Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2530: Looming crisis

Probably good people have good luck.

Although Longsha may not completely cure Yu's legs, it is definitely beneficial.

And compared to the Gan family's overkill, Lin Mengya, who understands the effect of this thing, can even play the medicine of Longsha.

This medicine is cold, if used directly, it may increase Yu's injury after a long time.

Therefore, she had to scrape the dragon sand a little bit, and then fry it with the neutralizing medicinal herbs in an iron pan, and finally wrap it in cotton cloth, and apply it to Long Tianyu ’s waist and legs while hot On the joint.

"Does it hurt? I've tried the temperature, it's a bit hot, and I'll turn it over for you often. If it feels too hot, tell me immediately."

Just finished the first treatment, Lin Mengya was not assured to lie down beside him and asked softly.

Long Tianyu was lying on the bed, his face slightly pale.

But he still smiled at her and scraped the tip of her nose with thin sweat.

"It's okay, you have worked hard."

His business, Lin Mengya will not easily fake others' hands.

Medication, massage, even dressing and bathing are all small things that she does by herself.

He knew this was because Yaer had herself in her heart, so she would do these trivial things.

And it is precisely these trivial things that have condensed little by little into their most sincere and deep emotions.

He thought that he probably would never forget the love of his lover in his life.

At the same time, he will exhaust his life, to love her and pamper her.

Lin Mengya shook her head, and then extended her hand to try the hot pack on his waist.

Longsha cannot be taken directly, so she came up with this method.

But the higher the temperature, the better the effect of hot compress and the deeper the penetration of the drug.

But for Long Tianyu, he has to endure the double torture inside and outside.

Long Tianyu is really uncomfortable.

The hot pack on the outside is just right to keep him from being burned, but the pain inside is the most difficult.

Now, he feels his joints, as if gnawed by thousands of ants.

Itchy made him even want to tear his skin and pull out those joints.

With his willpower, Long Tianyu could not bear it.

Both hands almost crushed the bed board under him, and his forehead was also covered with cold sweat.

After about half an hour, Lin Mengya touched the temperature of Longsha, and could not feel much heat anymore, and immediately took off the hot pack.

Then, she immediately used her prepared potion to apply lightly on Long Tianyu's hot red skin.

First, it can promote the medicinal properties of Longsha. Secondly, Yu's skin can be restored as soon as possible.

The little coolness brought by the potion almost made Long Tianyu soothing.

Until Lin Mengya dealt with everything, he saw that the man was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

Involuntarily slowed her footsteps and lay down beside the bed, looking at her man carefully.

How long has she not seen him so well?

Has lived as an orphan for more than 20 years. Marriage and love have always been an unattainable luxury for her.

Perhaps their encounter was not good enough.

But they can communicate with each other and love each other till now.

She extended her finger and gently tapped Long Tianyu's forehead.

Her heart, telling her more and more firm day by day, she loves and loves this man very much.

Moreover, this love is still

Is increasing day by day without end.

The peace and quiet in was broken by people after a long time.

Long Tianyu was awakened by the voice.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard Ya'er whisper: "When the Highness is awake, I will tell him,"

"Then brother, please, yes, my second old man said, if the younger brother is free, can I go with my second lady."

Suddenly, the vinegar essence in the house was reincarnated and exploded.

"Go back and tell your second old man, if he dares to think about my people again, I will not be rude to him!"

The sudden sound of scared the two at the door.

Lin Mengya walked back quickly and touched his forehead first.

"How did you wake up? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Long Tianyu shook his head and by the way locked the person directly beside him.

Gan Pei also walked in, but he did not pay the second master.

"Your Highness misunderstood. My second old man means that this younger brother is very close to my second young lady. Recently, he was too busy moving the second lady's grave. Brother look after. Of course, this is not forced, but I hope that if the younger brother has free time, can he help our second master. "

After the last thing, who dares to attack the people of Long Tianyu from the Gan family?

Whether it is attitude or demand, it is much more reasonable.

Long Tianyu is still somewhat dissatisfied.

But Lin Mengya missed the other party's love for them, and hurried in front of him.

"I have nothing to do except taking care of your highness medicine every day at noon. It's just that this yard is a big man. I'm afraid that Miss Two will be inconvenient to come here."

Gan Pei is also a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, I also know your difficulty. Alas, when the second wife died, the old owner did not let the second wife enter the cemetery of the Gan family for some reason. Now the old man is relieved, and he hopes that he will not As for loneliness, the second old man naturally valued this matter, and it must be the majority of the scenery. Only in this way, there are more strangers coming and going. "

Last time the second lady was almost insulted, the homeowner was already aware of it.

At that time, the homeowner was almost mad at the disease. After a long night of thought, the homeowner finally relaxed and allowed Miss Dandan to be named Gan's surname.

After the second wife got a place, Dan Dan was the serious Gan Jia Er.

When the time comes, who dares to move her?

However, Dan Dan is a little different from ordinary children. The homeowner and the second master are afraid that strangers will frighten her.

"Guests are at ease, and Gan Pei is at ease. As long as you send Miss Dan Dan, I promise that no one will dare to bully her."

Heard her answer, Gan Pei's eyes showed a little ecstasy.

"It's great! I have your brother, I will let our second old man prepare a gift for you."

"No need."

Lin Mengya refused with a smile.

, As a "professional graduate student coaxing children", she is already familiar with this kind of thing.

And Dan Dan is also an adult with basic self-care ability, this matter is not difficult.

Gan Pei left with gratitude and gratitude, and Lin Mengya returned after seeing him, and saw a stinky face from his man.

"What's wrong?" She walked over and squeezed the other person's face.

Is not as tender as her sons, but it is flexible and soft, which is quite interesting.

"Forget it, just let them play with her."

Long Tianyu's dissatisfaction comes from sharing his daughter's complaints with his sons.

However, it ’s okay at home, there is no reason to share with outsiders, right?

Lin Mengya, who didn't expect her own man to be so naive, is now a bit worried.

When Gan Pei was in charge, he also revealed another incident.

The young butcher is gone.

On the second day when he was awake, he ran to question the second master.

It was said that the two were arguing fiercely at that time, and even almost hands-on.

But in the end, Tu Gongzi left with the elders.

But they all know that Tu Gongzi's departure does not mean that he will give up.

She did not worry about whether the Gan family could withdraw.

It was just that she was afraid that if the elders would be angry, and sent someone to punish the Gan family, she might not be involved in the Li family separated by Lin.

The Li family is her and Yu's base camp in the ancient tribe.

One is not good, their purpose of coming to the ancient tribe this time, they will die here.

Alas, when thinking of the trouble behind, Lin Mengya had a headache.

Forget it.

This is the Gan family, and the trouble was caused by the Gan family themselves.

The sky collapsed, and all of them stood tall. What kind of heart did she worry about?

Early the next morning, Dan Dan was personally taken to their guest room yard by Gan Pei.

The little girl was indifferent and heartless, holding a pack of oil paper tightly, and squeezed it into her as soon as she met.

"For you!"

"What is this?"

Lin Mengya smelled curiously, and the oily paper bag exuded a sweet pastry smell.

Dan Dan also told her the name of the dish, and told her a few dim sum names.

Peeled off the oil paper, a few hot snacks, and made her heart sweet and warm.

"Thank you."

She patted the little girl's head.

The latter looks like a harmless little animal, rubbing her hand with the top of her head.

"Mother said, you are a good person."

Lin Mengya was surprised.

There was no half-sorrow in those stark eyes.

Maybe, this is also a good thing.

She took Dandan into the house, and on the table, there were the literacy cards she had made overnight.

Dan Dan was playing with curiosity and seemed very interested.

Lin Mengya quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked the servants who took care of her, but literate.

Has a girl party similar to Dan Dan's age.

So, Lin Mengya asked the girl, Dan Dan, how to read the words above.

The picture card is simple. In addition to the words, there are some simple patterns, so it is not boring.

Lin Mengya watched her read more and happier, and quietly returned to her man's side.

"Hard you, but also help me make those gadgets."

She whispered thanks, she was really satisfied with her man.

Long Tianyu raised an eyebrow.

"What my wife promised is what I promised. Naturally, I want to do my best."

"Praise you, are you still breathing right?" The words said, but Lin Mengya still kissed his face secretly.

Always have to give people a little sweetness is not.

But Long Tianyu was a little dissatisfied. When she just wanted to buckle her shoulder and charge a little "interest", she was interrupted by knocking on the door.

"Who?" The man's tone was clearly dissatisfied.

Dare to disturb him at this time, the best, what really happened.

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