Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2220: Pupil control

Xu Xu is the elder of the Holy Witch tribe.

Do it? What are they doing?

The people inside the urn quickly called them in too, and Lin Mengya saw the temple owner who was very kind to them before, and was tied to a chair by people.

She was afraid that Long Tianyu would keep rushing up, but she still underestimated the fixation of his man.

I saw Long Tianyu's indifference, as if the person in front of him was not the master he was most worried about, but just a stranger.

In this way, Lin Mengya was able to relax a little bit, as long as his men could stay calm, the two of them should be able to work together.

绑 The master of the tied palace master is slightly awkward, presumably the people in the vice palace master did not torment him after catching him.

But in general, Lin Mengya did not see any obvious wounds on the body of the master of the temple, or there were signs of poisoning.

At least she can now be sure that the master of the temple is still in good health.

He sat next to the master of the temple, a middle-aged man who was paler than him.

I never saw that man.

He must be the vice-lord of the rumor who has been wounded in the temple.

His body does not seem to be very good, but his eyes are cold and mean, and when he is swept by him occasionally, it feels like being stared at by an extremely venomous snake.

Hey, that's a coincidence. She was born to play poison. Can anything in the world ever poison her?

The deputy host coughed his lips and coughed a few times. "Brother, I won't talk nonsense to you. You should be better than me at the holy tribe. If you are not too disobedient, why should I Use them to control you? You have been in the position of Lord of the Temple for decades, and it should be returned to me. "

The deputy chief deputy's words were very informative, and he could hear that he had not only new hatred but also old hatred against the master of the house.

He could hear it in his tone, in fact, he could not wait for the master of the temple to die.

"Do you think I'm a rare place for the Lord of the Temple? If you hadn't abandoned the Master, the Lord of the Temple would not have fallen on me, and you would have given up first. Now you regret it and want to grab it again, the world There will be no such good thing. Leng Mo, you, the ungrateful little man, Master's spirit in heaven will never let you go! "

I heard Leng Mo's mind but didn't care. His sick and pale face showed a cruel smile.

"Even if Master doesn't forgive me, what can I do? After the commemorative ceremony is over, I will no longer be me. Master or hello, how about the two dead people can take me?"

Nevertheless, Master Dian's face showed nothing at all, he just worried that his stupid apprentice would rush forward to save him.

However, even though he had many fears in his heart, he still did not show any flaws in front of these two scums.

"If you want to kill, don't kill, you will have to kill, but cold, I tell you, good reincarnation in the heavens, good and evil will be paid in the end. You will be revenge today if you go backwards! Even if I die, I will watch To the extent that you have been scolded by the people of the world, you must not die well, and you will not live forever! "

The master's scolding from the Master Palace completely annoyed Leng Mo.

He raised his hand and gave the master of the palace a slap.

Lin Lin Mengya watched as his man could not control, and immediately reached out and held him.

No, it's not the right time.

She shook her head towards her own man and passed on her meaning

I gave him.

The violent emotion flashed in Long Tianyu's eyes, and eventually he chose to stop.

Fortunately, after this slap, Leng Mo was like a robot that had exhausted his strength, and he coughed and coughed, as if he could pass out the next moment.

"Do n’t talk nonsense to him! Wait a while, I see how he talks hard! I want you to kneel in front of me as my dog! I want everyone to know that I am better than you, and you are just It's a jumping beam clown! "

After years of grievances, Leng Mo even became insane. His eyes were covered with red blood, but he stared at Master Dian Master. He seemed to want to see Master Dian Master being controlled a little bit, and finally lost his humanity.

For this reason, he even got a little uncontrollably excited. The child next to him immediately gave him a bottle of medicine, and he poured the whole bottle of medicine down, with the pleasure of revenge in his eyes.

Elder Grandma no longer delays.

You must know that Master Master is not an ordinary person, and today he knows the situation of the Holy Witch.

Therefore, the elder wants to control him, but it takes a lot of effort.

He asked the five people he brought to surround the master and master of the temple in five directions.

"Vice Master, once my mystery is performed, no matter who it is, we will control it."

The deputy chief Leng Mo gave Xu Lao a glance and said coldly: "I promise you will not regret what you do, as long as you keep him under control and let him listen to me obediently, then we have before With good terms, I can double it for you. "

There was a trace of greed in the elders' eyes.

条件 Several other elders in the clan had already negotiated the conditions before he came, and if Leng Mo could double it, the remaining ones could enter his pockets.

By the time he got rich, he wouldn't have to crouch in such a small place with the clan all year round.

"Hey, look at what you say, I'm not the one to say this without a word. I just want to ask how you want to control him?"

"How do you say?" Leng Mo raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Mythology in our tribe can turn one person into another or keep him from being treated as a person. If it wasn't for the caster to untie himself, he would be controlled in his life. If you want Torture him, let him forget that he is an individual, obediently when a dog lies at your feet. "

To be honest, this proposal is quite exciting for Leng Mo.

But when he thought of the business, he still said with pain: "I don't need it for now, as long as he can obey me, he can do whatever I say."

Elder Grandma smiled, "No problem."

Then he turned to those five people.

"All five of you have listened to me, and none of you will be allowed to stop halfway. If this is done well, I will have many rewards!"


In fact, the holy tribe ’s pupil technique is to control the eyes to influence others, but they are more mysterious than modern hypnosis.

But the core idea is inseparable from ten.

Gao Linmengya estimated that she and Long Tianyu might be able to rescue the master here.

The answer is obvious-almost impossible.

But they can't just stare at it.

If the master of the palace is really controlled, even if they rescue people, there will be endless troubles.

可 if

什么 If something goes wrong in the middle, the elder will soon respond that the five of them have a problem.

At that time, they will be exposed, and missing this good opportunity will make Leng Mo more vigilant.

Under the dilemma, her brain was thinking quickly.

此时 At this moment, she thought of the green zheng spectrum in the system.

"Small medicine, the sleepy technique in the green zheng spectrum!"

The drowsy mind algorithm is a "side door" approach.

As its name implies, it traps people with certain hypnotic techniques.

同时 But at the same time, if she robbed the master of the temple before the elder elder of the holy tribe, then the next control and suggestion of the elder will have no effect.

Then she quietly helped Master Dao Master to unlock it. Wanting to come to Master Dao Master so smart, people will understand how to do it is the safest.

"Master, if you can trust me, you can let me do it."

She stunned her, and the small medicine in the system began to explain.

For her current brain, whether she is a small medicine or not, they are two consciousnesses that can control her body.

However, usually Xiaoyao is more hidden in the system, and because the two are in a master-slave relationship, Xiaoyao will not actively rob her body of control.

She also did not become schizophrenic because of the burden of both consciousness.

But compared to her, Xiaoyao can control her body more accurately and effectively, and do things she is not familiar with.

For example, this sleepy mind operation.

If it is her reluctance to show, the success rate will not exceed 50%, but if you change to a small medicine, you can succeed at least 70%.

So it seems that it is better to control her body with little medicine.

But at the same time, Xiaoyao also has his own concerns.

"Master, you don't need to worry that I will take control of your body. Regardless of whether I have human emotions or whether I can take the initiative to think, but I am basically just a process. When I was created, It has been implanted with instructions that cannot cause any harm to humans. Although you are temporarily in the system, you can order me to surrender control of my body at any time. If I refuse, you can destroy me at any time.

At the same time, a red button hidden in a small medicine, the heart, caught her attention.

That's where the small medicine is the most vulnerable and the most critical.

She has no doubt, as long as she presses it lightly, the medicine will be wiped out.

In the face of this too frank and too timid little girl, she just felt a soft heart.

"Fool, of course I know you never thought about taking control of my body."

虽然 Although she doesn't understand the most advanced computer technology, she knows her children from the perspective of a mother.

I was probably influenced by two children in the family.

In other words, he knows that he belongs to a man.

他们 And they all knew that she was a woman, so Xiaoyao did not treat herself as a girl like her, but regarded her as a mother as a child.

She can remain skeptical of an artificial system, but is willing to trust her children.

I asked a young life, who came to this world at first, how lonely the child should be if her mother didn't believe him.

This is not her wife's kindness, but the truest thought of a mother.

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