Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2206: Strongest plug-in

This sentence completely made the skinny man not come to the stage, and saw a sinister light flash in his eyes, but he stiffly endured.

大家 In the laughter of everyone, Lin Mengya did not relax her vigilance.

Some people are like poisonous snakes, he is spying on you anytime, anywhere, waiting for a suitable time to give a fatal blow.

She has always been good at being a hunter, so if someone treats it as a prey, it may be unlucky for others.

"But no one has stipulated that you must give Boss Yang a face, Zhao Simang. You are old dog legs, I'm afraid it won't be good for a while."

I was talking about a caravan boss who hadn't seen much of the mountains before. On the surface, he was an uproar.

So Lin Mengya smelled the smell of the soil on him, and she knew that the man's so-called mountain goods were afraid of some funeral items brought out from the grave.

Now he is so ridiculous of Zhao Simman, I am afraid that it is because he is their former companion.

"Stop me"

思 Zhao Siman gritted his teeth and could not wait to come up and tear his mouth.

But his companion should also be a desperate man, wiped his face, and said in a nasty voice, "What kind of ability is it to bully a little girl? Let us have a fight if we have the ability. Here, Cai Jiuhu is not a standing pee. "

思 Zhao Siman is a bully and fearless person. The reason why he fled to boss Yang is to offend this bastard.

But in front of the new master, he also made a bluff, and returned fiercely.

"What's so good about fighting with you, don't think that I really fear you, my family said, one more person and one more effort, if there are any grudges, let's go out and count."

The people around me ridiculed, who couldn't tell that it was this stubborn straw bale who was afraid to fight with others.

Lin Lin Mengya originally wanted to teach him to knock on the mountain, but now it seems that she has given the word "weak" to the truth.

Understand that under such circumstances, the weak can only survive on the strong, either as a dog leg or as cannon fodder.

Some words from Cai Jiuhu just established that he is the second small group besides Yang.

After a while of effort, a few people who had previously rejected Boss Yang to show him their favor.

Fei Zhongli is getting less and less, and because she is a woman with several young men in her hand, she has attracted the attention of both sides.

Because she rejected Boss Yang before, everyone automatically reduced her to a person who did not belong to Boss Yang.

Cai Jiuhu is not a good person. He just watched that traitor was not pleasing to his eyes. Now he has made some effort and is sought after by others.

He touched his chin and walked towards Lin Mengya.

"Boss Bai, that guy is a pustule. Don't be afraid of something later, I can help."

She looks like a big bag, as if it has been determined that she is his side.

Unfortunately, Lin Mengya didn't join anyone's thoughts for a while, and she just said thank you and didn't express anything else.

For a while everyone speculated that since this woman had offended Boss Yang, she would surely be attached to the other party. Unfortunately, the result was that she was still the same, and neither party was close, so she took her own people to stick to their own side, faint. There is a tendency to stand on three legs.

And at night

Someone wants to break this balance.

Wu Cairu looked at what the man sent, and a beautiful little face was full of discomfort.

"We also paid for the food for half a month, how can we only give this thing today, how can so many of us eat?"

My dude is also embarrassed, but he just follows the command line of others.

姑娘 "Girl, our shopkeeper said, these days there are only those in the guesthouse that do not enter, we have not much surplus food, now everyone can only tighten their belly to live. I am sorry to a few of you."

"Hum, I think someone wants to please us."

Cai Ru can disregard those, and tore her face now is a joy.

My uncle looked at this situation, and was afraid of being beaten, and let go of his hand and slipped away.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at a bowl of clear porridge and a few nests on the table, but her eyes were a little playful.

"Master, we can't wait any longer. These people dare to treat us harshly now, and tomorrow we have to deal with us in other things. In my opinion, do it early and neatly. Just these little hair thieves, not yet Our opponent. "

Lin Mengya smiled and said, "Since we are not our opponents, what are you afraid of?"

Cai Ru didn't understand her meaning for a while, and she still persuaded "When it comes to martial arts, we people are not afraid of them. But I am afraid that they are using any conspiracy methods in their backs. We also have to guard the sheriff I'm suffering from the enemy, I'm afraid I won't be able to say hello. "

In fact, Cai Ru said very well, their current advantage is nothing more than unexpected. But once there are too many enemies, their ability is limited, and then they will be unable to cope.

But things are still far from being worried, because in addition to their strength is still preserved, she has one of the biggest plugs.

Haw shook her nose, her eyebrows smiling.

"Keep everyone's doors and windows closed, and don't let the fragrance escape."

Wu Cairu's doubts are not gruel and wotou, where is there any scent?

此时 At this moment, someone rolled in through the window, and a scorching scent of incense filled the room.

She smiled and said, "Isn't this coming?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu threw a large pocket into Cairu, the smell of white flour buns and roasted chicken and goose can not help drooling.

Zhe Lin Mengya waved her hand casually, and said generously, "Don't hesitate to take it, I can afford it no matter how much you eat."

Luo Cairu immediately hugged the bag and left, she just wanted to understand now, yeah, in fact, the owner of her family didn't have to worry about it at all.

Your Highness is with the Lord, I'm afraid there is nothing to live with them in this world.

Xiao Long Tianyu couldn't help looking at his sweetheart, shook his head and smiled and said, "You're generous, you know I'm looking for these things, but also hiding the eyes and ears of others, how much effort did it take?"

Who knows that Lin Mengya is uncharacteristically, her smile disappears and her tone cools down.

"Yes, I don't dare to trouble your old people. I'll ask someone to send things back so that your old people won't be affected."

Xun Long Tian Yu knew that when she heard that, she was afraid that she would have to make trouble with herself again. Where do you still have any complaints or complaints? Coaxing your wife is the first.

"I'm just joking with you, I can find these things casually, let them eat whatever I want, I treat."

"Yeah, you

How powerful. There is nothing you can't do in the world. "

These are not all complaints, and there is still a little bit of sadness.

Xun Long Tianyu stepped forward and held the person in his arms, but Lin Mengya did not want to let him approach, and he broke his hand with great effort.

"You know I'm in a hurry without your news. Do you think what we said before is a breeze?"

When I mentioned this, she felt aggrieved.

知道 She knows that this person must have not contacted his men because of the urgent situation.

But after leaving for so long, she didn't even get the news from her. Actually, she wasn't afraid that she would follow her in a hurry.

This guy is always so abominable

Nine Dragons Tianyu persisted and finally held his family in his arms.

怎么 Why didn't he know that it was his own daughter-in-law who was distressing and worried about him.

"It's all my fault. Things here are too complicated, and I don't want you to come here to make you less trouble."

He could not help but smile and shook his head, "In fact, I know better than anyone, even if I have no news for you, you will definitely come over."

Lin Mengya punched his chest fiercely, "You thought I was willing to come to the house with so many things, and I managed to pull away."

Long Tianyu finally realized that he had said something wrong, and immediately made a small volt, "Yes, yes, it's all my fault, I'm sad for the lady. I will tell you wherever I go in the future, and I won't let you worry about it anymore What a great day "

She snorted coldly, "I believe you have a ghost, let's say, what is going on here, Master, is there any trouble?"

When it comes to business, he didn't have a joke, and said solemnly, "I'm trying to find a way to mix in the temple in the past few days, but unfortunately the defense here is too tight. I didn't find a suitable opportunity for a while. . "

Lin Lin Mengya can't help but be curious. If Long Tianyu fights alone, he can walk a few rounds in the enemy's formation without being discovered.

But this time he didn't even enter the temple. I can imagine how strict the opponent's defense was.

"Are those guards stronger than your martial arts?"

"How could that be."

He tapped her forehead gently to show punishment.

"Your martial arts can be said to be invincible. Although their martial arts are lower than me, they have many people and use many institutions. It is not difficult for me to break in, but I want to do it without alarming anyone. It is still difficult to save people. "

"What the **** is saving Master"

She knows that Long Tianyu's affection for his master is like a father and son, so she did not advise him to go back, but was prepared to stay and fight alongside him.

Nianlong Tianyu's face suddenly sank. "Master is secretly imprisoned. Now I am in danger. I must find a way to transport Master out of the temple as soon as possible."

She suddenly felt a little weird.

You must know that Master is the owner of the temple, and after the past, most of the core strength of the temple is in his hands.

She couldn't figure out who was so brave, and she was able to calculate the master of the palace.

"What happened in the temple"

Long Tianyu looked at her and said, "In fact, the situation of the temple is not even clear to me. I only know that the temple is not just a temple. There are shadows of other forces hidden in it, and some of them are not accessible to us now Yes. "

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