Qing Qinghu quickly turned back to pick her up.

"What do you do with him?" She asked.

Qinghu swaggered and said, "I threw him into the mountains to feed the wolf. It's really unprofitable, not even the two of our family are small."

Not too small, is the nickname of Qinghu for the two babies.

After listening to Lin Mengya, she didn't feel smile.

"This Murong Ming is also shameful enough. In this way, he actually came up with such a trick."

Not to mention what the other party was going to do, she was sure that these people were ordinary people who had been used as cannon fodder by Murong Ming.

I won, and she won.

Lost, I am afraid they will end up worse than these ordinary people.

Qinghu also understood, so he asked "What should we do next"

"Don't reveal your identity first, let's explore their reality."


The three of them returned to the inn before dawn.

According to Lin Mengya's speculation, it is absolutely impossible for so many people to go straight to the temple.

After all, now they can temporarily hide in the woods.

But at the foot of the holy mountain, there is no place for them to hide.

I'm afraid that after passing this town, they will pretend to be passing businessmen or the like, confusing audiovisual.

However, the most important thing now is to figure out what means they want to achieve their goals.

Gao Linmengya felt that this matter was afraid of the "sacred work" in the mouth of the little soldier and could not get rid of it.

The next day, the two of them went out and made a circle around the town.

On the road, there are already many people.

In terms of quantity, it should be those people in a part of the forest.

However, they acted cautiously, and heard the little soldier say that they have been waiting here for almost half a month.

This shows that within half a month, many of them have penetrated into the towns around the Holy Mountain.

And the specific number, he did not know.

I only know that someone keeps coming, and someone keeps coming.

Now that the card is set up, it is too late to check one by one, and it is also easy to expose.

But the only certainty is that the holy city and the temple are still safe.

When they returned to the town, the inns were full again.

This time, even the humble inn where they lived in.

I looked at the smile on the shopkeeper's face, but Lin Mengya and Qinghu had to be more cautious.

She went back to the room first, and Qinghu took the initiative to talk to the shopkeeper.

He calmly explored the information of these new customers, and then returned to the room.

The two leaned in front of the window and talked in a low voice.

"The shopkeeper said that these people were very strange, and they all hid in the room immediately after they came. Do n’t eat beside them, just some dry food."

Grandma seemed to be about her guess.

Squinting, she was anxious.

Although people have already sent the news back, after all, all the people in the temple are busy with the celebration.

In case something comes out, it will hurt everyone's enthusiasm.

I glanced at the street, and she whispered, "Today we go to the old brewer again. If the person is still absent, we will go back first."

I used lunch, and the two followed the address and looked for it.

Fortunately, good luck, the old man came back early.

Qinghu again took advantage of his own strengths, and in a few words it became a big business with the elderly.

The old man was also interested and took them to the wine cellar for a visit.

The wine cellar was cool. As soon as she entered, she smelled a strong aroma.

And for some reason, she suddenly felt extremely thirsty, and actually got a little bit greedy for the wine in the jar.

Seeing her eyes staring at the jar, the childless old man frowned a little bit more joy.

He made wine and loved wine.

The girl's appearance as a little tortoise cat really caught his eye.

At the moment, he unveiled a fine wine generously.

"Xiang is really too fragrant"

Lin Lin Mengya only felt that the wine was fragrant, she almost wanted to take away her soul.

He sniffed hard, and his face was instantly intoxicated.

The old man was happy and poured a large bowl for her cheerfully.

Wu Qinghu frowned and was about to stop, but when she saw her, she dried the wine in the bowl.


Jain wine is not spicy and does not taste red.

When I drank it, she just felt like she was in her throat, and her whole body was soothing.

As soon as the old man's eyes brightened, he immediately poured another bowl for her.

Lin Lin Mengya was also welcome, and did another bowl

"This wine is great"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the old man to have brewed wine for 50 years. The one who knows me the most is a little girl coming here. This wine is for you. Drink it casually."

Lin Lin Mengya picked it up immediately and said with a smile, "Thank you, I'm welcome."

Seeing her holding a wine jar as a baby and not letting go, Qing Fox could not help but be a little surprised.

I want to know that the girl's alcohol content is the same thing, but she still picks her lips very much, let alone drink the ordinary wine, it is unwilling to smell it.

The wine is indeed fragrant, but Qinghu did not feel it necessary to drink it.

I saw that this little drunkard couldn't wait to hold the wine jar and ran out, Qinghu immediately said goodbye to the old man and caught up.

"You drink too much, give me wine." Qing Fox whispered softly.

Who knows that Lin Mengya raised the jar again, and grunted a few mouthfuls.


Her childish refusal, tightly guarding the wine in her arms.

Wu Qinghu took a closer look at her, only to see that her eyes were sober, but in fact, she was drunk.

"Little Drunk Cat"

He smiled and teased her, but Lin Mengya couldn't remember anything now, only smirked at him.

"Look, the jars are all empty. Give them to me first, I'll give you some more to fight, that's good."

Qinghu softly coaxed her.

Lin Lin Mengya gave the jar to him without knowing it, and then stared at his hand, for fear of stealing it.

Xi Qinghu hid the jar of wine behind him, and the girl next to him suddenly collapsed in his arms.


He sighed helplessly, but with a smile in his eyes.

久 It's been so long since his little girl hasn't been so relaxed, forget it, it's not a big deal for only one day.

He called for the wine to be packed and shipped back to the temple.

I was holding the little drunk cat and went to the inn.

I was just a street corner, and they passed by with a group of people.

After they left, the headed man stopped.

"Master, what's wrong"

He asked the servant behind him.

The guy known as "adult" shook his head.

"Nothing, let's go."

With this feeling, Lin Mengya slept so darkly.

一次 This time there is nothing wrong with nightmares. As soon as I open my eyes, the sky is still bright.

I just felt upset when I sat up.

I was looking for some water to drink, and I had a cup and brought it to myself.

"I didn't expect you to be so greedy."

The laughter of the Qinghu came from overhead.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and looked at the other in doubt.

Later, I remembered my disability yesterday.

Suddenly felt a bit embarrassing.

"Why ca n’t I wake up and do n’t remember?" Qing Fox was willing to let go of such a tease at her

Lin Lin Mengya cleared her throat and asked, "When is it now and how long have I slept?"

"You slept all day."


For a moment, she was stupid.

Qing Qinghu smiled and shaved her little nose. "You forgot, we had wine for lunch yesterday, and I happened to have lunch."


Lin Mengya couldn't even look up.

还是 For the first time in her life, she became drunk like this.

"What about the wine I bought yesterday?" She asked what she thought of.

Qing Qinghu said, "My little ancestor, you can't drink like this. Drinking alcohol hurts your body. Besides, is this wine so delicious?"

Yesterday he saw goodbye and the little girl fell asleep and became a little drunk pig. Unable to be curious, he hit some to try it.

Liquor is indeed good, but it is far from being so greedy to Lin Mengya

But she said, "I didn't drink so much yesterday because of alcohol."

"Oh, what is it?" Qinghu Opera chanted.

Gao Lin Mengya thought about it, "I couldn't help but want to drink the smell yesterday. I think it was the reason why something was added to his wine."

Qing Fox's face changed.

He has heard that there are some unscrupulous wine merchants who will add some not so good things in it.

But listening to her, it seems that it should not be harmful.

要 "Otherwise, let's visit that old man again today," Lin Mengya suggested.

其实 She was actually a little confused.

In general, the contents of her stomach, whether it is poison or medicine, can be analyzed.

She only had something from yesterday. She had asked Xiaoyao before, and Xiaoya said it was just ordinary wine.

Nothing else was detected.

So she wants to see which old man's house.

I mattered to her, Qinghu was more nervous than her.

The two quickly felt the old man's house again.

I walked to the door and found the door was hidden. Lin Mengya's face changed and she pulled the sleeves of Qinghu.

"Smell of blood."

Tong Qinghu's eyes became cold, hiding people behind him.

He pushed the door open, but there was no movement inside.

"anyone there"

Qing Fox yelled into it, but there was a dead silence inside.

The two went in one after the other.

Ye Ke was a small courtyard full of wine jars yesterday, and it was a mess at the moment.

"Brother, we came to buy wine yesterday, are you home?"

Lin Lin Mengya shouted, but no one responded.

The bloodiest smell is the room where the old man makes wine.

She motioned for Qinghu, who also noticed.

I kept guarding her carefully, and kicked the room with a kick.


Zhe Lin Mengya exclaimed and rushed in.

I saw the old man who gave her a drink yesterday with a smile, and now she was quietly lying on the bed.

眼睛 His eyes were wide, and his throat was pierced with a sword, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood.

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