Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2193: Holy city new rules

He said that the three were in a hug, and looking at the flood of Jinshan, Cai Ru immediately advised a few words, and then they stopped the three.

All their conversations, Lin Mengya heard a full ear.

Although the three leave with gratitude, Lin Mengya looked at their back thoughtfully.

Xi Cairu understood her meaning and took a step forward to suppress her voice.

"Subordinates have tempted them. It seems that there are no loopholes. I wonder if the master has any other orders?"

In the holy city, the more there is no danger, the more she must be careful, the trap is always hidden under the appearance of peace.

不必 "No need, I know who they are."

She raised her head and looked distantly towards the sacred mountain distant in the clouds and fog.

他们 "They are people in the temple, in order to find out if we are hiding the person they are looking for."

Although they were careful, they were so easily confused in front of the moat guard, which really did not fit the motive of such a vigorous search by the moat guard.

This can only explain one thing, they simply know each other's details and deliberately have such an omission.

Su Cairu's complexion suddenly tightened, her brows frowned, "Is the temple suspicious of us, so will we send someone to confuse us?"

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, then shook her head.

"Well, not to mention that we have always concealed our eyes, without revealing any flaws. If they really doubted us, they would not allow us to enter the city so easily. I guess it should be secretly used by them to detect like us This caravan means. "

叫 She called the people behind, and asked them carefully, and sure enough, the three of them seemed to want to explore their bottom through the effort of chatting with them.

Fortunately, he brought all Jackdaw Guards this time, and all the words and services were leak-proof. I believe that the three of them would not leave so easily.

She wrapped her clothes, she always felt that the holy city in the early summer scene, but still revealing the irresistible cold.

Because they don't want to reveal their whereabouts this time, both the route and others follow normal caravan conventions.

If you want to come to do business in the Holy City, you must first have the road guide distributed by the Holy City and each of the land.

She bypassed her home and asked Ma to prepare.

Not to mention her relationship with the Ma family, let's talk about Ma Beichen's nagging. In order to pursue her good sister Liu Qianrong, she exhausted herself to please her.

The guide was useless for her, and then 厮 obediently sent it.

But Lin Mengya has always been the number one sister in her eyes. No matter how Ma Beichen behaves, whether she can accept it depends on Qian Rong's own mind.

They took the road to the "Business Office" in charge of the management of the registered caravan in the Holy City. Here, each of them will be registered with a portrait, write down detailed personal information, and then receive a temporary Voucher to live in the Holy City.

With this certificate, they can rent a shop or a stall here.

If not, it will be regarded as an unlicensed operation. If the merchandise is confiscated, those who are driven out of the Holy City will not only suffer from flesh and blood, but will not be admitted for life.

即便 But even under such harsh conditions, there is a constant stream of people coming to do business in the Holy City.

Not only because this is the sacred place of the entire Patriotic Kingdom, but also because here, they can expand their contacts, and they may be able to hand over the thick legs of any big man in good luck.

Lin Mengya, with her thick legs and her own legs, did not have this trouble. They found a guest house dedicated to the caravan.

的 The conditions here are not as good as those inns outside, at least it is better to live with money outside.

所有 Everything here must be handled according to the voucher you received when you entered the city.

It can be said that this is the most stern place for the defense country, all of which makes Lin Mengya feel uncomfortable.

Is not simply a feeling of falling from the cloud. It is more about dissatisfaction with this rule of measuring others by status.

Although the atmosphere was very depressed when she came last time, she was far from the dullness of this time.

They are like string puppets, controlled by a large invisible hand.

The pedestrians on the road were rushing, and even the shops on both sides looked a bit depressed.

坐在 She was sitting in the carriage, calmly looking at everything around her.

Until Cairu arranged everything, a team of them came to rest in the guest house.

She's pretty good. Anyway, she can also live in a separate house with Cai Ru, and the rest of the people will go to a chase shop where more than 20 people can live.

Even so, they were invisiblely crowded out by those who had come in before.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not understand that everyone came to do business, why did they feel so disgusted with themselves?

It wasn't until the buddy brought rough meals that she took the opportunity to find out why.

Maybe she stole the ingot she had plugged in secretly, and there was a smile on her face.

But still lowered the voice, staring tightly outside, as if afraid of being found

"It seems to you that you have recently come to our holy city. You do n’t know, the rules of the holy city are different now. There are rules above, and the number of all merchants can only be kept at about 300. Except for fixed merchants like ours, once the number of tourist merchants like you exceeds the number, the caravans in the most advanced cities must exit. "

She frowned, no wonder those people looked at her like enemies. I'm afraid they thought they would break their financial path.

After learning the reason, Lin Mengya only felt that she was laughing and laughing, and these people were too ignorant.

It wasn't her who set the rules. They were so angry that they didn't dare to send their hair towards the people in the temple, so they could only scatter on people like them.

He shook his head, could not help but play the temple really well.

In this way, everyone will definitely supervise each other in order to **** the opportunity to make money here. Once you find any abnormalities in the other party, you can use this as an excuse or go directly to the commercial office to report.

In this way, the people of the holy city can put them all under their control with little effort.

The smile on the corner of the mouth turned cold, so that the feminine trick could only be imagined by those who were equally sinister.

No matter how cold the people around them are, they can't shake the people in this team in the slightest.

They do their own thing by themselves, as if those people are jokes.

Over time, when someone arrived later than them, those people immediately turned to the target of hatred.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mengya could only be indifferent.

It is not worthy for anyone to waste time to save them if they are willing to fall.

Soon Cairu set up a shop facing the street. They are indeed the finest spices. In addition, the prices in the holy city have a uniform standard. Therefore, if it simply refers to commercial interests, their single order In fact, you have to pay half of it.

Almost all the caravans who can come to the Holy City are very wealthy, that is, to make money and drink.

简单 After a simple layout, their spice shop also opened.

But as the guys carried the bags of spices out of the guest house, a little episode happened.

"Master, some people say we took their goods."

Xi Cairu hurried to the shop and returned Lin Mengyala, who was looking at the surrounding environment, to the guest house.

On the way, she explained all the causes and consequences she had learned.

It turned out that because spices are one of the most popular and popular goods in the Holy City, it is considered that there is another spice merchant in his guest house.

But they never kept the river well, but they were still in peace, but when the guys were carrying spices, the guys from that caravan suddenly came out and said that they had mistakenly got their own spices.

You must know that Jackdaw Guards are specially trained, and their eyesight and memory are by no means normal.

I took it right, they knew it.

I thought that after explaining the matter, the other party would let them go, but I didn't want those people to insist that they were their own spice, and they broke up.

The Jackdaw Guard's people are not allowed to show their martial arts because they have orders. Therefore, they have suffered some losses in the fight, but the guys have not gained any benefit. It is clear that they cannot come. Not coming out.

He just shocked many people, and the boss of that house also stood up, and had to hesitate to drive them out of the holy city.

Only now the big guys understand that their original purpose is to hope for one less competitor.

After hearing these things, Lin Mengya frowned.

It's a trivial matter to lose things, mainly because they are so noisy, they have to be noticeable.

Fortunately, everyone in the Jackdaw Guard knew the weight, and there were no flaws at the time, otherwise I'm afraid they won't be able to distinguish them.

The two hurried back to the guesthouse as quickly as possible, and at the door they heard that they were still noisy.

"No! You stolen goods first, beat people later, walk around, I have to report to the sheriff!"

声音 The voice was so full of ambition, apparently that I felt that they had eaten them.

A few people in the Han Crow Guard stood in the crowd. Although the people around them were pointing and laughing at them, it was a trivial matter for them.

Until Lin Mengya turned away from the crowd, several people quickly walked to the owner.

He didn't wait for them to say anything. The most noisy man came to him in an angry look.

就是 "It's you! It must be you who instructed them to steal the spices from my house. You have to give me a statement today!"

The man was five big and three thick, and Lin Mengya, who was thin from the point of view, was really not his opponent.

But Ke's eyes flowed. Instead of half a panic on her face, she had a strange smile on her face.

"Don't you have to report to your family before you ask for an explanation? Your voice is awkward when you see someone. Your house is really a good tutor."

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