Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2473: Going back to the child

"You, you won't give us over, will you?"

The half-old child looked up, his eyes were fragile and pure trust.

Lin Lin Mengya suddenly felt heavy.

She bent down and looked at Li Feihua.

"I promise."

Then there was a restrained smile on the boy's face.

"I can rest assured that."

He ran into the room again, his footwork still light.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the child's back, and her heart wanted to guard the belief of these children, and she became more and more firm.

I turned and she walked to the front yard.

The wailing and rolling still continued, and Long Tianyu did not become angry because of this, which made Lin Mengya somewhat surprised.

I used to be rogue, and when I saw her man, I was not afraid.

Either this person has some skills, or he consciously supports him much better than them.

On the slate floor of the front yard, a man rolling with dust covered his body and cried.

The man seemed to be about fifty years old, and his face was long embarrassed by tears and snot.

He was just those eyes, but he looked at them from time to time.

"Who is this"

She asked knowingly.

Immediately back and forth 禀.

他 "He's the grandfather of the little boy you left a few days ago."

"Oh grandpa, why didn't his parents come"

When she said this, the other party could hear clearly.

With tears in his eyes, he cried and said, "My son-in-law is usually busy and doesn't care about the children, so I let the old man pick up people. Girl, you can do it, let the little old man take my golden grandson away Right "

Without Li Feihua, she might really believe it.

Before she found the children, they were almost starved to death.

If there is a concern for grandchildren in this population, even if only one percent, the children will not be hungry.

Coupled with the other party's behavior, at least the origin, she already knows seven or eight points.

"Old man, your grandson is doing well with me. I did n’t abuse him, and I did n’t starve him. I just wanted to stay with him and wanted to stay with him for a few more days. Why is your old man so anxious, wait here Enough kids, I will send someone back. "

Who knows, the old man sighed and said falsely: "A noble like you can look after that child and it is also his blessing. But his mother is ill and wants to think about the child tightly. Furthermore, this child has been a child Naughty, I'm afraid he's here and will hit you.

You still want me to take him away, it's considered to be our family. "

What this said is that she is reasonable, even if she wants to deny it.

But Lin Mengya said unhurriedly, "That's the case. It would be unreasonable if I continued to let go."

The old man was so pleased that his mouth almost reached his back.

"Yes, yes, you will not be embarrassed if you are rich."

She raised her eyelids and glanced at each other.

"Bai Su, you can prepare some gifts. I will visit the mother of the child in person."

The old man did not expect that she would make such a request and quickly waved her hands.

"No, no, his mother got lungs. If the girl goes, I'm afraid it will be infected."

At this time, Cai Ru interrupted his words with a smile.

"It was a lung ailment. What serious illness should I still have. You do n’t know the old man. The owner of our house is a sacred doctor. What kind of illness can be cured in her hands."

"It's not so exaggerated, but I see that you are short of medicine and medicine.

孩子 The child is really destined, so I guess I will do my best.

I said again, I brought the child back, and I had to hand it over to my parents.

If it is lost to your old man, wouldn't it be troublesome? "

The old man did not expect this girl to be so powerful.

Now, he gritted his teeth and sat on the ground and spilled.

"You, my grandchildren, who should kill thousands of knives, you are a thief who steals children, you my granddaughter."

This is not soft, it's coming hard

Lin Mengya snorted coldly.

"Old man, what you said is not reasonable.

I had lost this child, but I managed to pick him up. I ’m more cautious. Even if you ’re his grandfather, I ’ve got to see my parents to be sure.

Elderly, didn't you just say that this child has always been with you? Why didn't you notice when this child was lost? "

The old man blinked and made a strong argument.

"Even if I bring a child, I ca n’t look at him with my eyes open all day

Besides, it was his parents who took him at that time, and it has nothing to do with me. You should return the child to me, otherwise, I can tell you to steal the child. "

The old man used a few tricks to show impudence, and accused them with impunity.

Zhe Lin Mengya was too lazy to quarrel with this old rogue, and after a while, Song Jian took someone, and it happened to be here.

一 The old man saw him as if he was seeing a loved one, and fart greeted him.

"Song steward, your old man is here, please take charge of me, they, they want to harm my little grandson"

What a bad move to sue.

Even though she knew they were colluding, Lin Mengya couldn't help feeling sick.

Where is the matter, what else does she not understand?

The old man was brought by Song Jian. Their purpose was to get rid of the children so as to know the whereabouts of the remaining children.

It's so extreme

Tong Song Jian was clever and immediately scolded the old man.

"You can blame His Royal Highness the Lord and the palace owner"

The old man stopped crying immediately.

Both eyes widened and looked at the pair of men and women.

"This, how is this possible, you are not"

Squinting at his plans, Song Jian cut off his words immediately.

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't know how to die

Now don't hurry to apologize to the two guests. "

The old man shivered.

He did not expect to kill him. The origin of the couple is so powerful.

Suddenly the atmosphere was filled with fear.

At this moment, Long Tianyu pushed the wheelchair forward.

"Song steward, my wife wants to visit the child's parents, I don't know if it is convenient now"

Tong Song Jian glanced vaguely at this useless thing.

Fortunately, he had lied to the other party before, otherwise he would not dare to come here.

Fortunately, things started, and he was able to solve the next things.

Now, make a look of embarrassment.

"It was convenient, but the homeowner's identity was valuable, I'm afraid it might obstruct your eyes."

Xun Long Tianyu said, "It's okay, my wife can't change her face when she looks at even the most serious illnesses. It's Song management, but it seems to be a little embarrassed.

Never mind that, we happen to be out for a short time, ma'am, let's go back first. "

Before Song Jian spoke, she pushed Long Tianyu to turn around.

"Bai Su, Cai Ru, pack up, let's go back tomorrow.

I'm right. Bring the kid over and get him some more sugar cakes. It's my condolences to their family. "

Yun Songjian did not expect that these two are really shameless

He made an excuse for not letting him go. He couldn't say anyway.

The two of them, obviously they are trying to rid themselves of this incident

Worst of all, he still has to suffer.

Otherwise, if people really leave, all his plans will follow.

"Stay here, Lord of the palace, Your Highness, stay here"

The two glanced at each other in tacit agreement.

Very good, someone hooked.

"There is something else"

She leaned her head and asked impatiently.

Tong Songjian immediately accompanied the smiling face and said, "The owner of the palace is a little calm and restless. I know you are kind. In this case, I will arrange it.

I also ask you to wait, I'll come and go. "

He turned around and left with a somber face.

And the guy who was crying and calling for his grandson immediately got up from the ground and fled.

"What are you going to do next?" Long Tianyu asked.

"I'm going to explore the road first, at least I need to know what the situation is. It would be better if I could contact Li's owner."

Lin Lin Mengya had her own plan.

Baby, she wasn't going to give it up.

I can only make the other side so urgent, so she doesn't mind a little use.

He patted her hand.

"be careful."

"I will."

Song Jian did not come here in person this time, just let her confidante come to ask her.

Alas, and the other party asked her to bring her child.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned.

"Where the child sleeps, I'll send it later."

The other party has to insist, but Lin Mengya laughed and said, "Do you know how hard it is to coax a child to sleep? I have told more than a dozen bedtime stories, and it was the dry mouth that made him fall asleep.

If you wake up and make a lot of trouble, will you coax? "

This is really true.

Nothing else to say, the two little ones in their own family, once they came up, could directly seduce their old mother into a panda.

I was probably that the resentment in her words was too heavy, and the man didn't even object.

Lin Lin Mengya followed Cai Ren with Cai Ru and left.

Soon, they entered the village where the Li family lived.

But it's too quiet here, like nobody's here.

Until, they came to a place similar to the shrine.

Before I entered, she smelled the medicine in the air.

It's not a precious medicine, it's just some common medicine for treating colds and colds.

The other person stepped forward to buckle the door, and soon someone opened it.

"I was sent by Song Song. It was from the family of Ji Fang Village."

He said, the other party also showed the warrant of Song Guanshi.

After scrutinizing Fang Zai carefully, he agreed with them.

When I walked in the door, Lin Mengya saw that it was really a shrine.

He is just different from the solemnity of others.

This shrine is like a large shelter.

There are many thin-skinned people sitting on the floor, their heads silently lowered, and occasionally someone coughs twice to make them look like a group of living people.

"Someone in Jifang Village came to see you"

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