Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2196: Both swear

With the scolding of the sheriff, the quarrel between the two finally came to an end.

"Shut up"

The sheriff is not a fool, and looking at the two of them knows that there must be something wrong.

He originally thought that this was a revenge killing, but Bai Jing's reaction was too normal. He didn't hide it at all, not only acknowledged the quarrel with the deceased, but also did not have a hint of conscience.

Judging from his eyesight for many years, Bai Jing doesn't look like an experienced and confident villain.

Either she is really innocent, or she is prepared.

But she is right in saying that no matter what the case is, she needs conclusive evidence.

I ordered right and left to go to the scene to search with Bai Jing's pants.

The site has been searched by his men before the scene, so there is nothing new, but in Bai Jing's shop, they have made significant discoveries.

Scrutiny looked at what the men took back, the sheriff frowned, and looked at her with a bit of sternness.

"My official asked you again at the end, did you kill?"

Gao Linmengya resolutely shook her head to deny.

"My lord, I didn't lie, I really didn't kill someone."

But the sheriff put those things in front of her.

"Since you said you didn't kill, where did these come from?"

She looked intently, and saw in front a blood coat and a kitchen knife whose blood was already dried.

"this is"

The sheriff stared at her eyes tightly and said, "This is the weapon that killed the deceased, and the blood suit worn by the murderers at the time. They were all searched out in your shop. What do you have now?" To say "

"This is simply impossible"

She said in surprise, "Not to mention that I didn't go out all night last night, even if I went out to the guest house, but the boss is anyway a big man. I'm just a weak woman with no chickens. How can you do that to kill the other party without any harm? "

I did not expect her rebuttal but did not impress the sheriff.

"We found the sweating medicine in the last drink of the deceased's life, and this medicine was also found in your shop. At present, the evidence is conclusive. You should confess early to avoid the suffering of flesh."

At this moment, it seems that she can no longer escape the blame. The guy secretly concealed the pride of his eyes, covered his face, and cried bitterly and said, "Finally, there is an eye in the sky, the boss you know well, but you can also smile with peace. The sheriff is fair and stern, and he will definitely pay you back. "

Bian Feng's direction changed again and again, and finally seemed to end with her failure.

Even the sheriff's officer determined that this must be his behavior, and was trying to hold her down, but Lin Mengya said indifferently.

"Even if an adult wants to confess my guilt, I still have to convince me to take it. Just these few things can determine that I am the real murderer, I don't think so."

In fact, things have come to this point. If ordinary people have already been self-defeating, where do they want to prove their innocence?

At this time Lin Mengya has understood that someone sneaked in last night must have hidden these things in her shop.

The purpose of these murders was to kill her.

And she is also very strange, if it is just because of those meager interests to be hated, it would be ridiculous.

Between electric light and flint, she decided what she would do next.

Well, she will come and count.

"Master, sheriff, although this evidence is not good for me, I have a word to remind you."

She is a good sheriff. Instead of forcibly taking her into custody, she was asked to say.

"Whether it's these things or the so-called murderous process, it's all made up by this guy. When I was in conflict with the spice boss, there were many people watching. If you want to know the specifics, I can inquire with everyone about it. If you know the cause and effect, you will never know me. "

She gave the guy a cold glance, and suddenly said sharply, "Since you swear that I killed someone, then do you dare to swear with the idols in the temple. If you lie, even if it is only one and a half stars If you do n’t know the details, you will have a stomachache, and you will die with all the pain. Your family, friends, and future generations will not die. Here is the holy city, God will hear you, dare you dare? "

My dude suddenly stunned.

At this moment, he remembered in hindsight that this is the holy city, but the place closest to God.

Gao Linmengya had expected that he would never dare to do so, so he pressed hard.

"But I dare"

She put her right hand at the position of her heart, and said loudly towards the direction of the holy mountain, "I swear by my destiny. If I really kill the boss, let me harden those I said before It's your turn now. "

This is the difference between the holy city and other places. No one can lie in front of the gods here. If she dares to swear in front of the gods, then everyone here must believe that what she said is true.

In fact, where is there any condemnation? It ’s just that someone who has done bad things will feel uneasy. This is also a psychological suggestion. Once he does something that violates the oath, he will feel that those things that are not related are related to the oath. .

So there is such a tradition in the holy city.

For those who are truly apologetic and have no repentance at all, this vow is simply a joke, but the man in front of them does not belong to such a cruel person.

His eyes were twisted, and the whole man shrank into a ball.

Lin Mengya knew that he couldn't stand it, and turned to sneer. "Yes, I understand. Everyone will be more or less exaggerated when speaking. It is difficult for you to make such an oath. We might as well change it. You say, you haven't done anything to be sorry to your boss. As his buddy, he is so loyal and loyal. After he died, he wanted to find out the killer for him. It doesn't seem difficult to make such an oath. "

He was aggressive, and the guy was pushed to the extreme by him.

He pinched his neck and blushed, and said fiercely, "Okay, as you said, if I do something that is sorry to my boss, let me let me die on oath"

I just felt a little more bluff than her.

Gao Linmengya sneered at him and turned to the sheriff and said, "Since both of us have sworn to the gods, then whoever is really fake, please ask the sheriff to make a ruling."

As a result, the case was deadlocked again.

And because both sides swear to God, according to the convention, they must be determined that what they say is true, so the sheriff has to be cautious.

好 "Well, since you both feel that what you are saying is true, then I will find out what happened. But the one of you who lied, in addition to the crime of murder, added a sin of blasphemy."

The coldness of his face looked a little serious and solemn in their eyes.

"The gods will not spare anyone who tries to confuse him with his asylum, so the person who lied must answer his vow."

My dude's body shook fiercely.

Now he couldn't wait to bite his tongue, and even more regretted why he was solicited by the money enthusiast.

At this time, he was too late to be curious. Obviously, only the family disciples who often go in or out of the Holy City will know the rules. Bai Jing, who claims to be here for the first time, will know so clearly.

The sheriff put both of them back to the previous jail, betting on the name of God, and he and his men overturned all previous conclusions and decided to check from the beginning.

I returned to the cell again, she was not nervous at all, but the jailer brother who had a good relationship with her before was very surprised.

"Sister, didn't you say you were wronged, why are you back?"

She smiled and said, "It's okay, I can go out soon, but I'm going to bother you in these days."

The jailer brother was very entangled in his heart. On the one hand, he was happy because he had a conversation and could chat with him every day; on the other hand, he felt that the little girl who looked weak and poor was also suffering here.

While no one was around, he squatted down and quietly said to her, "Sister, it's better that you tell me the address of your family, I will help you pass a word, let them think of it, and get you out."

She narrowed her eyes, smiled, and shook her head.

"Thank you for your kindness, except that I did not bring anyone other than a few guys this time. Besides, I believe the sheriff will enforce the law impartially, and the truth will soon surface."

The jailer shook his head sadly, "Well, where can you stand a little girl here. Or else you tell me the address of your home, and I can send you a home letter to go back."

Xu Wenyan said she had a bitter smile.

"My home is far from here. It is a small place called Baijiazhuang in a small seal in the southwest. Even if I write a letter, no one can help me with this trip. If they arrive, the sheriff will already be there. I found out the truth and let me out. Besides, I followed the caravan to the north and south, and this was nothing. "

I heard her say that the jailer brother could only sigh again and again.

"You little girl, it is not easy to go out, waiting for me to get you an extra quilt."

She immediately thanked the jailer elder brother, and the man was behind the door.

眯 She narrowed her eyes and sneered.

He would confess himself to many injustices, and even a few days of psychological torture would be enough for him to eat a pot.

She lived in the prison with peace of mind. To be honest, although the conditions here are very ordinary, at least it is not like a prison in other places, it is humid, and it has a foul smell that cannot be lingering. .

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