Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2480: Bold guess

Lin Lin Mengya grabbed Binu's wrist.

Her hand was far more potent than the ordinary woman, and at once, made Binu exclaim.

"what is this"

奴 The wooden box in which the ointment was stored had not yet been put away by Binu.

She was slammed out by her and fell to the ground.

"This is, this is the balm for my daughter's home."

He Binu was a little panicked, but quickly calmed down.

Is just some medicine to help, even if it is caught

I look so calm.

Lin Lin Mengya squinted her eyes, feeling that the other party did not seem to be lying.

She picked up the box on the ground and just opened it, Long Tianyu could not help frowning.

"What is this smell and how can it be so bad"

鲜 He rarely resists this way.

But as long as the smell of the balm made him smell, he felt sick and even unable to control himself.

Lin Lin Mengya looked suspiciously at Long Tianyu.

"You can't stand this smell"

The latter nodded, his face was pale.

She snapped the lid at once, and by the way let people throw out the slaves, and opened the window for ventilation for a long time.

漱 Rinse mouth with water, Long Tianyu got the benefit of Lin Mengya pressing her forehead.

"It's better now"

Xiaolong Tianyu closed her eyes like a big cat happy with her hairs.


At the same time, he also missed the complicated look in Lin Mengya's eyes.

可能 "Maybe that smell is too strong, and you have a reaction to the smoke. You lie down for a while, and I'll ask someone to smoke some medicine for you, and it will be fine."

Chen Long Tianyu nodded obediently.

After waiting for Lin Mengya to arrange everything, she closed the door, but her hands trembled unconsciously.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Cai Ru was attentive, and he couldn't help asking after seeing it.

But Lin Mengya lowered her voice and said, "Let Qinghu come to me."

She Cairu thought she was worried about her Highness and went to find someone immediately.

She stood at the door, but hurried away without even looking back.

清 When Qinghu found her, she was in a daze.

Probably dark clouds blocked the sky. This night, it seemed extremely dark and cold.

Holding her arms tightly, she looks so small.

"Why are you wearing this?"

She Qinghu took off her coat and covered her, but she seemed to be scalded, broke his hands, turned around, and stared tightly at his eyes.

"Who the **** are you" her voice, strange.

Qinghu froze, and then said helplessly, "I am Qinghu, your righteous brother."

"You really are the clear fox, the clear fox that I used to know, hasn't changed?" She tried to control her emotions so as not to be hysterical.

Qing Qinghu's hand was stagnant, then nodded pretending to be indifferent.

"of course."

I didn't expect that Lin Mengya suddenly took out the box of ointment from her arms. As soon as the lid was opened, Qing Fox covered her mouth.

"If you have never changed, why would there be such a response, Qinghu, why do you lie to me"

She almost lost her mind and questioned.

In these years, she has not given up the exploration of the technique of longevity.

Until now, she has probably figured out the so-called longevity,

I am actually using some kind of mysterious container to be the carrier of the original owner's memory.

Then, after the death of the original owner's body, this carrier was transplanted into another healthy person's body in a certain way.

But this medicine has the effect of controlling and deceiving the mind.

If you are a normal person, you will feel weak and weak at best.

But if you have done the longevity technique, because the original memory is acquired the day after tomorrow, it will have a very strong reaction to this medicine.

One of them is dizziness and nausea.

Therefore, she almost collapsed after Long Tianyu and Qinghu both had this kind of adverse reaction.

When I thought of the two people I trusted the most, it was possible that both of them would be dropped. She couldn't help but get cold all over.

Tong Qinghu put up with discomfort, walked over and grabbed her arm.

"Girl, although we are hiding something from you, but I promise that we are all of us and we have not been dropped."

But Lin Mengya no longer believed his words.

He shook off his hand vigilantly, but put away the ointment again.

It's been a long while since Qing Qinghu was uncomfortable, so he barely suppressed the disgusting feeling.

When he saw the girl who had always depended on him, even though his eyes were full of vigilance, he could not help but smile and shook his head.

"You listen to me explain to you, although, according to those people, we have indeed been replaced. However, the transfer of souls has not been successful, but we have all been affected.

Do you remember the time when both me and Long Tianyu had amnesia? Actually, it is for this reason. "

But she didn't believe it.

"However, I've searched before, you guys are obviously poisoned, so you forgot the past"

In the face of the little girl who suddenly became savvy, Qinghu had to tell her everything he knew.

"The poison was taken by me and Long Tianyu actively. The former palace master also knew about this, and he got the medicine."

Wu Qinghu sighed.

He really can't take her, maybe tell her now is not the best time, but he can't stand the little girl looking at him with that look.

It was harder to endure than the ointment.

"You also know that after the two of us actually came here, we didn't get much recognition.

We are all anxious, and we all hope to help you. Until one day, someone found us.

He told us that as long as we can give up part of ourselves, we can obtain supreme power. "

I heard Qing Fox say this, Lin Mengya could not help but interject.

"He lied to you, you believe it"

"Why not believe it?" Qinghu revealed a look that she was both familiar and unfamiliar.

He looked at her intently, his eyes were full of emotions she could not understand, but could faintly feel.

"If we can seize this opportunity, we can at least take care of you. Girl, we are not as smart as you think. In some things, we are just fools."

He and Long Tianyu, why don't you know this is a scam.

I just, they can only choose to take risks.

He struck his urge to gag, and then explained, "Later, Tianyu Yu's master got the medicine. The old man was personal, don't care about everything, in fact everything is clear.

He told us that although this medicine can temporarily lose our previous memories, it can also make soul transfer fail. However, after all, we have been transferred to the soul, so it will be a little different from ordinary people. "

"What you say is true"

Lin Lin Mengya is still doubtful.

In fact, she was so impulsive only because she was too surprised at first.

But calm

After stunned, she also found some doubts.

In the cases of failure or success of all the elders she has seen, there is no way for the memory of the soul-shifter and the soul-shifted to coexist.

成功 One success replaces another, it means success.

Conversely, like the one-body two-soul disease she has seen before, she can only go crazy.

Nine Dragons Tianyu and Qinghu are her favorite and closest brothers.

若 If the two of them were really replaced, she would never have noticed at all.

Qinghu nodded wryly.

"I know everything I told you, if you don't believe it, you can just open my head and confirm it."

Lin Mengya grumbled and complained, "Then you are dead?"

She tentatively approached, her eyes full of worry.

"Apart from the temporary amnesia, what other sequelae do you have?"

Wu Qinghu shook his head.

"Not found for the time being, but the medicine you said should be considered a kind. By the way, where did you get this medicine, did I and Long Tianyu's thing be discovered?"

"Song Jian sent me to provoke my relationship with Yu. Do you remember the person who sent you out?"

It's rare to be serious about the tone of Qinghu.

"Girl, I tell you, don't contact these people until you have absolute power.

You can't imagine how powerful they are. "

She wants to be more powerful than modern aircraft cannon fighters

But what she didn't expect was that some words couldn't be too full, otherwise the face was too fierce and there was no way to resist.

Although Qinghu repeatedly promised that he was okay, she was still not assured and gave him a careful inspection.

He was like Qinghu said that his body was not damaged in any way.

I just have one thing, he sometimes has difficulty controlling his body.

怪 "No wonder, I used to suddenly fall asleep a while ago and forget it when I wake up."

Wu Qinghu scratched his head.

Fortunately, thanks to the habit of his perennial killer career, he always hides in some safe place subconsciously.

然 Otherwise, he would have died a long time ago.

"It looks like there should be something wrong with your brain. After I go back, I will help you to recuperate."

To put it simply, the previous soul transfer affected his original memory and affected his brain.

But it doesn't matter, if it is symptomatic, it will be cured soon.

Qing Qinghu looked at Lin Mengya who had become soft again, and couldn't help but be glad.

At the same time, he was a little happy.

If they really got caught, the little girl would take revenge for them, right?

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at him in an angry tone.

"I do n’t know what such a serious thing one of you is, how can you not tell me the truth?

I'm such a stupid person in your eyes. "

Even if it ’s to protect her, you still have to let her know what happened.

These two are so mad at her

Wu Qinghu restored the hippie smiley face again and coaxed this little ancestor in the past.

"Yes, yes, we are stupid, stupid, still out of touch, where is our little girl so smart"

Lin Lin Mengya rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you later, how can I clean up"

As soon as the two were about to go back, the roadside field heard the sound of Xisuo.

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