Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2536: Real life experience

Guzi swallowed her saliva, but did not dare to look up.

She knew very well that she came here to kill someone, but she could n’t help it.

Sighed, she raised her head, Mu Na's eyes fell on the Gan family alone.

"Yes, I was hired by this uncle, saying that it was for me to keep his daughter-in-law."

Viya's voice is getting smaller and smaller, but what she said made the Gan family slightly change their face.

The four grandpas glanced at the head of the Gan family secretly and proudly, seeming to be sure that they had won the prize.

"What is the name of the girl he asked you to raise? Now, where is it?"

Sister-in-law Gu hesitated for a while, still biting her teeth and said, "The child's name is Yu Hua, and he is about 35 or 6 years old this year."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Who is Yuhua?

Is clear on the card, and it shows the wife of the second Gan family.

But if Na Guzi said the truth, then the combination of Master Gan Er and Yu Hua was a mess.

For the Gan family, it is definitely a devastating scandal.

For a time, the Gan family's face was very wonderful.

As the owner of the Gan family is bitter.

The four old ladies glanced at the two brothers.

"Homeowner, do you recognize this matter or not?"

The facts are already in front of me, and there are even witnesses.

In any case, the Gan family can't deny it.

He closed his eyes, leaving only guilt for Yu Hua's mother and daughter.

If it was not his retreat, there would not be everything now.

"That kid, indeed--"

"The Lord Gan."

Just as the Gan family was about to uncover the secrets that had been hidden for many years, a clear voice interrupted him.

Everyone followed the prestige and only saw a beautiful young boy.

The man came forward with a polite and gentle smile on his face.

"This matter was your family's affair, and my Highness originally didn't want to talk too much. However, seeing that you were innocently wronged, and even taking the reputation of the second lady, my Highness felt that I could not stay away.

Was able to speak at this time. Lord Gan did not know where this was because His Highness wanted to help him.

However, this matter has already been fixed, and he shook his head sourly.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your righteous speech, just"

"Just you really think that Mrs. Er is your daughter. Excuse me. Before I married Mrs. Er, did you have many years and have not seen Mrs. Er?"

Lin Mengya's attitude is very calm.

Looking at her look, the Gan family owner actually gave birth to some hope.

Thought, then nodded.

"That's right, and no matter what reason you left your mother and daughter back then. You said that the second lady and the second master knew you before, and you didn't know it. Even so, I think this matter Unreasonable, but no one is to blame. If you want me to say, it ’s all a matter of fate. "

Her words came out, and some of the more sensible Gan family members also awakened.

But this is not the result of the four old ladies.

He stared at Lin Mengya with a bad look, and said in a cold voice: "Where did you come from, the little cubs who don't know the heavens and the heights, and our family's affairs, it is your turn to intervene?"

"My people can't control it by anyone else."

Long Tianyu

Politely fight back.

How about the four old ladies?

As long as his wife wanted to do, the Jade Emperor could not stop it!

"Four old ladies, don't worry."

Lin Mengyapi said with a smile.

She had long seen this old guy as unpleasant. She was obviously not good-hearted, but she still wanted to get innocent.

The means are too dirty, and no countertops at all.

Therefore, she couldn't help but shoot.

"The reason why you have these disputes today is entirely because of the second wife's life experience. Dare to ask the four old ladies, how can you be sure that the second wife must be the daughter of the Gan family?"

"you still need to ask?"

Gan Tonghai finally came to a halt, but it was a pity that his speech was not clear, but it made him angry.

"The old lady said that she was hired by the head of the family to take care of the mother and daughter. Is it true that they can still refuse?"

Lin Mengya shook her head, squatted down and looked at Gu Guzi.

"Old lady, can you tell everyone clearly, that Mrs. Yuhua, is really the biological daughter of Master Gan?"

She deliberately emphasized the second half of the sentence.

Sure enough, the mother-in-law's eyes were a little flustered, and finally she just said, "When, the old man said he was his daughter."

"Yeah, it was indeed his biological daughter that Gan family entrusted you to take care of. It was indeed his own daughter. But what happened later made you so courageous and false?"

"Me, I don't understand what you say!"

'S wife was more anxious and shivered to deny her words.

Lin Mengya was not annoyed, but just pointed to the bright red handwriting on the rank and asked, "Can you tell me, what color is that word?"

Taniko shook.

"I can't read."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know how to read, do you always know the color?"

"Yes, yes, yes I don't know, I don't know!"

Vice Gu did n’t even know why she asked herself this question, but her reaction made the big guys feel strange.

According to the rules of the Gan family, within three years of entering the ancestral hall, the name on the card was vermilion, and then it was changed to black for the next three years.

Today, only Yuhua's card is red, which should be known to everyone.

But the mother-in-law, why did she react in this way?

Lin Mengya raised her lips and got up to look at Dan Dan.

"Nadandan told his brother, what color are those words?"

Dan Dan looked at it for a while, and said with a firm attitude: "It's gray!"

Everyone was surprised again.

Then Lin Mengya was worth a series of red objects, and Dan Dan did not say right.

This makes everyone dumbfounded.

It was the second master's eyes flashed, but he could not help but shouted out.

"Master Gan, what color do you say this is?"

The homeowner was also haloed, and now he is also very cautiously tempting: "This is, vermilion?"

"I think most of the people present know that it is vermilion. But why only that woman and Dan Dan can't recognize this color?"

In fact, Dan Dan has red-green blindness, which Lin Mengya has long known.

Although Dan Dan is not clear about red and green, it is because of this that she has better vision than ordinary people in low light conditions.

Because of this, Dan Dan knew that someone wanted to hurt himself at night, so he escaped countless calculations.

When the second lady entered Tu Gongzi's body, Lin Mengya had inadvertently listened to her emotions, the original blood color was red.

Because color blindness can be inherited, the vision of the second master is obviously normal.

So the source of Dandan ’s color blind inheritance is definitely the second lady.

Similarly, Lord Gan ’s vision is normal, that is to say, the second lady ’s inherited color blindness also comes from the mother ’s side.

Of course, Yuhua's mother may have color blindness.

But she found that Gu Pozi and Dan Dan were somewhat similar in outline.

This gave her a bold guess.

As expected, she was right!

"Will Lord Gan, the mother of the second wife, like Dan Dan, can't you recognize the red?"

The head of the Gan family turned quickly, and this has already been reflected for a while.

He had recovered his composure, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Gu Pozi with a good look.

"I remember, do you have a son and a daughter? I don't know where they are now. At first, you took care of Yu Hua's mother and daughter for me. It's better to take them all to my family. It will do. "

Mentioned his son and daughter, the mother-in-law could not hold it for a moment, kowtowed again and again.

"The uncle has spared his life! Yes, it was my wife who was fascinated for a while before my daughter took the position of Miss Yu Hua. I didn't mean it!"

The truth.

Second old man could not bear it anymore, and looked coldly at the four old grandpas and Gan Tonghai who deliberately stirred them up.

"Oh, you guys have enough trouble? Witness, I think it's almost like a liar!"

The mother-in-law of the valley also regretted her life and knelt with the second old man to beg for mercy.

"Second lord, Yuhua is your wife anyway. If you don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, I'm forced to do nothing. My son doesn't scramble and owes a gambling debt. You see him On the face that came out of my belly with my wife, save our family! "

To say that there is no skin and no face, this woman in the valley knows her way well.

Was just an accomplice of the four old ladies, and he started climbing relatives with the second old man in a blink of an eye.

The second master was too lazy to care about this unconscionable guy.

Gave his confidant a wink, and the latter immediately stepped forward, even pulling the person out.

With Guzi's confession, the four old ladies and he also lost their most advantageous steel knife.

Obviously, the Gan Family Lord would not give him this opportunity again.

"What happened today is also related to my original mistake."

Lord Gan looked at his brother, but his eyes were a bit light.

"My homeowner is really not good, so I decided to step down as homeowner. And my brother Gan Yi, although he acted impulsively, but in the past few years, I closed the door to recuperate. He is dealing with it. He is fair and strict, and indeed he can be a responsible person. Later, he will be the new owner of my Gan family. "

Gan Yi froze.

He never expected that after experiencing so many things, his elder brother was still willing to believe him.

Kan Tonghai and his gang of four old ladies are willing to let go.

"Nothing! The head of the family is of great importance. How can an illegitimate child of unknown origin inherit? What's more, he had wanted to rebel at first, so could the head of the family be regarded as never happened?"

Gan Tonghai words and sentences are full of jealousy.

The head of the house, who does n’t want this?

Others have no opinions, but the Gan family does not have a position to explain what his brother does.

It was at this time that Long Tianyu, who had been in the background of Banzhen, smiled.

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