Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2305: Not provocative

Elder Mu Mu couldn't help worrying.

"I'm afraid they didn't come for us."

"This group of little kings, do they really think this temple is a soft persimmon?"

Talking about these people's assholes, the elder Mao gritted his teeth.

"If other people don't say, the little couple is not easy to mess with. They still want to fight with others, just because they don't even have bones and scum that will be eaten. At that time, we must have our ancients come to give them aftercare!"

Elder Mao Mao's hate for iron is justified.

From the previous actions, he has realized the truth.

After encountering the young couple several times, he realized that the afterlife was terrible.

I'm afraid this little young pair is not so simple.

Elder Chang has no idea and can sigh beside him.

Elder Mu Mu looked at the closed windows and doors with great anxiety.

He knows the palace family and the old temple master.

两个 The two seemingly no threat when they are in normal contact, but once someone dares to make their ideas, they are afraid that the situation will not calm down easily.

He is not necessarily the temple.

"I hope they can wake up early and don't make things out of hand."

Although the saying is so, none of them knows.

Zhe Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu changed their clothes, and together with the deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty, they went to see the ancient visitors.

What she didn't expect was that the other party blatantly gave them a face.

"Our parents are old, because we have been hurrying in the past few days, and our bodies are exhausted, we will not see you today."

Looking at the arrogant ancient people in front of her eyes, Lin Mengya's eyes were slightly cold.

"I have never heard of it on the host ’s site, dare to throw a face at the host. Go back and tell your parents, now that I am out, I will give him some face; if it is later, let him roll My temple, don't set foot in this life! "

刚 As soon as she spoke, a team of guards surrounded the yard.

哪里 Where the other party has seen such a battle, he immediately ran into the yard.

"Elder Song, Elder Song! No, the temple is about to kill!"

Zhe Lin Mengya stood outside the courtyard, listening to a mess of soldiers and horses inside.

I didn't take long before running a few people out of it.

The change led by Ji, became more polite.

"I'm so sorry just now, that stinky boy hasn't seen anything in the world, it's rude. My parents have been waiting for two for a long time, two please!"

I did not expect the two to remain motionless.

Lin Mengya raised her lips and said coldly, "You were unexpected guests. You should have come to visit us today, but now your elders didn't come out to meet them in person, what do you think of my temple? I can do well in this matter. Discuss with your elders of the ancient clan for justice. "

The other party is also unreasonable first, and the head can only go to the distressed to ask their elders.

It didn't take long for several people to come out.

三 These three can be very different from the elder Mu's temperament.

Elder Mu Mu is kind, elder Mao is straightforward, and elder Chang is always gentle.

But the three people in front of them all have a bit of coldness on their faces, and their eyes are also critical and dissatisfied.

Alas, it seems that this is an initiative to come to their trouble.

Lin Mengya stood beside her man and straightened her waist.

"The Elders of the Ancient Clan ruled that Elder Qi Yan had met the Lord of the Temple."

Qi Qiyan only spoke to Long Tianyu, but she clearly did not take her eyes.

No one expected Long Tianyu to hear the words, but said coldly: "Is the ancient elders disrespecting my wife, are you openly despising my temple? How courageous is your ancient people to dare to challenge my temple like this!"

For a while, the three elders' faces were very wonderful.

They never thought that for the sake of only one woman, the Lord of the Temple turned out to be angry with the elders of the ancient clan.

Elder Qi Qi stepped forward and opposed Long Tianyu.

"My ancient people are not subject to the jurisdiction of the temple, and the owner of the temple should still be careful when speaking!"

"Here is my temple, and you are here to keep my rules, otherwise, no matter who I am, if I want to kill, I will kill.

Xiaolong Tianyu was compelling, and the three elders of that ancient tribe were not opponents at all.

"Are you doing this to the ancients? I tell you, your temple cannot afford such a price!"

"I'm never afraid of threats from others, because anyone who threatens me will be killed by myself."

Chen Long Tianyu looked coldly at each other.

He promised that he was no joke.

But just face to face, the atmosphere became stiff.

The vice-minister of the Qin Dynasty was also full of anger, and did not want to be a peacemaker anymore.

"I advise you to think twice!"

Elder Qi Qi said angrily.

Although the purpose of his trip was to make the relationship between the temple and the ancient people completely evil.

But it must not be his fault.

Now the two elders behind Elder Qi see the situation is not good, and immediately came up to fight the round.

"It's all a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! Lao Qi is not happy to plead guilt to the lady of the palace!"

虽然 Although they took advantage of Elder Qi, they did not want to take their lives here.

Elder Qi Qi had a blue complexion, clenched his teeth, and refused to apologize.

Lin Lin Mengya gave him a cold glance.

"I'm not rare in your apology. Elder Qi's apology. Since it is so precious, then I will save it for Lord Yan in the **** in the future, but I will not be able to suffer."

No one from the Gugu group thought that this young couple had such a hard temper.

"Do you think you can fight against my ancient people by relying on the palace family?"

Elder Qi Qi turned all her anger to her and showed a mocking look in front of him.

"I'm afraid your ancestors didn't dare tell you that your palace family is the first bloodline abandoned by the ancients. Dare to show your authority in front of me, aren't you afraid that your ancestors will make you disturbed day and night?"

"My palace family really didn't know that there was still such a problem, that is, what it can do. See you know that the ancients are just like this. I think it should be my ancestors who saw that you have no way out, so they voluntarily quit? "

"You little **** hybrid, you don't deserve to talk to me!"

In front of Gongya, Elder Qi has enough proud capital.

But what he didn't expect is that because of the previous changes, the palace family did not have any impression of any ancient bloodline in Lin Mengya's generation.

"is it?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her lips and just waved her cuffs.

"Then I will let you never speak."

Elder Qi Qi just wanted to question her, but suddenly felt that his mouth was out of control.

With the twitching of his mouth, Elder Qi suddenly widened his eyes, and the blood of the mouth shed red blood.

He looked at Lin Mengya in shock and fear as if he were looking at the devil.

The person present was ignorant of what happened. Then, Elder Qi clung to his throat and coughed desperately before spitting out his tongue from his mouth.

"Easy to say, right now, I'll help you solve it now. Don't thank me too much, Elder Qi."

Her words have become a nightmare for almost everyone, even adding a bit of weirdness.

To know that she didn't do anything just now, let Elder Qi bit her tongue.

The people around me couldn't help but retreat from her.

No one dared to speak to her again.

Chen Long Tianyu grabbed his wife.

夫人 "Mrs. Do not spoil your mood because of such dirty things. My wife is just a slight punishment on you. Whoever dares to disrespect my wife next time, Elder Qi is your end."

Both the couple's looks are stunning one by one, but this cold and ruthless style makes the two people's looks a little more killing.

The remaining two elders were almost terrified.

怎么 样 Before things get better, I'll fold someone in first.

Now they dare not talk nonsense.

"I ask you the elder Mu three?"

一 As soon as she spoke, the people around her seemed to be taking medicine.

"Back, Madam Hui, the elder Mu is recuperating in the room."

"Invite the three of them, and you must have someone who can do the job."

To Lin Mengya's words were like a decree to them.

He was imprisoned in the room for a long time, and the three who were sighing were invited to the couple.

At this moment, Elder Mu looked like Lin Mengya's eyes, and some words could not be said.

She smiled and said, "But the elders think that my method is too cruel?"

Elder Mu Mu shook his head.

"I saw in the clan, there are many more cruel means than you. But I did not expect that your temperament is a little different from your great grandmother."

没 "No way, I don't have as good luck as my great-grandmother."

She doesn't mean to be angry at all, but to state the facts.

Compared to the great-grandmother who was born to be a proud son of heaven, her starting point is really too low.

Without these means of thunder, I'm afraid she would have been swallowed back by power.

"Hey, it was his own death. But Elder Qi's status in the Presbyterian Church is special. If you do this, you may be in trouble."

Lin Mengya was grateful to Elder Mu for being able to think from her perspective.

"Anyway, he's asking us trouble anyway, a little less, I don't care."

Elder Mu Mu shook his head and sighed again.

"I really didn't expect the Presbyterians to act now, and even so unscrupulous, it seems that my ancient people are afraid of ushering in a calamity."

It seemed that Elder Mu was unaware of the incident.

Zhe Lin Mengya couldn't help but ask with some curiosity: "Elder Mu should also know the purpose of Elder Qi, why do your ancient elders’ associations have such hostility towards my temple? "

"Although I am a judge elder, I have always been excluded from the core because I never associate with them. But I have also heard that some people have spoken to the Presbyterian Church, saying that there are treasures in the temple, so that My ancient clan broke away from destiny. The fate of the ancient clan is like a sword hanging around our necks. I do n’t know when the sword will fall. So the radicals in the Presbyterian Church made up their minds and wanted to occupy the Holy The temple received treasure. "

I heard this inside story that neither Lin Mengya nor Long Tianyu had thought of.

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