Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2269: Future vision

However, Li Ao is not a person who likes to inquire about the privacy of others. Although he is curious, he is limited to this.

He turned to another matter.

"I have heard about the post, I believe it must not be yours."

Li Liao's attitude was very firm, but made Lin Mengya a little embarrassed.

"In fact, this matter is still a mystery until now. The death of the posthumously has caught me off guard, and now I am also troubled by this."

In front of each other, Lin Mengya did not make too much cover.

Li Li proudly nodded, thinking for a moment and said, "So I thought for a long time, I think I still want to tell you what I know."

"please say."

He thought about it, and said the sentence carefully, "I seem to have run into a couple of lovers after a few times, but I was too far away at that time, and I didn't see the specific scene. Just intuitively, I think that person may be a man."

Zhe Lin Mengya never thought that the death of the posthumous person had such peach-colored news.

She paused for a while before saying "You can see clearly"

"I'm sure that person must be a posthumous person, but the person I met with her has never met."

This is true.

The women in the Temple were originally a little less. In addition, the age and looks of the posthumous are different. It is difficult to admit that they are wrong.


She was hesitant.

How to say this, she can't bring it up with Emperor Zun, otherwise Emperor Zun will bite to death even if it is for dignity.

It will be more troublesome.

"I don't know where Li Li saw it"

Li Liao whispered, "It's in a small garden on the fifth floor. I always like to be quiet, and I found that small garden by accident."

And then Lin Mengya asked when Li Ao met, and the latter gave her an even more surprising answer.

I turned out to be the day when Hou Zun did not eat dinner.

Alas, and the time is right for dinner.

It's a little strange, she said clearly to her, Houzun was kept in her room during dinner.

I then went out and strolled for a while after that.

If neither of them remembers it correctly, it means that every time the post-wife goes to the garden to see the man while he is eating dinner.

后来 "Later, I followed the man quietly, but every time he could shake me off, but I'm sure he didn't find me, but he was very careful in real life form."

This makes Lin Mengya even more incredible.

He was so familiar with the terrain that the person should be someone in the temple.

I was so surprised that there was another traitor among them

If this is the case, then it will be troublesome. He must notify Long Tianyu as soon as possible to let him take precautions.

Looking at Lin Mengya's frown, Li Ao couldn't help but blame herself.

"Sorry, I should investigate this matter and tell you."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

"Gongzi can find such a key clue for me, I have been grateful. By the way, Li Gong, I have been thinking about the ancients for a long time."

He heard that Li Ao smiled bitterly.

"Everyone has his own life, and his life is in heaven. If this time it is God who is going to die, I have no complaints."

When Lin Mengya saw this prettier look, he couldn't help but say, "Even the worst result, we have to work hard. I think now

Hesitant, if you let the Li family and the monarch family always live in the same place, if someone wants to plot you, as long as you are a little familiar with the situation inside, you can start working for you. So I thought, maybe you move out first. "

I heard Li Ao's eyes light up before shaking her head.

"In fact, I have thought about what you said, but it ’s hard to leave home, and even if I convinced the old people in the family, where can there be a place for our family to survive? Thousands of people want to eat Drink, those real estates that can't be removed are the foundation of our lives. "

This is because there is no land insurance for more than two banks.

But Lin Mengya also has her own ideas.

"If Li Li believes me, I will send an invitation to Li and Jun on behalf of the palace family."

Li Liao's eyes widened.

"Girl, palace, what do you mean"

"Actually, I also discussed it with my family. If Li and Jun want to move to the grounds of my palace family, let us be welcome."

Li Liao frowned.

"Do you know that the house owners did not come easily? After I moved my family or the monarch family to the palace family, the people in the family would definitely not agree and submit to the palace family. The so-called mountain is not tolerated. This is really impossible. "

Looking at Li Ao's anxious look, Lin Mengya couldn't help but smile and said, "Listen to me first to explain to you."

After that, she told Li Ao about her initial idea.

"You can also see the current situation. Soon, some of the current systems of the Patriotic State will collapse completely. That day will be the time when the various parties will quarrel and the majesty will fall apart. Unless one day, there will be a transcendental force that will force all parties The repression is regrouped, and then the patriotic country will again usher in peace. "

Her words shocked Li Ao.

"Gong, do you think?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

"I don't want to, but I have to do it"

She must let the palace family win the final victory in this scuffle.

Otherwise, they will only have a more severe crush.

She never likes to be a loser, letting her be slaughtered. In that case, she can only strive for success.

Li Liao didn't know what to say.

She knows that the woman in front of her is not something in the pool, but she doesn't want her to have such grandeur.

I dominate the entire Patriotic Power, which is something he never dreamed of.

"Girl Gong, I know you are smart and snowy, and the house is strong, but this is not so easy."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, of course she was very clear.

The most important point is that she does not want to be the empress, but this position cannot fall into the hands of others.

And she did not want to make Wei Guo a fragmented and fragmented country.

Because she knows that there are many countries on the other side of the sea.

不 The heavenly kingdom of the year was not awakened by the cannons of Western powers for hundreds of years.

So she has to make changes to the defending country, and so can I guarantee that the defending country is prosperous and the people will not be bullied and live and work in peace.

Moreover, she had a hunch that if he solved all the troubles, the country would soon usher in a population depression.

Without people, people need to thrive.

In this way, a stable and peaceful environment becomes more important.

当然 "Of course I know it's not that easy, and I didn't even think about letting the palace family dominate the king. You don't seem to be the emperor's material, so I hope to cooperate with you."

she was

The previous Sitai College and the Chamber of Commerce are a good example.

In an atmosphere like the college, those students have gradually realized how important it is to be separated from the family into the collective.

Stupid outside, they can be the heirs of the big family, or the treasures of the small people in the market.

But they only have one identity in the college, that is, students of Sitai College.

Their words, deeds, and actions represent the honor and disgrace of Sitai College.

林 Under Lin Mengya's intentional training, these children also gradually understand the importance of collaboration.

Therefore, the brand of the family has gradually reduced in their generation.

As long as decades later, everyone will no longer rely on family values ​​as they do now.

At the same time, all the merchants in the Great Chamber of Commerce will be connected together.

Since it is a community of interests, it is natural to share fate with breathing.

As a result, everyone's connection has become closer.

She does these things in two ways to weaken the role of the family.

I believe it won't be long before the family will become a spiritual belief, not an administrative division.

By then, the exchanges within the entire patriotic nation will be smoother.

他们 And their national strength will become stronger day by day.

After listening to her initial idea, Li Ao felt that she had lived in a mess for the past 20 years.

Educated from the time he was born, he needs to contribute to the prosperity of his family in the future.

人 No one told him, in fact, you can go to fulfill your dreams, you can go to show your ambitions.

He was attracted to the world described by Lin Mengya.

If there really is such a country, then he will definitely choose to be a scholar.

But after all, that was just imagination, the reality was cruel and cold.

He just thought for a moment, and then he was able to suppress the enthusiasm of his heart.

"Although your idea is good, no one will agree. If nothing else, once you say that, all the families will lose control of their fiefdoms and they will never do it."

Lin Lin Mengya lip smiled.

"But in fact, small families have to depend on large families, and large families must bow to larger families.

In fact, everyone is not unscrupulous, but is subject to control by more powerful forces than himself.

这样 But in this way, unless it is a family with friendly relations, those who are hostile may not come and go for hundreds of years.

No matter what good things the two parties have, they can't see each other. In the long run, everyone will develop more slowly.

Because there is no communication, there is no improvement. In the end, all the families have lost their vitality. Everyone keeps what the ancestors left behind, and lives by the rules. What ’s so interesting about that day

In the event that more powerful forces invade one day, how can we resist? "

I have to say that Li Ao has never thought about these issues she mentioned.

On this point Lin Mengya is understandable.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, only to be in this mountain.

If she hadn't lived in that civilized place, she wouldn't have thought so much.

Li Ao closed his mouth tightly, and said solemnly after a long time, "The high opinion of the Palace Girl really opened my eyes. However, I had to discuss it with my family and try my best to persuade them. "

Who does n’t want such a bright and brilliant future

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