But now that she has been implicated, she can't help her.

"What are you going to do next"

Now she doesn't panic at all, and because she belongs to the bureau, she may be able to cooperate with Yuli to make things go more smoothly.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't hide her, and lowered her voice and said, "The boss Yang is the **** arranged by the high-level of the temple to be responsible for soliciting alienation and letting them kill themselves."

No wonder, she always felt that the timing of that boss Yang's appearance was too coincidental, and no matter what happened, it seemed that his participation was indispensable.

所以 "So I discussed with Gu Cheng, the next step is to let boss Yang enter the game."

She thought about it and immediately reacted.

"What do you mean by the way of others and the body of others"

Long Tianyu nodded and said, "Their true purpose has been hidden very well for a long time. Those people are afraid that they will never even think of death. Who are they the poisonous hand. So this time, I will let the behind Man tastes being stared at by ghosts. "

Looking at the slight chill in her man's eyes, she couldn't help being curious.

"Although this is indeed abominable,"

"Gu Cheng and I both suspect that the person behind this scene is the one who imprisoned Master, so we are also trying to distract him, and it is best to let him get away with it."

Alas, she understood it completely.

Since she can help her family, she certainly has no responsibilities.

"It is really good to do this, it is best to take action before the succession ceremony begins. I guess that he wants to deal with you, there must be a lot of preparations, if we now give them hundreds of urgent and disrupt their deployment If we do, we will have a higher success rate for Master ’s rescue. "

Chen Longtianyu knew that his wife was not only clever, but also good at planning.

For some things, he is also willing to discuss with the other party.

If it is said that Xiannei will only help to check for missing leakages, then their home is a "top pillar".

He has no doubt that if there is a day when he falls down, then he can safely give everything to his wife.

一方 Any one of them has never been a filigree, but two husband and wife trees.

He relieved Lin Mengya from her doubts, and even slept a little more.

The two hugged and slept in this not-so-spacious room, just like the days and nights of the past, warm and safe.

The next day will be bright, and there is a knock on the door by Cai Ru.

"Miss, boss Yang sends someone to ask you to discuss things."

I heard this, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu were sober for a moment. The two looked at each other, and were a little surprised from each other's eyes.

He said that she was so embarrassed by the other party before. Boss Yang did not say that she would be removed afterwards, but at least she would not understate it so much. She also invited her to discuss affairs.

Maybe this is the revenge of Boss Yang

The two looked at each other, and Long Tianyu nodded slightly towards her.

I also have a man from her family. She is afraid of boss Yang.

让 "Let Mr. Yang wait a while, I'll be here."

These words are full of arrogance, how arrogant and how arrogant, the children standing outside with Cai Ru can't help but change his face.

I want to know that after the warning last night, she is still the first to be so horizontal.

I waited until she was freshened, and was taken to the lobby of the guest house by the child.

Today's atmosphere may be different from last night. Boss Yang was sitting in the middle. Cai Jiuhu, a rude and unreasonable person, was willing to sit next to Boss Yang.

It seems that she was not the only one who received "special care" last night.

Cai Jiuhu knew how to understand the current affairs person as Jiejie, but the cow did not drink water to forcibly scratch his head. Looking at the pale color of his face, he certainly did not lose his temper last night.

It is no wonder that if Mr. Yang cuts off his food, people like them will definitely not have the opportunity to get food from the outside.

The tartar had to look down under the roof.

Everyone in the room looked at her, but it was a small scene for her.

Ignoring everyone's eyes, she sat opposite her boss Yang.

早 "Early, boss Yang."

The person across from Lu didn't show an unexpected look, but she couldn't help but see her being so relaxed and tried to say, "Boss Bai is early, I do n’t know how Boss was doing last night"

When I heard this, everyone knew what it meant, and a few of them rubbed their dry belly with a bad look.

They all refused to surrender to Boss Yang before. Whoever wanted to be hungry for one night figured it out.

In this case, milk is the mother.

I do n’t follow Mr. Yang, do they have to starve to death?

Now they feel that the dead companions, at least, need not be tossed like this.

No matter whether they rushed out or arbitrarily decided, they did not have the courage, so they could only survive and surrender under the threat of boss Yang.

She raised her eyelids and smiled with ease.

"This is not your own home, you have to make up everywhere."

He said she rubbed her abdomen and hit a little full.

"It was too good to eat last night, and I still can't digest it."

Everyone in the room was stupid.

I want to know that even Yang's side can only maintain the most basic food and clothing, not to mention the delicious food.

But everyone reacted quickly, this is the boss Boss is talking hard

"It's not a good thing to talk right and wrong. Boss Bai, you have no roots as a female adult. In my opinion, you might as well be hungry with my boss Yang."

思 Zhao Siman's eyes were a little bit bad, and the words he spoke were too dirty to be heard.

The old men around me also laughed with "Hey", apparently teasing these two women became one of their few entertainments.

But it wasn't long before they were proud, Cai Ru took a bench and smashed at them.

I only heard the chicken flying in the lobby at an instant. Zhao Simang was where her opponents were, and she was screamed immediately.

Lin Mengya glanced over there. "Boss Yang, you have to look at the breed of a dog. They all say that dogs that can bite don't bark. This dog can only bark. I'm afraid it's not a good dog. It's better to save some food Come down and let you live longer. "

She was so arrogant and gritting.

Xi Rao was determined by boss Yang and couldn't help changing his face.

"It seems that Boss can survive without my assistance."

She smiled slightly, her eyes and brows provoked.

"Oh, how do you say, I have no other strengths, just a little bit, fate."

She saw Boss Yang 1

Squinting, his gaze turned.

所以 "So, don't learn how to beat a stone with someone with a lower number of lives than me."

This statement is obviously a warning to him, and the few around him are afraid to act lightly. It is worth your look at me, I look at him, and finally look at boss Yang together.

Boss Yang Yang scolded these counselors in his heart, but he was just a woman who could martial arts, so she bluffed them easily.

But now is not the time to remove them, since this woman wants to be a thorn, then he will open her.

"Boss Bai did not lose the courage of the man. In fact, Yang did not ask you to come here for the sake of embarrassment, but wanted to discuss countermeasures with everyone."

Boss Yang Yang's face was serious, and what he said was quite righteous.

"Everyone has seen the situation today. There are only two roads before us. One road is to kill them and fight with them."

Everyone is silent. If they were looking forward to the end of this matter a few days ago, now they are more desperate, deeply desperate.

They have seen through the cruelty of the sheriff for a long time, and the companion who was badly injured that day was dragged out of the guest house by the middle of the night.

I think it must be more fierce than evil, maybe I have been eaten by a wild dog on a mass grave post.

Rebellion, isn't it to die faster?

Boss Yang Yang saw that everyone didn't say anything, and knew in their hearts that they had made a choice.

He said calmly, "This second one is to find the murderer according to the sheriff's words. After all, according to his own words, he will not do anything to us. If we find the killer, he must get Let us go, otherwise we would be homicide. "

Boss Yang Yang said that everyone's eyes lighted up and immediately gave birth to the desire for life.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not break through his lies. In fact, according to the original plan, she was to incite these people to fight, and then found an opportunity to plot boss Yang.

I ca n’t help but leave any evidence. With her now, this step can be improved.

Sure enough, everyone heard the boss Yang's proposal and immediately moved their minds.

Zhao Simang, who just got up from the ground, looked at their master and servant fiercely.

"The owner is right, but someone can kill someone under our noses silently, and that must be a master of martial arts."

His eyes have never left Cairu, apparently trying to hint everyone, she is really fierce.

But where will Lin Mengya let him play with right and wrong, "Looking at your dog eyes, if you dare to look at it again, I will dig it out for you. How can martial arts be the murderer? Then how have you survived to this day? "

Squinting to see that she was going to pull herself into the water, Zhao Simeng immediately denied.

"Who is your accomplice, I tell you, don't let your blood spurt people"

"I didn't know who said I was a murderer before spraying my blood, and tied me up all night and now I will be charged with my crime. Can you think we are bullying?"

He said that the two were about to fight each other. At this time, boss Yang was a little displeased.

He gave Zhao Siman a warning glance, and said in a bad tone, "You are here to solve the problem, not to quarrel. If you want to divide the verbal level, it is better to go out and argue."

His master spoke, Zhao Simman naturally did not dare to go too far.

It's a pity that Lin Mengya didn't give him this face. "I paid the rent. Even if you set up the store, you have no right to drive me away."

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