Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2462: Kill ambition

Wu Yijiang Hong certainly couldn't tell her so much.

In fact, her true last words were to tell Lin Mengya that she had some letters in one place.

女人 This woman is a smart person.

其实 She actually realized Dong Xiaolian's true face, and knew that her husband died in the other's hands.

Actually, in these years, every time she saw Dong Xiaolian, she wanted to take revenge for her husband.

I can kill someone too easily.

What she wanted was that this ambitious man fell into the abyss of pain.

Ye Huo was once her first candidate.

Ye Nai He Huo himself has no interest in her at all, and the burglar guards her, giving her no chance to tell the inside.

Therefore, Lin Mengya became the person she had chosen before her death.

Pushing Long Tianyu out of the mine, Lin Mengya sighed softly.

"Thinking about Jiang Hong?"

I didn't know she was Ruolong Tianyu.

"Um." She nodded.

"I just think this woman is so pathetic, Dong Xiaolian is really abominable. He doesn't love Jiang Hong, but he ruins her happiness by himself."

In the line of the letter, Yi Jianghong revealed her hatred for Dong Xiaolian because the other party killed her husband.

I want to come, in fact, Yi Jianghong has her husband in her heart.

Chen Long Tianyu held her hand.

"We can do nothing for the dead, so we can only try to fulfill the wishes of the living."

"You're right."

Gao Linmengya quickly pulled away from the feelings of others and whispered, "You said that Dong Xiaolian was a ethnologist of the ancient tribe. Now that he knows that he is Heisha, I think this news deserves our attention."

Now, although they know that iron ore is likely to flow to the ancients.

But what the ancient people did with these iron ore is not clear.

Even if the smelting technology is not developed, she has been transporting iron ore continuously for many years, and there must be some strangeness in it.

"Want to know what they did, go and see for yourself." Long Tianyu said profoundly.

"Also, our purpose here is to see for ourselves what happened to the ancient people."

I just didn't expect that so many accidents happened before people went to the ancient people.

不 "No rush, we have to be fully prepared."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him with a serious look, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Isn't the ancient tribe a Longtan tiger cave?"

Xiaolong Tianyu said, "The ancients are not as simple as you think.

They have a profound heritage, and even the temple dare not easily oppose it.

I just had good luck and found one that could pry open the big stone of the ancient clan. "

Lin Lin Mengya turned her mind.

"You said, Brother Huo?"


He didn't wait for Long Tianyu to finish, and Qinghu interrupted coldly.

"What Big Brother Huo? When have you been so close to him?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at each other funny.

怎么 "How can you be more jealous than the two boys at home?"

Wu Qinghu snorted.

"Just your girl doesn't understand anything, she's a mother, and she's so slow."

Lin Pingbai looked at each other silently after being rejected by Lin Mengya.

"Why did I make you angry?"

Wu Qinghu hated the iron and steel and pierced her forehead.

"You, you, how long will you be in the future, all the men who appear beside you for no reason are not kind.

I am just a fool of you, and treat others as good people. "

Lin Lin Mengya was even more confused.

In the end, Long Tianyu couldn't stand it anymore and came out to make a clearance for her.

"Okay, let's take a good rest when we go back. If we want to take over the iron ore, I'm afraid we can't be too busy."

Wu Qinghu raised an eyebrow.

"I've called people from the Great Chamber of Commerce for a long time. It should be here now. If you find that day lily is cold."

Although he still hated the tone, Lin Mengya thanked each other with a smile.

"Of course! Who can be compared to my uncle Qinghu!

老人 Your old man has a long-term vision and excellent knowledge. It is really difficult for ordinary people to match! "

Regarding the cultivation of rainbow farts, Lin Mengya is simply one of the best.

I want to know that living in a family where everyone is a sister brother, mastering this skill can make her life more fish-like.

显然 Obviously Qinghu, the boss who was still very upset, has been shaved now.

"I think you have a little vision, okay, I'll pick up people, you two go back first."

After Lin Qinghu left, Lin Mengya let out a long sigh of relief.

"I don't know if it's because he's getting old. He's getting harder and harder lately."

In the face of his wife's complaints, Long Tianyu could only choose to smile and lower his head.

Sometimes, he was very fortunate that his wife was slow in some way.

The bandits who want to go up to Yashan completely gather together. I am afraid that integration will not work in a few days.

Although the masters have fallen into their hands, the two masters and the three masters all have their own thoughts.

These people are likely to unite with the guards and fish with the bandits.

Alas, these things are left to Huo Ye to worry about.

Anyway, their cooperation is not over yet, she and Long Tianyu, so take advantage of these days to sort out the people they bring.

They did not return to the house before the Song family, but arrived at the place chosen by the previous Chamber of Commerce.

Ye Huo passed the word, hoping that the female relatives could stay for a longer period of time.

当然 Of course Lin Mengya has no objection to this.

It is better for the other party to owe them more affection, so that she can gain more benefits after negotiating with the other party.

This place is an ordinary secondary courtyard.

The inside was cleaned up, and their stuff was placed in the room.

Wu Baisu and Cai Ru naturally wanted to live here with them, but Lin Mengya did not expect that Li Wushuang also came along.

He didn't wear cumbersome women's clothes today, but changed to fresh men's clothing.

Lin Lin Mengya looked bright after seeing it.

Before the unparalleled women's clothing is actually amazing.

He is relatively tall, probably because he has dance training all year round, and his temperament is also good.

Although wearing women's clothing, she doesn't look too charming.

And his menswear is quite handsome.

Although the appearances of Wu Qinghu and Long Tianyu are both superior, because they are too outstanding, they will have a sense of distance when they meet for the first time.

But Li Wushuang does not.

He is definitely the type that standing in the crowd will attract the attention of everyone else. Just waving his hand can harvest a large number of fans.

In simple terms, both Qinghu and Long Tianyu are like immortals from the sky.

Easy to touch.

Li and Wushuang is the most ordinary man among the mortal world. He is amiable and accessible.

Lin Lin Mengya looked like this for a long time.

无 Li Wushuang, who rarely wears men's clothes, was very shy and couldn't help but ask nervously, "Is it strange to dress like this?"

"No blame, no blame, very good!"

Lin Mengya praised without any hesitation: "I saw you wearing men's clothing before, but I didn't feel that way."

When he was in the temple, Li Wushuang did not wear women's clothing completely.

But when she saw men's clothing at that time, for example, she felt like she was wearing men's clothing.

Wu Lishuang smiled and said, "It's not what I'm going to wear, but my father and my mother both said that since I'm male, I might as well wear men's clothing."

I was like this.

Before Li Wushuang had a heavy psychological burden, so whether he was wearing men's clothes or women's clothes, he did not consciously imitate the posture of a woman.

Now that his biggest psychological obstacle is gone, people will relax unconsciously.

She looked at Li Wushuang and suddenly had an idea.

"Are you interested in being a model for our clothing store?"

Wu Shuang looked at her blankly.

"What is a model?"

"In simple terms, you are wearing our clothes and showing the benefits of this dress in front of everyone."

Lin Mengya said the more she felt that this method was feasible.

"With your figure, it is most suitable to be a model.

But do n’t worry, I wo n’t let you do it for free. As long as you do as I said, all the clothes you show in the store will have a commission after they are sold. "

Wu Lishuang widened his eyes.

He never made money since he was a child. He never thought that there was such a job in the world.

"I, can I really do well?"

Although a little nervous, Li Wushuang is more excited.

He originally thought that he had lived this way all his life, but now he meets Bai Su, and with the person he likes, he thinks more.

It is impossible for the old man of the Song family to get involved.

And anyway, he is also a man of indomitable spirit, it is not good to let Bai Su raise him in the future.

When he thought of his future life, he immediately overcome all his fears and tensions.

虽然 "Although I don't know what the model you said has to do with commission, but you say so, can I make money as long as I wear clothes?"

Lin Lin Mengya focused on the head.

"Great, I want to tell Bai Su the good news, I can make money to support her in the future!"

I watched him leave happily, Lin Mengya shook her head with a smile.

"If he knew that the dowry I gave Bai Suyi over the years would be enough for them to live a rich life, would it hurt him a little?"

She hasn't forgotten the people around her. She has quite a lot of assets these years, and Bai Su and Cai Ru also have shares.

Especially with her good sister Bai Su who was born and died, don't look at the cold beauty who laughs all day long, but she is actually a little rich woman.

Chen Long Tianyu shook his head.

"Stop talking."

"That's right, he finally cheered up, why should I hit him."

I just saw Li Wushuang attach so much importance to Bai Su, in fact she was also happy.

"Yes, what's going on with Li's house?"

收敛 She smiled softly and asked softly.

"not too good."

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