Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2271: incredible

She Huangzun was obviously frightened by her. Even though she hated them in her heart, she was not as arrogant as before.

Although Xun Long Tianyu was curious and wanted to know how she knew these things and could threaten the Emperor, she eventually came in time to bring them back to the city.

Wu Huangzun still strained his face and tried to take the initiative again.

"These things are a slander to 朕 that you spread it, and few people will believe it."

Lin Mengya said coldly, "Even if we have more conflicts with Hou Zun, it is not as attractive as these love and hate. It is better to try it and see which one is more interesting to you."

He Huangzun stopped talking.

当然 Of course he knows that once the matter is publicized, the people at the bottom will always look at his scandals.

He is that he finally achieved his purpose, and he can never let those things go.

Otherwise, his own command was spread even worse.

If so, what purpose does he do?

"I heard, in fact, you still have an illegitimate child. But before he lived, he could never recognize his ancestors, right?"

Zhe Lin Mengya threw out another king fried.

Immediately, Huang Zun was completely honest.

That illegitimate child is his last thought.

But he couldn't allow it, and he was pointed by Qianfu for that child.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the tangled in the opponent's eyes coldly, and disappeared a little bit.

就 She knows that this kind of person always loves herself.


Wu Huangzun sighed long.

When I looked at her again, there was already a bit of compromise in her eyes.

"What the **** do you want to say"

Lin Lin Mengya pushed those nails in front of Huang Zun.

"What the **** did you hear that night"

Although she can use the illegitimate child to hold the Emperor temporarily, it is not a long-term solution.

Moreover, Huang Zun will never give up, so she must completely solve the hidden dangers of her post.

He Huangzun faced some struggles, but after seeing those nails still stained with blood, for some reason, he chose to tell the truth.

"I only heard her crying. In fact, I asked someone to knock on the door, but she didn't open it."

Then he chose to avoid it.

Lin Lin Mengya is not so disgusted with Huang Zong now.

后 The original post was to save him, so that the child in the stomach suffered so much damage.

In the end, the man gave her, but it was cold hell.

She is also a woman, even if she doesn't deal with the back, but it is not worth the woman.

If you have n’t truly loved, who can make such choices and sacrifice

Attitude, more and more impatient.

"Is there no one in her room?"

Huang Zun nodded and said, "Since she came here, her temper has become more special. She often kicks out the people, oh, except for an old woman beside her. Everyone can only wait outside. She does not call, and no one dares to enter. "

感情 The relationship between them faded, but this can't blame him completely.

After all, which man will endure a weird temperament every day, a woman who is hysterical?

However, Lin Mengya scoffed at Huang Zun's words.

If she can find out these things, will the Emperor be really blinded?

Man, I always like to push all the wrongs to the woman to prove how innocent I am


If he had not betrayed him first, his posthumous respect would not have changed.

Lin Lin Mengya confirmed the guess in her heart, and then gave the person to Long Tianyu.

Nine Dragons Tianyu is as strong as ever, and Huang Zun is currently in fear.

Therefore, after the two broke the news, Huang Zun promised that he would not disclose the queen for a while within half a month.

After waiting for someone to leave, Long Tianyu held her gently in her arms.

I felt the man's warm chest, Lin Mengya exhaled deeply.

"Why are you upset?"

Zhe Lin Mengya relaxed and paralyzed herself in his arms.

"Nothing, just think of something. These days I have been looking for the man who met with Hou Zun, and now I have some brows."

Such a posture of complete trust makes Long Tianyu an audience.

He kissed her hair gently, cooperating and said, "Speak and listen."

"I asked Bai Su to secretly screen those on the fifth floor. There is no problem with those families, but the five-story kitchen has recently had less fresh food."

Because of the terrain, in addition to some storage-resistant things, some fresh fruits and vegetables are transported from the mountain every few days.

These things will be allocated to the kitchen on each floor according to the share.

Because there are many people on the 5th floor, there are many fresh foods.

I may lose one or two days and no one will notice.

But if you leave it for a long time, that's too much.

In addition, the newly appointed supervisor was attentive, and after finding that many things were not right, he reported the incident.

Xun happened to have sued Bai Su when she investigated the fifth floor.

Xiao Long Tianyu took him to his chair, and after hearing this, he was silent for a while.

"Leave it to me."

Lin Lin Mengya sat up and took the initiative to hug his neck.

"If you don't want to"

"This is something between me and him, sooner or later, there will be this day."

Lin Lin Mengya sighed quietly.

Since she suspected that person, she knew it would be like this.

Lin Mengya's forehead rested on his chin, still a little confused.

"How could it be his queen, but his biological mother."

The evidence she found in the back room gave her an unreasonable guess.

If the Queen is not coerced, then she voluntarily swallows those poisons.

Yun Ke is concerned about her, how could she be willing to die?

Except for her beloved son.

"I had suspected that there was an inner ghost when Master was being calculated by someone before."

Chen Longtian Yu paused, and continued to say, "Even the deputy master of the Qin Palace did not know where the weakness was in Master, but as his apprentice, it was easy to do."

Lin Mengya was dumb.

It is true that Master Master of the Old Hall is unfathomable.

If it wasn't the person he trusted most, how could he get him the shot.

"Maybe Master is ashamed of him, so no matter what I ask, Master hasn't shaken out his application. But I guessed a little bit about it."

Before he was gone, Master had meaningfully told him that he must be careful in everything and never trust those who used to be.

Before he thought that Master was telling him that there were still traitors in the temple, now it seems that he should be referring to that person.

He nodded, Lin Mengya lamented, "I also ordered someone to secretly check after I guessed that it might be him

Talked about some romantic affair about the Emperor, and ended up "

He is not a good husband or father.

Although the combination of him and the posthumous is more powerful, it is undeniable that after the posthumous marriage to him, he did a lot for him.

"Murong Yan, he disappeared mysteriously half a year ago. But Hou Zun was not in a hurry to find him, so I wondered if he was then sneaking into the temple."

Wu Murongyan is the former Prince of the Wei Kingdom who was almost forgotten.

He is also Long Tianyu's cousin and one of the disciples of the former temple master.

In fact, when Lin Mengya just came to this conclusion, it was also incredible.

In fact, she is not annoying to the ex-prince who is not well known.

When Hou Zun imprisoned her, the other side helped a lot.

Therefore, she has been reluctant to believe.

Xiao Long Tianyu squeezed her shoulder slightly.

"Murong Yan always wanted to get the royal family out of the control of the temple, but at that time we didn't know that there were other complicated situations. Master has been trying to make up for it, but none of us know."

Some things are ridiculous now, because they never knew the inside story.

He was detached, but Murong Yan didn't see it.

"Then let's find him out and ask if he did it."

Lin Lin Mengya did not want to disappoint Long Tianyu too much, but she still hoped that Rongyan would be innocent.

But Long Tianyu let go of his hand.

"Is he doing it, I will find out."

I looked at Long Tianyu who had recovered her spirit, and she was finally relieved.

She believes that Long Tianyu will definitely find this out.

There were things that she hadn't expected.

On the third day after she and Long Tianyu turned the direction of the investigation to Murong Yan, the ex-prince who had been hiding on the fifth floor for a long time appeared in front of them.

Also, as an assassin.

When Lin Mengya hurried to the news of Long Tianyu's assassination, she saw the assassin who was almost killed by the assassin.

"Let me go and I will kill him"

The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and even that face was no longer warm.

When Lin Mengya hurried to her, she hesitated for a moment because of the voice.

Fortunately, Xiaoyao recognized the man who kept screaming in time, which was exactly what they could not find.

But she didn't care about interrogation, just went to check the condition of her man immediately.

At this point, he has finished bandaging.

Gao Linmengya rushed up to raise his hand, uneasy again unfolded the cloth towel, and after applying the best wound medicine brought by her, she gently fixed the wound.

Then I asked, "What's going on?"

Chen Long Tianyu knows his wife's personality very well when he sees him hurt.

I touched her cheek lightly with the other uninjured hand, soothing. "It's not a problem anymore. I wasn't prepared before, so I got hurt."

But Lin Mengya did not think so.

With Tian Tianyu's skill, it is no easy task to hurt him.

What's more, there are people who are protecting him secretly and secretly beside him.

She glanced at the man, and Long Tianyu guilty of concealing her eyes.

Suddenly she came over, holding the man's collar, and whispered a warning.

"I will settle accounts with you again at night"

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled and nodded to his wife.

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