Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2266: Brother acting

Zhe Lin Mengya really did not see this scene of "brothers and children with disabilities".

In fact, Long Tianyu is a little bit stronger than Long Qinghan. If she hadn't given up her own daddy product, I'm afraid that Long Tianyu is still in the dark.

"Okay, just a little lesson. Wouldn't it be stupid if you broke it?"

There is really no sincerity to Lin Mengya.

Actually, she had some opinions on Long Qinghan.

Regardless of what reason he had, the first person he was most sorry for was waiting for his hope.

Second, the child dared to say to his brother that he was an orphan.

Long Qinghan, who was beaten by a storm, was also aggressive.

He doesn't know the two people in front of him, but I don't know why, but there is no resentment against them.

He covered his swollen face, limped back and took a few steps, staring at them both alertly.

Lin Lin Mengya carefully watched each other up and down.

From the point of view of dress and dress, Long Qinghan's life was not very satisfactory.

The tartar was a lot thinner, and the young people who had been cheerful and lively did not know why there was a gloomy face on their faces.

I was like a beast that was forced to the extreme, as if hostile to the world.

情况 The situation is unknown now, Lin Mengya did not rush up to prove her identity.

She called Long Tianyu aside and muttered softly.

"In my opinion, he should have been deceived."

Xiao Long Tianyu glanced at Long Qinghan with an unclear look, and the latter immediately felt that the injury on his body seemed to be more painful.

"Deserve it!"

Long Tianyu is not unhappy about her brother.

He just looked at him like a sneaky look, and wasn't angry at him.

Even if I was deceived by the people, there was no previous memory, but the bones of the Dragon family were lost by this little rabbit.

If he can, he definitely doesn't want to recognize the goods.

"Okay, I don't think it will be easy for him, so don't endlessly."

In the face of his wife, Long Tianyu has to obediently do it even if there are thousands of unwillingness.

Looking back at the dragon Qinghan next to him, after this heavy hammer, he finally learned a good one.

In short, he already felt that the pair of men and women in front of him seemed not to be provoked.

"Give me a good stand!"

He looked at his immature brother, Long Tianyu shouted.

The latter immediately stood up straight and couldn't even move, it seemed that he had recovered his original goodness.

Facing the interaction between the two brothers, Lin Mengya smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Memory can be lost, but some things carved in the bones will never be forgotten.

And the key question now is, what is the reason why they have to find out why Long Qinghan lost his memory?

I was because of what came here, and women dressed as men still wanted to come here to steal things.

To be honest, if you have a physique like Long Qinghan, and women dress up as men, they are really hot eyes.

He didn't know what method he used to get rid of it.

The two murmured beside each other for a while before finally finding a solution.

Lame people are definitely not allowed to leave, and at the same time they can not cause outsiders to doubt.

Lin Lin Mengya asked Long Tianyu to stand behind her first, and then she flickered, this little uncle who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Have a gentle smile on her face, try to make the other side relax as much as possible

Be alert.

别 "Don't be afraid, can you tell me your name? Where do you come from?"

Obviously, compared to the man who raised his fist and gave him a blaster when he saw him, Long Qinghan had a better opinion of this gentle beauty in front of him.

Despite some awkwardness and jerkyness, she responded to each other.

"My name is Shen Ti, I am a domestic slave."

I heard this, Long Tianyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

I didn't expect anyone to be so bold, but he wanted to make his brother a slave.

Lin Lin Mengya has felt the coldness that erupted from her own man. She quietly squeezed his man's arm behind her back, begging him not to worry.

既 "As a domestic slave, why did you dress like this, and why did you come here?"

This remark made Long Qinghan silent. Obviously, he is the so-called master behind himself who wants to defend himself.

But Lin Mengya was not in a hurry.

She thinks this person will never appear here for no reason.

Although everything looks like a coincidence from the current situation.

But from Lin Mengya's accumulated experience over the years, all this reveals the conspiracy of conspiracy.

She looked at Long Tianyu, and they were very tacit.

She was as gentle and harmless as before, and asked, "Actually, we don't have to arrest you. So, just tell me what you are looking for, and we will let you go. "

Her temptation, Long Qinghan really hooked.

After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head.

"I can't tell you, if you want to kill, you must listen to your respect."

But he didn't notice that when he said this, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu's faces flashed away.

I really do, it seems their guess is good.

I heard this, Lin Mengya deliberately embarrassed.

"The two of us are also working for the temple. If you don't cooperate with us, we can't help you. In this way, we can only arrest you first, and then wait for the verdict of the temple master and wife. What do you think?

I have no more attractive catchers than them.

It's clear that Xiaolong Qinghan didn't expect that they would talk so well, and even he couldn't help but want to ask. Is the temple like this to the enemy?

But fortunately, he remembered his purpose, and he could only no doubt with a doubt and nodded.

When Lin Mengya saw him, she immediately said with a smile on her face and said, "Then you don't want to resist! The more you resist, the more he wants to fight you. You also saw that I didn't stop his power, then you will It can only be beaten in vain. "

Unconsciously, she used the same set she used to coax the children in the man in front of her.

Why else would people say that 嫂 is better than mother? She really broke the heart of an old mother.

Although Xiaolong Qinghan was not used to her attitude, she did not show much resistance.

Only when Long Tianyu stepped forward to tie up a man, he still couldn't help but tighten his body, for fear that he would be beaten by the man unilaterally.

Although Xie Longtian Yu was angry, his brother was looking for many days.

After tying up the man three times, five and two, he couldn't help but be frightened, the back of the child's back.

"Run all day, I don't know who it is!"

Chen Long Qinghan was still very puzzled. Although the man in front of him gritted his teeth, he did not kill himself.

He can feel that when the opponent is playing against himself

He often avoided important parts, and the injury looked serious, but in fact he would not cause any damage to him.

His eyes flashed, a little doubt appeared from the bottom of his eyes.

But soon he seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly became quite cold.

I soon disappeared the noise between the emperor and the emperor.

Lin Lin Mengya, they did not go out with Long Qinghan until those people were outside.

Not far away, Cai Ru and Bai Su greeted him.

The former did not know Long Qinghan, while the latter was slightly surprised.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya shook her head quietly towards Bai Su in time.

The latter immediately understood what she meant, and in a blink of an eye, Long Qinghan was a stranger who had never met.

Such a small episode, Long Qinghan, who has been thinking about it, has not noticed.

When they arrived, Bai Su quietly dragged Cairu.

She Cairu was very clever and immediately understood what she meant.

"Miss, someone has sent it back."

Such a title, let Long Qinghan not think too much.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and said to the two of them, "This is a thief that I and my husband caught from the small yard. You will be held in a cell for the time being, and wait for the master of the palace and his wife."

The twenty-four people concealed their true identity quite tacitly.

Xi Cairu went to detain himself, while Bai Su stayed with them.

Seeing that people had disappeared, Bai Su lowered his voice and asked, "Master, isn't your Majesty ... no, is it the brother of the palace master?"

She even recognized Bai Su at a glance, and Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu's doubts became more and more.

They really don't know, what is the purpose of the other party sending Long Qinghan to them?

If you want to let Long Qinghan do some damage through their relationship, wouldn't it be better if they could make Long Qinghan pretend to recognize them?

Now, even Lin Mengya, who has always been wise, is also the second monk who has no sense of mind.

"It is true that he is Long Qinghan, but now we are all going to pretend that we don't know him."

Bai Su doesn't like to ask her master why, she only needs to know that her master has ordered her to execute it.

I can't see Long Qinghan here, but she is also a little bit pleased.

"Miss Gu Pan now, you don't have to miss him every day and wait for him!"

Ms. Bai Su, who often gives help to her master and sister, and also sympathizes with her, also has a good opinion.

Moreover, she also knows about the past between Gu Pan and Long Qinghan.

I watched the lover finally become a dependent, and she was naturally happy.

But Lin Mengya shook her head, her face a little heavy.

"It's not that simple. For the time being, don't tell the story about Long Qinghan to Gu Pan."

That little girl is bitter enough.

She didn't want to let Gu Pan, because Long Qinghan was injured again.

As for Long Qinghan, what he owes to him should be repaid by himself.

Suddenly, she was responsible for retrieving the long-anticipated Long Qinghan.

Long Qinghan, who was sent to prison in the temple, waited until the woman who sent him disappeared, and his face returned to a clear color.

He looked around coldly, looking at the solid cage.

When I thought of the couple I had just met, I couldn't help showing a sneer on her face.

Huh, really treat him like a fool.


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