However, Mu Rongyan told his experience.

The man's acquaintance looked like an accident at the time, but in fact it looked more like a long-planned plot.

According to Murong Yan himself, at that time he was troubled by the dispute between Hou Zun and Huang Zun, because of the crown prince.

So in order to prevent the two from fighting for themselves and to allow the backseat to dispel Long Tianyu's mind, he avoided the two from a distance.

纵 Along the way, indulging in mountains and rivers, can also be regarded as releasing the heavy pressure on himself over the years.

Until one time he stayed in a small town, he met bandits and robbed women.

When encountering such a thing, Murong Yan naturally cannot let it go.

He stepped forward and organized the people in the town to drive the bandits away.

I rescued a woman from the bandit's hands, but this woman was different from others. She had no relatives and no reason. Because her father and mother were killed by the bandits, she had no choice but to sell to a big family.

I watched the woman sell her body to bury her parents, and Murong Yan could not help moving her heart.

He bought the woman, but he didn't take it with him, but gave her enough entanglement to let her go home and run to her loved ones.

But the woman told him cryingly that she had no living relatives at home.

If Murong Yan doesn't leave her, then she has no choice but to die.

In desperation, Murong Yan had to take her with her.

He then received a letter from the temple.

"The letter was sent to me in the name of Master. He said that someone wanted to work against him and asked me to help him secretly. But after I got to the temple, I didn't see Master. I have been with Master for a long time The news was passed on by her, so I think it should be her.

What Mu Rongyan said made several people fall into deep thought.

龙 Even Long Tianyu did not expect that there were such twists and turns.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it and asked, "Did you notice that before?"

Murong Yan nodded and smiled bitterly. "Maybe it was because I trusted her too much, or because there was no one nearby, so I believed everything she said. However, I was curious how she knew this mezzanine Where it is. "

If it wasn't for this interlayer, Murong Yan would not trust her so much.

But if Master did n’t tell her this place, how would she know as an outsider?

Gao Linmengya continued, "I think maybe someone stared at you long after you left Longdu."

If this is not the case, they cannot easily make Murong Yan fooled.

Moreover, after reaching the temple, the girl had the ability to hide Murong Yan's whereabouts.

In other words, she is in the temple

Others are also aware of the seriousness of the matter.

After the encounter, the girl's action also illustrates one thing. The inner response of that girl is likely to have been cleared by them.

Otherwise, the girl would not risk being found and approach the little merchant who sold dry goods.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Baili said, "So, the people behind her may be the rebels before them."

几 Several other people think the same way.

But Rongyan frowned.

"I don't feel like it."

"Oh, what did you find?" Lin Mengya asked.

As Mu Rongyan recalled, she said, "If she really colludes with rebellion, then they should have deceived my group. My identity is here, root

Nakamoto didn't do anything, even if she lied to me, it should be for the rebellion. However, she had repeatedly reminded me not to let me act rashly, and said that the group of rebels were looking for me, and the master didn't see me because he wanted to keep me safe. If not, I wouldn't have been cheated by her for so long. "

This is really a problem.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at a few people in deep thought and said, "Now that we have a rough guess, if you want to know the answer, it is better to ask her in person."

Although everyone agreed, everyone felt that the girl was not so easy to tell the truth.

Xun Long Tianyu frowned, "If you don't say it, reward her with a cane."

Lin Lin Mengya was dustless with Baili, and looked at him silently.

"My Highness, I have now discovered that the reason why you have not been alone for life is because your wife is too understanding."

Lin Lin Meng Yameng nodded in agreement.

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at the two suspiciously, and took his wife in his arms.

"My wife is naturally the best woman in the world, why are you jealous?"

Look at his alertness, and he can't help showing off in secret. There is a feeling that he may have followed the wrong master.

Although Lin Mengya didn't mind letting these two 10,000-year-old single dogs eat big dog foods, it is still important now.

She looked at Murong Yan, "I think it's better that you interrogate that girl yourself."

Tong Mu Rongyan hesitated for a moment, shaking his head with a bitter smile.

"What can I do"

至少 "At least, she hasn't really harmed you. And no matter what she does, she can help you, so we give this opportunity to you."

As Mu Rongyan, if it fell into the hands of the rebellious group at that time, I was afraid it would not be good.

And she can see that Murong Yan is not indifferent to that girl.

In this case, it is better to give him a chance.

Although there is no end to falling in love with the enemy.

But how do you know without trying

I was so embarrassed, the crowds who helped cheer up, observe and study, and even moved a small bench to watch the crowd, which became the biggest obstacle that Murong Yan wanted to ask that girl.

Tong Mu Rongyan stood in the execution room, and the corners of her mouth kept twitching.

The few people in front of me are clearly watching the lively.

"I said you guys are bored, are you serious?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu took his wife and said with confidence, "Newlyweds."

Lin Mengya snorted, agreeing.

Wu Murongyan knew she wasn't the couple's opponent, so she had to turn her condemned eyes to Baili Dustless and Ling Ye.

The former looks like a smiling tiger, while the latter is tensed.

"What about you two, nothing to do"

Hundreds of miles was dust-free, and he patted his hand a little exaggeratedly.

"Just recently I was injured, Your Highness said, you can give me sick leave."

Wu Murongyan was helpless, these people's cheeks far exceeded his imagination.

Fortunately, the exercises are still in the midnight.

But he stood firmly next to the couple of Long Tianyu.

"It is my duty to protect Your Highness and Madam."

He's righteous words, even Mu Rongyan could not find an excuse to refute.

He pointed at the knuckles weakly and almost broke his smile.

"Okay, you just listen."

I ca n’t tell the truth,

If he was left alone to face him, he would really be a little embarrassed.

With the four of them in, he felt like he was not so difficult to face this matter.

Tong Mu Rongyan adjusted her emotions a little bit, and said positively, "Come, lead someone."

The tacit sound of the four people left this place to Murong Yan.

Soon, someone brought the girl up.

It was only one night, this fierce overlord flower seemed to wither away.

That's a pretty girl.

Although she is not a peerless beauty, she is very beautiful.

The pair of big eyes that seemed slightly indifferent, maybe they once looked forward to flying.

She Naihe was reduced to a prisoner today.

It was probably because of the injury that the girl looked a little decadent.

As soon as Xun came in, she saw a mocking smile on her face after seeing Murong Yan.

怎么 "Why, I know I lied to you, so it doesn't matter if you want to get revenge, if you want to kill, you must listen to the respect."

The tough attitude of the girl made Murong Yan a bit uncomfortable.

I can say that since these days, his distress and hardships were carefully consoled by the girl in front of him.

Although he hates being deceived, if the subject is her, he is not so unacceptable.

He lowered his eyes, and Murong Yan said softly, "I'm not such a stingy person. You have helped me a lot before. I just want to know who sent you here and what your purpose is."

Even when interrogating prisoners, Murong Yan still maintains a gentle and friendly attitude.

There was a struggle on the girl's face, but she was forcibly suppressed by herself.

"I won't tell you, you die this heart. Also, if you really don't hate me that much, please give me a happy moment."

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but secretly tongue out.

She is also a personal talent, and she chatted to God after a few words.

Scrutinizing Mu Rongyan's deadlock, she felt she couldn't watch.

"Girl, you may have misunderstood."

Lin Lin Mengya jumped out and said.

"Although Murong Yan is a gentleman, did you do that to trap him in injustice"

Although the girl was pretty good to Murong Yan, she was cold to Lin Mengya.

"He doesn't kill me, then you come to kill me, anyway, I will never reveal the slightest."

I closed my eyes and stubbornly closed my neck.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned.

She can feel it, in fact, this girl is not disgusted with Murong Yan.

I just seem to have great hostility towards myself.

She's innocent, okay?

Nine Dragons Tianyu could not bear his wife's anger, and brought people over.

There was chill in the dark eyes.

"It seems that she did not see the coffin and did not cry. You came to execution in the night."

Ling Ling nodded at night, and then pulled out the long whip on the side shelf.

That thing is an old thing in the prison room, the whip is dark red, and I don't know how many people have been drinking.

Immediately after clearing the air, he understood his highness' intentions, so he also decided to help the situation.

"Yangong, you still don't want to waste your good intentions again. Girl, do you know that it is Yangongzi who used your safety to exchange your lifeline. But if the girl is so determined, then we can only offend."

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