Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2574: Fatal ambush

   Huo Xiao thought at the beginning that this was Long Tianyu's martial arts strength, and he could predict the opponent's trajectory.

   But after several rounds that even he felt tricky to attack, he finally saw how old he was.

  Long Tianyu is indeed powerful, but it is not him who really predicts, but Lin Mengya who has been hiding behind him.

  I don't know what method she used. When the danger came, she could take the first step to signal Long Tianyu in front of her.

   And the latter did not hesitate at all, changed hands and fought in the direction she pointed out.

   This is not just a question of martial arts level, but also a relationship of trust between the two.

  Explain how many people can deliver their lives in the hands of others

   Moreover, one of them does not martial art at all.

   Even he may be hesitant in his heart and unable to trust him completely.

  Looking at the cooperation between the two, Huo Xiao only felt sour.

  Once he thought he was only missing time, now he realized that the feelings between them must have experienced many twists and turns before they could be cultivated into what they are today.

   For a time, he disappeared even the last unwillingness he didn't want to admit.

   smiled and shook his head bitterly, he forced himself to turn his head, envying envy, all buried deep in his heart.

   Lin Mengya didn't know that her cooperation with Long Tianyu had been exposed to the eyes of others.

   But even if she knew, she would not care.

  The detection function of the system is opened to 85 percent, and the actions of people ambushing around have been exposed to her system.

   Small medicine uses orbit calculation to predict the movements of those people, and Lin Mengya will notify Long Tianyu of the results of the calculation in real time.

   The first step is to give priority to blocking.

   is obviously a very complicated operation, but with the cooperation of the three parties, it seems to have become one.

   The other party probably also felt that the first round of attack did not tie them all into a sieve, and the offensive gradually weakened.

   The arrow rain that suddenly appeared disappeared as it came.

   But few of them dare to relax.

  In the system, Lin Mengya looked at the dense red dots and couldn't help but sink.

  Ot They are still there, just do not know what the next move is. ot

   Judging from the number of people, they did not have any advantage this time.

  Long Tianyu's look is still indifferent.

  Ot anyway, there is me. ot

   In such a sentence, she only felt that the whole heart fell to the ground.

   But Huo Xiao's face next to him was unprecedentedly dignified.

  Ot They should have come to me, sorry, to draw you both in. ot

   Lin Mengya shook her head.

  Ot don't think so much, even if you are not, they may not let us go. ot

   "Actually..." Huo Xiao still needs to explain, but the other party can't hold back anymore.

   All around came out of a shadow in the shadows.

   In the darkness, the clothes worn by those people, together with the black cloth covered in their faces, seemed to be integrated into the surrounding darkness.

  Under the silent environment, the footsteps of this group are also like ghosts, silent and silent.

   is like a wandering ghost, approaching them.

   For a time, everyone's heart tightened.

   Tonight, it is destined to be a fierce battle.

   The tense atmosphere spread, the other party had not surrounded them, Huo Xiao and the few people he brought with him had already rushed up uncontrollably.

   For a time, except for the muffled sound of swords fighting into meat

You can’t hear anything other than   .

   The **** smell gradually increased, and everyone squinted.

   Lin Mengya was guarded by all people in the middle of the old, but those **** storms still accompanied her.

   "No, it is not a way to go on like this. We have too few people. Even if the other party uses wheels to consume, we can't afford it."

  Although they can still support it, there are more and more small red dots representing the enemy in the system.

   short soldiers meet, and their weaknesses are exposed at any time.

  These people are constantly attacking with arrows, and their casualties are gradually expanding.

   "Huo Xiao, look for opportunities, run!"

   Lin Mengya shouted forcefully.

   But Huo Xiao's pressure is too great. If they want to get out, Lin Mengya will be in danger on their side.

   gritted his teeth, Huo Xiao pierced the enemy with a sword.

   "Don't worry about us, you will go if you have a chance! Their goal is us!"

   But at this moment, someone suddenly came out of the crowd and went straight to Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu.

   The man appeared suddenly, and the speed was extremely fast. Long Tianyu only had time to stab a sword back in his hand, but the other side leaned in and hid.

"Be careful!"

   Huo Xiao shouted, but it was too late.

   The short knife in the man's hand was about to pierce Long Tianyu's chest, and at that moment, the man's movement stopped.

   Then, he fell to Long Tianyu's feet.

   Everyone is shocked.

   But only the party concerned knew that the man fell because Lin Mengya shot.

   Just like she was under control, she drew out her self-defense dagger and punctured the man's chest accurately.


  Long Tianyu called her worriedly.

   Lin Mengya just seemed to wake up like a dream, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

  Ot Don't be afraid, just now you just saved me. ot

  Long Tianyu slowed his voice to comfort.

   Although her wife is a strong man who can't blink her eyes when she sees a dead body, she may do this for the first time in such a direct way of killing.

   Besides, he could also feel that his wife's situation was not quite right.

  Ot me...ot

   Lin Mengya held her hand, his eyes flashing a little confused.

   Just now, she was just like a string puppet. When she recovered, the dagger had been stabbed out.

   Long Tianyu took her hand.

  Ot is all right, all is my negligence, don't think too much. ot

  Lin Mengya wanted to tell her that it wasn't herself to stab out just now, but now that the situation is critical, she still can't allow her to investigate in detail.

  Ot master, master, why did you shield the system just now ot

  The shout of Xiaoyao made her recover.

  Ot is not blocked by myself, forget it, you will help me check it later. ot

   Xiaoyao recorded this matter on the memo.

   But the danger outside is far from over.

   Those people probably already guessed that their physical strength was not enough, and the surrounding circle gradually narrowed.

  Ot protect Mrs. ot

  Long Tianyu also had to make the worst plan.

   But even if they were under siege, his people should have enough ability to take Ya'er away.

   As for him.

  Long Tianyu's mouth slowly sneered.

  He just wanted to see where he was after losing his legs.

   Several buttons were pressed in the hand, and then the entire wheelchair was like a

   An endless set of hidden weapon boxes.

The enemies around    were swept up, and suddenly a vacuum zone was formed.

  Although the hidden weapon can only be maintained for a while, the more powerful is Long Tianyu sitting in a wheelchair.

  Because of his physical limitations, he gave up his favorite sword and replaced it with a soft whip.

   The soft whip is stabbed and splayed like a tail-tailed snake, and a blood mist of flesh and blood can be raised where it swims.

   He was sitting in a wheelchair, immobile, but became a **** on the battlefield, protecting his beloved one with ease.

   Those who had besieged him had to step back a few steps.

   But the pressure on Long Tianyu's side has just eased, and Huo Xiao's side has a problem.

  His two helpers encountered secret calculations and temporarily lost their fighting power.

   All of a sudden, there was a big gap in the originally airtight defense.

   Those in black, take advantage of the opportunity.

  As a corpse fell in front of Lin Mengya, her eyes began to trance again.

   It seems that she had experienced such a scene a long time ago.

   Her favorite person stood in front of her, and she couldn't let her life go.

  She was crying and praying, but she couldn't stop her.

  Ot master! The blocking state appears again!ot

   In the system, Xiaoyao looked at the connection that was about to be cut off and could not help anxiously communicating with the owner.

   But the system is ultimately unable to conquer the master's consciousness.

   In the end, the system finally showed that it was blocked and lost contact with the owner.

  Ot yaer what's the matter ot

  Long Tianyu, who was full of firepower, found that the lady behind him had been breathing in a disorderly rhythm since just now.

   But soon, the woman behind stabilized.

   Then, a mysterious fragrance rushed out of her and quickly spread around.

   Then, a miracle happened.

   Those attackers who were still very fierce just now began to slow down, but Long Tianyu and Huo Xiao felt refreshed.

  Especially Long Tianyu, he even felt that his legs with weak consciousness actually had a rush of hot past.

   But he is more dignified than surprise.

  Ot sky fire thunder! Let go!ot

   With his order, his guards immediately took out the baby with no one but only three.

  Ot boom-ot

   The sound was loud, and the attackers were like moths extinguishing fire, and all they got was nothing but flies.

  Looking at a stump on the ground, Huo Xiao couldn't help but feel terrified.

  Ot this, what the **** is this, how is it so powerful ot

   But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the warning meaning in Long Tianyu's cold eyes.

   Subconsciously, he covered his mouth.

  Long Tianyu is unfamiliar to him, giving him the feeling, just like the mysterious weapon, he can't resist at all.

  Ot keep silent, I will let you reunite with your companions safely. ot

   indifferently dropped a sentence, even Huo Xiao couldn't even give birth to question his ideas.

   Under such a powerful force, even the entire ancient race is not his opponent.

   Huo Xiao nodded cautiously, and the cautiousness in his eyes made Long Tianyu's murderous chance gradually fade away.

   The man turned around and looked at the woman standing behind him with extremely cold eyes.

  Ot who are you ot

  The woman who closed her eyes slowly opened her eyes when she heard this.

   slowly hooked her lips, and the woman showed a smile that hooked her soul.

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