For a moment, Lin Mengya felt like she was discovered by that man!

  Crazy acceleration of her heartbeat. With the greatest control of her life, she was destined to stay in place.

  Although the other party is looking at her direction, the system's shielding function is quite powerful, at least no one will find her here until she doesn't jump out.


   Tu Wensi's voice, with a strong murderous opportunity.

   I am afraid that if they really know that they have witnessed the whole process, they will definitely kill her.

   "You're so careless, you don't even know a big living person here. If it weren't for me, I'm afraid you will be kicked out by the shrewd old lady of Sheng family tomorrow."

   In the night, a pair of men's eyes are as sharp as a beast.

   ran out of a spicy poison dart weapon, followed by a dull body sound.

   and Lin Mengya, who was extremely nervous, finally put her beating heart back to its place at the next moment.

   It turned out that the man discovered Chen Zixuan who was dragged into the grass.

  Tu Wensi sternly walked over and dragged people out.

   It's just that neither of them thought that this man was so shameless.

   "He, why didn't he wear clothes?" Tu Wensi was stupid.

   It was the hands-on man who took a closer look at the face, and then said disdainfully: "Isn't this the Chen family's swinger? Presumably it's just like you, and became a wild mandarin duck."

  Tu Wensi glared at the other party, as cautious as he was, but still a little uneasy.

   But not far away, someone was already looking for him.

  He just came out of the chapel with Sheng Wuyou, and came out to smooth out the trouble by changing his clothes.

   Now if he doesn't show up again, I'm afraid it will cause others to doubt.

  The two pushed Chen Zixuan into the lake as well.

  According to the plan of the two, compared to the fact that Chen Zixuan could not be forced to do so, both of them died together.

   Throughout the process, the two cooperated with each other, and their hands and feet were neat. It seems that this is not the first time such a killing has been done.

   Lin Mengya waited until there was no movement outside before drilling out of her hiding place.

  If it wasn't what he saw, who could believe that in such a short period of time, the good son-in-law of the Sheng family and his associates actually killed two lives?

  Thought deeply, as Tu Wensi's status, he was able to turn the Sheng family around, if he was not too deep-minded, or behind him, there were expert guidance.

   and his accomplice, although blindfolded and not looking lightly, can make her extremely scared.

   This grand family seems to be a Longtan Tiger Cave.

  For safety reasons, she chose to return the same way.

   Fortunately, she didn't know the man who almost found her, and then she stayed at the exit of the road for a while.

  Until someone found the lotus sinking into the pond, the man left in confusion.

   But when Lin Mengya returned to the wedding banquet, Long Tianyu immediately realized that she seemed to have something to worry about.

   It's just that when it's not time to speak, the big hand gently covers her hand.

   felt the man's comfort to himself, Lin Mengya took a sigh of relief.

   shook his head gently at him, indicating that he was fine.

   After the dressing, the groom official also appeared in front of everyone with a smile.

   But Lin Mengya is looking at him now, but he thinks how this person looks like a sinister and treacherous look.

  Especially after seeing him following Elder Sheng, with a humble and respectful look, she couldn't help thinking that this

  The picture of how the person just pushed the lotus with his own child down the pond in a vicious way.

  Today, he can do so in order to become the son-in-law of Sheng Family.

   Then, when he can climb to a higher position for greater benefit, will he do the same to Miss Sheng?

   She clenched her fists. Although she didn't want to let go of the beast, she couldn't help it for a while.

  At this time, under the recommendation of Elder Sheng, Tu Wensi had already recognized the distinguished guests who had the same status as the Sheng family.

  Grandpa Sheng gave him a glance, and stayed with his old friends to reminisce.

  Tu Wensi nodded with a smile, then picked up a glass of wine and walked to the other guests.

   This is also the test that Elder Sheng gave him. It is not enough to rely on those old relationships alone. He must have his own contacts.

   has to say that Tu Wensi is indeed a smooth man.

   After drinking a few glasses of wine, most of the people were confused by his attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing, and his gentle appearance.

   Coupled with the big tree of the Sheng family, I was afraid that over time, Tu Wensi felt that it could be comparable to Elder Sheng.

  With everyone's compliments, Tu Wensi got closer and closer.

   By the time they reached this table, they had been watching Lin Mengya from the other side silently, and they always felt that Tu Wensi's smile seemed a little more reluctant.


   Li Hao politely blessed, but Tu Wensi's attitude suddenly became a lot cold.

   "Master Li Shao came from afar, I wonder if I still used to live in my Shengjia City?"

   "Everything is fine." Li Ao probably also noticed it, and he couldn't help feeling full of doubts.

   He and the slaughtering son, but not even a little holiday.

   "Also, Li's family is not close to here, and there are few opportunities to see the prosperity of my Shengjia City. It is better to stay here for a few more days this time, so that I will not think about it after going back."

   said that it was mocking Li Ao who had never seen the world.

   The people around were also shocked.

   No one expected that the son-in-law of the Sheng family, who had long sleeves and good dancing before, was so harsh on the younger head of the Li family.

   Liao pondered for a moment.

  Although he is steady, he is still young, where can he stand being so despised.

   "No need, although Shengjia City is prosperous, my Li family also has the tranquility of my Li family."

   "Master Li Shao, do you look down on my Shengjia City?"

  Don't want to, Tu Wensi actually step by step, clearly is to give Li Ao a hat.

The people around    probably also realized that it was wrong, but they did not dare to speak out because of Tu Wensi's identity.

  Li Ao was also agitated by this inexplicable target.

  Long Tianyu spoke at this moment when he was just trying to argue with the other party.

"The Sheng family has the good of the Sheng family, and the Li family also has the beauty of the Li family. It depends on your personal likes. Tu Gongzi likes the prosperous scene, and the Master Li Shao prefers the quiet nature of his hometown. The two do not conflict. Why should Tu Tuzi be tough?"

   Tu Wensi narrowed his eyes.

   was naturally dissatisfied with the only one who dare to stand up and speak.

   But the identity of the other party is not comparable to the little young master.

  At least, in terms of his current strength, he cannot easily offend.

   "His Royal Highness said it well, but I was confused for a while, so that everyone can read jokes."

   finished, Tu Wensi left with a cold face.

   And other guests, choose to stay away from them intentionally or unintentionally.

   Their little episode at this table did not affect the atmosphere of the entire wedding.

  For Lin Mengya's group, sitting down again was just embarrassing.

   Just when they were about to leave, suddenly a rushed man rushed in, and then found the table closer to the center, whispering around the owner in a hurry.

   "What you said is true?" The house owner asked, unhappy at the time.

   did not dare to raise his head, nodded desperately.

   "Please also ask the house owner to find it quickly, late, the little afraid of what happened to the son."

   Actually, after he did what his son told him, he looked around, but unfortunately he didn't find his son's figure.

   Later, he inquired again, and found that the son did not return to the banquet, and then hurriedly came to report to his owner.

  If you want to know that the son is the sweetheart of the house owner and his wife, if something really happens, it is not something he can afford to pay.

   On the other side, Li Ao has gone to say goodbye to his host.

   Lin Mengya had just got up and was about to push Long Tianyu away, and he heard behind him an unwelcome voice.

   "Gongya, you stop!"

   She turned to see and saw a richly dressed middle-aged man walking towards herself aggressively.

   "I ask you, where did you deceive my son?"

   The more impolite question made Lin Mengya very uncomfortable.

   "Dare to ask who your Excellency is? Who is Lingzi?"

After the middle-aged man looked at her politely, he said proudly: "My son Chen Zixuan, with your qualities, dare to seduce my son! Tell you, tell me where he is, otherwise, I will let you out of the Sheng family!"

   Lin Mengya almost smirked.

   is really a son with his father, there is no good kind.

She is also not a soft persimmon, and immediately countered: "Master Chen, you have to speak a little bit of evidence. The younger son and I are not close relatives, how do I know where he is? Besides, the younger son is so big, legs He grew up with him, naturally he went where he wanted to, and he wasn't a weaned child. Did it take you, Master Chen, to find it so painstakingly?"

   These words made Master Chen's face even worse.

  In his view, the woman in front of her is not honest.

  Naturally, he is even more convinced of his words.

   "What a shrew with sharp teeth! Come here, grab her for me, I want to see, who dares to seduce my son in the future!"

"you dare!"

   Lin Mengya raised her chest, her body burst out.

   has been repeatedly humiliated by words, and her patience has been exhausted.

  Not to mention, in her dictionary of life, there is no such word as "bullied".

   Qinghu sneered, directly blocking her little girl's side.

   And Long Tianyu even looked cold, his eyebrows like a knife.

  Master Chen did not take the three people's eyes.

  Know that this is an ancient tribe, far from a place where the three foreigners can show off their power.

   "Give me! I want to see how you lowly foreigners can resist the prestige of my ancient people."

  The people brought by the Chen family are naturally swarming.

   But the next moment, these people all flew out, and moreover, everyone's face is printed with a huge footprint.

   "Hey, I really dirty my shoes."

   Peerless Master No. 1 Qinghu looked at his shoes with pity.

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