Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2560: Out of phase

   The arrival of this child is too much a surprise for the couple.

   is actually what Long Tianyu said about Lin Mengya and was quite interested.

  With a responsible attitude towards the body of his beloved, Long Tianyu repeatedly asked some of these key questions.

  Lin Mengya repeatedly guarantees that this will not only make the baby healthier, but also reduce the burden on her body, then Long Tianyu temporarily rested.

   So, Long Tianyu, who entered the stupid dad mode from time to time, gently touched her belly and asked again tirelessly.

   "How long will this child come out?"

   Lin Mengya could not help but patted him.

"Don’t you tell me, Xiaoyao said he will keep monitoring until my body and embryo are suitable for development, will she let her formally enter the growth period? Maybe, there will be more than three ordinary children. Five months."

   also suffered from this system in order to improve the quality of embryos through blood poisoning, thereby delaying the development of embryos.

   "What about you? Will it react like Huaininger?"

  Long Tianyu asked seriously.

  Lin Mengya's situation was good last time. At that time, Long Tianyu also asked a lot of questions about pregnant women.

  I don't know how much this child will cause Ya'er to suffer.

   For a time, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

  If this is not the case, Ya'er and his children will not be grieved like this.

   Lin Mengya only glanced at him, and he knew what this man was thinking.

   couldn't help but raised his lips and smiled very chicken thief.

   After all, it was her who gave birth to the child, and it was her who bore the pain.

  Since a man can't help, it is also good to confess his usual sins.

   "Is there any reaction to say -"

   She deliberately lengthened her tone and liked to watch Yu worryingly.

   "In fact, there is nothing to eat, it is easy to get tired. After all, the child is in my stomach, and I have to provide two people with nourishment. It is quite hard."

"Okay, from now on, I will let you make something you love to eat at any time. By the way, let them make you some preserves, fruits and the like. Let’s take it with us. In short, I won’t let you two Hungry!"

  Long Tianyu, who said he could do it, immediately turned around in a wheelchair and told him to go.

   Lin Mengya returned to the bed with a smile, and the outside quickly calmed down. Although she could still hear some movements, it was also because of her keen sense of hearing.

   turned around, but the smile on her face faded.

   "Small medicine, are all the things you said before true?"

  In the system, Xiaoyao was not as happy as she said, but instead turned into a little boy, with a tender wrinkled forehead.

"According to my observations, this embryo will indeed gradually overdraw your physical strength. The energy required for her growth is much greater than that of ordinary embryos. For now, it is better for the owner to take some medicine. Pure poison to maintain their own survival."

   A small fertilized egg, which later became an embryo, and eventually developed into a small baby.

   One by one, all comes from the mother's support.

   She told Long Tianyu that it was true. She did become greedy and tired because of this child, but this is not the most fundamental reason.

  Summary with the words of the small medicine is that this little embryo is madly absorbing the nutrition of her body.

   and press

  According to the normal situation, once the melons fall, she will be completely hollowed out, and she will only be lingering on the sickbed in the future, and will not live for a few years.

   either died during the birth because of physical overdraft.

   In short, the child missed her actuation more.

  She wants the child to grow up, so she has to sacrifice her life.

   rubbed her eyebrows, she continued to ask "Do you know what the reason is?"

   "It is not clear at present, but because of the blood poison, the owner can be completely remedied with drugs when the body is overloaded, and will not worry about harming the embryo and itself."

   This is the medicine that Xiaoyao gave her.

  Although she is reluctant to have her own children, she still has one child, family and friends.

  Once faced with a dilemma, she did not know which side she would choose.

   "Monitor the situation at any time, I will try my best to adjust the body for myself."

  She carefully looked at the embryo data and then exited the system page.

   Unexpected joy, but it is a disaster that cannot be handled well and has to be your own.

   She didn't want to get angry with this child, or someone else.

   looked down, she glanced at her wrist.

  Violet blood vessels are distributed in it, and who can think of it, not only her blood but also the world is poisonous?

   In short, Lin Mengya only felt that all of this might be related to his bloodline.

   She couldn't find the answer before because she was thought to be trapped in a narrow corner of the world.

   Now the sea is wide and the sky is high. As long as she wants, she can chase the answers to any questions wantonly.

  That's it, then she must figure out what is going on with her bloodline!

  Along with the little surprise of the couple, they sent out to find the Gan family and those who inquired about the status of Sheng family, also brought new news.

   The Gan family did come, but mysteriously disappeared while staying overnight in an obscure little village.

   Even more strange is that the people in this small village also disappeared without a trace overnight.

   Even the few Zhuangzis around are spreading some unpredictable legends.

   has everything to say, maybe the truth is hidden in these gossips, but unfortunately they can't tell.

   But people have left traces, especially those of Long Tianyu and Lin Mengya, they are professionals who have undergone the most rigorous training.

   After they found the little Zhuangzi, they conducted a rug-like investigation.

   Finally found that the Gan family should have been taken away by the people in Zhuangzi.

   And the people in this village may have been in contact with the outside world all these years.

   Because in that Zhuangzi, they found the remnants of something unique outside.

  Know that it is close to the Sheng family, and the Sheng family is a loyal supporter of closed conservatives.

   The people here, even if they are starving to death, don't dare to make contact with the outside easily.

   This itself is a strange place.

  As for the Shengjia side, Shengjiacheng has been closed since that day.

   Their people tried all kinds of means to sneak in, and finally returned without success.

  In their words, the whole city was wrapped in strange vines.

  As long as they are close, the vines will attack indiscriminately.

   They can only leave first and tell Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu about it.

   "Do you really see the whole city wrapped in vines?"

   Lin Mengya asked seriously.

   The person responsible for bringing back the news is also the person who experienced the adventure.

   nodded and said, "It's true, ma'am, I don't know if it's an illusion of the subordinates. The subordinates always feel that the **** vine seems to be bigger than before."

   "Nourishment is sufficient, it will naturally grow."

   Lin Mengya knows a little bit, but she is now more worried about how far this vine will eventually grow.

  If the vines will really limit my growth, it will be the people of the entire ancient tribe.

   What's more, she was also very afraid of that thing.

   So, she specifically pleaded with Long Tianyu and asked her to follow the situation.

  Long Tianyu is naturally not allowed, but it is not easy to say in front of people, just to worry about her safety as an excuse, dragging her from life and death to let her go.

   But this guy too underestimates the research and perseverance of a researcher in related fields.

  Full two hours, after drinking three pots of water in Lin Mengya, his mouth was almost not worn out. Long Tianyu reluctantly agreed.

   But he has a premise.

   Lin Mengya can only observe in a safe range, absolutely not allowed her to enter the vine attack range.

  Not looking closely, how can she see the characteristics of the vine?

  Lin Mengya was vomiting in her heart, but she dared not express her true thoughts, lest her own man would commit that shaft, then she would never be able to persuade him.

  Just at night, Lin Mengya was guarded by several people and quietly approached Shengjiacheng.

   Strangely, Shengjiacheng was so quiet at night, and the powerful vines did not suddenly appear.

   Lin Mengya stood outside the safe range and anxiously stepped on his feet to see the situation.

  Despite her excellent eyesight, she was so far away that she could only occasionally see a shadow flash, and then she could not see anything clearly.

  She knew that the dark shadow was Yu's person, trying to sneak in without disturbing the vines.

   Unfortunately, in the end they will all end in failure.

   She saw that one of them was trying to climb the wall. As soon as she approached the root of the wall, she was pumped away by several black "ropes".

  If you can't dodge, you might get caught.

   Such a situation she found many times.

  In the beginning, she was worried that doing so would cause people in the city to be alert.

   But in the end, she found that the vines are not just for people, but for living things that can move around.

   Apart from them, the rest are wild cats and wild dogs.

   As soon as these small animals approached, the vines would immediately whip, and they would make a stern cry, which added to the Shengjiacheng's somewhat infiltrating terror atmosphere.

  Lin Mengya looked at Shengjiacheng shrouded in the night, and fell into contemplation.

   For a long time, the talented people went back and forth without success, "Madam, we have tried our best. I'm afraid we can't get in tonight."

   The man was frustrated.

   Since he invested in His Royal Highness, he has never encountered such a fiasco.

Although    is unwilling, it is helpless.

   "You go to find a few wooden boards, remember, at least half the thickness of the finger, if there is no ready-made, then you will tie a few pieces of wood together, just don't have too many gaps.",

   she said suddenly.


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