Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2280: Ulterior motives

Long Tianyu briefly explained to her the role of Jackal Guard and Tiger Guard.

This is his power completely.

There is no influence from all parties, even when he swallowed the medicine that can temporarily block the memory, he completely let go and let this power grow wildly.

I have to say that this is a risky move.

If it fails, at most it will take some hard work.

But if someone seizes the opportunity, it will be dangerous for him.

Alas, he has this courage to gamble.

Looking now, he is obviously the biggest winner.

The Jackal Guard and Tiger Guard were unbound because they had nothing to do with him.

Over the years, no matter whether it is a family or various forces, even in the temple, they have their manpower.

那 "So, does my family have it?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows, and suddenly came a torture to the soul.

Xiao Long Tianyu hesitated, and then said carefully: "Yes, yes, but they did nothing. If you don't like it, I will let them out now."

Lin Lin Mengya hummed.

Actually she is not very angry.

I was just a little unbalanced in my heart. After all, her own strength was also pulled by her hard work.

Nine Dragons Tianyu this time, but was very blessed to understand the unhappy point of his wife, and immediately took a rainbow fart.

"My people are also curious, but none of them can occupy an important position after they go in. It seems that the lady is superior."

She glanced at him, and her mood improved immediately.

I suppose this guy could talk, otherwise she would have to teach him something.

This is also the first time that Long Tianyu has met with Wolf Guard and Tiger Guard after resuming his memory, but Wolf Guard still has more parts.

In general, Hu Wei is responsible for communicating his requirements, directly to his leadership.

However, Wolf Guard is responsible for the maintenance of all parties, the delivery and execution of news, and so on.

For example, this time the leaked news, Wolf Guard brought back more accurate information than the spies of the temple.

"Our people have found the source of the news, it is the news from Longdu. But it is not the one left by the Emperor."

This news surprised Lin Mengya.

Both the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor Panlong have been for many years. It can be said that the capital of the dragon is the base camp of the two of them.

Which is the case, let alone something beyond their control should happen.

And the news has passed through several hands, the source is not testable.

That is, it is likely that the news did not flow out of the temple.


She looked at Long Tianyu, and in each other's eyes, she was confirmed.

看着 She looked at Long Tianyu and whispered: "This news is most likely leaked by the murderer!"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, looking dignified.

也就是说 "That is to say, the post-respect has long been targeted."

Looking back at the source, the murderer who killed the posthumously turned out to be in Longdu!

This made Lin Mengya more confused.

"However, the posthumous death is best for whom?"

Emperor Huang? impossible.

He Houzun and him supported each other for so long, it is impossible for him to hold on to his chips.

So the emperor threatened Long Tianyu immediately after his death.

As for the others, Lin Mengya rolled her eyes, but she had some speculation.

"Will it be Huang Zun's lover?"

The posthumous means are great.

She only opened her eyes and closed her eyes because Huang Zun later lost her fertility.

If she let her know that there is an illegitimate child that can threaten her child, then she will definitely use all means to cut the grass and root it out.

If they want to start with the post, that is very likely.

后 But the posthumous guardian will never be unguarded, let alone willing to die.

So there must be something else in them that they don't know.

The twenty-four people followed them back to the temple.

Zhe Lin Mengya was also a bit worried about how to calmly integrate people into it.

I was surprised to find that these people had already found their place.

Many positions that she hadn't noticed before had even been replaced by them.

Now, she just realized what Long Tianyu said.

These people are truly omnipotent. They can be integrated into a place where she wants them to be integrated in a completely different identity.

This kind of thing is absolutely very important to her.

Everyone in the temple is busy with this matter.

However, Long Tianyu forced her back to the room.

"I really have no problem!"

Besides, there are so many things accumulating, even if she wants to sleep, she cannot sleep well.

But Long Tianyu's attitude is very tough.

He took off her coat and shoes for her and pressed the person into the bed.

不 "No, you must take a good rest now. Obediently, everything is handled by me, and you have a lot to do."

Lin Lin Mengya had no choice but to nod herself.

Not long after Long Tianyu left, Lin Mengya received news from her father.

Last time, in order to ensure the safety of Master Long Tianyu, she let her father and her brother go along to protect them. Together with Yu's mother, everyone was also on the road.

I just pretended to cover the eyes and eyes of people, pretending to be rich merchants along the way, not walking fast.

But my father heard something on the way.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the contents of the letter, her brows slightly raised.

Yu Xin wrote that when his father passed through the territory of a small family, he found that the locals were quite hateful to the palace family, especially to her.

I do n’t know if my daughter is a father, my father will naturally not believe that she will do something that is sorry for the big guy.

But when the people there mentioned the palace family, they hated their teeth and didn't look like they were blinded by misleading opinion.

So my father was worried about what would happen to her, so she hurriedly wrote a letter and let her pass it on.

To be honest, she didn't have any impression of the place mentioned by her father.

The small medicine in the system is also innocent.

"I can be sure that the system is not faulty, and the owner does not have any warning of amnesia or dementia."

Lin Lin Mengya was too lazy to talk about this little guy's words.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Ye Liang's family matter, or this little family's affairs, she knew nothing.

As the saying goes, there is no hate for no reason.

Then why did this hate hit her in the air?

Alas, Liang Jing died.

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head and sighed, "I'm really wrong, right, let you go to check Liang Jing, do you have any clues?"

Xi Cairu shook her head.

"I have told all of us to go out and check the information about the person with the surname Liang, but there are so many people with the surname Liang, who knows which Liang family?"

Lin Lin Mengya knew that this was not an excuse for Cairu to be unable to evade them.

Da Dachu's land area is not small, people

There are many passes.

因为 Because of its distribution of power, the news of each household is destined to be closed.

Although she has secret support from the Chamber of Commerce, Sitai College, and Zhenlongtang.

But it is really difficult to find a family with the surname Liang who was killed by people from so many families.

"I know, this is no less than finding a needle in a haystack. You should look for it first. If you can't find it, we will think of other ways."

She thought about it and gave the letter to Cairu again.

"My father mentioned the address mentioned online, you'd better check it out."

I may find news of that Miss Liang.

These days are not destined for peace.

龙 As Long Tianyu was busy investigating, when there were more people inside and outside the temple that they could not control, the bad news came again.

King Huangzun was assassinated.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu had deployed before, so that his people replaced everyone under Huang Zun.

Otherwise, I ’m afraid that Huang Zun will either be poisoned or killed.

In short, the crisis was pushed down.

After hearing the news, Lin Mengya rushed over.

In the courtyard where the emperor lived alone, the bodies of more than a dozen people were lying side by side.

Huang Zunzun stood under the eaves, looking pale.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at each other, but felt strange in her heart.

You know, Huang Zun can be regarded as coming in a strong wind and waves. What else can scare him?

But she just walked to Long Tianyu's side with a glance.

"Everyone is dead?"

He nodded, and said blankly, "Thirteen people died in total, all of which are King's confidants."


This makes Lin Mengya feel incredible.

难 "No wonder we have been investigating before, who are the enemies lurking in the temple? They ca n’t always be found out. They are under our eyes."

This group of people should actually be investigated first.

But who can think of them all betraying the Emperor.

And after acting, their methods were sharp and sharp.

After discovering that the operation failed, all of them committed suicide with poison.

But after examining some corpses, she said, "They didn't commit suicide, but they took a poison in advance. In a day, it just happened that they were cut off.

So they are not just assassins, but dead men.

Jain has only three days of life after taking it.

And the last task they did before they died was to kill the Emperor.

"What a thoughtful mind!"

I see very hot means, she sees more, but it is rare to be so decisive.

The approach of the other party is the same as that of Liang Jing.

Whether success or failure, all witnesses are to be eliminated.

Xiao Long Tian Yu narrowed his eyes and thoughtfully looked at the Emperor.

The latter seems unacceptable.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was about to go over, and asked coldly, "Are you still hiding something from me?"

Huang Zun stunned, then Tie Qing asked with a complexion on his face: "Aren't you saying that you want your people to protect me? Then what happened to these people, Mu Rongxi, I tell you, if I die, you will be more troublesome! "

"Oh, this is really the wicked first!"

Lin Mengya despised the emperor's pretense.

I just have no evidence that they can break him through.

But she had a feeling, Huang Zun might know who he wanted to kill him.

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