeling dilutes a lot.

"Why did Gong Kang deliberately introduce us to Gu Weiguo?"

Long Tianyu shook his head, "No matter what his purpose is, it will not be a good thing in the end. Gu Weiguo is too mysterious. Until now, no one can tell when and where it once existed. But every time Individuals are firm. The defending of the country is from the inheritance of the ancient defending country. No one can solve the mystery. "

I once trapped the legacy of the ancient Wei Wei, but it was a conspiracy of the caring people, they would not take it seriously.

But she thinks that the people behind Gong Kang should not be so boring. Use another illusion and want to lie to her again

"This fact is too strange, even if we know it is a trap, we can't let it go."

Chen Longtianyu knocked on the table. "That person should want us to doubt the origins of those shopkeepers, but the authenticity of those shopkeepers, so we will definitely target the books."


She nodded and added.

"What he wanted to do was confuse the information we were in contact with. In this way, because we found it by ourselves, we could not notice him."

Xiaolong Tianyu raised a brow slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Playing mental and physical means in front of us, it seems that we really don't take us seriously."

"I think it's because he knows us too well."

There was a little anxiety in Gao Linmengya's heart.

"How to say" Long Tianyu asked.

"On the surface, their methods are considered superb, at least they are in line with our habits. Don't forget the things that Gong Kang did before, but it's not easy. You don't think his strategy is keeping up Is it too simple compared to one time? "

Lin Mengya, who calmed down, seemed to be on the hook, with all the details in her head.

The feeling before Wu Gongkang was that she was cunning, keen, and maybe a little bit infatuated.

But the man standing in front of them today was arrogant, almost like an idiot.

Even if the real reason is because the person behind him is so powerful, but if he is a rotten mud that can't support the wall, then he will be messed up if he plans to do more.

So what Gong Kang showed them now is what he wanted them to see.

Including today's farce, maybe even those study rooms.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was flexible and instantly thought of a good way.

"Isn't he trying to track us down? I'll just check it out for him."

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head and looked at him doubtfully.

The latter gently squeezed her little nose, "He even wanted to divert our eyes, then we

I want to make him the focus of everyone's eyes. "

Although I don't know his plan, Lin Mengya still has some expectations in her heart.

She smiled and said, "So I'll wait for the good news."

"Relax, wrap me"

He patted his chest, and the win was in his hands.

He left the public resistance from the palace wolverine, and did not choose to settle in his friends or good places.

He walked far away, until he was sure that no one could see it later, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and his actions were faster than others.

He knocked on a door carefully, and then made sure he didn't stare at him around before blinking in.

Inside is a small boxy courtyard, but probably because of the unique taste of the owner, it looks slightly different from the ordinary courtyard.

Apparently he knew the road here lightly, and barely used his servant's guidance, and walked into the main house in the middle of himself.

It was very dark inside, but a pale candle was burning on the table.

White candle is special, there is almost no wax oil underneath, the flame seems to be immune to the influence of air flow, and rarely shakes.

Sitting beside the table, there was a man wrapped in a black cloak, tightly wrapped.

Gong Fang was still grim, and after seeing this man, a different kind of frenzy burst into his eyes.

"Meet the Lord Goddess"

声音 His voice seemed to tremble because of excitement.

The woman in front of him is his light and heat, and also his life's belief.

For this person, he can give everything and sell his soul.

"We don't have to be so courteous between us."

The voice sounded like a green smoke, like the whisper of a fairy in the sky.

Wu Mingming didn't have any other feelings, but it made Gong Kang's mania rise to a new stage.

"My Goddess, I can do everything for your great cause"

The goddess took off the hood on her head, and her exposed face was almost bloodless.

Gong Kang, who saw the true content of the goddess, burst into tears.

"Did you finally meet me, did you? I have been waiting for this day for a long time"

He was like a traveler who finally came to the other shore after wading through mountains and mountains, exhausting his last strength and about to be drowned in the waves, but at the moment of death, he found his ideal heaven.

Even though it may be an illusion, he still reached out and firmly grasped this plume of smoke that may drift at any time.

Lord Goddess sighed quietly.

"Although I can come to your side again, but because of the exhaustion of my divine power, I don't remember the story that happened between us, will you blame me?"

If Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu are here, they will definitely see how stiff the expression on the face of "Goddess" is.

It's a pity that in the eyes of a lunatic, the soul is dreaming, and how many years of appearance is his deity.

With tears in his eyes, he carefully took the goddess's hand.

"As long as I can make you fully alive, I am willing to pay everything."

"Goddess" gently stroked Gong Kang's cheek. "Find me more offerings. As long as they look more beautiful and younger, my **** will become more and more satisfied."

The scene at this time is already a little creepy, but unfortunately, in the eyes of Gong Kang, it is still full of emotions.

"I will sacrifice the entire palace family to you, my favorite goddess"

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