Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2336: Her persistence

Wu Qinghu asked with concern, and quickly took something to wipe her.

"I'm fine."

I was panicked at that moment, so she was still worried.

"By the way, is there a plan for the Deputy Lord Qin?"

After repeated trials and errors, the main deputy of Qin Fudian promised the other side to draw halfway.

At the same time, the other party made the first request.

I hope that the deputy chief of the deputy Qin will be able to get the people they designated into the temple.

After the other party requested, the deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty had already reported the incident to her.

Gao Linmengya felt that she must perform a full set of acting, so she discussed with him and agreed to their request before proceeding to the next plan.

I only have a lot of people, and the situation is not easy to control, so Lin Mengya and Qinghu also made some preparations in secret.

"Rest assured, I have arranged everything, and even if they are more people, they can't find our palms."

Xie Qinghu smiled, with contempt in his eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but beat him: "Don't be so confident, in case if the boat is overturned in the gutter, you won't cry."

"Little girl, don't look down on me so much! Anyway, I'm also a person who has come and gone in the wind and rain and has seen big scenes.

What's more, it's you who wants to calculate, even if I put myself in, it won't let you go wrong. "

Qing Qinghu's intentions are all hidden in seemingly frivolous jokes.

Lin Kemengya still felt a little uneasy in her heart.

The next day, under the arrangement of the Deputy Lord Qin, those designated persons were brought in under the name that they needed helpers in the temple.

他们 They encountered many investigations along the way.

Fortunately, it was the confidant of the deputy leader of the Vice-Qin Palace that took the lead, and he was finally shocked.

以后 After arriving at the temple, they were not immediately sent to their companions.

I was dragged by Lin Mengya to a yard and fined all day standing on the grounds of learning rules.

After learning about this, the deputy leader of the Qin Dynasty felt that he had been lost face and found Lin Mengya in front of him.

"Supposedly," that day when the two people were noisy was called a dim sky.

After he arrived, the deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty even turned over the table in front of her.

From an outsider's point of view, I am afraid that these two people have really collapsed.

以后 After this, the two were kings but not kings.

Hagi originally had a happy and peaceful temple, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

He was surprised even by the saints who were caught in the drum.

On the weekdays, the relationship between the deputy palace master and his wife has always been good.

Those things that even the temple itself did not understand, fell into the eyes of some people and became the situation they most wanted to see.

"Master, when will we grab those wines?"

Although not large, in the rather clean room, two beautiful young women asked the person in front of them respectfully.

"Not urgent."

The voice was a little reassuring.

"Let them set up the fairy array first."


Xun's new battle report finally came back, but Lin Mengya frowned deeply at glance.

Although the content is similar to the previous one, they all say that they have won a great victory and captured Murong Ming.

But she always felt that the report was not exhaustive.

After reading it, she asked habitually, "Did you have a letter from your Highness?"

来人 shook his head.

"We have just regained Longdu, and His Royal Highness must be very busy.

But the wife does not need to worry, His Highness will soon lead the army to triumph. "

"I hope you go down first."

来人 immediately left.

She rubbed her eyebrows.

I was accustomed to the man's home letter for almost a few days, and severely broke the contact with him, but he was a little accustomed to it.

However, the war report also said that the war has ended, and it should be back soon.

In accordance with the guy's persistent style, I may want to surprise myself.

She could only comfort herself by herself. She didn't worry about it until she heard the news.

Until three days later, the second brother returned from the battlefield ahead of schedule.

She was so excited that she didn't even care to put on her coat, so she ran outside to meet her second brother.

But she didn't see the joy after the victory from the face of her brother.

Her stopped for a moment, it seems that the person in front of her is not the one who loves her brother but the flood beast.

"Yar, I ..."

Eriya Gong originally thought that she was ready, even if she was crying, she could face it calmly.

But he was wrong.

He only saw the younger sister's face, the horror of suspicion and confusion, and he felt that his distress seemed to be cracking.

"Second Brother, what about him?"

Lin Lin Mengya is a person who is very sensitive to other people's emotional changes.

From the moment he saw him, the elder brother's face was deeply sad.

More importantly, after seeing her, the second brother almost overwhelmed himself with guilt.

"This is for you."

Endured by heartache, Hiromi Gong gave Long Tianyu's relics to her.

That is a hard armour.

The rest are dead.

"What does this mean? What about others?"

Lin Lin Mengya stared at her brother tightly. The expression in the court was about to cry, but she still tried to raise her mouth.

"You joke with me again, don't you? Stop playing, it's not funny at all."

Eriya Miyaji grabbed her shoulder.

"Sister, I'm sorry for you, I didn't protect him. You can scold me for beating me, can you not torture yourself like this?"

She desperately shook off her brother's hand, but her expression was still distorted.

"I said it, don't follow him to tease me. This joke is not funny at all, where is he? You tell me, I will go to him!"

Eriya Miyaji looked at her with a bitter heart.

He knew that his sister and His Highness had deep affection, but he had to tell her the truth cruelly.

"After the city was broken, we didn't notice it for a while and received Murong Ming's calculations.

His Royal Highness ... He was killed by gunpowder while he was on the wall.

后 We cleared all the stones after the incident and found no body. "

"Since no body was found, why do you say he is dead? You are all cursing him, aren't you!

I wo n’t, he ’s so hard, he ’ll never die!

I'll go to him, I'll go to him now! "

After hearing the news of his lover's accident, listening to Mengya was crazy.

She went straight to the mountain if she didn't want to.

Eriya Gongji couldn't bear to watch her abuse her body, caught up, and held her tightly in her arms.

"Brother, let me go, I'm going to find him, he must be waiting for me, he can't do without me!"

Her tears had slipped out of her eyes unconsciously.

"Sister, be awake, accept the reality."

The situation at that time was so dangerous. Although Long Tianyu was highly skilled in martial arts, it did not mean that he could escape in that situation.

What's more, when they cleaned up afterwards, they actually found some fragments of Long Tianyu's armor.

连 Even the last layer of protection on his body has become that look, what about a body much softer than armor?

But Lin Mengya did not believe in reality at all.

"What's the reality? You guys haven't found him yet, he's still waiting for me somewhere!"

Brother Er, I don't blame you. I don't blame you at all, but I'm not optimistic about him.

So you let me go now, I will definitely get him back, you believe that I can do it! "

Zhe Lin Mengya's tone was approaching to begging.

Hagiya II still dare not let go.

He was afraid that if he let his sister run out of the temple, he would lose even her.

"Little girl, you can't be resurrected if you die, you have children, you have to think about them."

Lin Kemengya couldn't hear anything.

She tried desperately to escape from her brother.

Unfortunately Miyaji has made up his mind.

He is selfish, but he wants to keep his sister's life more.

At this time, the Qinghu rushed to hear the news, and heard her heartbreaking cry.

"Clear Fox, can you help me, can you help me? He is still waiting for me, I must go to him!"

Wu Qinghu sighed quietly.

He walked in front of Miyaji and looking at the heartbreaking face of his girl, he could never say half a word of rejection.

"Let her go and give her to me."

Eriya Gong frowned, and whispered, "You can't come along with her, he can't stand it."

But Qinghu was unmoved.

He simply opened Miyaji's hand and caught her who had lost her strength.

"Instead of letting her live like a walking dead, let her go crazy.

I may kill her half a life, but it is better than making her regret her life. "

Hagiya II felt powerless.

Wu Qinghu was not on the battlefield and saw the power of the explosion with his own eyes.

Afterwards, he led all the soldiers and cleared all the rubbles little by little.

The more I hoped, the more faint the hope became.

The rebels who were killed are already flesh and blood.

What's more, when the explosion happened, people were just above the palace wall?

Even if there is a slight chance, he will never give up.

He inspected all the corpses in person and found that none belonged to Long Tianyu.

The feeling from hope to despair, he really didn't want his sister to experience it again.

"You, take care of her."

Eventually Miyaji chose to give in.

I was not just because of Qinghu, because he didn't want to let his sister suffer so much.

Wu Qinghu nodded holding Lin Mengya.

"I know how to take care of him, you can rest assured."

The last two left.

When he turned around, he saw two girls, Bai Su and Cai Ru.

The two men saluted to him and then left together.

He left him alone, lamenting in endless remorse.

After all, he still failed to protect his sister.

Wu Qinghu took her directly down the mountain.

The two did not attract the attention of others.

This is also due to the quick response of the Vice-Qin Lord.

Xun almost at the same time when the two stepped out of the temple, the deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty ordered to block all news.

You, even those who want to calculate Lin Mengya, do not know that the Lord has left the temple.

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