Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2249: Mysterious white

"What do I mind?" Lin Mengya asked.

Xun Jun Wu Zhao did not understand.

"Don't you be dissatisfied because of the marriage contract between the monarch and the temple? And, I, we did that again."

声音 His voice was getting quieter, a little embarrassed.

But Lin Mengya smiled freely and said, "I really hate you, and I didn't want to help you."

Xun Jun Wu Zhao's heart sank, and it really was.

But she continued: "But in the position of the house owner, I must help you. The so-called cold lips and cold teeth, you also said that the reason why the house did not have a girl for decades is actually the same as the family. Something went wrong. As the head of the palace family, I must not sit idly by now. The problems facing the monarch family may not be the crisis of my palace family after a few years. In that case, why should I stand by and watch? Is it just Because of these personal grievances, do I have to make fun of my family ’s interests? Then I ’m afraid I ’m not the vinegar-like crane-top red? ”

I have to say that her words gave Jun Wuzhao a new perspective on the position of the homeowner.

As a homeowner, personal grievances are far less than family interests.

He did the same, but he was very wronged, and he couldn't help asking: "I did those mean things for the family too. Why, I'm not as confident as you are?"

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at him lightly. The child was afraid that it would not be foolish for the family to teach him.

She stomped her feet and patted his dog's head.

"You need to know what the character of this family is, it all depends on you, the leader. In our house, those who have lost their discipline and lost their bottom line are to be condemned and spurned by all the people. Similarly, If you do n’t even have a conscience for the so-called family interests, then your family will naturally follow suit. The head of the family is not so good, you are the core, and your words and actions will affect everyone. "

The reason why the palace family is so united is that she is not an arbitrary person.

She gave up all the so-called powers in her family, because she knew that she was not a versatile person, and they were more suitable than her.

What she has to do is just hold the big direction and don't go wrong.

The whole family is like a big robot. Some people control the arms, some people control the feet, and her brain just needs to give orders.

After listening to her stupidly, Junjun Wu summoned a deep breath and said with a bitter smile, "I lost."

He is worse than her.

Although they are about the same age, compared with her, they are like a childish and ridiculous child.

Lin Mengya raised her eyes and smiled, "It's not a competition, where can I win or lose. But now that you admit defeat, you must be my little mouse obediently. I will figure out exactly how the blood of the royal family is in the shortest time It's going to happen. "

He froze.

The woman was just a most common smile, but it made him feel like a drum.

Quietly Mimi covered her chest, he stepped back unconsciously, for fear that she would hear her erratic heartbeat.

欸 "Oh, I'm kidding, what are you hiding!"

Lin Lin Mengya thought that the other party was frightened by herself, so she explained quickly.

Alas, it seems that the child's mental capacity is still too low.

Yunjun Wuzhao seemed a little helpless, but still asked hopefully: "I, I'm fine. House master, can you really figure out the curse of the king's family?"

Lin Mengya touched her chin and said, "I don't have the full confidence. To be honest, I haven't noticed the problems in the blood of the Jun family before. And there are some abnormalities, often because of environmental reasons. By the way, will your tribe outside as well? "

He lowered his head and thought for a while, and replied: "Those who are scattered outside are better for the time being, but this is probably the case in the family. The owner of the palace, you mean, what may be the problem where we live I don't think this is possible. We have been here for generations. If there is any problem, someone should have discovered it. "

所以 "So I said, this is just a possibility. The specific things will not be confirmed until I have seen them for myself."

Xun Jun Wu Zhao was a little excited.

"You mean, you want to go to our house?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why? Not welcome?"

"No, of course it is welcome. I'll write and tell my father!"

After speaking, he turned and ran away.

"Do not worry!"

What a pity, Jun Wuzhao did not hear this.

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head and sighed. The young people now, really listen to the wind and rain.

I am also, I am afraid that the problems of the Jun family have been bothering them for many years. It is not surprising that they can be so urgent.

She just wanted to go back, and A Da A Er A San who guarded her suddenly appeared.

Susan appeared suddenly, and surrounded her in a triangle.

"Master is careful."

Da Ah whispered, but Lin Mengya didn't notice any danger.

Until, a voice that made her hair growled upside down.

"Little girl, there are really a lot of great guys around you."

He is the man in the temple!

She was shocked and looked around.

I saw not far away, there was a woman in a white dress came slowly.

She has a hood on her head and can't see her appearance.

Yun Ke's breath was alarming. This person was too calm, but she was not sure.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?"

She tried to test the other party quietly, but the other party didn't want to talk to her nonsense.

"I arranged the affairs of the small courtyard. Fortunately, you have good luck, but it surprised me a bit."

Su Linlin Ya suddenly became angry.

"When did I offend you and want you to bother with me like that?"

别 "Don't worry, this is also for the good of the two of us. Little girl, if you don't even have this ability, how can you tell me that you're fine, better than your mother and grandmother."

The opponent's tone is not hostile, but there is no apology.

As if all she had done is righteous, Lin Mengya should bear it.

She hates this woman, but because of the ability of the other person to show up, she doesn't dare to act lightly.

"Do you know them?"

The woman in white smiled lowly and said, "I said, I was watching you were born. But you did n’t have such good luck as a kid, and Shangguan Qing was incompetent. She thought she ruined your mother. Life is unknown, this is just your mother's use of a golden cicada she shelled. The woman in the palace family is not so easy to deal with. "

Her heart moved.

This matter, she also inferred from her mother's testament. Why is this woman so clear?

好奇 "Curious? But it's not the time, little girl, if you want to know all the secrets your mother and your grandmother cover up, you must work hard to become stronger. Maybe then, I can tell you."

The woman's words were almost seduced.

The other party did hold her back, knowing that she couldn't be indifferent to the past of her mother and grandmother.

But she is not stupid, the other party is obviously uneasy.

"I have more people who want to tell me after I become stronger. You are not the only one who knows the secret, not to mention you are not my mother and my grandmother's friend, so there are some things you don't know."

For example, her psychic illness may have been deliberately arranged by her mother.

So she suddenly heard that the other party was cheating her.

"Oh, really a clever little guy. Well, I really only know part of it, but little guy, I must warn you before leaving, if you don't want to face your most powerful enemy as soon as possible, then stay away That man. Love is nothing but a cloud of sight. Men in the world are ambitious and only love power. You have a palace man in hand, what kind of man can't be found, and you have to be entangled with him? "

This remark made Lin Mengya even more unhappy.

也许 "Maybe the man you met is like this, but my man is not. He loves me better than everything."

The white woman froze for a moment, then sneered.

"It's a naive little guy. Whatever you want, it's your own business, I tell you, the dead people in the small courtyard were not my job. The girls died because they were women. . And the little girl from the Jun family, she died because of that terrible marriage contract. "

Lin Lin Mengya came to understand a little, clenched her lips and looked at each other.

"I'm not scaring you, little guy. The reason the other party hasn't come to you is because your identity is different. It's also because those people are not ready enough. When that happens, you will bear the brunt."

It's intimidation and warning if I slap the other person.

Lin Lin Mengya silently remembered in her heart, but she did not show cowardice on the surface.

"Why do you frame me?"

"I?" The woman in white said with a pleasant mood: "Naturally to test your strength, little guy, I'm leaving soon. Before I leave, I just want to see you."

She can't be sure if the other person's words are true or false, but the information the other person deliberately reveals is enough to make her think about many questions.


"Oh, what a stubborn little guy, I hope, you can still do this in the future. I'm leaving, you play slowly."

The shy woman waved her sleeves and turned generously to leave.

Lin Lin Mengya kept staring at the other person's figure tightly. After the figure completely disappeared, she gasped heavily.

Just now, I was too nervous.

"Master, are you okay"

Wu Ada asked with concern, Lin Mengya waved her hand and said, "I'm fine, how are you?"

Ada said guiltily: "It's all because of the incompetence of her subordinates, but the breath on that woman's body is too weird. The three of us joined forces, afraid that it would not be her opponent.

A Er added: "Also, I can feel that there are a lot of experts just hiding around us. Fortunately, she didn't hit you."

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