Long Yu was very unhappy.

   Such an open flame to dig his corner, think he is dead?

   Therefore, before waiting for his wife to refuse, Long Yu grabbed the husband's hand and said with a soft voice.

   "It's a bit cooler at night, and some flies and mosquitoes are always crying badly, and my wife is working hard."

   Lin Mengya wanted to get through with the guy who didn't have long eyes, but now I don't think it's necessary anymore.

   is also right, but it is just a fly that can only buzz.

  She's not a flies feast, so why bother?

  And someone who talked to was found that he was directly ignored by the few people in front of him, and suddenly felt that he was humiliated.

   "Oh, some people don't know who Chen is?"

   Qing Fox glanced at him, his eyes seemed to be looking at a pile of humanoid garbage.

   "Who are you? Do our farts?"


  Chen Zixuan really did not expect that this group of people was so rude and arrogant that they could hardly communicate.

   glanced at them fiercely, then walked away.

   It was Li Ao next to him who couldn't help but take a few more glances. Finally, he whispered reminded, "I have heard of this Chen family from Chen Zixuan, it seems to be an in-law of the Sheng family."

   He actually thinks that one more thing is worse than one less.

   But Chen Zixuan's move was just too frivolous.

   The strength of the Palace Master and His Royal Highness, whichever one is taken out, is not comparable to that of the Chen Family.

   Now he finally realized why His Highness would see them sitting on a well.

  The closure of the ancient ethnic groups in recent years is not only beneficial to them.

   At least like the Chen family, I don’t know if the heights are thick, I’m afraid I’m not in a minority.

   But in a few conversations, it was their turn.

   Except Liao, the three people are all masters of observation.

   What's more, they knew that it was on the other side of the earth, and they even realized that they could listen to and listen to all directions.

  Although the servants who led them were hidden very well, they felt that the other party had problems.

As the **** walked along, he seemed to carelessly introduce, "Going east from here, you can go to the inner courtyard where the ladies and sisters live. Normally, there are people under guard, and today's affairs are busy, and those people are all transferred. coming."

   At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it, but Yipin said, it was simply telling them that during the banquet, the road leading to the backyard was unguarded.

  She did not believe that Sheng Jia would deliberately let the next person introduce such details.

  If someone wants to make trouble, this is simply to lead the wolf into the room.

   Lin Mengya secretly gave Long Yu and Qinghu a glance, and the two of them carefully observed the surrounding one, and the other was to talk to the servant who led the way.

   But when I went to the main hall of Guanli, Lin Mengya was invited to go out alone.

   "I have seen the palace master."

   The person coming is a face-to-face girl, but from the perspective of dress, the master should be a head and face in the Sheng family.

  'S leading men also smiled and smiled "Ping Ping".

  Ping girl nodded slightly, but she didn’t look at the man, but just politely said to Lin Mengya, “The slave-servant was ordered by my grandfather to invite the palace owner to give my sister a joy in the past.”

  Lin Mengya thought a little, and she knew who the girl Ping was.

   It’s just that she was wondering, since

   has no relationship with the Sheng family at all, why was he chosen to be blessed?

   "It turns out that it's just that I'm a foreigner, where can I have such a great blessing?"

   Of course she didn't want to go.

   However, Ping girl is very persistent, and it does not seem to have any conspiracy.

"But you are the owner of the palace, the only female hero in the bottom, your blessing is great! My wife, I hope that my sister and grandfather will raise the same eyebrows as the same as your highness, Qin and Harmony, so I invite you to go Comb our sister!"

The girl   Ping did not lie.

  Don’t look at her fame among men, but for women, she is an enviable object.

  The Gong family can't be strong. The marriage between her and Long Yu alone is enough to envy women.

  Who doesn’t know a man like His Royal Highness, was squeezed by his wife.

   Even if there is some gossip, in the end, His Royal Highness is most loved, is it not this Mrs. Zheng?

   If Lin Mengya knew this, she would cry and laugh.

   Her name outside is definitely not just about marriage, but in the relatively closed ancient clan, she is envied and praised for this reputation.

  I don't know if it is good or not.

  Lin Mengya thought for a while, but still agreed to the other party.

   First, it was in the Sheng family, and it was not so good not to give face; secondly, it came and went around, and Ping Maiden did not carry other people when she talked. Presumably the Sheng family should not do anything.

   "Okay, then I would rather respect than obey."

   As soon as she agreed, Long Yu frowned slightly.

   Fortunately, Lin Mengya shook his hand and motioned him not to worry too much, he must be aware of it.

   Then she followed Ping girl and went to the backyard together.

On the way, Lin Mengya also inquired about the taboo and process of their ancient marriage.

   is roughly the same as outside, but there is no church here, but it is enough to worship a god.

  For this "respect god", Lin Mengya also asked a few words.

   learned from Ping's mouth that this "respecting god" is not a fairy in mythology, but an ancestor of their ancient tribe.

   It's just that this ancestor was very mysterious, and there was no **** like it.

  When it is necessary to worship, it is directly replaced with a special kind of wood.

   But the distance is limited, and Ping did not know much, and she only found out a rough idea.

  Following the direction of the leader, they walked all the way to the backyard.

   They didn't really see anybody along the way. Compared to the vocals in the front yard, it was much quieter here.

  Sister Sheng's courtyard is very unique.

   They came in and were caught by several girls.

   "It may be considered that our wife is all in a hurry. Master Gong please please!"

   Several Rao attitudes are still kind, and Lin Mengya let them pull directly into the house.

   At this moment, the house is beaming.

   An old lady in a purple dress smiled kindly at her and said to her, "It's a real trouble for the housekeeper, alas, who made me feel like this! If she could be like the housekeeper, I would be content."

   Lin Mengya feels very good about Mr. Sheng.

  At the moment, he politely said, "Trouble is not worth mentioning, I don't know where my sister is, so don't delay the auspicious time."

  Look at her decent behavior, Mrs. Sheng's evaluation of her is higher.

   She was immediately taken to Sheng's boudoir.

  According to the rules, after the flower sedan walks the street, the newcomer will put on the most solemn dress and greet each other in the presence of relatives and friends.

  Sister Sheng's face is happy and coy, and she is also very enthusiastic about her.

   "Worried about seeing the head of the Gong family, the troubled head has combed my hair for me."

  Shengwuyou, a lifetime full of worry-free, really a good name.

  Lin Mengya smiled and took over the comb sent by the girl, standing behind Sheng Wuyou, gently combing from the top of her head to the end.

   "A comb of peace and wealth."

   "Two combs full of grandchildren."

   "Three combs work hand in hand."

  With the blessings of the maids around, Lin Mengya personally put on a gorgeous phoenix crown for Sister Sheng.

   Her craftsmanship is not very good, but fortunately, someone is nearby to help, so that it will not be in a hurry.

   Finally, according to the rules, she put the comb she used to comb her hair into the bun.

   In the mirror, the woman is charming and charming, and she still has the woman's coyness in her eyes, as well as the expectation of her new married life.

   "Thanks to the master of the palace for your success."

   Sheng Wuyou was very happy, as if with the blessings of the palace owner, her marriage was complete.

   Lin Mengya also smiled and nodded.

"I wish you happiness."

   At this moment, she sincerely hopes that the girl in front of her will be happy and happy.

   Soon someone was coming to welcome her out soon.

   Lin Mengya stood in the crowd and did not step forward to join in the excitement.

  Senior Lady Sheng was a little excited when she saw such a scene.

   Probably the reason why everyone is busy with the bride, at the end, she actually no longer cares.

   originally wanted to go out with the girls, but they all had their own positions. After the two or three separated, she lost her way in the mansion.

   Lin Mengya is helpless.

   But this is someone's wedding. In such a chaotic situation, there is inevitably no place to look after.

   Fortunately, she still has a system, as long as she finds a slightly familiar scene, she can go out.

  But what she didn't know was that the path she took was the opposite of the path to the front yard.

   She had bad luck, and the girls who followed just happened to go to the kitchen.

   Lin Mengya's nose is very smart, and soon she smelled the aroma of the rice.

   She knew the structure of these big houses, and at a glance she understood that she had gone wrong.

   However, she thought that maybe she could find the back kitchen, find someone to ask for directions, or follow the walk to find the banquet hall.

   But she did not know that when she placed her order, she was already stared at.

   "You see clearly, is it really the beautiful and beautiful house owner?"

   Chen Zixuan, who was not able to talk to him before, was so unhappy at the moment.

   Although the woman looks good, but he is already married, in theory, he will never be so worried.

  Now he was just laid off.

   This came to a master like her, it was almost half of his life.

  In such a situation, he wanted to get people better, but more, he wanted revenge.

"Of course I read it right! The owner of the palace is not familiar with it. After coming out of the inner courtyard, he went directly to the position of the back kitchen. Otherwise, I just went to change tea for you, I am afraid I have missed such a good opportunity. It!"


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