Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2316: not interested

After a few words and jokes just now, the tense atmosphere has been covered up a little.

Although Murong Li is still doubtful, smelling sweet dogs will never go wrong.

And he knew too well that those dancers of Li's family would show their feet in front of himself.

I was looking at the intimidating Li Wushuang who seemed to be more afraid of the husband standing in front of her.

说 Is it true that his information is wrong?

Lin Lin Mengya saw that Murong Li had been staring at Li Wushuang intentionally or unintentionally, and knew that what had just happened had made this conceited man no longer so determined about his own thoughts.

She even picked up the puppy and said with a smile, "This puppy is really smart. I think I have taken a lot of thoughts from my son?"

Murong Li Wenyan immediately said with a smile: "I have no ambition, and I usually like those elegant things. My little pet is usually perverse, but I did not expect to be in front of Dang Yun, so cute, It can be seen that it has a fate with Tang Yan. "

Xiao Long Tianyu's face was a little unpleasant.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and handed the puppy to Cai Ru.

It was strange to say that, just now she was extremely docile in her arms. As soon as she reached Cai Ru's hand, she began to struggle with her claws.

I ca n’t stand the effort of Cai Ru's hand, where is it that a puppy can break free.

I can only be honest, Cai Ru was sent back to the hand of the servant who was holding it.

I did not expect that as soon as the puppy arrived at the servant's hand, he bit his hand firmly with his sharp teeth.

Although it is only a half-sized puppy, its teeth are extremely sharp.

He narrowed his eyes and saw the man's hand and saw red.

However, the attendant did not dare to say a word, and did not even dare to hide.

When Lin Mengya saw this, she could not help but frowned slightly.

Even if the followers are all following such treatments, one can imagine what kind of days Li Wushuang had lived on the celestial body.

No wonder I was so scared that he shuddered as soon as he heard of Heaven.

Bian Murongli tried again and again to get the same result, and gradually he lost his interest in Li Wushuang.

After all, in his opinion, let alone Li Wushuang, even if the entire Li family is here, for him, it is just an ant that can be killed by just one finger.

But if Li Wushuang is really no problem, then he lacks an excuse.

Seeing the other party ’s interest shift away from Li Wushuang, Lin Mengya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But soon, Murong Li focused on their husband and wife.

I saw Murong Li smiled and said, "With the talent of a cousin, how can a sanctuary be pretended? Does the cousin want to come to serve in our clan?"


Nine Dragons Tianyu's answer was extremely clean.

In order to prevent Murong Li from leaving Taiwan too much, Lin Mengya added a few words.

"The two of us are used to this, and we don't want to go to a strange place and start again."

However, Murongli said with pity: "Although the temple is in full swing, it is just a barren land after all. How can our heavenly people be so confused with these people who are ignorant? My brother is afraid of entering the clan without anyone to take care of him. The fool is willing to wish his cousin a helping hand. At that time, the cousin will know what the real paradise is. "

Don't look at Murongli's smallpox about Tianren, but as far as the degree of exclusion he just made to these ordinary people just now, the two of them really went.

Alas, I'm afraid they will be treated as inferior.

At the same time, Lin Mengya also has a new understanding of the arrogance of the heaven and the people.

"I don't want to go, I'm not interested."

I was still short and abhorrent rejection, but this time even Lin Mengya didn't want to say something round.

Wu Murongli said so in front of the two of them. It can be seen that neither Tianren nor his own mind regarded Long Tianyu as the same person as her.

So, what kind of politeness is she?

"Cousin must be so happy because I don't understand our family."

Xu Murongli showed a generous look.

But his tone is like fooling two yolks who haven't seen anything in the world.

"Cousin knows that the most exquisite masterpieces in this world are all in our celestial beings. Take the temple as an example, maybe in the eyes of those savages, this place is already a masterpiece.

But in our family of celestial beings, even where the slaves live, they are all carved beams and painted buildings, such as the palace above the clouds. How can cousins ​​and cousins ​​such noble people stay in such places for their grievances?

Converted to me, it would be better for my cousin to put the matter here for a while and show it to the Hui people before deciding what to do? "

Bian Murongli's "bitter heart" is more like a seducer in front of Lin Mengya.

何 How clever is the man in her family, how can he be fooled?

I saw Long Tianyu's impatient expression.

"No matter how good it is, what does it have to do with me? If you want to stay here for a few days, I can entertain you. If you feel that it is not good, then you should return to your celestial family quickly. Vice Qin Lord, he will leave it to you. "

The main hall of Qin Fudian, who was next to him, was surprised.

However, he was always the first diplomatic ambassador of the temple. When he saw the temper of the owner of the temple, he immediately raised a harmless and friendly smile of humans and animals to welcome him.

"Li Gongzi hasn't been out of the family for a long time, I'm afraid it's rare to see our scenery. It may be that the scenery of my temple is not as luxurious and exquisite as the heavenly people, but it still has some natural interest. Come, how about I take you on a tour? "

In this way, Murong Li was dragged out of the main hall by the main Qin Vice Hall.

Li Wushuang, who had been in a hurry, saw this and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

He never dreamed that there would be another day.

I immediately thanked Lin Mengya.

"Thank you Madam for your life-saving grace. Wushuang has no retribution. In the future, whether it is going to the sword or the fire, only one word from the wife."

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her brows and waved.

"Go down with Bai Su first."

After Xun blasted everyone away, she looked at Long Tianyu in silence and asked softly, "There is nothing to worry about."

The man raised his head, his eyes were a little complicated.

伸出 He reached out his hand and gently pulled the person in front of him.

"I didn't expect them to come so fast."

From his words, she heard a little annoyance.

Obviously, in those days that she didn't know, men should have heard about the Celestials for the first time.

And he should have some in-depth understanding of the Celestials, but humans are not as good as Celestials.

The sudden visit of the Tiantian people struck Long Tianyu by surprise.

She touched his hair gently.

"Afraid of something, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover it. As long as we

My family members are united, regardless of whether he is a heaven or earth man, they all stand aside for me. "

Xiao Long Tianyu could not help but smile.

"Looking at what you said, it ’s like a female general. 唉, even if the genius family really comes, I'm afraid our family can't protect you is you?"

"Okay, Long Tianyu, people will solve you with good intentions, but you still think you have abandoned me! Yeah, I am the dregs, I am the power of a chicken! But who said that walking in rivers and lakes, marching and fighting must be used I ca n’t be brute, I ’m good at it! "

She knocked her head with anger.

Xiao Long Tianyu laughed even more.

"This is not true, but you are clever. If there is no room or room for display, is it still only being chased by others?"

Where Lin Mengya is not clear, this is the most worrying issue in Long Tianyu's mind.

怕 He is afraid that his deployment is not thorough enough and his strength is not strong enough. If they have no breathing room when facing the enemy, how can they turn defeat into victory?

She didn't take it apart either, just choked his ear brutally.

"You are so stupid. If you are really smart, how can you make yourself unable to fight back like this?"

Hey, let's talk, can't we beat others if we don't admit defeat?

Wu Goujian was reckless, and it was not too late for ten years of revenge. Aren't you just a little wronged? Ten years later, I don't believe I can't beat that person! "

Nine Dragons Tianyu couldn't laugh anymore.

A word from her made him finally wake up from the mist.

His arms loosely wrapped around his waist.

"It looks like I'm blinded. My wife is really my mentor and friend. It seems that I'm losing."

Lin Mengya smiled with her hands and gently rubbed his man's ear.

"Well, you don't have to think so much, the heavens and the people are really so powerful. Why send Murong to come and test us?"

She is also fearless.

Because she didn't know the strength and terribleness of the celestial beings, she could look at the problem more objectively and calmly.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also had to reconsider his thoughts.

"Mrs. is very reasonable, this Murong Li"

"For the time being we can't move him, and I have a hunch, I'm afraid Murong Li's purpose is not just to persuade you."

"Oh, really?"

Xiaolong Tianyu narrowed his eyes.

"I'll let people stare at him tightly for a few days. As for the other things, I leave them to you."

She said lowly.

夫人 "Ma'am rest assured, I see."

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled.

Because of Murong Li's sudden visit, Long Tianyu's days on the front line had to be delayed again and again.

But the opposite is not as leisurely as them.

On the night of Murong's visit, the spies in the temple received a message.

"The lord, wife, and the spies of the Dragon Rebels came to report that the self-proclaimed emperor had found Yan Gongzi's whereabouts! Moreover, it is said that they had grabbed Yan Gongzi and said that they were going to open the army Kill him on the day! "

The news surprised both the couple.

However, Long Tianyu was much calmer.

"How confident is this news?"

Tong Lairen replied: "At present it looks like less than 30%."

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