Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2292: Wu Family Attempted

Wu's family asked for an interview again. Lin Mengya saw that she couldn't push it, so she decided to see it before she said it.

Speaking of which, it was the first time that the Wu family father and son had met, but Wu Xiang was more familiar with her.

"In Xia Wu Mian, I have seen the lady of the palace."

As soon as I entered the door, she saw a pair of gentle father and son.

勉 Although Wu Mian, the head of the Wu family, is a little bit cowardly, his temperament is still good.

青年 The young man who was saluting beside him had a clean white face and a good manner, but he was very good with the beautiful and welcoming Yingshuang.

She nodded and politely invited both of them to sit.

As soon as the tea came up, the eldest son of the Wu family stopped talking.

Lin Lin Mengya did not know where he was worried about the fate of his chamber.

Wu Mian considered it for a while, and then said carefully: "I heard that a few days ago, my unintentional daughter-in-law made a mess, and the tired lady followed, too. Alas, it's my family's misfortune. I hope my wife can see The old man's thin face forgives her. "

She picked the corner of her mouth and said, "No matter, I don't know how Master Wu recovered?"

Wu Wumian immediately replied: "Thank you Madam and His Highness for your memory. It is also a shame to say that our father and son rarely go out. This is the case when we are not convinced. It is not a serious illness."

The two of them spoke a few words, and the eldest son of the Wu family finally couldn't help speaking.

"I heard that Madam took my cell down, and I didn't know what she had done wrong and offended her."

一 As soon as he said this, the atmosphere was suddenly awkward.

勉 Wu Mian also changed her face slightly, glaring at her elusive eldest son.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't care about the offense in his words, she only explained: "Yingshuang girls didn't offend me, but I asked her to stay for a few days."

But the eldest son of the Wu family was out of the way, and he got up quickly and gave a deep salute towards her.

"Which is the case, please return your wife to me!"

"Wu Jiran, you shut up!" The owner of the Wu scolded his eldest son and later apologized to Lin Mengya.

"I'm really sorry, the dog is so sensible, and made the lady laugh. Then I was really good at it. If the wife has nothing to command, I want to take them back soon."

Regardless of the attitude, the father and son came for one thing.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at them a few times, knowing that she had no legitimate reason to stay in Yingshuang today, and had to take a step back.

"Alright, Cai Ru, please invite Yingshuang girls out."

Seeing that she had let go so easily, the father and son of the Wu family couldn't stop rejoicing.

But after a while, Cai Ru returned by herself.

"What about people?" She asked.

She Cairufu said in her ear: "I was taken away when I went."

"who is it?"

听说 "I heard, it is His Royal Highness."

Xiaolong Tianyu?

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, how did he come in and come in?

Wu Zheng wondered, and suddenly he heard Wu Xiang's voice outside.

"Father, brother, little sister-in-law has been brought out by me, please come and see."

大 Where the eldest son of the Wu family could not bear, he ran out in a hurry.

The owner of Wu is also excited, but after all, he is an elder and it is not easy to overdo it.

She yelled across the door, and she heard the sound outside.

大 The eldest son of the Wu family greeted his beloved with concern, while Wu Xiang was greedy and invited his brother for credit.

"Since Yingshuang has arrived, let's leave next."

The Wu master got up and said.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and wanted to get up and give it away.

Who knows that when she walked to the door, Wu Xiang opened her arm and saw her face guarded in front of both sides.

"You don't want to hurt my little sister again!"

主 The Wu family owner saw his daughter so rude and almost didn't drag the girl away.

Tong Baisu should not let anyone offend her, so she sneered at the moment: "What are you talking about? My master, when did you hurt?"

"I know everything!" Wu Xiang stared at Lin Mengya with anger in his eyes, with a strong attitude.

"You caught my little sister-in-law just to get something from her. But I warn you that she is from my Wu family, and even if you are the housewife of the temple, you still do n’t want to pay attention to my family. Bitch's body! "

With this remark, Bai Su's eyebrows were raised upright.

But Lin Mengya asked Cairu to stop people and walked to Wu Xiang in a few steps.

"Wu Xiang, what do you mean?"


湘 Wu Xiang raised his neck and said, but was covered by Wu's mouth, and he repeatedly apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my girl who said nonsense. Madam shouldn't be surprised."

He turned around and scolded the elder son.

"Hurry up and take your sister and daughter-in-law away!"

大 The granddaughter of the Wu family then took the people away, but Lin Mengya felt that the granddaughter of the Wu family was also hostile to himself.

This feeling is very bad, and the release of Yingshuang is actually what Long Tianyu meant.

不是 She's not unreasonable, but at least Long Tianyu should tell her?

I watched the Wu family go away, Lin Mengya was a little unhappy.

"Master, can you let Wu Xiang despise you like this?" Bai Su reconciled.

"Of course not, but if you started with her just now, the crime would fall on me."

"Count?" Bai Su was puzzled.

Zhe Lin Mengya's mouth curved, and a little starlight was falling in her eyes.

"Let's wait and see."

As soon as the Wu family settled together, they immediately entered the house and closed the doors and windows.

The Wu family owner sank down and whispered at his daughter.

"How can you be so careless that we almost can't get out!"

Wu Xiang pursed his lips and muttered dissatisfied, "I also quarreled for the little sister-in-law. Besides, you are afraid of that woman, I am not afraid!"

The owner of Wu only felt a headache.

His daughter has been aching from his childhood, because he has always been naive and has no worries.

"Okay, you are still young, where do you know her great. Let's pack up quickly, it's the early departure."

However, Wu Xiang pursed his lips and said arbitrarily, "If you want to go, I won't leave here!"

"You!" As soon as the master Wu stared, he was stopped by Yingshuang as soon as he wanted to teach this disobedient daughter.

"Father, Yingshuang is going to give you a happy birthday."

She was gentle and gentle, and stopped Wu's temper.

The latter sighed, but could not bear to get angry with this obedient and caring daughter-in-law.

"What's so gratifying, you don't know, this lady of the temple, that's a powerful role. Don't say Xianger, even if I am, I dare not meet her."

"Although the wife of the temple master is powerful, does it not only rely on the support of the temple master? But the second lady of our family will be on an equal footing with her soon."

As soon as Wu Yingshuang's words fell, Wu Xiang's face instantly flew into two blushes.

The Wu family's father and son also stunned and looked at her in shock.

这 "This, what's going on?"

The owner of Wu is a little dizzy,

I always feel that things are beyond my imagination.

Ying Shuang smiled, holding Wu Xiang's shoulder, and said softly: "It was just the second lady of our family. I was released by the order of the master of the house. This is not our second lady's face. What? "

The Wu family's father and son are all stupid. After a while, they eased over.

妹妹 "Sister, what are you saying?"

Seeing that Wu Xiang nodded, the eldest son of the Wu family immediately frowned.

"Father, this is great news! If our Wu family had become the in-laws of the temple, I'm afraid that it would be Zina!"

Compared to the joy of the eldest son of the Wu family, the Wu family owner seemed much calmer.

He still doesn't believe this very much, after all, the owner's affection for his wife is well known.

What's more, that palace house is also famous for its brutal and overbearing.

His daughter is a young man, and he is reluctant after all.

After looking at Yingshuang, he guessed what the father was thinking, his eyes rolled, and said, "In fact, according to the origin of our young lady, the lady in the main room of the palace is also worthy. Even if the owner of the temple has the heart, he has to take care of all the people. "

But Wu Xiang pursed his lips and said dissatisfied: "She is selfish and vicious, just like Dasao. I don't like her. If I would be with such a person under the same roof, I would not like it."

The owner of Wu looked at his daughter and had some thoughts in his heart.

He was originally unable to offend the palace family, but if he climbed to the temple, it would be a loss for the palace family.

At this point, Ying Shuangzhuang mentioned a few words inadvertently.

"I heard that the Great Chamber of Commerce and Sitai College can't do without the support of the temple master. Alas, the palace family is really alive. With such a fast ride, I am afraid that it will become the first family of the Patriotic Kingdom. "

Da Chamber of Commerce! Four Thai College!

Suddenly, Wu ’s heart seemed to be caught by a cat.

If he can also get the support of the temple, can he also rise up like the palace family?

He looked at his daughter again.

Although he is not as beautiful as the lady of the palace, but he is young and pleasant, and has a simple temperament.

The characters like the master of the palace will certainly not like the strong women like the palace.

Wu master, I am tempted.

In the Wu family's conspiracy, Lin Mengya personally wanted to ask Long Tianyu to find out.

He did not want to, but was blocked out of the temple.

"Where is Your Highness?" She asked.

His Majesty's respectful reply: "Mrs. Hui, Your Highness is discussing with his confidant inside."

"Can I go in?" She asked.

It is a little difficult for the subordinates.

夫人 "Ma'am, Your Highness has ordered him down early, and no one can enter during his discussions."

Hearing this, Bai Su couldn't help it.

"His Royal Highness will never hide from his wife, are you a fool of my master?"

His Majesty shuddered in fear, not even speaking.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the door of the palace, and pressed a little bitterness in her throat.

既然 "That being the case, let's go now."

Bai Su coldly glanced at the others, and reluctantly followed his wife to leave.

On the road, Cai Ru softly persuaded: "Master, don't worry, maybe it is really inconvenient for your Highness."

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to think about it, but she took a sigh of relief after all.

Immediately after she returned to Houdian, she received an urgent letter from Zhenlongtang.

"What? The recipe for the secret medicine has been stolen? Xie Ye's serious injuries are missing?"

Yun Xin was held tightly in her hands, but her chest seemed to be pressed with a pound of rock.

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