Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2240: Someone set

Xun Jun Wu Zhao was so stupid, and felt something went wrong.

What's more, he was just overly sad, but he didn't lose his mind.

I glanced coldly at the food, Jun Wuzhao secretly wrote down the other party.

Even if Jun Wuzhao didn't mean that, it was a stone that stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

Gao Lin Mengya and Gong Er became the target of public criticism, and almost everyone cast the sight of hatred on her.

Fortunately, she never feared, and did not stare one by one, but stood beside calmly, without rushing to justify herself.

This round is for her.

She had to be clear about the opponent's tricks before she could fight back.

Anyway, the crowd is not as impulsive as Jun Wu Zhao.

Her dress was good, and she had sharp eyes, and recognized her.

"Dare to ask your Excellency, but the house owner?"

In the crowd, there was a man in his fifties.

He doesn't have much resentment in his eyes, only prudence.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and said: "Exactly."

At first I heard it was the owner of the palace, and the crowd immediately caused a small commotion.

I was actually in a good time. If these people rushed in, they were catching up with Jun Wuzhao and entangled with her, then she would never be able to clean up this charge.

The man hesitated for a moment, carefully considered the words, and then asked, "I don't know if the housekeeper knows, what is going on?"

He's provoked servants saw that things didn't develop as he expected, and knew that he was remembered by the young master, and he was left out.

I carried a knife and rushed up aggressively.

"Bitch! Return my lady's life!"

He knew that he was not Miyaji's opponent, and he didn't want to kill Gongya, but he made a look of indignation, and said, "Isn't my lady just blocking your wife's position? But she still Little, why do you want this poisonous hand! Do you think that you can sit back and relax when you kill all the women in the world who are competing with you? Well, your means are so insidious, Your Highness will never love you like a femme fatale. of!"

A big hat was buttoned down, and if it wasn't herself who was scolded, she felt that the person being scolded was a pervert who was mad with jealousy.

The man finished scolding, but the man flickered aside.

Lin Mengya heard it, but nothing happened.

嗯 "Huh? What I mean by listening to you is that I'm jealous of the young and beautiful girls and kill them all?"

The man did not expect that his dirty water was spilled on this one, and a woman as high as Gong Ya was still not angry.

Bend the tip of the nose, and could not help exuding a thin layer of sweat.

"You, just admit it! Poison woman, return my lady's life!"

Who knows, she smiled slowly.

"Who taught you that?"

Her look was cold and her eyes were very clear, as if she had taken off the other person's camouflage at once.

The servant of Junjun gritted his teeth and planned to come to death and refuse to admit it: "No one taught me that it was too bad you did! Everyone, please help me to get justice for the dead!"

What a pity, but no one should agree.

The servant is completely stupid, this is completely different from what he expected!

现在 Shouldn't the big guy now raise his arms and take the poisonous woman with him?

"House owner."

After reading all this, the man who was still a reasonable man before was even more suspicious.

虽 Although they are not a big family, they are not indifferent to let others use them.

Where else can they not understand this situation?

"In my opinion, I still have to be more careful. If the owner of the palace does not dislike it, I would like to ask you a few questions below, I wonder if I can?"

This is kind.

But after all, she appeared at the site of the corpse for no reason, and she should also clear the suspicion.

I glanced at my second brother and just nodded, there was movement outside.

"My Highness, my sister is here, you must make it for my sister!"

Listen to the voice, should be a young woman.

And the voice is too gentle, and there is a little bit of horror helpless in it, and people will not be too bad to want to come.

The crowd walked away, and saw a man wearing a black dress rushing forward.

Even though Frost's face was cold, it was a rare look in the world.

Walking next to the man, a beautiful woman accompanied her.

The women who were up and down during the seventeenth and eighteenth, were brought up with excellent education between the actions, came with the men, and for no reason made people feel that the relationship between the two was a bit close.

After the puppet woman came in, looking at the corpse on the ground, it seemed as if she had been hit hard and her body was shaking.

"Sister, sister!"

She took a step back and just indented her distance from the man.

Qi Qiao's face was pale, and she wanted to strike too hard, but her legs were soft and she fell straight backwards.

Yuan Yuan looked to play a hero to save the beauty, and the woman ran into a solid chest as she wished.

Wide sleeves covered his face, crying crying, "Lord, let me go!"

It turned out that when the woman fell, the man in Xuanyi who followed him frowned, and grabbed someone and stuffed it.

The girl looked crying at the wrong person when she looked at him.

And the Xuanyi man who was originally scored by her is not bad, but strode forward to Lin Mengya.

"Are there any injuries?"

天 In front of everyone, Long Tianyu is not easy to get started, but still pinches her wrist and greets in a low voice.

Gao Linmengya was very satisfied with the performance of his man, and her face also smiled a little.

"It's okay, my second brother is always protecting me."

Eriya Gong also admitted to the brother-in-law, so he just nodded to him.

的 The beautiful woman who just got rid of the strange man was surprised to watch Long Tianyu's actions.

But she turned her eyes and ran to the body of Miss Junjia in a small step, and tears burst into tears.

"Sister, you, who the **** did you offend, will you be this poisonous hand! Sister, but one step too late, let you be victimized by a traitor. You can rest assured that His Highness is there, he will not let you go man of."

After saying that, she took out her handkerchief and pressed the tears in the corner of her eyes.

I raised my head, and a few hopes appeared in Shuiliang's eyes.

This is a look that no man can refuse.

Being regarded as the only reliance by the great beauty of the water spirit, any male animal must be a protection.

What a pity, she miscalculated again.

Her Highness in her mouth was warming to her wife, not even half of her eyes.

Finally, Lin Mengya couldn't stand it anymore, and she pinched her own man's waist.

"Well, people are waiting for you to do justice."

Who knew Long Tianyu just glanced, and said, "Whoever kills someone, what does it matter to me?

Yeah. "

This, make Jiao Didi's big beauty dumbfounded.

She turned her gaze to her cousin, but saw the dim light in the man's eyes.

Suddenly surprised, she was slow to realize what was different here.

He didn't fight at all here, and Gong Ya didn't become the point of Qianfu.

I blame her for paying too much attention to the image in front of the hall, and forgetting to confirm the current situation.

Xun Junwu's call was bad.

He froze, and grabbed the hand of his cousin.

"Don't you always stay with the little girl? I asked you, where did you go before the little girl disappeared?"

Wu Junji avoided her eyes in a panic, but the next moment she wailed and said, "Cousin, Junji doesn't know. It was the little cousin who said that she wanted to go away, so I ---"

Where does Jun Wuzhao believe her devil's words, she took her aside without mercy and asked: "My little girl is the most sticky to you, almost inseparable from you. She is so timid in this strange place Definitely won't leave you! Junyi, you better tell me clearly, otherwise, I want you to look good! "

Although she was a little caught off guard, she had her own support.

She raised her head, and she lowered her voice and said, "Cousin, if you still want to keep the position of the young master, you have to help me."

"Help you?" Jun Wuzhao didn't understand for a while, but Jun Xi was very determined.

"Yes. My little cousin has died, and it is only me who can marry the housewife as the housewife. My cousin, we have little time."

Just like this, where else does Jun Wuzhao not understand?

He stared at Jun Jun who was holding the winning ticket consciously, but clenched his back molars.

"You wait for me!"

But Junjun smiled disdainfully, "When I become the lady of the palace, thank you for being too late."

After he finished speaking, he immediately changed his face.

"Cousin, what did you just say. You saw with your own eyes that it was the housekeeper who killed the little girl? How is this possible? Cousin, have you read it wrong?"

Xun Jun Wuzhao was very shameless about the woman's shameless shame, but when she thought of the family, he could only annihilate his conscience, and did not dare to look at Gong Ya, and nodded against it.

Suddenly, with the witnesses, the wind changed immediately.

I wanted to ask Lin Mengya to assist the man in the investigation. Some were not convinced, so he asked, "Jungong, do you really see it with your own eyes?"

Xun Junwu summoned his fists and forced himself to look at Gongya.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

The other person's sight instantly made him feel like a thorn in his back, but he had to get the position of the lady of the house.

I barely hardened my heart, but never dared to look at her.

"It's Miya, kill my sister!"

Xi Junxi laughed secretly, but she looked shocked.

"House master, you, how can you do this! Your Highness, my sister died so terribly, please give her justice!"

Zhe Lin Mengya couldn't argue, and those people echoed.

Even though not everyone believes the lie of the Jun family, Lin Mengya knows that she suspects it.

Eriyagong was so angry that this little rabbit dared to wrong his sister.

Staring at his eyes, he was going to teach each other, but was stopped by his little sister.

"Second Brother, don't be impulsive."

Hei Gong Er still listened to her, and saw Lin Mengya calmly step out, watching Jun Wu alone.

"Master and Master, do you really see it with your own eyes, did I kill someone?"

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