Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2528: Godland visitors

Feijiesheng has a very magical property. If it is used together with poison, it can let the poison's toxicity parasitize in the human body, and can also use itself as a carrier to continuously provide the ability of poison regeneration .

However, if it is taken with other medicines, it can also be used as a carrier to allow other medicines to be continuously regenerated.

Before she found something in the homeowner, but at that time, Qingzheng spectrum has not yet decoded it.

Because the amount of information contained in the Qingzheng spectrum is too large, Xiaoyao sets the information she currently needs as the priority decoding state.

Had to say that this targeted decoding work really helped her a lot.

It is a pity that among the vast and powerful information, it is too difficult to select the information she needs from it.

It took several days before it was barely deciphered, and Lin Mengya had to be more in awe of the composer of Qingzheng spectrum.

This is definitely not something that someone alone can do.

Yes, it is the crystallization of a powerful and intelligent group.

"So, the poison of Mr. Gan's homeowner may also be the hand of someone from the Gan family?"

Long Tianyu raised his reasonable doubts.

Lin Mengya nodded and sorted out her thoughts.

"I also think there is such a possibility, but they use this medicine to deal with Xiaoyan, I don't quite understand it."

She can be sure that there is no poison in the medicine.

Other medicines, except for daily life, are unclear except for the two flavors. The other medicines are actually harmless to the human body.

She really couldn't understand why Xiaoyan had no resistance immediately after drinking.

Perhaps because the two medicines combine to have unexpected effects?

Or, what is the difference between Xiaoyan's physique?

In short, what happened in the Gan family made her deeply appreciate the previous evaluation of the ancient tribe by Long Tianyu.

Sure enough, it is unfathomable.

Long Tianyu patted her hand.

"I have worked hard for you these days, I have already thought about it, no matter what my previous plan was, I will say goodbye to my native Gan tomorrow."

This trip to the Gan family actually found things far beyond his expectations.

Stay on again, he was afraid that he would grow out of nowhere.

But the plan never changes fast.

Just when they wanted to see their homeowner, they were told that the homeowner was unwell and would be closed from now on.

At the same time, they were put under house arrest in disguise.

"I want to see Mr. Gan Er!"

Lin Mengya frowned and said to the two door gods with the pestle at the door.

The two didn't reply, they didn't even have extra eyes, they just kept guarding the door firmly, not letting them go out, or letting outsiders in.

"Bang", she angrily threw the door.

While Long Tianyu was basking in the yard, seeing her like this, her lips were slightly raised.

"Why is the Gan family like this? Fortunately, we also helped them once. En Jiang will not say anything, it is almost capricious, mean villain!"

To say who Lin Mengya scolded.

Can now order the Gan family to go up and down, and they can also be locked up. No one is allowed to see their homeowner. Except for Mr. Gan Er, she does not do what he wants.

However, compared to the irritable wife, Long Tianyu's reaction was a little more tense at the beginning, but now it is actually relaxed.

"Come and sit."

He beckoned.

Lin Mengya sighed deeply.

"Yu, you said that this is the second master of the Gan family,

What does mean? Is it possible that he is still addicted to people? "

Long Tianyu smoothed the long hair of his wife.

"Don't worry, it will be fine."

Actually, he did n’t tell Lin Mengya that Lord Gan Er had met him secretly last night.

He knew that the Gan family was coming for some uninvited guests.

And those people, he must not let Ya'er see it unprepared.

At least, it should not be the premise that even the identity cannot be exposed.

If Ya'er will one day be up against them, at least they must be equal, or even better!

Therefore, he only agreed to Mr. Gan Er and took the people honestly in the yard waiting for those people to leave.

At the same time, Mr. Gan Jia Er is also facing unprecedented pressure.

Is still the main hall of the Gan family, but at this time, sitting in front of him are a few mysterious guests wrapped in heavy white robes.

"We have already heard about the second lady. Master Gan Er, we promised you that the thing has been done, and our transaction is over. There is no such thing as this for us. But you have no reason We have detained our people. You have to give us a reasonable explanation of this matter. "

Talking to listen to the sound, it should be a young woman.

But her slow tone and condescending attitude are not like young people.

Master Gan Er took a few deep breaths, which barely controlled his temper.

"Well, even if my wife's thing is my own careless mistake. But your people, dare to move my daughter! You must give me an account of this matter!"

He knew that the identity of the person in front of him was mysterious.

But as a father, he must protect his daughter!

Also barely kept Yuhua conscious, and gave her husband a worried look.

She was also not at ease, so she followed.

Did not expect that those people were more unreasonable than she expected.

"Master Gan Er, say something you don't like to listen to. Your daughter is nothing but a muddled failure, and my people don't want to blame the heavenly things. Besides, if we want people in the Divine Realm, you have no right to refuse.

This is simply not to treat others as people.

The second master suddenly ran out of anger, or Yu Hua pulled him in time.

Shook his head at him, and Yu Hua turned to look at those people.

"Yi Ge didn't mean that, but your original agreement was to let me be resurrected after 20 years. Xiaoyan is the person responsible for guarding me, now I am like this, is it also her negligence? "

Yu Hua was very smart during his lifetime.

Before these people came, she learned some of these people's rules of conduct through her husband's mouth.

Although they are arrogant, they therefore attach the most importance to commitment.

Although she cannot be recovered, she must protect her daughter.

Sure enough, the other party was silent for a moment before saying: "It is indeed her negligence."

"So, you have to promise my husband another condition, otherwise, you are out of contract!"

Second Master, when he first cooperated with them, he had an extra eye.

Frankly, if Yu Hua did not succeed in his resurrection, the other party must promise him a condition free of charge.

Because of this, the other party sent someone to supervise.

Didn't want to, the man dared to break the contract privately.

"Okay, you say."

The second master and his wife both heard the other party's annoyance under calm.

The two looked at each other

At last, Yu Hua said one by one: "I want you to swear from now on, your people must not take action against my daughter!"

"Okay, deal. Now, can you give us people?"

For the people of God Realm, there is no difficulty in this matter.

Finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Xiaoyan was sent to the guests of God Realm.

Was still detained and still looked like a woman who looked like all living beings. After seeing the tragic color of white, suddenly shrunk into a ball.

"You guys, why are you here!"

Her voice shouted sharply.

Will not!

The things here in the Gan family are not enough for the "white" people to come forward!

"You have broken the rules of God Realm."

The young woman shrouded in white announced without mercy.

And Xiaoyan are full of fear.

"No, no! Sir, please, please forgive me!"

She doesn't want, let the "white" people take her away.

However, those people refused to listen to her plea, waved their hands, and took the people away.

The atmosphere suddenly became stiff again.

Although the serious troubles have been eliminated, Mr. Gan Er still feels a little uneasy.

He had contact with God Realm, but the people he met at that time should have a lower status than those in front of him.

For a time, I couldn't help worrying, they came here for the purpose.

"Now, let's talk about the business. I came here this time to issue an order about God Realm to everyone."

The second master was a little dissatisfied.

"I just worked with you, not your subordinates!"

"Oh, second master, rest assured that this order is rewarded, don't you want to revive your wife again? Maybe, this reward can help."

Don't look at the woman talking softly, but it really caught the weakness of the second master.

Yuhua gave her husband a worried look.

Last night, she made it clear to Brother Yi.

Although Brother Yi insisted on resurrecting her, she did not want to wait another ten years.

Waiting day after day, she can still hold on, but the price that Brother Yi has to pay is too high.

Moreover, she doesn't want anyone to die because of herself.

Even if she could be resurrected one day, she was full of guilt.

But the second master did not refuse.

"What order?"

The woman ordered him a portrait.

"We are looking for the person in the painting. If you can find it for us, the reward will be yours."

Who needs such a huge expense in God Realm?

Master Gan Er opened the picture with some curiosity.

The woman above, although it can be regarded as an eyebrow, is nothing strange.

"What are you doing with this person?" He asked.

"She is the sinner of our God Realm. If you find her, we will give you the highest reward."

Gan Er's brow furrowed slightly.

"I have never seen this person."

Whether he is moving or not, he has indeed never seen it.

Fortunately, the other party did not fully expect him.

Is just a routine matter to pass the orders of God's domain.

"It depends on your own luck if you can get a reward. It's not too early, and we have to leave."

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