Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2324: Breaking the sheet music

Although the reason is simple, Lin Mengya has a special feeling in her heart.

Although the Lele people are avoiding the world, they are more direct than the people outside.

She solemnly collected the broken song and assured those people.

"Except when it is not necessary, I will never pass it on."

But the people of Lelang shook their heads in regret.

"Illusion is lost, and now for us, the broken array is useless. In fact, I will give it to you in the hope that the temple can help in the future when our family is in distress."

Looking at the passage they wrote on the paper, Lin Mengya understood their thoughts very well.

The glory and glory of the patron saints, even the noble officials, are also difficult to obtain.

But now they have to choose this kind of danger of no life for the sake of living resources, which makes people feel sad.

Holding the poem in her hand, she said, "Okay, I promise you in my own name."

As for the temple, she couldn't easily decide.

She is in the name of the palace family, and it is also enough to shelter the Lele Dai people.

The tribe of the Lele Dai people used their highest etiquette to give Lin Mengya a deep salute.

"I will arrange someone to help you disguise and then go down the mountain, just because your employer knows that your mission has not been successful, and will deliberately embarrass you, please be careful."

She can't do much.

What's more, over the years, those clients have certainly done a lot of bad things by using the Le Dai people.

想 The words he said before, I want to come because I have been aware of this situation.

I am not this time or the next time. Sooner or later, the people of the Leqi tribe will face the disaster again because of too many things involved.

But this time they are probably not so lucky, and they still have blood.

After the Deputy Master Qin Qin made all the arrangements, he came back to her about the matter.

When referring to the Lelang tribe, the deputy of the deputy Qin could not help but sigh: "Mrs. is still kind-hearted."

"I'm not the kind of person with a lot of love."

She looked at the score of the broken formation carefully and said softly, "I only do this to make them bite out the people behind the scenes."

What's more, she has already seen the end of the Lelang tribe.

兔子 The rabbit is anxious and will bite.

Wouldn't it be a waste of their enemies if they hurried them to the temple to deal with the temple?

The dean of the Deputy Hall of the Qin Dynasty was quick-minded, and immediately understood the meaning of her words.

夫人 "Mrs. means that there is a possibility that the people of the Lelong tribe will rebel against the Longdu rebels?"

"He can even go out with his own grandmother, not to mention that he was used by him to do bad things."

话 She said a sense of chill in her words.

Although she has not played against Murong Ming, this person acts quite fiercely.

He asked the people of the Lelang tribe to disturb the temple just to cut off the rear supply of the temple army.

However, she and the deputy chief of Qin Dian were both safe and sound. After learning of this news, Murong Ming will surely start by cutting the grass to take root.

I am afraid that when the Lele tribe will not escape their magic claws.

The deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty also quickly figured this out, but he also had his own considerations.

"Why don't you think about it, how to win over the Lelang tribe? After all, with their ability, whether it is assassination or spying on the military situation, a sharp knife will be inserted in the heart of the enemy."

"Not urgent."

She said with confidence: "The best time for us to subdue them is to let them recognize the reality."

She doesn't need to be 傀儡, nor does she need an answer.

She wants to let the people of the Lelang tribe truly submit to her. Only then can she let the Lelang tribe play the biggest role in her own hands.

If it is just like Murong Ming trying to use them with lies, then one day, the relationship between them will fall apart.

"Vice Deputy Qin Lord, please let someone immediately send this broken tune to His Royal Highness."


The deputy chief of the Deputy Qin Dynasty immediately went to do it.

人 Just after the person quit, Xiaoyao eagerly greeted her in the system.

"Master, master! Come in and see!"

She returned to the system page in an instant.

I saw a shiny sheet of music floating around her on the page.

She looked at it carefully before she said in doubt: "Isn't this the music score of the Le Dai tribe? What do you do with this thing? Do you want to learn music too?"

Xiaoyao looked at these flowing notes cheerfully, and his chubby little face was a little frowny.

"No, no, master, don't underestimate these scores!"

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help it, and fluttered a laugh.

"Okay, you little thing, you actually learned to drop your book bag with me! Okay, your master, I am also a medical graduate student, do n’t drag me words. Come on, what the **** is going on?"

Xiaoyao "hehe" laughed.

"Congratulations, Master Congratulations, you have found the correct password for Qingzheng spectrum!"

"what did you say?"

Now it was Lin Mengya's turn.

Xiao Xiaoyao looked at his host's disorientation, and Xiaofei's face was hidden with pride.

"Although it is only half, it can greatly speed up the decoding of Qingzheng spectrum. Master, do you think this is a good thing?"

Although Lin Mengya had seen through the careful thinking of Xiaoyao, she was still ecstatic in her heart when she was surprised.

早 She already knew that there are many secrets hidden in the Qingzhen spectrum, and these secrets are likely to be related to the civilization that existed on this continent.

Only because of the complexity of its password, even with the help of the system, its decoding speed is very slow.

She picked up a small medicine and happily circled the system.

"This is really nothing to break through the iron shoes, no effort is required!"

Lin Lin Mengya was a little excited.

However, Xiaoyao also said cautiously: "Although this half of the password can greatly speed up my decoding, the complexity of this password is beyond my expectation. If possible, the owner is better to find the other half of the password. . "

She also calmed down a little.

I think of the source of this half of the code, she couldn't help guessing, maybe the other half of Qingzhen's code was also hidden in the Lelang tribe.

In this way, she is even more unable to let the Lelang tribe in the hands of those people.

But she is more curious now.

Xi Qingzheng's spectrum was left by her mother. If the mother didn't know the secret hidden inside, why should it be hidden in such a precious place so preciously?

If the mother knows the secrets inside, it means that perhaps the mission of the palace family is heavier than what she knows now.

Also, unlocking the code of Qingzheng's spectrum turned out to be a broken song of the Lelong tribe.

This made her can't help but guess the connection between the Lelang tribe and Qing Zheng spectrum.

It seems that the fate between her and the Yue people is not shallow.

Is also a fixed number in the meditation. If she does not carelessly, or if she is careless for a while and does not recognize the other party, she is actually a mysterious family hidden in history books.

Does that also mean that she will miss this half of the password?

He seems to be a coincidence.

"You first use this half of the password to try to figure out the contents above, especially the origin of this thing."

"Good master!"

Xiaoyao seemed a little excited.

The interpretation of Qing Zheng's spectrum is quite complicated.

Sometimes it looks like a thin page, but it can be combined with various passwords to get more content than an encyclopedia.

Fortunately, her decoding function has become quite mature after several upgrades.

After sorting out her thoughts, she exited from the system.

He opened his eyes and saw Qinghu standing next to her.

Alas, her shoulders were in his coat.

"Tired, you go back to sleep."

Is still a gentle greeting.

Lin Lin Mengya tightened her coat and shook her head.

"It's just a little tired, it doesn't matter."

She knew that when she entered the system just now, she was regarded as asleep by Qinghu.

She stretched her waist, she took the paperwork aside.

These are some of the official duties she will do in place of Long Tianyu.

Qi Qinghu did not continue to persuade her, but quietly helped her bring tea and ink.

It wasn't until the tip of the moon that she finished all the business.

She looked up and saw the Qinghu who had been watching her.

Seeing the undisguised distress in that man's eyes, Lin Mengya smiled weakly.

"Nothing, you don't have to worry."

"Girl, you don't have to work so hard, you are not the only one in the temple."

But Lin Mengya smiled and said, "He marches outside, and I can't believe anyone except myself."

The Sanctuary controlled the supply of the army ahead.

This is the only thing she can do, and she must do well.

She is the strongest and thickest armor on him, and at any time, she will do her best to protect her beloved.

Wu Qinghu knew that persuading her was useless, and could only do everything possible to nourish her body.

She received a letter from Gu Pan on the third day of Le'ao's departure.

Yu Xin said, Gu Pan was going to a place with Long Qinghan.

And Long Qinghan went this time to marry another woman.

She snapped the letter on the table, her eyes filled with coldness.

"What a cold dragon! I thought he at least had some sincerity in Gu Pan, but didn't want this guy to haven't learned anything else, but he had learned his father's three wives and four widows, and had a stupid problem!"

Is different from Lin Mengya's anger.

Wu Qinghu picked up the letter and read it carefully.

"I don't think I need to worry too much. I hope that girl is very smart.

You do n’t know yet, she had been pestering me at home before, let me help him find the master of hidden tools. "

"What to do for Master Concealer?" Lin Mengya was even more puzzled.

Qing Fox hugs his shoulders, and there is a hidden mystery in his smile.

当然 "Of course it is for self-defense. She learned the hidden weapon well, and before coming, this ghost girl secretly went to your pharmacy and took something."

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