Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2345: Real high-rise

Of course, Lin Mengya didn't know it, just because of the lesson she had on the whim, there were unexpected effects.

The scholar's painting is exquisite, except that this king is like a class, and most people dare not worship it.

Therefore, on the second day, the scholar discovered that his portrait was missing, and after leaving a silver ticket on the table, he talked with his neighbors, saying that Lord Yan felt his sincerity, so he personally came up to buy his Painting.

Not to mention how narcissistic Lord Yan is, he will buy so many portraits of himself and appreciate himself.

I am so scary at his portrait, I am afraid that Lord Yan, if he really knows, he will only think that he is discrediting himself.

But with the evidence of this person, those people are more determined, and it must be that Lord Yan has come to teach himself.

Alas, another version is gradually circulating in the town.

That is their main lord of the temple, His Royal Highness Xi, who entered the palace of the King of Kings after his death and became one of the ten temples of Yan Luo.

These people are all trying to **** the benefits.

He said that there were gods in his head, and it must be that the temple master noticed their intention, so he appeared to warn them.

This rumor has spread ten to ten, ten to one hundred.

I was only known to everyone in just one or two days.

Although some people do not believe in evil, they even think that this may be some people. The intentional sound of the wind is to scare them away.

There are more people, but they try their best to verify those who have experienced it.

All of them described how terrible the situation was that night.

When they found this portrait of the King of Kings in the morning, they almost frightened their words.

人 The arrogant attitude of those people also gradually converged.

I ca n’t wait for His Royal Highness to come and talk to them.

No matter what the foot of the mountain, she developed her previous prank behavior to the point.

When Lin Lin Mengya arrived at the temple, she was blocked by the anxious Lord Qin Deputy Lord.

"You're back!"

Looking at the anxiety of Deputy Lord Qin, Lin Mengya couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

"After the news of the temple master's fall came out, those old monsters were a little restless. I think what they mean is that they want to choose another temple master."

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but frowned.

She knows that the "old monsters" in the main mouth of Vice-Qin Temple should be the true top power of the Temple.

Master Lao Temple once said that these people will only appear when the temple really encounters the problems of life and death.

现在 Now that the temple has lost two temple masters in a row, they naturally want to come out to preside over the overall situation.

"But the Lord of the Temple has not yet determined that they are dead, they are so anxious. What if the Lord of the Temple returns in the future?" She asked.

The deputy leader of the Vice Qin Palace sighed and said, "They also thought about it, so they just have this idea now, and have not put it into action.

However, once the temple master is determined to fall, those old monsters will surely intervene in the affairs of the temple.

At that time, even if you or me, I'm afraid I can't fight it. "

Lin Lin Mengya absolutely will not let Yu Dian's position as the master of the palace, give in to others.

"From now on, I will take over all the affairs of the temple.

If they put pressure on you, let them come directly to me. "

Lin Lin Mengya did not have the ability to control the temple, but her previous division of labor with Long Tianyu was very clear.

She was able to guarantee that the operation of the temple would not go wrong under the coordination of all the temple personnel such as the deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty under such haste.

The crumbling high-level temple was so forcibly stabilized by her.

After working hard for a few days, Mr. Qin Vice-Grandmaster brought the news of the old monsters.

"Ma'am, they said they would like to meet you."

"When?" She asked, looking up calmly.

"Just tonight."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded after a moment of groaning.

"Either way, it was arranged by the Lord of the Qin Dynasty."

The deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty immediately went down to prepare.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her brows.

It was a tough battle against these old guys, and she could almost think of what reason the other party would force her to surrender the temple power.

But she is not without chance.

At least for now, Long Tianyu's life and death are unknown, which is one of the reasons that the old guys feel obstructed.

However, as time goes by, these obstacles will become useless.

And she must find Long Tianyu before that.

Long Tianyu was still lying in bed in a village not far from the foot of Mount Shengshan.

"The sun outside is very good. Would you like to come out and bask in the sun?"

Jun Junwei dressed as a maid, said to Long Tianyu with a smile.

Long Zhengyu, who was holding a soldier book to read, did not look up.

I ate Junxian Wei with a soft nail, and swiped in my eyes.

She has been here for a few days.

At first, when she discovered that Murong Xi was not dead, she was also very happy.

Also, there is no obstructing Gong Ya beside him, and she feels that she can capture Murong Xi's heart with her own appearance and talents.

I didn't want this guy not only to become disabled, but also to ignore her.

She looked at Mu Rongxi coldly, but in her heart, she was worth it.

"Good dogs don't stand in the way. In daylight, you don't do your thing, what do you run into my brother-in-law's room?"

Behind Xianjun Xianwei came the voice she hated the most.

I was again the woman who could only rely on Murong Yu's favor and gave her impulse and disrespect.

I do n’t know why Murongyu looks after such a woman!

However, her current identity is the maid Murong Xi bought back to serve Murong Xi.

Murong 泯 had three chapters with her before bringing her back.

If she reveals her true identity at will, she will bear all the consequences.

Therefore, in the face of this woman called Gu Pan, repeatedly embarrassed, she can only choose to swallow her voice.

"Slaves just want to help the son out and bask in the sun, there is no other meaning."

Gu Pan looked at each other up and down, and finally snorted.

"I can tell you, my brother-in-law and my sister have a better relationship than Jin Jian, and people like you cannot get in.

If you are acquainted, give me all your careful thoughts, otherwise I will kick you out! "

I am a woman, especially a woman who has fought in the palace and the palace.

From the first glance when she saw this woman named Xu Wei, Gu Pan saw that her mind was not simple.

Especially after seeing her brother-in-law, her eyes were like mice seeing sesame oil, staring at her brother-in-law tightly.

Hehe, I didn't expect that the guy Long Qinghan bought a maid from the street and thought of her brother-in-law.

She has to look at Sister Yaer carefully!

After He had walked away, Gu Pan walked in.

姐 "Brother-in-law, how are you feeling today?"

Xun Long Tianyu then raised her head and smiled at her and said, "I feel much better, thank you for your medicine."

"Don't thank me first, this medicine was stolen from my sister Yaya.

For me, this is also a crime of meritorious deeds, and each has its own place. "

She lifted the medicine in her hand to signal Long Tianyu.

The latter turned out to be Ya'er when she heard the medicine in her hand, and couldn't help leaking some thoughts in her eyes.

While Gu Pan helped him apply medicine, the two whispered.

"He keeps looking at me. I can't communicate with the outside world. Is there any way you can contact Sister Ya?"

After being caught back by Long Qinghan this time, all the things on her body, even these medicines, were taken away by Long Qinghan, and they were returned after inspection.

Now those slightly toxic drugs are gone.

She even used these on her hands, but Long Qinghan did not know what the wind was, and suddenly threw it to her.

Now she and Long Tianyu, but she really begged that every day should not be called earthly insufficiency.

"I can't help it. Just speculate according to the direction we are going, now we should not be far from the holy mountain."

When I heard this, Gu Pan suddenly got a little excited.

"It's not far from the sacred mountain, so can we contact Sister Ya?"

"It's not that simple. If you look at the guard outside, even a fly can't fly out, let alone us."

Nine Dragons Tianyu was more calm than Gu Pan.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they heard the sound of dissatisfaction from Long Qinghan at the door.

"Even your brother 媳 started, Long Tianyu, your shame is really beyond my imagination!"

Seeing Gu Pan, she even gave Long Tianyu the medicine so gently, Long Qinghan almost didn't make jealousy and forced herself to death.

Gu Pan frowned and scolded: "What are you talking about? I just watch my brother-in-law's inconvenience and want to come and help me with medicine!"

"He has a disability, I have bought him a maid, why are you so willing to serve him?"

The sour water kept pouring out, and now Long Qinghan had become a big vinegar tank.

Don't say that Gu Pan is applying medicine to Long Tianyu. I'm afraid she smiles at a brick now. He can also interrogate the brick and ask if he wants to grab his wife.

Gu Pan stared coldly and said, "It's unreasonable, if you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you!"

Xiaolong Qinghan could not help but shut his mouth reluctantly.

I still stared at Gu Pan's body.

That posture, I'm afraid it is Panpan. If he doesn't go out, he will rush over to bite.


Before Gu Pan left, he also said a word.

Chen Long Qinghan was dark, but never said a word.

After seeing Long Qinghan's relationship with Gu Pan, Long Tianyu on his bed frowned slightly.

"Did you not say it before? Didn't you say it, as long as you admit your mistake?

大 The manly husband, bow his head in front of his daughter-in-law and admit his mistakes. "

"Leave me alone!"

The spirit of Xiaolong Qinghan can come, and he is grieved at Long Tianyu's grievances: "It's all your broken idea!

I apologize, but as a result, look at her now seeing me and seeing enemies!

I think it's clear that you intentionally misled me! "

Nine Dragon Tianyu didn't feel right, and whispered, "How do you apologize?"

"Of course I told her I was wrong, and then he asked me, what went wrong?

I said that I should not force her without asking her permission. "

"What then? What does Gu Pan say?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu interpreted Long Qinghan's words and found nothing wrong.

Long Qinghan was also a fog of water: "He said" Oh "at that time, and there was nothing else."

Suddenly, even Long Tianyu, a love mentor, was in a state of confusion.

In principle, after he apologized in this way, Yaer would definitely forgive him.

What Ke Tianlong didn't know was that when Long Qinghan apologized to Gu Pan like this, it was when he couldn't help the love of Acacia in the middle of the night and sneaked into his room.

He originally thought that if Gu Pan fell asleep, he would not find his sneak.

But who knows, that girl has grown since the last time she was forced by Long Qinghan.

Therefore, in the first time, he found the dragon Qinghan trying to steal jade and incense.

How can a girl who forgive an apology and continue to do shameful things easily be forgiven by that girl?

I was not killed on the spot, it was already a kind girl.

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