Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2273: Temple meaning

"Our people just found a body. It looks like it was just after death. Your Highness asked me to ask you to pass by."

I died again

Zhe Lin Mengya could not help but frown, the storm of the posthumous has not yet passed, and precautions have been strengthened everywhere, how could something go wrong.

"Who can find out?"

Wu Baisu lowered his voice and said, "It seems to be a small merchant who is responsible for transporting dry goods into the temple. Your Highness is already there now. It is better to go there and see for yourself."

Lin Lin Mengya's heart "suddenly", she glanced at the little girl she had just met and her mother, thinking that things would not be so coincidental.

I hurriedly said goodbye to the mother and daughter. She couldn't bear to tell the two of them in advance. I hope she guessed wrong.

She knew that her guess was likely to be confirmed again.

面对 When faced with misfortune, she would rather be a fool.

The corpse was found in the kitchen on the sixth floor.

If it weren't for the fact that many people were added to the kitchen on the sixth floor today, they wouldn't find it in a granary next to it to store food, although an unknown male body was lying down.

When Lin Mengya arrived, she saw at a glance a similar look to that little girl.

Someone next to him was asking the person in charge of the kitchen whether he knew him.

Zhe Lin Mengya waved her hand and said regretfully, "He is a small merchant delivering dry goods under the mountain. He should bring his wife and daughter to deliver together. You can find them by going to the fifth floor now."

The people responsible for cross-examination were still a little hesitant. After all, how could they know who they were like them?

But Long Tianyu still glanced at his wife and instructed "Go and find someone and do as his wife said."

I waited until everyone had left, and Long Tianyu whispered, "How do you know if this person really has a problem?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and took a deep breath.

"I only knew him when I met his daughter just now. They should have no problems, just bad luck and met people who shouldn't be encountered."

From the words and expressions of the little girl and her mother, they should be a very happy family of three.

But it's all over now.

She raised her hands, and resentment was deeper in her heart towards those who wantonly slaughtered civilians.

"Find it out for me"

Whoever it is, no matter what the other party's purpose is, if you dare to do evil under her eyelids, you must bear her anger

Chen Long Tianyu patted her shoulder.

No matter what his wife wants, he will give his full support.

Zhe Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu were standing on the sixth floor. She saw with her own eyes that the poor little businessman's wife and daughter were invited in a panic.

The woman's cry was so sad that she could not help but feel sad.

亲 Relatives who were good before a moment ago have now become a dead body, and I am afraid that no one can keep reason.

"Sooth his family well, and agree to whatever they ask."

Chen Long Tianyu specifically ordered.

Although people did not die because of them, he didn't want to see his wife because he felt guilty for everything.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not look at it, but walked in front of the girl.

The little girl was crying. Although she was still young, she already knew the meaning of death.

蹲 She crouched down and was flush with the little girl.

"Do not

I'm going to cry, obediently, I will find out for you the murderer who killed your father. "

The little girl twitched and asked, "Will my dad survive if I find the killer?"

The little girl's naive words made Li Mengya's heart uncomfortable.

Yeah, everyone is dead, even if she finds the killer

The mother of the girl next to her immediately hugged the girl and apologized tremblingly to Lin Mengya.

"Pray for forgiveness, we are not intentional."

I watched the victim's family even apologize to herself, Lin Mengya's heart was even more uncomfortable.

She waved her hand, and said weakly, "It doesn't matter, after all, the child's father died because of our negligence. If there is anything you need to help, don't hesitate to speak."

The daughter-in-law looked at her a little bit shyly.

Hundreds of miles away from dustpan after finishing the work, they also rushed over.

Seeing this, I stepped forward and introduced the woman to Yan Yuese and said, "This is our beautiful lady of the temple. Although your man has gone, we will do everything we can to help you start a new life. "

Seeing this, the daughter-in-law didn't even dare to lift her head.

He just held his daughter's hand tightly and listened to their arrangements.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood aside and listened to Baili dustlessly inquired about their mother and daughter's affairs and arranged them properly.

At last, the little girl quietly broke away from her mother's hand and came to her.

听 "Listen to my aunt and grandmother, you are the most honorable woman in the world, aren't you?"

Lin Lin Mengya trembled in her heart.

"No, I am not"

如何 How can she explain to the little girl that her father would not have died if it were not for their fight.

But the little girl opened her big clear eyes and asked carefully, "Since you are so good, can you help me get my father back?"

Lin Mengya froze, and after a long time she said dumbly, "Sorry, I can't do it."

The little girl lowered her head in disappointment. Just when Lin Mengya wanted to search her stomach and say a few words to comfort each other, the little girl suddenly raised her head and said to her with a smile, "I know that Dad will never come back , But can you promise me not to let others lose their dad in the future "

Lin Lin Mengya did not know how to respond.

He and the little girl insisted on getting an answer from him.

For a long time, she nodded gently.

"Okay, I promise you, I will protect the father of others, so that they will never lose their father."

She couldn't ignore the kindness of the little girl.

The little girl who got an affirmative answer also hugged her gently.

"My mother-in-law said you are a fairy in the sky, and now I believe, if it is you, then I am willing to serve the temple forever."

Lin Lin Mengya stood in place, not knowing how to react.

The little girl was quickly taken away by her mother, but she still looked at each other's figure, and could not return to her for a long time.

Xun Longtian has been standing behind her, seeing this gently embrace people into her arms.

"This is what the temple means to the people."

He said softly in her ear.

"I used to think that if there was no oppression of the temple from the outside world, maybe everyone ’s contention would not be so fierce. But then I realized that the temple was never protected by those ambitious powers but The people of the world. "

With the suppression of the temple, those

Talents don't dare go too far.

Then, once the whole temple collapsed, there will be endless disputes waiting for the people of the world.

Although I don't know who came up with such a method, it can temporarily suppress those people's ambitions.

不管 But the people still benefit from it anyway.

Now it is her turn to take charge of the temple with Long Tianyu, so they should do something for the people who believe in them religiously.

"I understand, don't worry, I won't give up because of this."

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her face.

She will reinvigorate her spirit and properly handle the temple.

As for the tapeworms hidden in the dark, she will catch them one by one, and everyone will be a peace.

Looking at his wife who was suddenly excited, Long Tianyu nodded with a smile.

的 His Yaer is like this, will turn every suffering and grinding into a driving force for progress.

The death of that girl's father has inspired her wife's sense of responsibility.

At least since then, he no longer has to worry about his wife's ignorance of the existence of the temple, but to worry about it alone.

He knew that these responsibilities should be on his shoulders, but he wanted to share everything with her, be it glory or responsibility.

With this in mind, I believe my wife will definitely understand.

等等 "Wait for me, let's check together."

Xiao Long Tianyu laughed and caught up with her footsteps.

All the loneliness in the world will be disintegrated by another person, and finally melt into memory, replaced by endless happiness.

Fortunately, he was lucky to find his own happiness early.

Zhe Lin Mengya personally took a person to survey the scene.

Xiao Xiaoyao's analysis function became a big help for her, she did not let go of any clues.

The cricket is fatal with a single cut of his throat, and he is quite clean. He should be a man who has been trained by a killer or behaves very harshly.

But there is one point, the man was attacked from behind, it is not fake, but his knees showed signs of being attacked.

In other words, when people die, they kneel on their knees.

This is quite suspicious.

The small businessman's figure is not particularly tall. If the murderer is a male, then doing so is simply a superfluous addition.

But if the murderer is a female, then this is very much in line with the traces she found on the body.

Alas, there was a scent of wine on the murderer's body.

According to the little girl's mother, his husband seemed to have known someone before.

Once my husband was drunk and drunk, he once told her that he had found the best drink in the world.

And if he sells the wine to the temple, they can make a fortune.

As for who they are, the little girl's father did not say.

After getting the news, Lin Mengya could not help but fall into speculation.

Although the temple is forbidden to drink alcohol on the surface, many people like to drink wine in secret to keep warm because of its high terrain and cold weather.

I am also because the people who come here are either powerful or powerful, or rich and enemy countries. If you sell good wine to these people, it is indeed a stable business.

But it is not easy to sell things into the temple, especially forbidden goods such as alcohol.

So they have to find an acquaintance to open the joints, and this is how the little girl's father was found.

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