Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2237: Escape into the temple

Contrary to the crowd, she took her second brother together and pushed outside.

Although it seems that the best alternative now is Ling Ye, just now the elder of the Holy Sorcerer's pupil failed, and the deputy master and the people behind him should realize that Ling Ye may not be credible there.

And Yu, the founder of the Lord, has already appeared. If he changed to midnight, that would be a dead end.

Therefore, Ling Ye may only be a guise of the deputy chief.

She thought for a while and whispered, "Second Brother, let's go to the tenth-floor shrine."

That special little yard.

The deputy chief of the palace was thinking about how to get the title of the chief of the palace, and it was the only thing that could care about him.

She could see that the deputy chief seemed to be very jealous of the people in the small courtyard. At the same time, she also saw the reluctance on the face of the deputy chief when she left the courtyard.

Since the deputy hall master had mastered the entire temple at that time, and no one dared to disrespect him, the identity of those who lived in the small courtyard was ready.

They should be the supporters behind the Vice Hall Lord

The reason why these people can make the deputy master use them is definitely because they have what they want.

In addition to rights, it is longevity

She can almost be sure that the deputy chief of the palace was able to take it easy, and she could even take out the shell of the golden cicada because he had a hole card in his hand.

The people in the temple certainly won't get his absolute trust, so he relied on the people in the courtyard.

Fortunately, most people are below, and they have almost no obstacles to reach the tenth floor.

She just stepped on the tenth floor, and her elder brother yanked her down.

A cold arrow nailed directly to her whereabouts just now, Lin Mengya only felt cold sweat. If it weren't for her second brother, she was afraid she couldn't escape the arrow.

"Be careful, follow me"

Hei Palace said lowly, with the sword drawn in his hand, the whole person looked like a leopard ready to go carefully.

Zhe Lin Mengya also released all her system functions. I don't know why, her system detection function always has some obstacles here.

On the surface, the tenth floor was empty, but there was no one.

But she and the second brother knew that the crisis hidden here could kill their lives at any time.

After the person behind the cymbal put the cold arrow, he seemed to be silent again.

Compared to her unsmooth detection, obviously the second brother's intuition honed in the battlefield is sharper.

They stepped forward step by step, Gong Ershun pulled out the feather arrow that almost killed her.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the style of the arrow by the way.

的 The weapons of each force will be different, some special equipment can play an unexpected effect on the battlefield.

But this arrow has a very strange style. The arrows of others are as sharp as possible. There are barbs or other designs that can reduce air resistance.

However, the tip of this arrow is hooked back, but it is very likely that this will not hurt people, but if the distance is close enough or the strength of the bow is sufficient, the arrow tip will enter the body It is not so simple to pull it out.

A tadpole is like a fishhook. Once you hit the key, it is really terrible.

Although there may be such a possibility, such a weapon is not made by ordinary people, and regardless of the material of the arrow, the manpower for using this weapon is not ordinary.

She whispered behind the second brother and asked, "The second brother

Alas, do you know who would use such a weapon? "

Gong Gong two glanced at him and shook his head gravely.

虽然 Although this arrow was not shot, he has already gone from the top to the other's extraordinary murderousness.

I'm afraid I'm not a good character.

The two were cautious step by step, ready to welcome the enemy's sneak attack.

Meng Lin is quite familiar with the terrain here.

"As long as we enter the Temple of God, we can use the building inside as a cover. But there were many people who were responsible for patrolling there before, and we don't know if they are inside or not."

If it's just a patrol, she believes her second brother can still handle it.

Ningong Erji nodded and said, "Let's go over and ensure your safety before I come out to find the person who intends to sneak in on you."

Lin Lin Mengya knows that her three-legged cat effort will only add chaos to her second brother.

When the two said yes, they quickly moved in the direction of the temple.

As soon as she reached halfway, she felt a coolness behind her.

"Second Brother Beware"

She lay on the ground and rolled forward. Well, the second brother cut off a lot of cold arrows above him.

The sound of "ping-ping-ping-pong-ping" made her mind lost.

I originally thought that there was only one attacker, but now it seems that she despised the other's ambush.

Hurrying to get up from the ground, the second brother grabbed her hand and yelled, "Go in"

She did not wait for her to react, and the second brother was suddenly pushed into the temple.

Suddenly, the cold arrows that came at her were blocked by the tall wall of the temple.

Lin Lin Mengya ran quickly inside, and her detection function also told him that there was no one here.

Fortunately, fortunately, they did not encounter the worst situation.

了 Without her drag, the second brother's action is obviously faster than before.

Fight him and fight back, and finally successfully retreat to the temple, and shut the door fiercely.

As the door closed, all the cold arrows were blocked out.

Listening to the sound of the collision from the door, Lin Mengya and Gong Er both looked dignified.

"Brother, you stand here first, I'll go inside and see if there are other exits."

Haremiya nodded.

Zhe Lin Mengya ran quickly inside, which was too big, especially in the face of the escape situation, she hated the deputy chief even more, why did she do such things that hurt the people and hurt her money.

After searching around, I was caught off guard by a while.

There is no back door for such a large temple.

In case of fire here, what can I do to get burned here?

Gao Linmengya found that it was not the crow's mouth that would bring disaster, but the crow's brain hole might also bring danger.

While she was busy looking for a new exit, the second brother suddenly looked dumbly.

"Sister, did you find it"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, looking a little frustrated.

But the news from her second brother made her more nervous.

他们 "They are full of wood outside, and now they have lit a fire, I'm afraid they want to smoke us alive here."

Brother Er's face was calm. Although Lin Mengya didn't seem panic, she silently fanned out her mouth.

Think of good and bad spirits.

Hiromi Gong thought she was scared and immediately appeased: "Don't worry, the fire will not spread here for a while and a half, and the temple is full of stones, and we can survive for a while."

So the second brother was very optimistic, but she knew that the situation was actually very bad for them.

Although the fire may not spread here, the thick smoke may also kill them.

There was a flash of light in her head, and she pulled her second brother and ran to the innermost.

Oh yes, how could she forget the room where Master and Master had been watching.

If the temple has a back door, she thinks she will be there because that stone door can be an excellent shelter.

Also, the master of the temple was detained there, which did not attract anyone's attention, it must be because there was a passage leading to the temple.

Otherwise, if someone wants to leave, how can the deputy master attack suddenly?

Xun Gong trusted her very much, and the two quickly ran to Shimen.

I still follow the previous method, and she and her second brother crawled into it.

The elder brother was dark inside, and the second brother took out the fireworks around his waist and quickly saw the surrounding environment.

"Have you been here before"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and kept looking for the door to go out on the wall.

Here she quickly searched systematically after entering, making sure that no third person was present.

Finally, she pressed to a place suspected of being an institution, and when she was about to tell her brother the good news, she suddenly heard the sound of someone falling to the ground.

"Second Brother, are you hurt?"

Lin Lin Mengya thought about her brother's previous efforts to protect her and face the attackers alone.

She suddenly felt a little nervous. To know that the arrows were not easy, if the second brother hit the arrow, then the two of them would be in trouble.

He didn't want to, and in the dark a voice of a woman made her extremely strange.

别 "Don't be afraid, he just slept."

The voice seemed to be close to her. Lin Mengya immediately lifted her heart. The sweat on her body was upright. She tried to control herself and kept a relatively calm tone. "Who are you and what do you want to do with my brother?

The other person's tone didn't sound as malicious to her, but now the situation is special, Lin Mengya will not let go of any possibility.

She can hear the voice getting closer and closer, but she cannot hear the footsteps of the other party, nor can she perceive the existence of the other party.

Numerous hairy thoughts hit her, and she immediately clenched her fingers tightly in an attempt to keep herself calm with that little pain.

似乎 The man seemed to come to her in the darkness.

"You look like this."

What do you mean, did the other party come to criticize her?

Then she heard the other person seem a little disappointed and said, "It's a pity, I thought you might lose this time."

Lin Lin Mengya was confused by the two words she suddenly said.

Confusion cleared up a bit of fear, and she took a sip of water, pretending to be calm, and asked, "What do you mean you have seen me before"

"Well, I've seen you since you were born."


Lin Lin Mengya only felt that the monk who was now Zhang Er could not figure it out.

If the other party wants to harm her, then you can do it now.

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