The word "sugar cake" is very powerful.

The child stopped crying immediately, even blinking a pair of big eyes, showing a little eagerness.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled at a glance.

I didn't expect it to be a snack.

"Go, I'll take you there."

She took the child's dirty little hand and brought it directly to the yard.

It was Long Tianyu one step behind.

"Your Highness, someone was just peeping around."

Hearing his reply, he just nodded slightly.

For no reason, how can a child suddenly appear?

I only care about Ya'er's mood, he will not take the initiative to start a child.

Xi Cairu and Bai Su like children.

In addition, there are two young masters in the family who are so painful, so they have a little more patience with their children.

I heard that Lin Mengya said that he would invite the young guests to have sugar cakes. One rushed to get them, and one brought warm water.

Lin Mengya rolled up her sleeves and washed the children's hands.

The little child sniffed and seemed to be trying hard to smell the sweet taste of the sugar cake next to it.

"Little cat, I'll give you something in a minute, don't worry."

She nodded the child's nose.

Although the child is thinner, the skin is still tender and tender.

I just don't know why. My little hand is covered with tiny wounds, and it looks distressing.

I washed my hands, and the child looked at her timidly.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and said gently to the child, "Go and eat."

谢谢 "Thank you Auntie."

Unexpectedly, children understand politeness.

I only took a piece of white and soft candy cake and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Slow down! Bai Su, get a bowl of honey water."

She patted the child's back gently.

My child didn't know how much he hadn't eaten such delicious food. After eating five pieces in a row, this filled his belly.

I was full, and the child's look was not as alert as before.

In her clear eyes, she also had a little trust in her.

Lin Lin Mengya thought the child was very interesting, and wiped the dirt on his face with a cloth towel.

Then I can see that the child is very delicate, with big eyes and a high nose, it looks a little bit mixed.

"You are also Li family?" She asked softly.

The little child shrank a little before begging: "Auntie, I am good, I am obedient, can you not send me away?"

Alas, she didn't understand.

It's just that the child looks scared.

She immediately patted the child's back and coaxed: "Auntie just wants to take you home, why? You don't want to go home?"

The child lowered his head, playing with the corners of his fingers.

"I can't go home. It took a lot of effort for my father to let me escape. If I go home, I will definitely be sent away."

"Where are you going?"

The child shook his head, with a little ignorance in his eyes.

"I don't know, but my mother said that place is not good at all. If I go, I will never come back."

Lin Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

What the child said was not very clear, and because she was frightened, she couldn't ask anything at all.

But since he was a Li family ’s child, he still escaped, presumably because of some recent actions by Song Jian.

She took the child's hand and said, "Then stay with your aunt first, I promise, no one will dare to take you away."

The child shook his head and pointed at the sugar cake. "Auntie, can you give me the rest?"

"Are you hungry?" She thought the child was not full.

But the child bit his finger, which was a little embarrassing.

"No, I want to bring Brother Hua to eat! Brother Brother is injured, we have nothing to eat."

If you talk about a child, make her realize that there may be more than one child who escapes.

Although she doesn't know what happened, she doesn't know what happened to the injured child.

In case of disregard, wouldn't it be a life lost in vain?

I only have a lot of spies outside. She can't expose the children's existence for the time being.

"That's good, I'll let these two aunts go with you, they will martial arts and can protect you."

Xi Baisu and Cairu smiled at the child.

The baby looked at them both and nodded.

好 "Well, then I'll take these two aunts."

"Good boy, don't worry."

She gave the child to Bai Su, and, by the way, explained to them some things.

Now, Li's condition is unknown.

Although Song Jian was an enemy, he did not tear his face.

At present, it is not appropriate to offend, and it is not good for these children.

There are a lot of wolf guards at home, and Yi Rong's makeup is not a problem.

After a short while, Bai Su and Cai Ru took the child with them, and four other Jackdaw Guards followed in secret and went to the place where the child said.

Taking advantage of this effort, Lin Mengya discussed with Long Tianyu, and invited Li Wushuang.

The latter didn't know what had happened, but he was still in his heart, waiting for Bai Su's news.

At midnight, Bai Su hurriedly brought people back.

I just let Lin Mengya not think that there are actually eight children!

And they are not very old, the oldest is only twelve years old.

唯一 The only older child is Brother Hua in the child's mouth.

At this time, he has fallen into a coma.

"Master, we have checked, this child was injured."

Xun Cairu could not bear to return.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately asked them to put the child in their house.

It was a very good-looking boy who reminded her of the moment when she first saw Xiaoyu.

"Damn! How can you put such a heavy hand on a child!"

大 The older child is burning all over.

Lin Lin Mengya inspected it and found that the child had suffered internal injuries.

And the other party seemed to be intentional, leaving no serious scars at all.

With a frown on her frown, she asked the child about the rescue process while helping the child to treat him.

Bai Su, they are very cautious in doing things. Although they have found a place long ago, they still want the kid they picked to explain the situation.

After a while, the child cried and came to them, saying that Brother Hua had fainted.

孩子 The place where these children live is a small cave.

When they went in, the remaining six children were so hungry that they just cried.

Gao Linmengya took a moment to look at the children. Fortunately, it was both malnutrition and excessive fright. As long as you patiently adjust for a while, it won't hurt.

I am just this big, if one is not good, it is easy to die.

She stayed all night in person and kept rubbing the child's body to dissipate heat.

Finally, the child's condition has stabilized.

She can finally catch her breath.

The knock of the door rang, and she opened the door and saw Long Tianyu's lap with a wooden tray.

"You didn't sleep all night, drink some porridge, don't get too tired," the man said warmly.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, took the tray, and pushed Long Tianyu back in.

The latter looked at the child on the bed and asked softly, "

Does it matter? "

"There isn't much danger at present, it's just Yu, this thing makes me a little angry."

Chen Long Tianyu understood her.

Ji Yaer is a girl with clear grievances, and she has a principle of doing things, never bullying the weak, especially children.

She also suffers most from children, so there are so many protective measures for children in Sitai College.

He even looked at the whole Weiguo. He can guarantee that there are no more colleges, and students are more valued than Sitai College.

Now eight children are indeed pitiful, no wonder she is angry.

"I will find out what is going on here," he promised.

But Lin Mengya did not relax.

She sits beside Long Tianyu, looking gloomy.

"Li Wushuang has seen it, this injury was done by those who are responsible for training the waiters for Heaven."

无 Li Wushuang was almost stupid when he saw the injuries on the older child last night.

无 When she was certain that her child had suffered severe internal injuries, Li Wushuang even cried.

Gao Lin Mengya asked about it before she learned.

It turned out that there would be a kind of person in the place of the heavens, in addition to the heavens to train them in person.

They want to call those people "Master".

These “Masters” are more responsible for their training, and their methods are more fierce.

Because their Li family is a dancer, good skin is one of their "values".

Therefore, after they did something wrong, these "masters" have specially developed a technique.

I can torture them without leaving scars in their eyes.

And this child's injury was obviously caused in this way.

According to Li Wushuang, a powerful "Master" can still leave no obvious trauma even when he is killed.

So, the killer who hurt the child is obvious.

"Heaven is here?" Long Tianyu also took it seriously.

"Well, and they should have already attacked Li's family. I asked, these children escaped under the cover of their parents and relatives. I think their parents are afraid that they have encountered unexpected events."

Lin Mengya had to plan for the worst.

After all, they didn't even hear the wind before, which was absolutely abnormal.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded.

看来 "It seems that they are faster than we think."

Originally, they thought that these celestial people were just hiding behind, and only the Presbyterian Church was in charge.

But if heaven and man are also there, their actions must be adjusted accordingly.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned on Long Tianyu's shoulders to rest, the latter adjusted her sitting position and held her directly in her arms.

After a while, there was something moving on the bed.

娘 "Mother"

She was awakened instantly and rushed to the bed.

"Are you awake? Don't move, you're badly hurt."

She tried to soften her voice as much as possible, but still scared the child on the bed.

The child narrowed itself into a ball, his eyes full of anxiety and uneasiness looking at her.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately raised her hands, calming with a warm voice.

"I'm not a bad person, and I have rescued those of you and your companions. Don't worry, we won't come to arrest you."

But this boy is not so coquettish as the previous child.

No matter what she said, the alert was narrowed in the corner.

I really can't help it, she had to take out Long Tianyu.

"Go and call Wushuang, and bring his buddies," she whispered.

At this moment, Long Tianyu thoughtfully looked at the boy on the bed.

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