Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2245: Overwhelmed

At the corner of Wu Junzhao's mouth, a mocking smile appeared.

"In your eyes, my young master is nothing more than a tadpole."

The old Jun family's face changed, and their attitude was not too blunt.

"I'm all for the monarch's family, young master, please don't do wrong to the husband?"

Jun Wuzhao's look changed, coldly: "Since you still know that I am the young master of the monarch's family, then this matter will be done as I said. Everyone, go back! Our monarch's affairs, We handle it ourselves, without bothering others. "

Lin Lin Mengya listened to their inner concubine, but on the face she looked like a play-seeker.

Slightly squinting her eyes, she teased, "It seems that there is only one young master in the upper and lower levels of the Jun family, with a bit of character. But today he is not me, but you."

The Jun family is unknown, so when they were trying to refute, they were stared at Jun Wuzhao coldly.

"I say one last time, if you still think you are a monarch and you still recognize me as a young master, give me back!"

When I first met, I also took a few young people who were very stable and proud, but now it was dark, and my eyes were a little gloomy.

But Lin Mengya didn't feel a pity. In times of trouble, she is still the head of the family. It may be better to grow up earlier, so as not to be treated as a puppet and be at the mercy of others.

"Master, you are putting your monarch in danger!"

The Shes are a little old and anxious, and as soon as their faces sink, they want to use their seniority to suppress each other.

"As your elder, I can't watch you make mistakes again and again!"

The people around me also obviously listened to the clan old.

At this moment, Lin Mengya slightly lips her lips, ironically: "Today I can also see the superiority of relying on the old and selling the old, let alone, in the face of your young master, I will give you a way to live. As long as you are fast I can leave without blame, but if you are obsessed, you must follow my rules. "

Some people have retreated.

After all, they are not stupid, don't look at their crowds, but there are four masters on their side.

The Dai people have other plans.

不管 Anyway, this matter is because of their rule, they just fight, they dare not fight hard.

The matter of Xun Jun's family can not be delayed, this time you must take a child!

"The housekeeper, our monarch cannot afford to gamble, this offends you! Come, invite the housekeeper!"

More people rushed up, but this time, Lin Mengya's eyes did not have the slightest temperature.

"What should I do? Come in accordance with the rules of our house. I'll go in and see Yu."

She got up gracefully, and Miyago and Miyago next to it looked sneer.

住 "Stop! I command you as the young master and stop!"

Xun Junwu called out loud, but he was willing to listen to what he said.

Lin Mengya turned her back to the group of people and said, "You can't save them, even if you are a god. I will accept their lives. If your monarch wants to continue to oppose me, my palace , Stay with you to the end. "

Xun Junwu called the students and shivered.

The woman's words were too cold and too cold, and she felt that her heart was frozen in half, and she was breathless.

At this moment, the closed door was opened from the inside.

Long Tianyu whispered Xuanyi, leaning lazily at the door.

The old Jun family felt that they had seen a life-saving medicine and shouted.

"The Lord of the Palace! Please, the Lord of the Palace, please, save our monarch!"

Everyone looked at the man with expectations.

Ye Ke's gaze was straight

I fell on Lin Mengya.


He reached out and held her firmly.

He shivered for a moment, but with scarlet killing intention.

"Drag the schemer into the temple jail."

Suddenly, those people were condemned.

Just now there were only four of them, Gong Er, but in an instant, they were surrounded by a group of dark guards silently.

The old two families of the Junjun family fought, and looked at the people around inexplicably.

"The temple, the temple master! What are you doing? Our king's family has a marriage contract with you. If you do this, you will not be afraid of the old temple master's anger, blaming you?"

Chen Longtianyu looked at the old man with annoyance. He was in the room, but he could hear it clearly.

"Go to him then, but you must have that life."

After saying so, she took her beloved woman back to the room.

Xun Junwu summoned his clenched fists, even though he hated the self-proclaimed clan elders and the blind followers, but he could not watch them alive and kill himself.

"I say the last time, if you don't want to die, give up resistance. Otherwise, I can't protect you!"

He Kezu is old and once again ignored his words and glared at him.

"You waste! Only the monarch's family will have you before going to this day! Don't be afraid everyone, I don't believe that they can really kill us all!"

Before he said anything, all the dark guards showed their weapons.

With the sword in his body and blood red splashing, when the first man really fell, all the Jun family was dumb.

"Offenders, kill!"

Wu Anwei's emotionless threat finally became a reality.

Xun Junwu called down his eyes and laughed weakly.


What kind of master is he?

In my mind, I couldn't help thinking of the rumors about the housekeeper.

No wonder, that one would choose her.

几个 How many women in my family can only catch up with her?

No matter how it turned out to be Shura Hell, Lin Mengya was held in her arms as soon as she entered the door.

"Let me back."

The man still had a little bit of tide, apparently it was just a sweat that made him clear the medicine.

Lin Mengya dragged him, reached out and tried his forehead carefully.

I'm fine, it's not hot anymore.

怎么 "Why not take a good rest in the house?"

She knows that the man has no strength but is still supporting her.

Xun Long Tianyu gave most of her body weight to her, and smiled, "My wife is bullied by others, how can I watch?"

"What nonsense, who can bully me?"

Her voice was light and faint, and she seemed to complain, but with a little sweetness in her heart.

Finally managed to get the half-coquetry and half-skinned man on the bed, but Long Tianyu grabbed her hand.

"Don't leave now."

The man put her hand under her face and looked at her baba.

"I hope you can accompany me more."

The expressions were exactly the same as their sons.

Lin Lin Meng Yaming knew that she was intentional, but she really couldn't bear it, so he could only get it first.

"Okay. But you need to take a good rest. This medicine is no longer a problem."

Xiao Long Tianyu was proud of himself.

He knew she couldn't bear it, so he rested her hands comfortably and closed her eyes.

Outside, the sound calmed down.

After a few minutes, someone knocked on the door.

"Master, these people in the Jun family have been arrested, please show me how to deal with them."

Lin Mengya looked at Long Tianyu, who had fallen asleep, and had no sympathy for the Jun family long ago.

"Push them down first, and ask who they gave the bear heart and leopard courage, even my people dare to plot."


Of these people, the only one who is called by Jun Wu is really caught in the drum.

The medicine is very powerful, and it is for the situation after Yu exhausted.

Fortunately, she came in time, otherwise, if he really had a relationship with other women, after the relief of medicine, he would be almost a waste person.

It's not that simple at all.

But someone is behind it, deliberately murdered!

If someone had instructed her, she would have taken this person out; if it was the idea of ​​the monarch's own, they would wait to die!

In the dungeon of the Sanctuary of the Temple, the imprisoned monarchs were all curled up in the corner.

Xun Jun Wuzhao was at the corner, looking at his tribe. In addition to his heartache, he felt even colder.

If he still can't see clearly, then he is too incompetent.

"Young Master, this palace is really arrogant! You can rest assured that we won't stay here for a long time. A person like her who is perverted, really think that no one in the world can stop her?"

By this time, the Jun family still didn't know how to live or die.

Sui Jun Wuzhao suddenly felt very tired. He laughed with a self-deprecating smile, and he was helpless in his words.

"Clan, do you still fool me as a three-year-old?"

The Qiang old man was stunned for a while, then lowered his head with blinking eyes.

"What is this young master saying"

"Let me ask, where did you get the medicine from?"

Although this incident passed through his hands, the more he thought, the more wrong he became.

You must know that His Royal Highness His Highness martial arts was world-wide. At that time, one person could fight hundreds of temple rebellions or stand invincible.

In this case, why was it easy to win the trick of the monarch?

I still have the medicine. The Jun family has a strict style. Even if the family is unbearable, they will not use this shameful method.

He was mad at the time, but now I think of it, but there are flaws everywhere.

"This medicine is naturally prepared by the homeowner for the occasional need."

"You lie!" Jun Wuzhao stared at each other.

"My father will never do this kind of thing, and what he hates most is these inferior means. You tell me the truth, where does this medicine come from!"

He asked eloquently, and the old man of the tribe seemed to be stubborn, saying, "Where can I get such a powerful medicine if it was not given to me by the homeowner! Besides, it's not that you blame you for doing bad things If we could get more involved in Gongya for a while, we would have done it now! "

Xun Jun Wuzhao suddenly grabbed the opponent's sleeve and lifted him from the ground.

"I went to see Gongya, and I know very few people, but I think you seem to have prepared it. Also, this medicine is intentionally left by you, tell me to use this thing, you can make His Highness obedient You are also misleading me, saying that this is an order from my father. My father is in the family all year round, and I do n’t know much about it. How can he anticipate in advance that His Royal Highness will refuse to fulfill our marriage contract? Indecent means to seed? What the **** did you hide from me! "

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